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MODULE-2 SagMobas Sutrcduckton - Poctublates % Bookeon algebra-sq Caneuveol aud Standard Foams Rogie yuuekious amo gates -6% Methods of wuvimrgabton of Logte purekiows -ti Karmaugh map meteod aud -%£ Quiie Me Clusty metuod - 23 +62 Paodurck of Sinwre Stuapleqvontion - FF Douk core ronditions-2o t INTRODUCTION Bookean Algebra Boolean algebra in an algebra trat may Le cbprrd wot a re of climate, a ack epeatoss aud a wuubr of uuproved axtoun On postulates: A re of elumuntsa do amg collectiow of objets having 20mmou Property Tae net of, eperatods AND ( Booktou prooluct) oprotiou C+) tee OR (Boolian Sun) operation G > aud tre NoT C complement operation) (1) ane duped in tue net- Te porkutokes are the basic aru upliows pom which i Ie ponarble bo olecluce the duis, Troauus aud properties of the aystene. 4: Chopare . A pk S bb gloned we'te Asopect to a Atuaig opetator if for every para of, elements % S, Me bivaty operator apeccpes q saute for obkacucug a uucyre eluant of S. Set a matural mumbrs N= $42,549 chloard amas binary operator C4) acnee amy UbLEN we obtain a suataee OE N doy the oprotion atbh=c+ Se os uatural waiters ie wot slored with sespect Lo bevany operator mimusl-) beeause 2-3~ (-4) whe -1 ¢N 2 Asooctattve Low A bivmary operator ¥ on a sek F iy rath to adroccotive nohenever Cex ye Ze ax CYR) for abt my Z ES 3. Commubotive haw A bimory opaator * on a ack S aD navel to be commukakive uoleever me Y= YX fon out my es pe ddanbiby element Shen A ob § @ sacl to have au cdewtityy elment pspuk too biaasy opeation * on S H there by an ceweut € ES with tre propaty CHL LEER H fA CvEY eS exc, 5 Snveure A nek S haudug te ddevtity cement € pote Aarpuk £0 a piwary opaator x is natch to have wohucever /4or evelag % & Sy there exiats au cuvese puch tok ou cewunk YES MEY se eq Ot (-ad-0 6 Dedtarbutt th ¥ usd +» are Ewe inary bo ke dtatachuktve ova * _ volueven | haus opuatoss ona pe 8% pawl me Lye ge Cex Et CHERRY ye POSTULATES OF BOOLEAN ALGEBRA Bookean algebra in an olgebate absuchute keg Cured ou a oe of ements B Aogetuar wet. bwo Biman opeatoas + aud + ta) Cloauae ustt. xtapect to the epanten. ++ ® Cloomse wtte aspect to tue oprator * 2 aAu cleutety element wir saopect to +, dasiquaked by ot Mt Oe OFK =H 2) An dlevtity elumenk wit aespeck £0 +, desiquated by tt Mite de ha we Ba) Commutative wit speck to +! mtye Gte BD Commubakive with seapect to +? mye yom 4a) + te deotacbabtve over +2 MCT yy = Geng) + Cag) b+ io distachative over +i m+lg p= Cet) -Ct3) 5 Joa every ehiment XEB, thee excote an Cawank WEB Cooled the compliment of %) pus trot } Q)xtnet g A) mle 0 6 Tee evrats ot feast two elmunts xy EB, puck bok ad y Duralety Duolity parcwerple 40 om toe portant property of Booktow algebra: Duslity states that every algebraic exparaston, dednerbke pow tue poalulates of Boolean algebsa femarus valtel i the operators auel jluntiby demenks are trbrcraugedt - 7 Sh tue duch of au algebras enprennfon is cleotrecl aiuply cuberckauge OR aud AND opaatoss anol nploce 1 by Oo aud 0% by t's. Pookulotes auc theoatwms of Bookrou Algebra Pookuloke 2 auton % beter Pookulate 5 aurntet burw=o Troan 4 O) Me e= H bh) Ke He Theor 2 a)utriet L)K10=0 qutoum 3 cevelukion — (a¢!)'2 % Pontulate 3,cowimutabive adaty= Yr% SPE Gs isons A, associaive adnrlyrsr Apa Om de te value of E+ The cou, ' of 0 pomrtion mosy be olercedl alge baaeatly, fe fusough De Morgan’ theorem ' (AtBtcy = (atx)! Ak BIC= K nee x! dy De Mor ous, Berna ' = A'-CBtC) — subotitute BIC=x eAd(giic!) by DeMorgau the a See Bedbe ea by assoeratve gL CANONICAL AND STANDARD FORMS oe OMerkerms aud Navberues A biwasy Vartable mary appeat ec'tes, iu ite uosumol poi (9) 08% tic Ula complement yam at * Comstbla ture brmariy variate rand y combtinecl vote ax AND operotion . Thre ore four posable rombtuotions x'y', ay, mig! amd wy Bock of Huse gout AND terme > cold a wintaw ef a otandastdl paooluck- me vartables con be eombrived to foam aMnrinterme dock went is obkarved pow an AND team of tue ue varcabtes « tu a ptitar fasktou, « vaabls sormeng au oR bam with eack varcable prouccle 2% poratbte gowbrmatvous - Tuse are called max keris oA ptaudotd sauna: Mewbermus Maxterms oy y Tome Deorquation Taw Deiguation e oo «yy neo HAYES Mo oon ety m1 mgt? He oe 2) ouas ma weey'ty Me ott YR ma wry'ts M3 200 myyy WE megtxZ Me Zo ef wy we weyeg MS aa 0 xg 3) Me atry't3 Me 22 ER my wlty'ts Ma “fable? Mew tems @ Maxkems for tee brivasy varcobles te) Comourcot Fomm Boolean pusetions enparosed ao a Aart Of yarbauas of product of maxtermia are caril to be Be comonccal fom ris) Sesto, Mabel Came, Beads OP) Juoo of more ANO spussek ous OReA togetaee ABTCD ABt BCD ABE + DEFT FGH + AFG Sum of products pou cou also contaca a tame wet a ough variable AtBcD + EFG Iu ou SOP expression a singe over bor cannot extend over wore thau ou, varrable, more thar cue vorcable ua tame cow have au overbar - WEE is age x tk fo om use pul pore of Boolean expression Aeeouse of the otsarg ht serwoard Manner tie wolith Lk com be cuplemenbed sotte Logie goke Comouceal SOP coutacus all tee etme write alk te variables eter ce comple nentecl og wuccomplemanted forme eg ABC + ABE + FBc Reprarentatiou of Sop Fe algic+ ABC’+ ABle + ABc'+ ABC = Me + mg + Ms + ME + ME OA the hort notatcow Wacin bering FCAB.C)= & Cinder 6,4) ‘ & OR Vvaacob bes ates Qu | bupaers the Boolean pouetiou F= at Ble ie O Dae of weber Shut At Bic Tunetior has tee Vottables 4,8,¢ A! ee Fist LametA io macoacug two res al variables A= ACBtB)- AB+ AB’ wanneng ou. wore vartable C ABCerc!) + aBiccte') = ABE + ABC'+ ABC + asic! Secoud tami Bic io wmibsatug Out vortabte gic = BC CAtA)= ABC + A'B'C Combrurmg put G outoud bam Fe AtBle = kBc+ ABcl+ ABIC+AB'c!4 ABlc+ A'BIC AS aS —_—_ repeats Age appears tweee and accoading 40 theorene etee % Thus F= ABic + ABC’ + ABlc + ABC’ ABE 2 mi + me ties tite tz ev) Prooluct + Max ber wes C Proolucks of Sume)-POS Sk do te dual of sume of Products foam »4é Lo die AND of two oA mone OR puucktona (ArB) (BtC +0) (A+ Bt ED CB+ ETP C r+ Gt 4) Prooluct of Sur em parsnvouw wou also coutatu a pinglt varcable tame, puck ar ACBICt OD(EtF46) tu comour'eal POs» ease oumteane coutats oll te varcablis ects che complement on uncom plemurnted, fae eg card CR+BD “CAB ) Repusutatron of POS Fe Cury tgp Cb BD Caters (xt dt) = Ho Ma Ma MS an the clort wotattou F(uy a= (0,2 415) CONVERSION BETWEEN CANONICAL FORMS Tae complement of, poseck ion ree, ae ip. aden opt net equals the pum of packers wisaing pow ds oargtnal tou Comatdes the fumetiow FE AB Cpe & lhe 5, 6.2) Comphemaevt in BCABC>e & Cos Meese Toke tee complement of Fi by DeMoagan's the enum Fe (mot me +m), corey ~« Mo Ma M3 = W C0/2,3) FC xy, g)= W082 415) do enpaeored te tus product of maybe foam Lo oomverscon fo Sum of Mertams to rom Y.3)= 6 (1,3+6,%) Skaudard Torus Skaudard joan iv used to expres Bookeane purecki -ms- Thue ate Luo £ypes of standard forms é C) The Sum of Proolucks Gt) The Phoduck of Sumas Sua of Products i a Boolean exprcontow coutariaing AND kewms cated Produck berms of Out 0A more Mterols ence he gn oy F product Ferma age a Mie adage Mba SS gy tbeeada Produuck of Duis in a bookam enpaeaniou contains on tema, called pum termes: ack teams may have amy mums of, Acteroke Faz uCy'+ ‘ 1 p> 3 tuum tema eq Fa 4 BD Oa ey + BW ease A booltow punskrou mai he expressed (Hh @ now ptowuderd foun. F,- (ABECD)(a'si+c'D') LOGIC GATES — The wmourpulatcou. of brary cufosmation Lo dons hoy boguc creel called gates: Gokes are blocks of hard- woot that produte oiguals o stuary £04 0 whine Gaput Logre nequrnumerts ase sattozted» A vartey % Logie gates ax commouly used ta dlegetal computer ystems Nome Gaapluc Algt brave Tate Sfcod punetiou table x yfe Rest = AND fae Foxy sot ira ta 1 @]o aces |g x eyes x ° ° oR, =o Fexty e . : L oO [a Bon |e x Sai oN Ea a NoT oS OlL |e ao my Xe Buy Xx F an Ee oO }|o ZL x NAND = —[p—p F-cxy)' xo _ oo | ed 1 | a0 t2 lo a ' xX y IF Fe (x4 | Nor ae (x+y) staal ore ye, | } a ° Fexy4x'y dxcluacve-O8 oe ia CxoR> ' éxclusve -NOR Fexyex'y oe Der OY equivalence Qu |Cowstauct AND gate ustg Nok gate Solu? A> CAB * (ales! i Alacng De Moagou's theo acme aoe Grey's AB le Degrtal hogue Famchees TTL - Taauscoton - taauatiotos fogte Sutter - coupled Logee Ect - Mog - Mébal- oriole sem concluctor cMog Comphamenrtary mutel- excole rene couoluctos ZL - Suteqiated- cmjection Logre Poortcve amd Negative Logre Biowany acquol ak tie cuput ov output of any gate cau have ont of fwo valuta except duacreg tronoition Cue rtgual value septesents Logie + and Otuer Logic o bogus Sequel Value hogy, Sequel V £ ] H c be L lee lems @) Poortive Logte 4) Negative Logie #9 Scquol - omephiitucle arotgument auc type of Logue Covatolea the two volucs of a Aina atgual: Ouse value wut be higher than te other atice the Awe valu must be oltyyrtuk tr orcs to dleoteuquiale » Hegher fev oleoig note Ly H 4 down Lev byt use are tuse chores for bogie value anorgnment Choostug te fow-kevel Lb Lo represent Logic-+ oleyrnes megattve - fogte system + Chooatng thee high- Level H fo sepament Logee-4 oliftnes a poattive ~hogic arystew” Spectat Chas ackercatita ¢) Fau- out ? opectyies tue weber of ptauolaro foods that tue oukpart of 2 gate toe olteve potrouk dupararag its warmal operation: A ptaudad foal ia Uamolly alegre as He amount pusieut weclel by an ceput of anothn gate en tae some IC pouty. @ ic) Power denapakid } to the supplied power acquered ko operate tue gate. Then portometer to exparosed ie macLlcvoatke Crawl) and represents the actual power olaacpated’ tu te gate i) Propagatidv debay t io the aveiage teouattion olor deme ok oO acqual to propagate pow Cuput to ouput whin the berary aguols change cd value. The atguels thiough a gate fake a certacie amount of, kine bo propagate pow tue vipat fo the output: Theo cubeaval of Leme io defied as the Propagation olelary of tus gate. i&é to exprrasecl tie maino necouss Cus) G0) Nevse Horgtw : 2 fhe maximum notre Voltage adoicl Lo the tuput acgual of 2 degetal erat thet doco uot come au undtorrable chouge tether CUARULE omkput + “GL SIMPLIFICATION [ MINIMIZATION OF BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS ¢) Te Map Method | Vetch Ocagram |Karuaugk Map The complexity 4 te degitad Logee qetes tok cuepkments a bookeam pauction io directly Arlaked to the complexthy of the algebrate euprrooton, pom whith the yamebtou to duphemenbed Boolean rows may be athuplepved by algcbaace means tuk ub hocks apeccyre rules to predict each eteeealcg atep: The map wutked provide a oluple ateaighe eter procedure fox wmirucmcziing Looker ‘ous. he Wap wuitiod frst propose by Veikee @ odegutly - modded by arog ramd in known ao the Vetch oliagiam” os tte “Koruaugh wap ” Te wap a diagram mode up of eqs, dal Aye reports owe wikkim- Map parseute a waual dkiagrow of oll peoathle ways a function may Le exparooed “tie a otauslerd foam ® G)Tw0- ancl Thase -vartable Map Two. Vortable Map wa ma | mg Tore - varabee map There ake four wmitrkenas foe fue Vartables , kewee map xcouatot of 404 GOAL, OLE Joh each wurrteane. eg Fe XY Stuer ry io equol Lo m3 1a 4 to placed ciusile tue rquare that belongs bo mg WIG o 4 ° - a4 Jue - Varcable wap 8 00. or on) 46: mo | ms | ms | me o fea’ Pea's [rug facyg’ myles | me | me a foegy! mas Pug [oya'] Toate ae 2 writer pr three benary varcables hence wap comatot of etght rquares- % Stnnpligy the boolean puuckiow 2 Fe egy + wyatt ey! meg! © Arst mark 4 ce cack square bo reparcent te Uekidrr @ Group te adjacent 4’0 @ Take te area of te qroup ancl arprsent an the rum of two tems ® PINE Se Car a3! a Simply the boolean purckiou? Qe 4 Fe eyZt meget myZ tb HES Nae ei 2 F B a e | wa 4 Fe 43+ 03! Fe Alc 4a'et Awe + BC pat ge Ba Be ei Ae | 46. {i eee es 2 Fe CAB & (0,2, 4157 6) Bale Cm go — wen usa eeeg bee Pt Gover osouaroat #08 + £70 dee megye dss eat ayZ Ne ae de To 33 Ge} Four - Varvable Map : 4343 43 43 43! oo O41 ik 10 T |e rea [MS | M2 Pte oolutns lady's Jose's fuwre'y3! weg fms |g | Me | sic og bay's lodeygfiomegs foley! mera | mers | Mir] Me | one ag mds fora’s from [oom meg | meg | my | Mio] vor 10 ferry’! jor''s [area for'y 3! Gm Simple the Boolsaw punckton Fe (wrmys 3 Elona, 2, 4/5, 6,8, 9,12113, 4) wow Ue ees! wit ool TH) | + | £ we of toh| + (a FS wu 11] | aj] 4 (e [ wor’ tol ls | a / | 2Simpltsy te Bookau tou F2AB'c+e'co'+ AB! 40 RS a A'Bco'ragic! ae’ og (4\\ 4 eV] AB on U/ AB 14 fe a L Fe Bicl4 Aleo'+ B'o BF e yg t mR tat ELE 1g ' i Nase ieee ae 0 A | Zo i Eke] able + athe + atbic talkie! + ab'c! be! tc be be! be Pe Be ts te Fa S41 5) Car 128/44, iS) CD eon oo 0S 44 40 AB uw AS AB AB ag’ 10 @ Fs 2 C26, 8,9) 10) Ml) ED, A lot enn ae! AB pe As! oo a AB oon [+ AB i114 Hi iu AB’ 40 ala ‘ qe F= BE Col at # Sy 8, 9,10, 1, 14,15) go ‘cb eb jap co! AB N00 ot a co, Ae ool [a | GL ras AB sof G ae ual Ae oon io. F= € C08/5) 4,2, 10, 13,15) eo AB a éo co co! ag’ a'B AB AB! ee Seta 12 Tote 12,14) ns pe? 0 c'bD cp cd! oO OL Aa so AB) co Ke o1| 4 ie AB 44 1) a AB! 10 fe al WR FLAB.C,0, er 2 (0.2 a6 4, 1U 13, 15/14/21, 25, 21,2932) eve eve’ coe coe’ coe ve coe’ coe! cde 00 004 Of% 040 410 314 Lt 404 010, Las Five aud Six Vatthble Maps Mape of more than 4pak Vortabten are uot an ainple fo mse: The mumbr of aquates 1 always equal #0 the mumbr of miluterma Joa five Vantable maps, we watl 52 rquatte 5 40a atk Vaortable maps ve meed 6h aqUorts » Row anol foluwus a wunbrel tn a Aryleckedl- co ole Dtquewee+ The pWwe Vartoble map must Le thought Lo couatat of fuse Jour vatcable mapa, aul the ocx variable map Lo coustat of four four - Variable wap Eock of Mure your -Vorcable mapa do areoguizcel pow tus double Lets tix tre cowter of the wap, cock aetatrs te parveoas dy daptinect adjacewery when token dudliveclually STL Gedbee ree le Piva, GUEeae ve con tumibtenedl. os te ceutet ef a Book ,vwtte eack half Of the map tecug a page. usu te book to ebooedl fuse adjaceut squares wok fall Out ou the other. The center double Lime io keke a winter wit gack square Jecig adcljaceut, uot euly to Lb pour meglbourtug oyuaree , but also dmmage: bo Ute mcreog Fos example weitem sr Ga He Ye Vartaber wap bo adjaceut to winter 30, 15724,23 aud ay. Tle some witutetue im the oc varrable map io adjacut to oll tune wacutciims plus mitinkesne 69. CDE eee ee fe OO) Of tl Ol HOTT tie 00 7 a Ol 4 is | 2. th elt sel a Oe | 9 it 10 | 44] 15 | 13] 12 if B 1| 24] 25 | 27| 26 || 30| 31 | 29| 28 a 117 2 o| 16 | 17 | 19 18 22| 23 | 21] 20 Five Vaable —— . —~S may E E P D Der ae 1 of oF 101i tor _100 foo a. a, omol1 |siaiiel7 [si 4 cot} s | o || 10 e O11} 24| 25 | 27) 26 ool 16 | 17 | 19 0 | 43| 49 | 51 fi [se | o7 | 50] 88 : sor} 40] a1 | 43) 42 4100) a2} 33 | 35] 34 > Six 2 Narvab fe F ee ms Hap “Ji PRODUCT oF SUMS SIMPLIFICATION ESS Mencwezabcou of Pos ts atiuahar £0 SoP expe plotting of 0 custead of 4% 4 Fe W C0,4,3,4-%) ic ee ac Be ae! A Cl aarp 10 nh? lfc Fe Be'+ Bexalg’+ Baca tka 2 fr= (e+e) (e+ed( are) ® a. Fe W Cogs 618) 1. 1B \4.15)) asXe> eo eb co co! 09 of tk 40 u AB oo | (Oo 1 AB ot} | © agp 14] |@ © AB! to \e/ ee ecb: ar A Ser Bc (c+ DCA B') (e'rc SS i PONT = CARE con! DITIONS [CANNOT HAPPEN STATES Sonne bogie ccreucta con be descqued 20 that jure ae cerctate cupuk comditions 40% whith tue are no opeceyrecl eukput Levelo, ex we “ ovil cane” Je suc cores, the oukput Level jo vot olegeveecl RE pore be etter HIGH eA Low. These omeput Levele are cuadticatecl by '¥' oa Col! on Sb! fue Heute tables amc are collect “foukt core ombpule "aud muck sombirattous are gold dow't xare coudetcous: Bh eR Fe 00 o> xxx kr oak olt Wun chooatug adjouut nqyartes to ate phite the punctton Ue the map, tus X'o mag te assure bo de eter O04 S, woheck ever gives the atrephest euprersiou. du X weed uot be used at afl 4 Lk oloes “ol coutacbute ko rovertug a borg atsa- ANee Be! Be Be Be! oo 04 11 40 a of o [A\fo lo =I is Le FCA Be Blot T+ Ed Cait) Be gc’ Ble Be Be! oo of 4t 10 By FGA e.c Die Be (0, 4/3 FIT) + 2 lCa iia) ho q Apes, CO OR Ae $2 3. CAB COD = Em ( 4/6,F/13) A) + 2 ol (5110, 12,15) As NP el “c'p “ep* icp! 00 O41 a4 jo AB 00 la, ae aba | yx | a fay Py) AB sin X a x AB’ 40 x cel! ain eo eo! as alee i 10) Ae ool o x Ago | xX x agp oat oO if aw to] © poe S Fl m4 Z = 2C13,7, Mist blorasy 3 43 45 9g 43 00 OL a4 Cae 10 we! ool xX we on wou ty we 10 eee s TABULATION METHOD ( QUINMCCLUSKY METHOD) The map watiod of acimplipcatton te couvencent Go doug oo tue wuaurber of vasablee oloes not encted five en 6 Disadvoutage of map intuat it & enoerctvally a bated oud wioe prowedluie woluik arfiea on the abchrey jue Wma usd Lo secogurye eokatu patterns - Jor vow of Ok 08 more vartiblee, i io olyeult to he pute, trot te Let selectcou lean beer wade - Tabulation wetrol is a apectit step by otep proceuce quot io quoronteec to Pacduce a otimplepceol sitaadatch “igh, empameatina igh pare ott ay. mehr. of vortabler 4k gouscats of two pasta @ Fudd by om exhaustive earch oll the bens tot ore comdiclates 40% Cuclualore ne the olimphe pect Aysck love polled patiue cinephecaute Choose amoug the pace cucplicouts those that give axe exprssctou vite the feank wumbea of Akewads @ Vetwmruation ef Pace Iueplicomts by Compare eae wmcn baum wet every Other menterne ly 4h two meutema oll ft fn oulg one varcable fuok Varcable to avmoved aud term wet Cue dann Ackwal in sound Ly Repeat tue process fpr every mibberwe unter te exhaustive seat Lo cove pluted: Matching Plowaa ciple Uo aepeated ype theme mao tema Just pound Proass conti mrkih the exhaustive searole to eoep Likedl « Ly The Anmarucng bees aucl all the termes that olcol nok wat durthg the procas covupatee the Patine emaplicants » @ Selection Eovertrot Prime furplccants by Must rele mii weber of PIs wlucle cores all vutiterwo ly Pupare @ pare dueplicankt chart wit tee gion mecrtens ao golumens ancl tee PEs as Rouse + Ly Pak 'X Oe eas column coareapondling Lo the matubems whic doves the PLa b 4K amy column coutarus Just a singe x’, tu PI

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