C4 Subroutines

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¢ Po o ~ 2. Ss 2 Subroutines 4.01 Subroutines huibreutie sa sequence program cosets pears reprezantneentes/iam nrsobrautnesinPythonrequve2 sameand the keyword af whichis short fr define. nen aubrotreicactvated hist releedo as alle, thecalng program shat en ie refered otresvrouine. Ate te sbrounehas competed ection ao gonchts ecalng program. This moduaried appreseh 9 TT Frngewthit advantages ove asinplesequerced Power Conder a Gul rogram that mantaisis running stats while wating fr various ern ae becaleby acteoton ol exe ngpers Thesubrovies vee coe nd pass contol backta he main proeiem™. , “Fo tons the ograave ogee te coplte cago fom acre of adi aaa seated when the cps ded, other elements when ca aa ef ona poet uteri cade are activated when tet ischanget st i ce coplentyfteproeram cove any ase sequence code vas oralabietocheroganee specie tasbovedoes not ‘Advantages of Using Subroutines erty cal sibratines om ain code oes number acvonapes: an becaledivhen reedeo:Asingl block ede con bese nant “jor repeagcetial code sequences coge,ratesiveaserto undead and Thembieu ‘esinthe ene progam, avoiding ene throughout Thisjmproves thera lth telpsintheidentiteaton of £70, Theeisenyone ection of codetodebug fan er sactedinasubroutn ene roe vpoutine needs tobe debigaes. ad he code beenepeated hyougrout ME Man program cath crcuvence ould eadto bears, “Thee sory one sation of code to update: improverens and exter ‘owvatbleeverynere te sobrovtne scaled. jnsof te code Typesof Subroutine “wo main types ofsuboutine ext «procedures ae smal sections of code that canbe reused, They donoh tur 8a Poeucocode, = procedueis named atakesthefor PROCEDURE... ENDPROCEDURE They recalled by usngine ALL statement. > fade sites ees sal ndenshocreomoe epee oth ac oneor movevalies ae retuned tothe mam progam ar they havecomplctd runing h pseudocode afueion aes thefome “ areca aera Tica semen sea eae ft ‘passed to the function at the same time: “tonmareseiasrautednastin po Catt my forties reply he ftir} 4,02 Programming a Function Tegan fr dng functonn Python shown: eat circtete Progamming cissiete) Fiction seuide cle yous here twesylabus Toda acicect as teninthemaiapatothe progam wewouldwite: otreie (201 enon eras has bon ase othe seta telucion sal tan Housea CALL keyword as isused in Cambridge KICSE and Oe peasant pesicdeshotnconrunesfecinnan eee Pliers Pane oe est epee mernane pantera ogc cee repens foes wine se eps Multiples uncon egied thet wl be pasted Meco be pate anitegandctput tne ste les Ss Tre pseudocode fr ths function anit cl em the main program ae shown belo shown nee she peeudecade forth hnetin 9 ts al rom thecaln program areas “isuses FOR aap FOR oopsareinvoduced mee flyin Chapt. Herel aPython implementation oe ence teh yadius = irsCopucC What ig the radius of your etzele? *)) clront - cirountorence (eaaiue) priss|('The cizcunterence of your circle ia', ctzcuné) ge soc tthe Multiples procedure the ME creates, Je algorithm for an amended version of the Multiples procedure that Foor ure of rufplatonsreqeee ete the fuetonis nat ectvted ty us ofthe yer CALL in Python, Thename ot thefuncton's ws as varabein an asigment statement. Eachtimethenamesuse, thefunction's eect and the return vali placed intne viable os output inde te. Functions That Return Values to the Calling Routing - ben prorenmnesswte uncon that re reured fo produce answerer epee sts i eee rere ove valves tothe main prog. Fx example, imightbe necessary fo 2 ropa cal the ccumfence of sere cles fom tera, Task ete padocode algrthin faa arended version of his unconthat wht passed thera ets the ten ofa eile Test youralastam works programming arruriegthe code in Python, Circumference reteand tu neice ‘uncon srequtec that ilbeposea theradusofa ce and Returning Two Values from a Function Wiseasyo atu twovalueenpudacodee RETURN och vale? InPython, sis accomplished inthe sare way Lock atts interactive sassonoseehaw thiswork Ey Task3 unos yeudente an fenton Wenge ere stat yur algostn wonsby xousning ed nringthecogela Pron oychart agorthe fran amd vein ofthc theta etaasthe we onthe cca ot 4.03 Programming a Procedure “ThePyton cacefora proceso tha used fra functon. nhs case ery ranean Fee etn tharnopantersarerequed bytheswbutne Seehowthis procures ouside taoisininelneractvesesionshowntelow: thesylabis otic how ihegreeting() function contains the bitin incon, anes) Task4 a ene a peicace sigh ora procedural dand_end() hatin 27 Sr oe rerio Tsien be calla smasegareweeneer Spe esrestne erat apassage bb ettneyour alent wots by pogtamming te procedueinPython and press calito thaprocedue ‘Stine ae windopndssco eole at cn ca anne another route white the pragram is running, tats way subroutines can be ae ‘commen asks within program. “= " a! + sree meno arin taro gaa matin rapt Imeeiierogeithinthemsin prom. {Subordo otro. 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