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MODULE- 4 oO Sytobas a Naweber Systeme - 4 be Deciweol -4 Ny Binary - 5 z Oxkol -5 Hexadecimal -5 Conversion pom ove system to anotur- 5 Repusurtatiou. of, mogoktve wumbiera 15 Repusertation of BCD anna deers VE Character seprroentobiou -20 Chosacter codtug achemues-20 ASCIL -20 EgBcpic - 22 Adolittiouw of; Beary Nowhere - 22 Sub krackiow ~24 Nutteplicatvor 33 Deveavow - 3 | Patcitton ancl Subksoctiou of BCD -3t Addutvon ancl Subksackiou of Octal aucl Hexadecimal | Nanatiellend -ag: Representation of floating pornt munclets - 50 | Preceaiow “FL dlolduliow, aubbaackvou , mutlephienkion” aurcl. divioou of foattng Pernt une bets ~ 54 @ Lo Digitol Computers anol Degetat Systewes ly Degutal computers have wade possible wm. nay recente pic , cedrotaral aud coummurcral advance ‘5 Computers aie nel Le occemte'gce roleula- -ktomas . commerctal auc Lustuitas “date peowas- ~Gag, ath Baye cowtacl . opace qucolauce , fue eclucotiovral pill ancl mowy ofer areas by Stacking propety oa dattal computer to its generality jk ram follevs a poquerwnce of Custauctions alld a program, that operates om given data: ly Tee Moe cam spect’'py and change programs aud data axcordiug to the opecepte usec. & Te gewral purpose diguol couputer Lo the deot kuown ef ta digital oystene- 6 Chotacteacatic of a oligital oyster to ito Wmomiputatiow 4 oinnste elemento “E Gyoumatiov: Dente elements mary Le electacc Gneparlaca te decimal oligito the Letters of an alphabet ar temettc opuattvons, pumetuakiou matks ete Ly Direrete Lemus of tupoamuation ate te presented ea digital system by plysceol quautitcea ealled pigrmals Slate gual nuck as vollages and surssuts are vweort Lowmwuon. by Te auguals ce all prrsint-cay ehectrowte digital ayptems have ovby two oltonete values ond are cal bo be Birary test om 6 block dfagrane ths digital computer bo pkowm telous par Block aageame af @ okeqetal comepuker bs The memory uuit store propame ao well as caput output aud cubearnudidte dato ly The pacceraoa wuact Per foams aa tthe aud ofr data- procoatng task as apecezcecl by a program Ly Tre goutsol uit auperveioea the flow of eupprnaakion. faker tue varsous sunita gowtrok mut subrteves fee cGrotaucktons, Tu ove by ome, pom fle progeane uli Lo atored ce mencoag: Jon cack nattunckiove tua covtsoh uit Gafonmaa tue procenor 20 exenuke tue operation apeccyed by tue tuatauckidre Bote prograne anal data. ae atosed Or mamcorig: The couksoh wait ouperiires fue program Unsburctions aud the procearos manupatates fut date as spectyed by tha phogtome Ly Te program ancl dato prepared by tee Heer ote aaustered tuto tue minneoneg sunk by wmeaine of Oe caput device ome 0 puede casol acadtr OLB Adabypensiter « G Aw output devite puck as a patuter ,rececves fue Awoutk of tee computations aud tee parted aeoutto are peroeuted fo tee wu0er+ Ly The cuput oul output dewies ave opeccal digital systems dacven by eleckeonuclaneicol auc soubttolted by ehekrowic oegutal echeaaula + LA prowsaor, olen combened with the conteol ucts Jorma a compouent aefrted to ar a peutacl prowsoor wink oa CPLL- A cPLE enclosed. tn pweall Cuteqrated -ccreuek package in callecl a muito proctonoa* A cP combewed sete memory aul euterfae coutsoh to form a omall- axe computer in colli 0 writrocompuber Ly A digal computer manipulates olvocute Lemernts djoumatiow oud teat thie elemunte are pepacaruted Gt fue Limarag forme Ly Operands uscol for caleulatcous ate expatooed by tue bikany wumeber oyster: “wy Number Sytewes A muuler oyster of bare. on gadlty a to a ayptum tak Uses diatinek oymbols for a alegita Numbus are Aeparsentedd by a staring of igus aygvaboks ly Te oletetwerre the Quantity thot tre wumber Aepiebents, Lk to. vectaoary to mulkeply each degk by aw cuteger power of A andl the fore fue suum of oll mecglted, oligite- J Decmat Nemebr System The olvecival warnber ua employs te sadt¥ 10 system: Te 10 ay Ord, 2.34/51 6 18,9 The sataciag of nywabols ade digits Tag's io cuterpauted fo separsent tue quantity xt 2x 10 AK 10 + 5XI0~ aak is 1 bundtecle, plus 2 tes, plus 4 waite , plus 5 tewtus 2D Benary Number System! The Bema wumber oyster yaee fe andi 2) Tas kw digue nymbols ured ate 0 A The stacng of digike torts io Cutaputed to Aepasenk tee quantity iva oxrt4 ix 284 IX 240X241 X2°s 4 qo dubimquiale bekweee aldyeent radix uammebers tae dlegun well be encloned ime poramtuenti® auc tee radix of the warbler twaerted ao 0 auboarpe* or eq to pow the equality dekweenr dectivcal auc Joinery forty ve well de wate a Ctoit0 td» = GD 5 tic) Ockek aud Hexadecimal wumebr atystene cowatiote wadix 8 aud 16 auopecktvely: The eye symbols of tue Ortel oystem aie 0,4,2,3,4/5,6 aud ¥- The I6 pywebols of te hexadeccmral oyster art ©, 1,2,34, 516,484 AB CDE ond F- Tee aymbols ABC, 0, E.F cotespoud to the olectmal mum bers 10,11, 12, 13, lb, 15 Aeopeckevelyy » s Comversibre pow. Tos Systeme to _anotteer Tre conveston of a decimal crtege tuto a base A supresentaktor is dou by omcasocve diviotowe by & and ocunmutaktou of the aarcaundlers » The cowvestou of 2 oeccmal pactron to Aadss A Aeproorutation is accomphaled by pieces ave: Ca © mauttiplicotions by 2 auc accumulation ca tee cubeger diguta no obtarved 2) Decal to Ben Decimal to bimary conversa com be olowe ou 2 moougs 1 Sue of aweiguta Metrool Detamacne te sek of birary werghhs whose pum in equal fo the decimal wauneba eg de B44 = 234 2° Phactug 1s im the appaopacdte werguk positions, 23 aud 2°, auc On in the 2” aud 2' poottions oetamene tue beaaseg uber foe oleccimal 4 aoe BP Bra Be £0 0 4 Beary wmter for oleccmeal 4 Comvert tue yollourtng decimal munbus to benany a2 625 e)se@ dd er Ze or Bt ee 22 > 1100 2 3 = ght othe Me Wt B+ t= ate 2% 2° _, 1004, 3 58 - 32416 +8 42> 2% 244234 2'> tas040, 10 > 644 64+ 2- 2% 244 a'> 1010010, 2 Repeated Dewioton by 2 Methool The wba tn diwiled by 2 ard then dividlting cack Arsutttng quoktent by 2 until tune ce a 0 quotient - The srmatudus qeveratedl @ boy cork diviorow forme te binary mumeber: Tee. pout aemarrde to be procluceol fo the 188 ( Leask puqucgceant bit) da the beuany uber and the fost semacrd to be producd is tue HSB (moat atguegcenwe Lt) « 2(12 lero cuss) alz-o aot a4sé) + (1100), di) Decimal pactvona to Bimory 2(19 (45, aNaes aes! afa-t alir-° alare ae Z-0 ala-24 et) 1-0 C1004), Ctots0s)2. St: Sum of Wecguts methool 3 0-6a5- OS + Olas - 2 +2” = O-104 Lim tee 27 position, a 0 in the 2 *ponition aud a 4 tu tee 2% position: 2- Repeated Mutkiplexation by 2 Decrwmeak tons con be converted to biiaty by fepeotid wmulkeplication by 2- Multeply postroual mambt by 2 and ten wullephytng eace @ dapudkiag postrouol park of the prooluct fy 2 watch the packromal proolucl to 2010 Tee comes gevierated bg cack wutheplccaliow yom the bemany wuueber- OB1as X2> O6as a ° [oro7] Breezy O6a5 x2 = ggg om ec + cane ey la laa oa 2 oe Coro), in “all yo wo | Convert cack deecweal uumbr to ben ew by uatug the pum of wert method. a) aa b) 5t Oars 2 ' ° ase + 4 + 2+ a 2t+ as 2't 2 P(e), ° ste sat+ig +e ta= 24 at, oy 2 (it00s), 5 Dao a! M52 324844 e store Sr2% a4 242 > Crore) 2 Convert eack decimal wuimba to bivary by watug, the aepeated olevirntvon by 2 wateod. Chapeoted maubkrplicaliou by 2 for packiou) a) 4 by at Ooste ye a li4 , : Bai Oste es o-sa5xX22 045 0 i % VesKa eh C1110), Osx a Ls L Osxa = 400 4 at a(as a allo: 4 (014 a[s-° a alz-t i-o (10104), tii) Bewoay to decémaal @agte down the Lematay muncler B) kro tan pourra of fur frome acgict to Left © wake the egebs of tue brary mnber Ielou theck cortespoudcug powers Ausnte down te hal valus of cack power sue © Counset tee diya ce the Leary unbe wtle theca cotesporideng pours 4) Adc te pimal Voduta » tae answer along wit. base rubacar’pe gq) ware S>10011e11 —> Decimal equivalent foottioitt = 1 e 2 Pho 22 ipe4ot or lers +244 LITE io —> Convet birary to decimal Crottos- aD 1@ lt’ pop ¢ = 22 ° od 2 ae 2 yt 524+ B+ 4 tite =G5-5) io “) Oxtak to Dectinrol (2314), = axes axe"+ 1xe'+ axe? = Qxs12t BX64t 1X8 + 4X4 * 1024 + 1924+ 5644 * C1216), Ortol wamber oystem has a base Of ecg, cack, pucersive oligut position is am Cucteanting power of egt , beginciag & te agle- woot column wotte 8° Otol to decimal couversion is accomplea lucol hy mutliplying cack lege by the wergits aud summing te prooucts (0-325)¢ + oF of ot of Wweght! 9? 8 8° 3 = EX OURS + 2X6-0156a5 oud N a ee a +5X0001953 1 =; -3 = axe 'baxd? sxe = (041601) p Oxkoh to Brn = Vy) Qetak 40 Bemary back octal deg com be swparrented by a abt binary wumeber- To convert ax octal muumbr to a binvany wubet , replace eaole orkol degue usta the appaoprrale tuace bis: Octo Degu ne oe Ae OR KRG Couvat octal to binary DlI3) 4) (25), 2 40, d) 1526, ® 16, £) 1234 ) 5012, k) 5624437, ' Be ee wv on (00s 044), (Joo 1102 256 1234 NX vy (ote 104), (is1010 011) 2 14 08 B12 vi\ vi X (014 114+001010), (004 100 0002 15264 56 Q4- YI\N sie (111101040 116), 101110010 100° 14441), LMesT @ vi) Decwal to Octal A wethod of sounerking a cleccwol wuneber to an octal wunba be the Arcpeated oliwiston by & metuool 83549 (spd 8 [44 - + 5-4 (uso) — SAT (HD, (35%), vii) Binary 40 Octal Barak tus benary wonders into Youp of qua bile aud couvert cack qroup tito the appropaate octal digee ®) 10104 b)eo100 1100040 410 (04 C4 La ade 6 Ff ic 2e eposetitissoos A) sorsttoos C2 + + De (ecm - 4 nw, (Nid) Hexadecimal Lo binary Replace each hexadecermal symbols wrth dus appropacate four Bib brvary code LO4 —- cre : on 0001 000 e100 0100 aie tooo wo eit) oa (0001 000001000400) ee @ ( Decimal! Bimary | Hlexocleermal ix) Benang #0 heya decemal Burak te benavy munibar cuto 4-bet groups alastoug ob tee acguk-most bit aud Aeplace cack quoup swete the equivalent bexackeccmal qe dce aywabok ® s1oqsorgo rose tt $ 4) (1 1110 a4 toftoo + A Bin ta fe Pre gott|ss|oceslosso|usos append gro at to woke a Group of ts Fut 16 9) 16 1 Dpredivnfersspoosf 190 o (4 F + 4 @), ® D Hevadeccmral to deccmal © Hetuod Teuat eouvet te kexadleccweal wumber to Aovivorry aucl tun ouvert birary bo decimal a) 1c, Ass, LG us A 8 ee (0001 4100), (tere toco ered), ee ° Weds 46545210 cooti106 101010000104 2 2 ety a%ea? doo edo > e4ete = 2048 +512 41284 444 = 28) = (2692) | @ Metuool Mutbcpli, cack lexadecrual adegtt Sy tho avetgue aud then takeng He cum of these proclucks ES Coe 4% (Bare) ine Ee ° Bare 5 let 16 parainne 16 16 we 16 16 16 le text i aaa Exig + 5X4 tyiggiays — 8X16 44 2x1 KB tExI6 4x16+ 5X4 = leti2 FMXIG 3 2x16 ISKIBASXY coe 2) = (2, FIX HOt 2X256 + = (2299 = XIE TEXT —, 2 (45816) 0 ‘A x6) Decimal to Flexadectural © Repeated diveraton of a oleccmal wumber hoy 16 meth produce the equcvalewk hexadectimal wumbers Jopmed by tue sunmaradus a the altivinto we 5 a) (650), 4 (05919, 16 [650 lao (80) 6 (25a ie (ter - F 2-8 cugo) hag (atad, Ce $F, REPRESENTATION OF NEGATIVE NUMBERS RECKE SENMAUIGN 2S ee voir om Crbeg Lnrary wumeber to poastteve, tee piu ib reparoented by Caud te wmaguctude oy & ponittve binary wb When ‘te suuneter bo wegative , tue aigu be sepatoenrtedd byt, but tue stot of te vurber amoy Le repacourted ce our of thre possible wars t) Siqued- maguitucle foam D Sig 1’ complemunt pose 5) Squad 2's complement cad Stqued maguct woe sepusenkation of a mgative mune deh gouacate o tae magmitucle and a wegateve atu fu ote 2 Aepurentatlious te usgattve wameber dn sspursuntel Ln ertier the Wo 08 2'0 comeplamant of, te poartive valine bxcoumphe Decal web +25 io expresoed as an Bobet oigad Lenory mumble walig the aig - maguikucle ae +25 ooo1ioo1 Sign bit Maguitucle Lilo aaa ale-o ab-o aed (1000, -25 10041004 SO Segue bit LL Maguetucle tebe He on example , ovstoler fue iguedl wuinder 14 stoud ue an @ bik aegeoter tig do aeparserteol by a aigu bik of 0 Ge the Lt mast posttion jollovrd by tue biwarg eyuvalenk of 14 sloooo4 440] back of Ae ecg buts of the xegtater mast have @ value aud turepore 0% must be crscrtecl fe the wont aigucfteaut postions fallourg the aigu bk: Althougl there i> only cue way 0 sepeereul +4, dune are 3 deypienk woarys bo repaerent 14 uote ecgue bubs 2 compl eu) Pettis Signed moguitude foun 40001410 A440004 + £ Stquec 1% complument 41440004 1Lioes0 jer pee Sigued 2 complement 4110040 The atquel- maguibude sepreoentakion of -I4. io oblacud fom +4 by coveplemeouttag ouly tue tyre bck Tee aigued.- Io complement Aepacsentaliou of x ni4 b obkadud by complementing é elt tee bits of H4, cucludiug tre sign bet ie sigue 2 complewunk representation is obkatved by toking the 2% complement of the poouttve wumeber cinclucltiog ite aigu bie Sx preas tee decal womeber -39 ar au B- bt muuabr te due o¢gu -maguttude , 1 complaint and ao complrmtuk forme +34 —> cosoo1adt aise ata-4 -3 afar 4 Sign- meagustucte por > dosoott aaa 10 romplumank 4Am—> 11044000 2la-0 gin complument follu> A404 4004. 1-0 plo couaplemeaut 11011000 oF 1 TioasOO4 Vv vy Le mae tio comple REPRESENTATION @F BCD NUMBERS eee eee BCD - Brnary Cooled Decimal Brnary coded decimal CBeD) to e wag 40 expausn cask of the dleccrueal oleyebs wttle a Bricany pode Tare ate ouby ten cock groups du tue BCD aystum The 8421 cole io a type of BCD cook: Bed means that eoce deerwol digu 0 furougk a in papaneated by a bivary Coole o four bebo The deoigmatiou. 8421 sudiicates the hivary dwegit of tue your bits Ca?,22,.24,2°) > Fuvalial Cooua: With oat bike 16 uumter (0000 Hurough 1411) Com be aepreseuted but te Baas code, oly ten of these ate usecl- Thy Ak code cobinaltow teat are wok usec - 10401014, 1100, 10L, 4110 Gul 4444 -are tuvali te tue @424 BED code Te express omy decal mameba tix BeD atoaply seplace ease olect wal oltgit wet the appacpacake 4- Le Lode. Te convert Bep 40 olectual , start at the page wacat Lub ancl uok th cadt dbo gtoup of, sour bee» Thame wate the cleccweal oligut peparsented by cock 4 bib group. s 4:2 34’ J Le i —<, ott 1001 10040 0014.0100+ 1000 @ Convert cack of tu foltowrug dlectmeat muntbets £0 BCD a) 35 b> 98 ito ol) 469 e321 A442 oa AD 246% 35" vy JAS 0011 O104 00100100 C11 01004 b) 48 aot a8 vy YS 10041000 0014 OOL10 COOL ©} ito » 14.72 iv 000101110000 3004 0100 6441 0040 Couveat Bed to Decdual a) co1ooos CD» 4) etosloors CEDie ) sooslorsslor00 (AFD, d) ecoltoodjotseoooa oi! (1260'4) 10 fo LucsT Lv CHARACTER REPRESENTATION Mauy applications of dighal computers Aequire the Uanclling of data that covstot mot ovliy of muti but also of tue Lebters o tee alphabel and cxtate pecal characters. Suck a ack coutatine between 32 auc 64 bewvunle CH ouby uppercase Letlers ase cnclucled) ck bekwun 64 aud 129C if Lote uppercase ard Aowercore Lebters are cucluolecl)- te tur 4Rt case fue bevasey code worth require ate bile aud a the secovcl case, 7 bite du weouy applications symbol otur thaw just mumbus aud Letters ase weersoaiy bo goanauuccate eompletelry- Spacis. perceds, colows pemicolovs, qusstion wmasks ate weeded: 85 ther we a sequesunent Jes abplauumecsic code ASetr is the woot common alpha eace tode- Character Cociug Scemas a) ASe1s 4) EBCOTC ASerL AserL ts the abbacwatiou por Avassticose Staredlaacl Code Jot Injor mation Suterchavige aserr a masters accepted alphamumeente code “uUseal the waont cone parkers oud otter eLeckronie equspuuuk Mont conmpuser Kuyboatde are toudlascize orth the ASCTI: Ou enkenre a fitter,a usar, 04 coutaot comencasd. jue conteopondiiag ASCII tocle gocalitte the computer -24- Bey mt em Baa Jeaitities ie tin x uA 50 fae wan we wy - = SF Monet ae a 8 > w st Bae : : too | Ce ae " ae seal ee « an ne ‘sy ontortt att i mute oe cS % Ne wom at 8 | ae ot coo = oe > ane & ioc nadie eae a ee eas, : = he ae : ee ae « me Den i Set 0 ae * eo ele > e i ale : ame o tomb see | ae : = Ci Oye eee Xe to0o01 ee Sg 0 2 ee eo -22- ASctr has 128 chatactis and aq rubols saparented Ly a t-bit binary code - The jest tuikky twe AgeTT chatacters ate nou gpoplic comvraucls funk ae viva pacuted or din pharyd aml are used oly, fer control purposes Example of tre coutecl chatackes ate “wath”, “Edue acl % “otart of text "aud “escape”. Tee ofier chatacters ate gtapluc aymbole that row be pictrted on displayed aud furclucle tye fatten of the alphabel ( Lours care auc uppercase) tee den decal degike , pumeluolion saws aud out commowly used symbols EBCDIC EScoIC (Extercked Brnary Cooked Decimal duketchange Code) to aot wwrolely used abphomumee code, matty popular wit Latge pyptems. Ths code was ouated by IBM Lo evteucl tue beuary cooled deceweol exirted ak that time AL IBM mam pame computer peteplrats aud opuctiag oysteus ure EBCOIC code EBCOTC is au Bbit code oud tutte fore rom oxtonmmoclale 256 characters Agett aud EBCOLC codes are commonly used Ga dato bAamays aud compuber crterface applicattous » BINARY ARITHMETIC Scuce digital systems do uot process the duccdual wuntes aud they only proceor Biman, wanebos, ib ia wecionary to Lea jus binary aattennebie- -23- ©) Addutvow of, Bemany wnnhers Ss c A B Coungpul) Chelan) (Sami) CCAD °} o ° oO ° a 4 8 4 ° a : 1 4 g + @) (1010), + (01° 2 to10 1e + OL104 += poses 4 & Titi 1s —_— Ss Ge Lewang ® add. Cie)—o* CD10 1 1010 10 (10402) = Dodd 26 aud 13 de Biworg z 2 (26 suse al ie. des ettoss ten a(e-41 soolis a 34 gisco , were i-2 ae soonest A Add f014- 041 ancl tto-d tes 4a fo41-04t Ha O110°100 ce fooos*iia = So ame Adsl 6l as) siotkos | ote Yeoce.ons 101-14 1104-04 $0000: 00 4 £00011-004 a) Subtsockion of Benary Numeters Binary nublaakion com le comied out dn etter ove of wo diferent wars @) Direct Sublsactionw 2) Complement Sublsaction 0) Derek Sublrackior. A 8 D e (Mined) (Subrtrakend) Deyyaewee) ( Bossow) ee ° ° o ° 1 e £ = a ° + © ROR ° Se eS ee @) Subbsack 10104 fom ort 11004 at d) 1004-40 > 950 - 40403 ~ 2a —Osdtlon PP gas some £ ‘igor TE oO ib) teore ig 2 1008-34. teas =e = megenee "ie a = eupete Ee soe. 2 10110 oo 1010 =46: OL1100 é ] 2) Comp Lemewte Subkaockiow Nethool 4 Our's complement Subsachion wuttiool Cane(e) Subkaodion 4, amollr mumelir {pout fanepe_wuinebe Procedure 1) Determee 12 complement of, the pvuctl muuaber ( Subkaaleurd) D Add 1'0 cowmplewuut 40 due larger wuureber Crammed) D Cam qevratecl afer the addikio io cold “ bud- round Canny” CEAC) : Remove tue FAC amd add Ub ko tae rcomte- J) Subbaock sosot4 pom 114404 woting t/a coweplemnt wetrod 441104 Vs cowpleuntick + 040400 1 compliant 225 X23 050 ass —> 41004-4 ‘5X25 400 IQs —> O41400- 04 o4 4 complumemt of 12-25—= 10041 10 As004-4 4 1008440 OL 00 exci + 4° 9 Tad ne * set olhaas’ Ostot ds . 1695 - BFS Be 16252 9 Las 10-625 —> 4010-404 1Q5x2 30:50 gts > £000+410 15X23 4:00 tin coneplewemk of Qe ¥5= 0144: O01 tor 1040-404 sE5Ka> 1:50 + O14. 004 + 50x2> 1-00 41 O82 4: ood pos abe enc? Ll® 2 ddd EAC + —seor- ff! 24-945) —— 10 @ Core ti) Subbaaskion of Large wumber foe Arcolten vase be Procedure 1) Determine the 12 compleuunt of tee Laager muah C Subtraerd) D) Adel 12 complement Lo te anceatlit wsuweder Crain ene D apa additvow we cong w0th be qeussatect by auswn tn t's complement foam (negative uur ber) To gk tee omswer am tae pore, take thee tn sovephenunt of ib and anacgu megative pig. ko tue ainawer @) 43-54 St 4t400L > complumerk of 5% —> 000410 As > 10 soid fosors Menuend 4+ 00-0410 Subsakend 1% ji a T1o0o0L ie The sulk has wo catty 20 te puswen in th 4 comeplwumt porm i'n complumenk of, 11.0008 —p-0041140 quawa de true pane 2Clh)jy hb) %- 10 2 1000 lo > 1040 1 complement Of 10-9 0104 - tooo Hewuend +0104 4 complumenk of iioi Sub tratecrd Jo complunent of 1101 >-010) >) etal 0) B45 - 10 625 @ 45-5 1000-410 10-625 >» 1010-4104 12 complewenk of 10-685 —> 0104-010 1000' 440 Newnes F 0404 010 t'o romplewert of Subtscteerd. Tis0-000 t's complement of 110-000 —> -Cooos-t11) -Cr ets), UD a iaies ee 625K 2d4.05 1625 : ae Cernig. (oe +a5x2 Dos x ais D4 ame eee as (104) > tomphumert of Dubksolencd O-B1SKI SLES 'F5X2 2 150 de A414 —> 1000 sas (444) v4o4 Meweerol 1000 1 complement of, ae. Bibtsalund 1'o complument of ‘104 010), 2 -as € De @ a(lé ) 46+ 845 - 110125 2(g-0 aR-o 16-845 —> toooo-144 a(2-0 -0 44-425 —> 01011-0014 a 125 XQAO-IS 41> complament of Subkaakend + 25XQ 20-50 Lett 004 > 40s00-440 “TUxRe 100 @o1> 10000+4144 + 10100-1110 P SES Goosen tot = ( yp, Adv aut ages 4 Sive 12 complement oubsrackton cou be acomplintd mit. a Levary adler, tule wetrool i mse yrt im aactewettc Logie crcucte a dk We very eaoy to pad due 210 complement of, @ abe Deoadvamtaqes 1 Hordoau implwentation le odeypceutt exd ik qives the xouceph of wegative Bto- 2 2'n Comphument wethocl The 2 complement of amy brvary wmuncber io detanuwed by addimg 4 to 1% complument of thot wunba- 2’ complement foane te Used Jo sephustink wegotive wanelers 2'> conplament ot dn 4 and pro Le 10 Core ¢) SubbaockCow of @ omaltr munecke Jone Taga wen Procedure fp Dbawue the 25 complement of tre anal muaer ( Subksabeud) @ 2: Adc 2'r complement to the wimuered a: Dideord te corey qererated ® (11004, - Cro104 1), 43 ot 2 couples vt of Subtiokenrd 43-> 101011 010100 + & 111004 Mewrenel rrr 4010101 a'o complument of = [Hfoorrt0 <(14> Subtral enc Reread. 7: easy, £) (400-5) jg - C50" #500 2(10 VISXI2 150 2150-0 5045 > CLL 010-44 C44) oa lig- ale-0 22 complement of Subtrokeend 2&o a-t 1001101/00 £ i Zooii0s-o1 1400400+10 Mewuend 2> compliment of Sublachend + 10044014-04 [Hortooote ay G45) 10 — Dee cord AOsAA, 6) Ci) g- C1016), 5 10 2'r complement of Subtaakend o104 - 2 Cito @ dit. Hewaendl +0110 ao complument of Subtackencd FJOLOs = (5D, — Puscod poses, 4) O12), ~ (6D10 hea 2( 412 Been “eee 112 > 414 0000 aimece 28a 65 —> 1000004 2-0 24-0 4 2(42° a(t-0 2> complument of Sublsak 2 (2-0 apt end 1-0 ie 01414110 4 oritiais spenese Héaud + orsaaas 2 cou plomenk of, Cubtack ec Gjorolista -(44> 10 = Dracasd ahh (22 © 22-4 alice als-4 a> 10140 at 1-0 +> co0414 Q'n comphument of Subkaokend Oo1i14 411000 + 4 4400t toito — Muwmenst + 14001 2'n complement of Sub radeewd _ BRIE = 65), Deread cosy @ Cane ti) Subtraction a a Sor gr wine ber — picallee ama Hs Proceclure 4 Determine hee 9 compleumeut of tee Subbralerrc 2 adlel tut 2'r complunent fo wiiuenrdl 5 Amar do th 2% complewernt fort» Take dhe 2 complhwent and aastgu negative Ag to the amar No catty wll be geveratect a) 4-22 T0011 222 Qltt-o 22>10410 2-1 D> complume wk of 22 a - 01004 # 4 10 Cott t Memend 01040 2 complumrd of Subleoluncl 10004 Take 2'5 complement % 10001 > o1110 - 4 -(@lits), = 1, 206 b) 65 - 2404S ii 20 ~O 2-0 = 165 —» s0000+4 2[6-0 2h-o 2[g-0 0 O45 > 14000-44 By 22 complacent of Subksok end 41000+14 00114700 4 OoiL 4000010 Meuueud $ O0Lt4-04 2's comphumut of, Subtackeudl aotlei D Take 2' comphument of sorties > 01000:00 t Lepeseot 6:25) STOSS OL LG paemere Fetes Gig) Matkiphicoltow of Beaty Numbers Murtkeplicomt Muleeplier. Prooluet A B ie ° ° ° ° 4 ° 4 oO oo i 4 4 a xs 1 ont 144 5> otot ed. tia 000 eis B) A FTX F605" Ads —> 100-110 gens > Olt tot @ 4+4414+1=100 TD pk 100+ 110 wl’ tasen X ott: 104 column 100110 “001110 200000 12345 : Loosiio er 100140 teat toossol 011254 oroeasy LOOOLOCLIL O = (It+ 2875) Orestes == fo songes £)R2KE rary 222 22 10410 2hit-o 6 > C0110 A(o-4 Bact 1-0 101410 x 110 2(6 0000 2B-0 Leis ad Le UA) Tqoe010 0=(I52), d) atx 24 2/a% 21 afra-4 Qa 11044 2le- 21> 40401 also ale (35) Z 2 O3%5—> 0-014 ons —> rot oos4 x +04 —gort 0000 seigiclon OOO 4 4=Q.098t5) eS = 10 8) Denton of Bevery Nometers Or+L20 42s te ft a) 50-5 50> 140010 S> 101 110010 FlOL 1010 doy[{110010 Los OOL0n 104 00 aol = © 120010 + 104 = Go10),= Go), 00934s O3ESXQ2 OFT On4sx2= 1:50 *50X2=1-00 (oLt) 25X27 0:50 +50X2> 1.00 cos) O-06as Fo-03I25 2 (50 2(25-0 Ae 2° 2(3-0 a4 4) aig 25 > 11004 olas 4 > 100 2lia-4 2(6-0 41004 + 100 = 2fa-0 i<3 140-01 1foo}/L1004 100 100 400 M004 +100 } 1010 10 + 101-014 1010+:10 310-50 —>» 1050 4oL.01 > 5:25 DP FAT Geek ad of, decal io 4000001104 ][100000410L0 100000 4104 oo] ° ey 10 p 1100100 + 10= 10:00 10 we ADDITION ANO SUBTRACTION OF BCD HBco0 Addutcow Addikcou in the wroat Cmportaurt operation decouse the otter tae operations Coubksioction, muttiplicokvon, devenrow) can be accouphrakect by te mae of addition Pho coolune 4 Adc the twe BCD umber, usteg the aules jor bimauy addition dye 4 bik dune Is equal to ea fear thou 4 ab be avold BED wander a Ha 4 bit sum io gueater ton 1 of Ya cai ouk of te 4-it youp to generated, ib ip am cuvalil Reoutt Pell 6 (0110) Lo the 4- bit rum ce oaclta to akip He acy Cevalidl slates aucl ackuan te rode bo e424 Sho catiy scouts polar 6 to addled, ovimply adel tue comy Lo the ext 4- bit youp- 4) (a, + ce), 0010 40110 “ooo =), ) Dot OD, aa2 eo1t O41 soto 10>9 So add € 1010 + 0110 e041 0000 »BcD eet en £0 > Deet’wal ) (Bet CDio 1000 + 1004 Add 6 Tooor + e110 STIL O41 1, >BCD e004 ed Ce). a) (542, + (26>, O01 ott C010 0110 1379 So ado € Offi ilo #2) bn Ord At O4 + o110 Add C110 6 oooe 1s (2), 2) G+ Ho HAM, 0 en e1id o10 “or 41 (2) oo fo * S418 ooo Tire, loo BY ~ @ Bed Adduttow Aver Came 2% Costszeo Cosel Dot Oo ou ma 29 Cayo Hl 6 Same <9 Cammy t Adel 6 ois 4000 ett + 0140 _ ToL woop tet, 90, L s 1) (83)10 + CMe {000008 uly Add & £0 0014,0100 o cole Lo boss0508 ? Torro0stt Feet Neate Aha + o11e 4 SUNOS a ooo Looes ost, —> (IF? pasate lea ie ec €) (1D, + ODt0 eooL0L10 4 ooo O10 4 POLOe as + e112 oosi0004 >(s1) —— Gre 3 i) Cot Cr 1100144 eeeaee LOLiio10) + o140 0110 aa 010 000 Sposeipees Pil 4 000 = ce ii) Bed Subksactiow Cilatug 92 complement) Procedure pe 90 compliment for Sublsaheeal a Add We bo te Namen aoimg BeD acdeitron a te peomlk kn cuvoltl BED tun corset hg adding 6 A Shite tue onary to wextk is SH, oud asound casing qeusrctedl tue adel ob ho Tas Atle an Complennenk ain complement of decrmal uumler com te obtaimed by (Clo%-3)- mumbr when peprouuls fe mab of olégie in given saab * 0g (234Y io ain coneplamitat of (25D ie 2 4_ 4) - 123 Ciot- 2) 4 aa 9994 - 1254 ang = e165 ares lo'o Complement : {o's coveplimune of a decal com Le oblacteed. musa bes) usluae ue sepsroowte the by lio%- musieber of, augue de qivew wena Leh eq (1254), 10> complement of, (234), is 10% 1234 = E466 ® @) Subkaack 812 pom 993 €483)-(@i2) vo 10 q'p comphemart of Subbroleoud giz > 999 aa 184 L001 1000 0014 + ©0004 L000 OL1414 Toiszoo cP tote 4 Oto ee e110 a do12 0111 0000 ae EAC vo peor baie 0001 SYTed Dee, GE 2084 POF D 1 1 b) Subsacce 623-95 pom 326-25 mermg qa cow plow wk Bep Subtaactlow (936 28)-(623: 85) = G21 60d, ‘0 ‘0 Qn wmpheueut of Subksatenc 623-95 999.99 - 623-85 _ See a e011 D044 C110 + 0040 OL04 014 0144 01101 9004 0100 ons ee Sage L010 4100-0014 1004 Uf Hae Aone Ou 0410 has Mo ete Oe SIT 0061 0610-0014 004 EAC, the Asoulk io i eee asl bo be comeplava fore negative % : i ao comeplimet fore oe Bo agate ca € Bupa uted 494-99 pane 14.034 2) CHaiug 10'2 xcovpse went) Procedure 4) Take 10 complement of Subsaahend 2 Adel i to te Newrend by uscng Bcd adletton. 3 Seton Bed degua ate thee conrect by adding 6 A Followup the cary to vaxt bile 6: I ond atound comy (EAC) to ture discord the cota 1 mot, ony acoutl ts Ve ond b de 10> complement fotim Take to'n complement agade Jo qt actual Anaad a) Subksock og.s Yow 10-2 ios tole compliment of Subsaokencl yp complet: 10% o2-s 0% = 100- 02-4 = 44-4 e004 0000-0010 + soe, 141-1004 eee ZOLo C444 "1014 + 0140 oo [ijoooe 1000-000 L Lap pee, EAC Deseoacd ° 8 . 4 ey = (8-1) te BD) 26-25 - 39°26 lols complement of 39-26 1o?- 39-26 loo - 39-26 = 64:24 104 compliment 4; Sut baol enol ore 0110+ 0040 C104 Zo110 Ooot* O11 0100 eseeTie poet 1008 No EAC means — 3 ae ~ve @ to tu So kak 102 owplumenk of to's coweplemaue juoabe pees jor: Sara 2 1007 ETAT = (201),, => (19-04 > d) Subkrosk 24 pow 4g uorng 12 complument Bco Sub kaarkto 18 - 24 aS comepluneut ain complement Gab baal ea be ae | 94 Clo 3)- mumaber. - 2h VS oak ze coos £000 o1ot (eee No EAC weans Tooo 11°01 z + 0110 =Ve @ doe a va plank Gooi ooid see a —— ae 2 ain cowrplamert 43 — (10-1)-%3 99-93 6 29, @ TE ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF ecTAL AND HEXADECIMAL NOMBERS A-l0 B-1 OC) Heradecrmoal Addition e-12 EE a rT DIZ lute e-l4 ppao ce ee Eis te du amg given codunun of an addition problem, jucrk of te two bexaolecteal oligite te beams of tec deccimal Values Fis” 0 Cues '20 a. dy tus sume of tuise two digit te Mio om Leon, daiug down the sores pouding bexadleccmeat a. dy tue nume of tase two degua Jo greater thar 15g -baduq down tee oamount of the oune that execs Ibjo ond cony a 2 to te uexl colrmen ®) Adel tee splewrrmg, lexaclecdual wumbers : W) 52\g+ 22 €) 3,4 16, i) 581g a 58 as 8 +16 +22 43 34, TA 70>A 16 Ball eee ; +44 tic) 2Bie + B4t6 iW) OF it AG, ey 28 OF is FE 1 & wi aoe AG 2 is Fe ae B ~ aa Tie 2 in wot fe 44 hexadectweol number 2 4:94 wi) IBF AZ gt BF 6 aL gar Az Brs- a4 —a 6 T4AL' 5 6, == a SHA wiey, 269g oe 16 1 +d 413 +A HO 24 ie (24. Le: 42 cs eis +8 21 SO 26 t-10 2A gia ated tA ES a 28 e$ (ele iste aaet tt ey Ft 7 wee 2 48 it 20) B D pe > 35 lee iL 1-10 +13 +10 se “aye es = 162: é i-¢ ai 18 “3, 2% | te )Hexadeccmal Subtraction 22 compliment allows Lo oubsaack by adding benatig waneles. 4) 941.7 2A 2's complement of Subsralececl 2A -> 00401010 140101014 ie 4 SLOLOL10 isc D 6 2 +d +5 -21m te(2ie aoe se BAI, - Ate is zs es - 08 rer le Bio complement of Subtarhend 0B> CeOO 4041 41110400 State pace piicoset “a eo rs ce te +e 15 ae = te (2% & iid) Octo Adde'tvor £ i _s ae a te + 2645 Betal Nombes ty Co to 4) 144 eek a i arte] Kockel 44 = 1 xo eiieoe 439, wok 4 ale: et 1-0 1-3 fot pa cs = tg t 26a, * a b) 366-23, + 243 624 2 (632052 +6 ae a 366 °23 a 243: 62 Fle 52 08 a 25 +3 2 ) 243, + a > (A554 243 ai2 mes | 45 5¢ d) S64,+ 2438 = 103 2, ) $644 eee ele. ak 56 4 ov laden 5 io 2 7 as ee oot) 2) 466+ 114 = (It62), ae ce en ¢ +t +6 a ei 1s +4 atk : rt 62 eo ie 4-6 == vy) Octal Gubbsacklon $4 complement Te 4imd te Ts comphement ,pubsaack cock oligit of the octal mumber pom + 7 sowplewent of (16) q bo 1 - #6 te Ts zowmplaminwt %% (4A), TIT tae 633 as 4 complement Bo romplument of an octal mute fou be found by adddng 4 to the 4's complement a that “ectol uiamber Bo complement of Ges) wt 465° Roar te 1 a3,> g's compleuwut en ee ee ee Procedure A: Ind 9% covaphement of Sublaahend B® Adel prot wunber Cmemends and 8% comp. - Levant of oubbaak enc. 5 4 corny io produced te the additton, clcocasd the cany. 4 there to no carey okt $'o rovephemenkt of the oun atc asorgr. wgaktve aton. oy) a) 31247 44, Bin complement of Subbed) ttt eles p gay t? coun phawarnek J. » to wok 6546 er complet octet - Ao conve 342 fl +634 "= 63k. 4-2 ri A - i2 a = Deacasd fy ater Shire Gos >To com plome wt _ 2 aE, > 8% complome nt iu =? 14 4 406 ® tee 552 Pa ow ple weut Ce 652g sts S52,, 225 re - 226, 144g - 3428 E24] q O:24150X10 Pxatre Sloainng pork Bimang wuunclr te separseuted Ox a puto monn excepl fat ik macs base 2 404 the expowent* Lest

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