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Nozha Language Schools

Hijaz Branch

Third Primary
Science Three
Chapter 2

Bones and Muscles

* Bones are connected together to from Skeleton.

So the skeleton is made up of bones.

* Bones and muscles work together to help us to move

and do all activities needed.

1. Bones and muscles help us to chew the food.

2. Bones and muscles help us to move.

They protect our soft organs as:

1- Brain 2- Heart 3- Lungs
Science Three
Chapter 2

1. Skull bones protect our brain and eyes.

So if your brain is bumped, your skull bones

work as a helmet to protect it.

2. Rib cage protects your heart and lungs.

1. Choose the correct answer:
1. Your Skeleton is made up of …………………….
a. muscles b. bones c. skin d. heart
2. Your skull protects your ……………………
a. brain b. lungs c. heart d. skin
3. The ribs form a protective cage to protect ……………..
a. heart b. lungs c. (a) and (b) d. brain
4. Bones and ................. helps us to chew the food.
a. blood b. muscles c. heart d. lungs
Science Three
Chapter 2

2. Put (√) or (x):

1. Muscles and bones work together. ( )

2. Skull protects hard orangs. ( )

3. When muscles move, the skeleton moves to. ( )

4. Bones make up skeleton. ( )

5. Ribcage protects brain and lungs. ( )

6. Skull protects soft organs as brain and eyes. ( )

3. Write the name of each picture:

(Ribcage – Heart – Brain – Lungs - Skull)

............................. ........................... .....................................

............................... ..............................
Science Three
Chapter 2

4. Match:
1. The skull protects a. our heart and lungs
2. The rib cage protects b. muscles
3. We can't move without c. our brain
5. Match :

1. Heart a.

2. Lungs b.

3. Skull c.

4. Brain d.

5. Muscles e.
Science Three
Chapter 2

6. Complete using the words between brackets:

(Brain – ribcage – bones – muscles)
1. The skeleton is made up of ......................
2. The skull protects the ......................
3. The bones and ................. help us to move.
4. The ...................... protects the heart and the 2 lungs.
Science Three
Chapter 2

Model Answer
1. Choose the correct answer:

1. b 2. a 3. c d. b

2. Put  or :

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6. 

3. Write the name of each picture:

Heart - Lungs – Brain – rib cage – skull

4. Match

1. c 2. a 3. b

5. Match:

1.b 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. a

6. Complete:

1. Bones

2. Brain

3. Muscles

4. Ribcage

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