Final Quiz 2 - MKT 304

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2 / 2 pts

Question 1

When a company enters the market with a high price for their new
innovation, which pricing strategy have they used?

market-penetration pricing


optional-product pricing

product bundle pricing

market-skimming pricing

2 / 2 pts
Question 2

When you distribute your product in as many places as possible in a

geographical area you have used ______ distribution:






2 / 2 pts
Question 3

When a company coordinates its many communication tools in order to

deliver a consistent message about the organization and its products, it is
adopting the concept of:

buzz marketing

functional promotional forecasting

integrated marketing communications

integrated competitive method

non-personal communication channel

2 / 2 pts
Question 4

Which of the following is NOT one of the four product life cycle stages?






2 / 2 pts
Question 5

Which of the following best describes the first stage of the new product
development process?

business analysis

beta testing

concept development
idea generation

idea screening

2 / 2 pts
Question 6

In your Place Mix, brokers are important for which reason?

they perform limited distribution services

they finance the production of the products

they do not take title of the products

they can speed up your sales

they do not transport the products

2 / 2 pts
Question 7

When a company enters a new product category for which its current
brand names are not appropriate, it will likely follow which of the following
brand strategies?

line extensions

line stretch

product extensions

new brands

brand extensions
2 / 2 pts
Question 8

All of the following trends in wholesaling are likely to occur in the

future EXCEPT:

International geographic expansion will continue

Disintermediation of distribution

Segmentation of consumers will decrease wholesalers services

Increase customer services

Less distinction between large retailers and wholesalers

2 / 2 pts
Question 9

If an advertiser's primary objective were to encourage brand switching,

they would probably use _________ advertising to accomplish this






2 / 2 pts
Question 10

Which channel strategies would you select for distributing shopping

intensive distribution strategy

rational distribution strategy

public distribution strategy

exclusive distribution strategy

selective distribution strategy

2 / 2 pts
Question 11

Retailers have many marketing decisions to prioritize. Most likely the first
decision that a retailer makes is?

to decide on their name and logo

to decide whether to go international or not

to define their target

to decide on their price policy

check savings account

2 / 2 pts
Question 12

Product mix __________ refers to the number of different product lines

the company carries.





2 / 2 pts
Question 13

Pull strategies are mostly directed to?






2 / 2 pts
Question 14

With respect to the new product development process sequence, concept

development and testing is usually followed by which of the following

business analysis

marketing strategy

test marketing

product development

2 / 2 pts
Question 15

To start the communications process, a sender _______________ a

message (choose the BEST answer).





throws together

2 / 2 pts
Question 16

Products for which the consumer usually compares with others on price,
suitability, quality, and style are typically called?

specialty products

unsought products


shopping products

convenience products

2 / 2 pts
Question 17

_____ is the task that consists in assessing each competitor's strengths

and weaknesses.
benchmarking analysis

swot analysis

me-too strategy

critical analysis

market analysis

2 / 2 pts
Question 18

The stage in the product life cycle where the marketing objective is to
maximize profit while defending market share?

decline stage


maturity stage

introduction stage

growth stage

2 / 2 pts
Question 19

All of the following are considered to be major functions of Public

Relations EXCEPT:

crisis management

product publicity

corporate identity
press relations

competitor relations

2 / 2 pts
Question 20

These are attributes of bargaining power between manufacturers and

retailers. One of them only belongs to the retailers. Which one?


consumer loyalty




2 / 2 pts
Question 21

When selecting a media for an advertising campaign the marketer will

compare the percentage of people in the target market exposed to each
media during a given period. This is called the ________ .

audience contact

audience frequency

audience mix

audience impact

audience reach
2 / 2 pts
Question 22

If a company sells its product directly to the consumer without using any
intermediaries, it is using a(n):

forward channel

indirect marketing channel

direct marketing channel

straight channel

connected channel

2 / 2 pts
Question 23

Creating, maintaining, and enhancing strong cooperations with customers

and other stakeholders is called?

customer satisfaction

relationship marketing

customer lifetime value

customer delight

customer value

2 / 2 pts
Question 24

All of the following are considered basic competitive strategies EXCEPT?

market nicher
market follower

market challenger

market leader

market builder

2 / 2 pts
Question 25

If Nintendo sells its game consoles at low prices but then makes much
more money on their video game titles, they are using which of the
following product-mix pricing strategies?

deal pricing

captive-product pricing

product line pricing

by-product pricing

optimal-product pricing

2 / 2 pts
Question 26

Economies of scale means?

indirect costs are reduced

the more people are working the cheaper they are

the average costs drops with accumulated experiences

strategies with steps

the unit costs fall with the quantity being produced

2 / 2 pts
Question 27

If CSUN charges different tuition rates to in-state and out-of-state

students, then the university is practicing a form of?

psychological pricing

segmented pricing

preferred pricing

institutional pricing

promotional pricing

2 / 2 pts
Question 28

Many retailers have made errors in strategic judgment by trying to have

"something for everyone." This is caused by a failure to?

define their target markets and positioning clearly

spend enough on promotion

be tactical

spend enough on marketing research

product ordering, inventory control, and logistics

2 / 2 pts
Question 29
The stage of the PLC characterized by overcapacity, greater competition,
and the eventual elimination of weaker competitors is called?

popular stage

introduction stage

growth stage

maturity stage

decline stage

2 / 2 pts
Question 30

One of the benefits of new technologies with respect to marketing

communications is that new communication avenues are being provided
for reaching _______________.

mass markets with standardized messages

smaller customer segments with more tailored messages

millennials who like mobile marketing

large inner city markets with mass ethnic messages

large-scale demographic segments with standardized messages

2 / 2 pts
Question 31

Because the quality of a service depends on who provides it as well as

when, where, and how it is provided is evidence of which characteristic of





2 / 2 pts
Question 32

All of the following are examples of reasons why a new-product may

fail, EXCEPT which one?

increase of price is perceived larger than the perceived increase benefits

perceived as not being superior to competitors’ product

product went from the introduction stage to the maturity stage without
going through the growth stage

misunderstanding the target’s needs

perceived to be similar to previous product

2 / 2 pts
Question 33

Which one of these concepts is the most effective to get distributors to

carry your brand (ie, trade leverage)?

brand preference

brand quality

brand associations
brand positioning

brand loyalty

2 / 2 pts
Question 34

When a company reviews sales, costs, and profit projections for a new
product to find out whether these factors satisfy the company's objectives,
they are in which of the following new process development stages?



concept development and testing


business analysis

2 / 2 pts
Question 35

With respect to the key functions performed by marketing channels,

__________ is the making and fitting the offer to the buyer's needs,
including activities such as manufacturing, grading, assembling, and




risk taking

2 / 2 pts
Question 36

Copy strategies have generally a motivational message oriented toward 3

directions. Find the correct one?

message oriented toward the retailer

message oriented toward the audience

message oriented toward the competitor

message oriented toward the price

message oriented toward the universe of the product

2 / 2 pts
Question 37

When evaluating an advertising campaign, marketers mostly focus on


the value added and perceived attitudes

the communication and sales effects

the timing and cost ratio

the copy strategy plan

the media frequency

2 / 2 pts
Question 38

The activities involved in selling goods and services to those buying for
resale or business use are called?





2 / 2 pts
Question 39

All of the following are “first mover” or innovator advantages, EXCEPT:

product becomes category prototype against which all others are judged

get to choose best target market

benefit from existing marketing efforts

first to gain market share

lock up necessary resources, for eg. distribution

2 / 2 pts
Question 40

The promotion mix has 4 basic purposes EXCEPT:

compare with competitors

persuading customers from competitors

creating needs

reminding about goods

informing about new goods

2 / 2 pts
Question 41

Advertisements across history provide many examples of incorrect and

negative stereotyping of consumers based on race, ethnicity, gender,
religion, and/or sexual orientation and/or identity, among other things.
How can advertisers best ensure positive representation of consumers in
their advertisements?

Pre-test advertisements to ensure they include a broad representation

across race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and sexual identity.

Compare a business’s advertisements to those of their competitors.

Advertise products only on TV.

Ask friends for their opinions.

Provide a toll-free number for people to complain about advertisements.

2 / 2 pts
Question 42

Since the meanings and values associated with a product attribute can
vary among different cultures, which of the following strategies would be
most appropriate to adopt if cost was not prohibitive?

product extension

product standardization

economies of scale

product adaptation
product innovation

2 / 2 pts
Question 43

Artificial intelligence is based on the behavior of technology users. If there

is a bias in users’ behavior, then that can lead to a bias in artificial
intelligence algorithms. For instance, mortgage lending algorithms may
perpetuate racial and gender bias by reducing mortgage opportunities for
some consumers. How can businesses reduce this type of bias when
providing services, such as banking services, to consumers?

Stop using algorithms altogether.

Simply be aware of cultural biases regarding consumers.

Assume the amount of bias is small and doesn’t make much difference.

Let the management rely on their personal perceptions.

Ensure that a business using artificial intelligence has taken specific

actions to remove any biases from the algorithms.

2 / 2 pts
Question 44

Mattel offers various ethnic Barbie dolls to appeal to different consumer

groups around the world. This process of dividing a market into groups of
consumers who share similarities is referred to as __________.

product positioning

situation analysis

market segmentation

brand equity
environmental analysis

2 / 2 pts
Question 45

Ideally, the Human Resources (HR) function should be responsible for the
organization’s equality and diversity strategy because it __________.

has employees with the greatest emotional intelligence.

can reinforce the integration of equality and diversity across the different
areas of the business.

coordinates production activities across the entire organization.

has direct access to the organization’s financial reports.

is directly responsible for product development in the organization.

2 / 2 pts
Question 46

In order for a workplace to be considered “diverse,” it must include what?

Employees from similar economic backgrounds.

Ethnic dominance.

Employees who have reached the highest level of education.

Gender dominance.

Employees from varying education levels, religious beliefs, ethnicities, and

socioeconomic backgrounds.
2 / 2 pts
Question 47

Which of the following is the best example of providing equal opportunity?

Conducting a job interview with a person, who requires a hearing aid over
a regular phone.

Giving preferential treatment to some people.

Hiring the boss’s daughter as a favor to the boss.

Treating everyone indifferently.

Giving a student loan to a 56-year-old student.

2 / 2 pts
Question 48

Your boss assigns you to a project in which you will be collaborating with
a team of people in South Africa. Which of the following is the most
effective way to prepare for working with this new team?

Assume that because you have good people skills you do not need to
change any of your actions.

Wait until your first virtual meeting and pay attention to their nonverbal

Identify high quality articles and books about South African culture and
read them.
Ask the team members personal questions about what it was like for them
growing up.

Send out a survey before starting the project asking each person about
their preferred work and communication styles.

2 / 2 pts
Question 49

Which of the following statements is TRUE about working in a diverse

environment on a global scale?

The ability to understand and share the feelings of people from different
backgrounds put oneself in someone else’s shoes helps one to work
effectively with them.

The world is no more interconnected now than it was 30 years ago.

Leadership skills and developing trust do not enhance your understanding

of social diversity.

Language and cultural barriers, as well as time zones, make it impossible

to communicate with everybody.

Technologies such as video conferencing tools like Zoom are broadly

available for all consumers in the world.

2 / 2 pts
Question 50
When someone values social/diversity awareness, they try to:

make lot of money so that they can travel a lot.

understand that diversity refers mostly to people with different skin colors.

make others feel comfortable enough to share about who they are and
their experiences.

work with teammates who have the same ideas in order to be more

convince more people to agree with what they believe is normal.

Quiz Score: 100 out of 100

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