C5 Gui

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soar, you were nroduced to tractive mde and se nal jpbosed programming. ptr shows youhow to create programs thet apearin windows nd utes sch 9 butons 0nd text bows, The Cambridge GCSE and O Level Computer Slabs does not equire that you pode appication ith GU; however you "vant ts produce move visually iteestingana profesional ooking saitions to ns, Doings wil also ma nto GU appistions. exble programmer yourefermatyour own, norma script based solution ate golngo be eee toa text-based ns and programs that appeainwindows ae gongtobe called Gul solutions. Aer Spt youvaloen be asked ta produce two solitons, esta tert based one and then elution, Producing the GUI programs canbe conser aptional estersons myring the iter module, iseas to produce visually ch Gus nd attach your rim to buttons in windows ines n example of GUI ook nds provided as part ofthe standard ibrary when you sod Peron. Therefore you aveodhave acces tothe objects and method feu applstions, and you jst need taco these entra tasks ort the trtermodvle “edo 2 iene themain unter window. Chapter 5 14 Exerthe min event loop hich stent and acts upon evant triggered bythe we. GUI Applications (Optional) Po eee Psbuton cn calor particu action to happen by refesngto function by name ater ; fmm nthe button cefnton code. Tocrestethe aplication shown i Figute 01 ec you willunderstand: by the end ofthis chapter you wil under op he cos ita saw scp nd save tashello-gut py nto yurPython tow to produce and save GU applications ize: elder: fom te progam windowed applaonsusingte bun hiner GUI ma {nowt add widgetsto.a Ul apbeation ‘Dhow aout widgets nan application window 1 oo ger function alls with buttons, — from tkinter import * punetion called by clicking = ef change tex) tny_1abel config (text="Hello Worta*) seindow = K() window. tele (My Application") nad an onpty ekinter label widget and place it in a grid ‘ny tabel = Label window, widthe25, heighte1, text="') wnyclabel grid zow-0, colum=0) # nad a ckinter button widget, place it in the grid layout fond attach the change_text() function ny button = Sutton(window, text="Say Hit, widt! fny_button.gria(row-1, column=0) 0, conmand-change_text) window mainloop () sayH Figure.o1 AGU application ith abuton Watton to ze how this small appctionwers ter unningte code, pressthe’Say Hi button to see hot Notcehow the button sirkedtothe change_text (function by command inthe baton detniion. unre ronurion ‘hettetr mel prodescst objects and mata hayoucan essa seo aa crn as wtenuangobjecoerted pogamnirg OP hichis re erent beslabes nOOP oyare et mehesafe aces ge aa ecanbese abo nvechange exe) clon whee te cones) trethod sappled ote eb fyouwattolenmer soa OP oun etonokrouh Aes Bulire eee Ttet boca te codne Cubes opens vy rredctonPogranmia wt Pereity vce ong chines iv prog angie wert. ge se ktncen cen tate yabstocsesonsckingpobiens ELEY 2 "eSleaspnprocendissvedin tain chapters 00> saqacd eampeathowts ‘Drepoblens though Bator ese. {pen singout GU applications, youcan use thea) metho, which organises as phony cel asyou requ in your window using a cootinate system Notehou the nombers Ur fomasointhetop le comer athe window soysl, colwm=d | Fowl, columci | row, column? ‘ova, columns) | Fowe2, colume1 | row2, columns? iujspossibeto further range thine widgets by grouping them infames 5.03 Other Tkinter Widgets You Can Use in Your Applications Below rea few other useful widget examples you might wantto include in your opiatons. Tze code nipetszhauld alle aced ater window = Tk() and above ‘rindow,mainioop() 35inccated by thecommentinthefollowing cle for an empty lhster window Frou tktnter isport * window = Te() Window title ("My AppLication’) —— ea window. mainioop() Austentboswithalabe abel window, texts ‘Mane: ) grid {zowe0, coluane0} ny text box.gridirow-0, colume1) otis. Exanet ~ Frano (window, height=20, widthei00,bge'green') franet grid(row=0, colum=0) ‘frane? = Frane(window, height=20, width=100,bge"red!) ‘frame? gria(zow-1, colum=1) Adon down mens. options = (2,2,3) Imyvariabie object = IntVar() ¥ access ene vatus wien get) Im variable object set |'chocse:*) Rtopdow = optionsens (window, my_variable_ebject, voptions) ropdom.gria() ine prong sophia npleneratonsof asst ne chapters ese ‘sites ccs wes ok Task 1 -Tkinter Widgets Peace otangaodecateframtteenpy nodonrecpecn pages. sathis Sa lcci wg nest tine s#eR0W E09 erry sbutou seit dorgonting eae Gender GUI Application a tel shodenensntenow oxo hevaeseecteantherage Sara astute Sectngvar() object ard dpaythe crlce rade Fine.02 SF we ) ven tating applcatins ged prac separate ror he des To Fer rag nkorso tncorsttheto oer serotand et Meayeurcucou te ttm oyu eretsthe Python codethat demonsttes how to producea Gitar thisverysimpe one function progam. 4 gender-gul-py vom timer import + Get change_text (Vt mny_lnbel .config(textegender.get (0) A Gor code goes here: 7 window = TEO Vindow.citLe (My Application’) 1 widget and place it in a grid layout 4 naa an empty tkinter labe ‘ oa ‘Yilaver = Label window, widthe25, eight-1, texts y_iabel grid(zowe0, colun=0) tad a ekinter button widget, place tt in the grid Layout $ tna serach the change text() function fry button = Button (window, text="Supmit’ my button.grid(rowe1, column~O) hrange_text) viathe10, commané f create 8 tkinter string variable object for the radio burtons ‘gender = stringvar() PS two radio purcon wldgece pif opticnat sticky asqunent co align lett fasiot ~ Radiobutton window, vext-' Female! fadiol.grid(row=2, colum=D, sticky=W) Gesiot cclect () # pre-selects thir radio button for the use Gisice ~ Radiobutton window, texta'¥ale', variable=gonder, value='male") Ghai) geid(row-3, coluansD, seicky-i) variablesgender, velue~'fonale') insow.asntoap() Fpire5.02 ACUI application wih tworado buttons ‘Task 2~ Drop-down Menu Feunete odio baton applatonbutrepacetterado buttonswitha simple Sopdownmen Choosing a Text-based or GUI Application om Chapter crwards answers to problems ae gen as iter text base appliations oF Jappcatonsand oten bath, extbased programs ofthe beneit of mae accurately electing the prograningstle of hesylabus andl help to prepareyeu forthe Level sylabus Tex-basee applications do tia the ational cormleny of having to reference hne's GUI widgets loner GUl applications wil oe acne sual experienc and poducesystemssimlarto hose commercial aval Issigeested that you make use of bth typescf application. This wiles support ine Bevslopment of your crmputationl thinking A text based ansnerisalnaysprovided rcélers presented inti book in the final chapter, Chaper 4 Slutors fa GUL ese solution makes sense, hese are aso provided inthe code repostary found atthe panjonwebstetothistextooakat caning TaLns8i0828 Geapter 6: Selection SF tHen. ase. eiser NESTED Fstatement= BB se...of..oThexmse...2 owt use lia operator when

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