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Letter of Requests

Dec 7, 2023
Dr. Claudio A. Sun Jr.
School Principal
Taclobo National High School
Dumaguete City
Dear Sir Sun,

Our research is named “How much does a Taclobo National High School senior
student spend on snacks in October 2023” , and as senior high school students in
HUMSS 12-A of Taclobo National High School, we would want to ask for permission to
conduct a survey on the senior high school students.

The survey will only take 4-5 minutes of their time, and will make sure to
keep the information secure and confidential because we will only utilize it for
academic research.

Your approval will be a great benefactor to our research.

Thank you and have a great day and God bless you!
Respectfully yours,
Leo P. Abordo
Research leader

Checked by: Approved by:

Mark Joven A. Alam-alam Claudio A. Sun Jr.
Research adviser School Principal

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