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1/28/23, 11:42 AM Online Quiz #4 (OQ #4): MGT 360 MANAG & ORG BEHAV - (13518-FA2021)

Question 1 2 / 2 pts

When Candace was held accountable for the poor results during her new
client presentation, she quickly responded, "it's not my fault things didn't
go well. It's Kate's fault, she's always messing up stuff." Candace is
demonstrating what kind of bias?

Correct! Self-serving bias

Image bias

Stereotype bias

Halo bias

Value proposition bias

Question 2 2 / 2 pts

True or False: The employee value proposition describes the

organization's intentions for creating value for both the employee and the
employer side of the psychological contract?

Correct! True


Question 3 2 / 2 pts

Charlie, the manager, really liked the way Maria handled difficult and
angry clients and made them feel better, even though Maria was typically
disorganized and late for work. Charlie still gave Maria a really good
performance review, and this is an example of what type of distortion? 1/5
1/28/23, 11:42 AM Online Quiz #4 (OQ #4): MGT 360 MANAG & ORG BEHAV - (13518-FA2021)

Self-serving bias


Correct! Halo effect

Psychological contract

Fundamental attribution error

Question 4 2 / 2 pts

Over 50 resumes were received for a new position at ACE Company, half
the resumes were from women and half the resumes were from men, and
both the women and the men had almost identical qualifications for the
new position. The manager selected 8 candidates of the 50 to interview,
and of the 8 candidates, 7 were men and 1 was a woman. When the
Human Resources Manager asked the manager why he was interviewing
only 1 woman, he answered that "In my opinion, women aren't generally
as capable or comfortable doing this kind of job like I think men are." The
manager's answer is an example of what?

Correct! Stereotype

Halo effect

Value proposition bias

Fundamental attribution error

Psychological contract

Question 5 2 / 2 pts

When the Marketing Manager, Dina, could only see the problem of a new
product flaw from her "marketing lens," and was not interested in seeing
the problem from the point of view of the Production or Technology
Managers, Dina was demonstrating ? 2/5
1/28/23, 11:42 AM Online Quiz #4 (OQ #4): MGT 360 MANAG & ORG BEHAV - (13518-FA2021)

Correct! Selective perception

Stereotype thinking

Image bias

Psychological contract

Halo effect

Question 6 2 / 2 pts

Brandon was complaining that his manager thinks that Brandon has the
same positive work attitude, attention to detail and organizational skills as
his manager does. In this case, the manager is making an assumption,
which may or may not be true about Brandon, and this is an example of

Halo effect

Correct! Projection


Fundamental attribution error

Employee value proposition

Question 7 2 / 2 pts

Both Kate and Marco were always dressing super nice for work, making
sure they had the right clothes, look, hair, all to make a positive
appearance and have others assume they were competent at their jobs.
This is an example of Kate and Marco managing their
_________________ in front of their co-workers and managers.

Selective perception 3/5
1/28/23, 11:42 AM Online Quiz #4 (OQ #4): MGT 360 MANAG & ORG BEHAV - (13518-FA2021)



Halo effect

Correct! Impression

Question 8 2 / 2 pts

Cognitive dissonance is one's complete comfort felt when attitude and

behavior are together in harmony.


Correct! False

Question 9 2 / 2 pts

Which one of these are common factors that lead to job satisfaction?

Capable and supportive mangers

Adequate pay for the job being performed

Correct! all of these options

The nature of the work itself

Opportunities for promotion, learning and development

Question 10 2 / 2 pts 4/5
1/28/23, 11:42 AM Online Quiz #4 (OQ #4): MGT 360 MANAG & ORG BEHAV - (13518-FA2021)

Which one of these is a sign that someone may be experiencing strain

and burnout on the job?

Bad attitude

Poor self-esteem

Emotional distress

Lack of energy

Correct! All of the options

Quiz Score: 20 out of 20 5/5

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