Practice Exam 2 - MGT 360

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Mgt 360- - Fall, 2021

Mid-term # 2 – Jack Stauber, Dec 9, 2-4:30pm

Identify Correct Answer, Save Document w/ Correct Answers, Email to Prof Hanen by 4:35pm
1. The management process involves the functions of planning, controlling, leading and ____?
a. Ordering
b. Offering options
c. Operating
d. Organizing
e. Optimizing

2. Diane’s team was very worried about the huge task they were trying to accomplish and were
uncertain they could accomplish the task by May 11. Diane reminded them that as long as they
worked toward the outcome together, collaborating and cooperating with one another, that the
output of the team as a whole was much greater than the sum of its individual member
contributions. Diane was referring to Team:
a. Task-orientation
b. Consensus
c. Synergy
d. Visibility
e. Value orientation

3. Lee was the manager of a manufacturing plant that made high-end window coverings for office
building windows and expensive houses. The work environment was loud from the machinery,
very dusty and dirty and was physically demanding on the workers hands, arms and lower backs.
Lee needed to hire a few more employees, but he wanted to be totally honest about how
challenging the work and the environment could be. However, on the upside, the company did
pay well, while offering a great benefit and pension plan to employees. The manager of Human
Resources recommended Lee pursue which kind of recruitment process to ensure candidates
knew what kind of job and company they could expect if they were hired.
a. Internal Recruitment
b. Social Previews
c. External Recruitment
d. Traditional Recruitment
e. Realistic Job Previews

4. Hiring the right person for the right position is one of the most important responsibilities a
manager has. We learned about a behavioral/competency based method to interview
candidates using the CAR Method. What does the “A” in CAR mean?
a. Action
b. Achievement
c. Assignment
d. Attitude
e. Aptitude

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5. Tina is the senior vice-president of the Administration Division, and she was really frustrated
when the managers of her facilities, human resources, safety and security departments just
couldn’t seem to communicate and coordinate effectively with one another. This lack of
communication and coordination led to delays in decisions being made, while the managers
continued to show a lack of willingness to listen to one another or pay attention to the issues
concerning the other managers’ departments. What Tina is describing in her organization is a
common problem in organizations, what is this common problem?
a. Network Structures
b. Formation of Chimneys/Silos
c. Developing Matrix Structures
d. Economies of Scale
e. Uncertain Operational Directedness

6. Maren’s public relations firm was experiencing a few difficulties meeting changing client
demands, responding fast enough to potential client requests for information and effectively
applying social media to advertise her public relations firm. These are all issues that signal Maren
has a growing, profitable organization. Maren knows she needs to make some changes
over-time. Maren is also aware she has extremely smart, caring, creative and highly supportive
employees, who are all strongly committed to the goals, values and great reputation of Maren’s
public relations firm. Based on this information, what type of strategy might be the best choice
for generating some needed changes at her public relations firm?
a. Rational Persuasion Strategy
b. Improvising Strategy
c. Forced Coercion Strategy
d. Shared Powered Strategy
e. Change Inclusion Strategy

7. In 2004, Frieda opened her famous “Frieda’s Fantastic Fruit Juices” in Los Angeles, and within 5
years, “Frieda’s Fantastic Fruit Juices were successful all over the United States.” In 2014, Frieda
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expanded her fruit juices all over England and France, using the same exact fruits, sweeteners,
and mixes she used in the United States, and she was equally successful in England and France.

However, in 2015 when she opened more “Frieda’s Fantastic Fruit Juices” in Hong Kong and
Tokyo, she ran into problems. The clients didn’t seem to like some of the fruits and sweeteners
she used in her fruit juices. Frieda studied the fruit juice market in Hong Kong and Tokyo very
carefully, then she came up with a different blend of fruit juices using some different fruits and
different levels of sweeteners to satisfy customers in each country. She was again successful
selling her fruit juices in Hong Kong and Tokyo. According to her corporate strategy, Frieda first
tried to use __1__ in Hong Kong and Tokyo, and when that didn’t work, she used __2__ strategy.

First Strategy (1) Second Strategy (2)

a. Globalization Transnational
b. Transnational Multidomestic
c. Multidomestic Globalization
d. Globalization Multidomestic
e. Multidomestic Transnational

8. Evan is just about ready to disband his team. They can’t seem to agree on much, they are
constantly arguing, and now small mini groups are starting to argue with each other. On the
other hand, Gina’s team has decided how often to meet, which team member is responsible for
which tasks, and when assignments are due. What stage of team development is Evan’s (#1)
team experiencing, and which stage of team development is Gina’s (#2) team experiencing?

Evan’s Team - #1 Gina’s Team - #2

a. Storming Norming
b. Storming Performing
c. Performing Norming
d. Adjourning Norming
e. Norming Performing

9. Ray owns a very large orange grove in Southern California. He felt that the current trucking
company he was using to transport his delicious oranges to shopping markets throughout
California was taking way too long and his customers weren’t getting the freshness of his
oranges. Ray decided to purchase his own fleet of trucks so he could distribute his own oranges
to markets faster. What growth strategy is Ray considering?
a. Retrenchment Strategy
b. Unrelated Diversification Strategy
c. Backward Vertical Integration Strategy
d. Stars BCB Growth Strategy
e. Forward Vertical Integration Strategy

10. As team decision making becomes more complex and demanding, teams are starting to rely
more and more on the distributed model of team leadership, where all team members share
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responsibility for team maintenance and team task activities. Which one of these activities is
neither a maintenance or task activity?
a. Summarizing discussion
b. Withdrawing
c. Sharing opinions
d. Trying to keep team tensions from forming
e. Gatekeeping

11. Vince just spent almost a year consulting with an organization that went through a large scale
transformational change following Lewin’s Three Phases of Planned Organizational Change.
Vince knew that all his hard work helping this organization could be for nothing if he doesn’t
help stabilize the change in the organization, also known as Refreezing in Lewin’s Third Stage.
What should Vince do to help this organization keep the new changes working successfully?
a. Continue creating acceptance for the new behaviors and actions supporting the change
b. Provide the necessary resources to keep supporting the change
c. Apply appropriate rewards and recognition to keep the change a successful one
d. Evaluate results and provide feedback where necessary to keep the change moving forward
e. All of the above are necessary conditions to keep the changes working successfully

12. There are many organizational trends in today’s fast changing world of work. Which one of these
is not a current organizational trend?
a. Wider spans of control
b. Less empowerment
c. Decentralized authority
d. More teams and task forces
e. Flatter structures

13. Lisa is a jewelry designer, and she has a way of making lots of pieces of beautiful jewelry very
quickly that are affordable to many types of jewelry buyers. Lisa is really thrilled that her
brother, Steven, manufactures or can purchase all the necessary jewels, stones, beads and any
kind of jewelry making tool or equipment that Lisa needs to make her jewelry. Steven has
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offered to sell Lisa whatever she needs to make her jewelry as inexpensively as possible. Lisa still
needs to decide if going into the jewelry business is a smart thing for her to do. When looking at
the Five Forces Analysis of whether to enter into an industry or not, Lisa has one positive
strategic force in starting her business that could make it easier to be successful. What is the
positive strategic force that favors Lisa’s success?
a. Lisa’s bargaining power of suppliers
b. Lisa understands that there are already enough competitors in the jewelry business so fewer
might be entering the jewelry business
c. Marketing and Selling her unique brand of jewelry when there’s other lower quality jewelry
for sale
d. Lisa believes she has some loyal customers, and she hopes this gives her stronger bargaining
power with her customers
e. There is already jewelry that exists like what Lisa makes so people are familiar with her style
of jewelry

14. Stakeholders are those individuals and groups directly affected by the organization and its
strategic accomplishments. Which of these are typical organizational stakeholders?
a. Employees
b. Shareholders
c. Customers
d. Suppliers
e. All of the above are common organizational stakeholders

15. Theresa is trying to create a transformational change her organization’s culture to become more
adaptable, customer focused, efficient all while reducing costs. Theresa knows she has a lot of
work ahead of her to transform the culture. Below is a list of tasks that Theresa wrote about
what she needs to address to create a successful change. However, one item on the list isn’t
correct – which one of these factors is not part of a successful transformational organizational
change process?
a. Create and communicate a change a vision of what the change will accomplish
b. Take as much time as necessary to convince others of the need for the change
c. Empower others to help move along the change
d. Celebrate short-term wins to keep up the momentum and recognize those helping support
the change
e. Keep the messages consistent and strong for the need to change as well as how the vision of
the new change will benefit the organization

16. Laura (#1) is an engineer in a large Defense Agency, and she is assigned to a new Star Power
fighter aircraft, where she reports both to the Manager of Engineering and the Project Manager
of Star Power. Richard (#2) is a software engineer at a small consulting organization, that does a
great deal of project work. Richard is sometimes only needed to work at the start of a project
for the development phase of the project, and weeks might go by before Richard is asked to

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return to the project to do software testing. After Richard does the software testing, he may
work on a different project. What type of team structure do Laura and Richard belong to?

Laura (#1) Richard (#2)

a. Functional Structure Network Structure
b. Geographical Structure Matrix Structure
c. Matrix Structure Boundaryless Structure
d. Divisional Structure Virtual Structure
e. Boundaryless Structure Divisional

17. Anna is a very successful and talented senior executive with many years’ experience in
manufacturing fashionable products and the hospitality service industry. Anna realizes she could
use some help becoming more knowledgeable about what types of products and services
younger consumers are interested in purchasing. Anna asked the Human Resources Manager of
the big company where they work, what the Manager could recommend that would help Anna
learn more about younger customer’s purchasing preferences. Which of these is the most
probable suggestion that the Human Resources Manager gave Anna?
a. Attend a 3-day expensive workshop to better understand how Millennials think
b. Hire a Management Coach for Anna to become more innovative in her own thinking
c. Become a mentor in a Traditional Mentoring program that her company offers
d. Anna should set-up a Tik Tok/Instagram account and see what young people like to post
e. Participate in a Reverse Mentoring program that her company offers

18. When organizations take the time now to invest for the future in things like clean energy,
recycling, water conservation and reducing waste, such organizations are showing they are
committed to long-term ____1____ and ___2___
a. Sustainability and Stewardship
b. Profit and People
c. Performance and Demand Legitimacy
d. Stewardship and Issue Urgency
e. Sustainability and Employee Mentoring

19. Andy and Linda are two managers on a Corporate Social Performance Task Force, where they are
discussing what kind of social performance strategy their organization should support over the
next 1-5 years. Andy doesn’t believe that the organization has any obligation to support

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corporate social performance. He believes that strong economic profits and increases in
shareholder value are all that matter, the rest of the stuff is ridiculous.

Linda doesn’t believe that their organization needs to be a leader in CSR, but she does feel
strongly that their organization has a responsibility to follow everything that’s legally required.
She also believes the organization should even go beyond its legal obligations and act in a
respectable ethical way towards its corporation social performance strategy. Linda believes the
organization should take which Corporate Social Performance Strategy? Which Corporate Social
Performance Strategy does Andy Support?
a. Linda – Proactive Strategy Andy – Obstructionist Strategy
b. Linda – Proactive Strategy Andy – Accommodative Strategy
c. Linda – Accommodative Strategy Andy - Obstructionist Strategy
d. Linda - Defensive Strategy Andy – Proactive Strategy
e. Linda – Accommodative Strategy Andy – Defensive Strategy

20. Terrence wants to completely change the culture of his small biomedical engineering company
since there are problems with declining levels of employee engagement, a lack of innovation in
research and product development, and a general resistance to doing things differently to serve
their important customers. He wants to create a culture where there is a great deal of flexibility
and innovation, where all employees are committed to values around growth and development,
managers work along with employees listening to employees’ ideas, and there is an emphasis on
trying new things. What kind of culture does Terrence want to create?
a. Hierarchical Culture
b. Entrepreneurial Culture
c. Team Culture
d. Rational Culture
e. Referent Culture

21. Bryant is an undergraduate business student at CSUN, who was assigned to study his company’s
observable culture. Bryant made a list of what he thought formed his company’s observable
culture, but one item on his list is incorrect. Which item is not part of a company’s observable
a. Organizational heroes like the company’s founder, who worked out of her home garage for 3
years 12-15 hours a day before hiring her first employee to help with the business
b. Rituals like celebrating with pizza parties when a new account worth at least $250,000.00 is
c. Stories how senior executives volunteer an entire work day once a month at the local food
bank to give back to the community
d. Compensation systems to ensure that employees are compensated fairly for their
e. Core values like employees should behave civilly to one another and always show respect to
the client

22. Jake has a problem with one of his team members, Gary, who is very capable and bright but is
unfortunately engaging in social loafing. Jake did some research on what to do to prevent and

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address social loafing. Which one of these suggestions is what the research recommended Jake
apply to reduce Gary’s social loafing?
a. Make it very clear what each person’s role and responsibility on the team is, and then hold
each employee accountable for fulfilling their responsibilities
b. Threaten to fire Gary at the next staff meeting should Gary continue social loafing
c. Ask the most productive member of the team to sit down and talk to Gary, sharing
with Gary some helpful ideas to become more engaged and productive
d. Ignore Gary, hoping that he’ll get the message to stop social loafing
e. Hire an external coach to work with Gary until Gary stops social loafing

23. Gordon was sent to live in Rio De Janeiro, in Brazil for 3 years as part of his company’s
management training program. Gordon was at first so excited to be in such an exotic, beautiful
city, but within a few months, things changed. Gordon really liked the Brazilian people, but they
didn’t seem to understand him and how he approached business. Also, the locals spoke
Portuguese differently than he had learned in the United States. The pace of life in Rio De
Janeiro was too slow for Gordon, and everyone seemed to always show up late to meetings.
Nothing seemed to work-out the way Gordon thought it would. He was feeling so frustrated and
uncomfortable living in this new culture. What Gordon experienced is very common for those
who live outside their home countries for a while. What did Gordon experience?
a. Exceptional Cultural Intelligence
b. Ethnocentrism
c. Creative Culture
d. Uncertainty Avoidance Culture
e. Culture Shock

24. Christina is a very competent, well-respected and liked member of her division, but her manager
recently told her that she wasn’t being considered for promotion for a variety of reasons.
Christina is also a Greek, unmarried pregnant woman over 40 years of age. Christina thinks that
maybe she isn’t getting promoted because some of these personal characteristics. There have
even been a few rumors over the years suggesting that Christina might be a lesbian. According
to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and later acts to address health/safety, age, disabilities,
sexual orientation, medical condition, marital status and family leave, what protected classes
does Christina fall under?
a. National origin, age, sex, race
b. Race, age, sexual orientation, medical condition
c. Sex, medical condition, sexual orientation, national origin
d. National origin, sex, age, medical condition
e. Marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, race

25. Dan was the retiring CEO of the number one consumer goods company specializing in typical
kitchen products. His advice to the new CEO was to keep the company’s portfolio planning for
corporate strategy focused on staying very strong in kitchen products. Even though there isn’t
much growth anymore in the industry; people need to replace old kitchen products which
should keep the business doing well.

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On the other hand, Dan’s company has just launched a new microwave oven that can cook just
about anything to perfection in less than 3 minutes. Dan thinks there is huge growth potential
for this new, but somewhat unknown microwave oven. Based on the BCG Matrix Portfolio
Planning Model for Corporate Strategy, what was the best mix of Market Share/Market Growth
Rate that Dan was recommending regarding ____1____ the stable kitchen products market, and
_____2____ new, but unknown microwave oven with huge potential?
a. 1 - Question Marks 2- Dogs
b. 1 – Stars 2- Question Marks
c. 1 - Cash Cows 2-Question Marks
d. 1 – Dogs 2- Cash Cows
e. 1 – Cash Cows 2- Stars

26. The growth of using 360-Degree Assessment to capture feedback about an employee’s
performance is becoming increasingly popular, particularly with managerial level employees who
perform complicated activities and tasks with and for other people. When Gwen wanted to do a
360-Degree Assessment for Bill, the Accounting Manager, who reported to Gwen, which one of
these groups would probably not need to participate in the 360-Assessment?
a. Bill’s peers in his department and the organization
b. Gwen’s senior and executive managers
c. Bill’s clients within the organization
d. Bill’s employees who report directly to him
e. Gwen, Bill’s direct manager

27. Casey just left a company where there were so many rules and regulations. It seemed like
everything had to be followed just the right way. Casey had a hard time working and being
creative in that kind of strict culture. Casey was looking for a new position in an organization that
has a culture that offers more flexibility, where he can be himself and not feel like he must act or
work like everyone else. What type of Organizational Culture did Casey work in Before (1)?
What kind of Organizational Culture does Casey prefer to work in the future (2)?

Old Job Culture (1) Preferred Job Culture (2)

a. Loose Culture Tight Culture
b. Biased Culture Shared Culture
c. Tight Culture Biased Culture
d. Tight Culture Loose Culture
e. Biased Culture Loose Culture

28. Linda wants to build both a more cohesive team that has high performance norms while working
together. Which of these action steps would be helpful for Linda to do?
a. Increase communication and collaboration among team members
b. Hire and train new team members who were committed to being part of a cohesive high
performing team
c. Linda as team leader should act as a positive role model to all team members

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d. Create team goals and have regular meetings to discuss progress and opportunities for
e. All of the above action steps

29. Jody has always had a passion for wanting to end illiteracy and help children all over the country
learn to read, so she started her own non-profit, named “USA Reads Right.” As Jody was setting
up her non-profit, she realized that other non-profits were doing similar types of things. Jody
hired a consultant to help her determine what her new non-profit’s strengths are and
understand what internal problems need to be addressed quickly. Jody additionally wanted to
know what options existed to meet and persuade wealthy donors to support her new non-profit.
She also wants to better understand what other non-profits could do to persuade wealthy clients
to support their non-profits and not support Jody’s. Based on Jody’s concerns, the consultant
recommended Jody needed to do which of the following?

a. SWOT Analysis
b. Apply a BCG Matrix Portfolio Planning Analysis
c. Assess Bargaining Power of Suppliers
d. Strategic Human Resources Analysis
e. Diversification Strategy Analysis

30. After Jody received the information she wanted from the consultant, Jody then had to decide
what kind of business competitive strategy she should follow to build a successful non-profit for
“USA Reads Right.” Jody was clear that she wanted to concentrate her resources on raising funds
from a small but very wealthy group of donors, who were as passionate as Jody about children’s
literacy. Once funds were raised from wealthy donors, then Jody needed to find a unique and
fun way to start marketing her children’s literacy non-profit in only a couple of smaller
communities, where literacy rates were well below average. Based on what Jody wants for her
non-profit, which one of these business strategies using Porter’s Competitive Strategies model is
a good fit?
a. Focused Differentiation Strategy
b. Cost Leadership Strategy
c. Focused Cost Leadership Strategy
d. Differentiation Strategy
e. A Combination of the Above Strategies

Congratulations you are DONE, Enjoy the Holiday Season – Happy New Year !!

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