Module 3 Part I PDF

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MODULE-3 Gy Mabas Comm btaatibuol Loge - 40 Combematioual Cérarcks auc deatgu Proce litte -94 Bevary adleler anol Subsaactor - 92 Multvlevel NAND ancl NOR chacuits - 100 Sxeluaive OR aud Sqtvaleuce FunrckiBus - ducplementation ef Combruatiou bogie Paral adder Cassy hook aluad adder Bed adele Code Couverter Maguitude Com paratoa Decooles Matec ple ver, De wate phere Parity Gewrator & COMBINATIONAL eciRCWIT Combenattouol ctreucts couscots of togre gates wkese outputs ak amy Lime ane determined oltAReLl pow the PAroenk combluattouw ok tinpats wttnout aegard Lo preworus departs . Sequartial ctaeuks employ wee ements (bivary able) ir adeliton to ie gets There oukputa Ae a function oh Hee Capuk amd fhe otote of the memory leneuts Combemational ccreurt comacate of mpus Vartobles, Logit gates aud output vatrables. The dogtc gates accept meguate four tee tepute oud quote mguale to He outputs . 43 Block oliagioua of a combivattoucl crane The “U teput benary varcables come fom aw extemal aoe, the wm output varcabhes go ko au extemal destivatiou: For. wu Caput Varcables fue are 2" ponatthle combéuatrou of bivay Cuput voluss ‘Jos cack posathh ruput combination fuse Io one aud ouly cu pooatibte oulput coube: ~moltov - S DESIGN PROCEDURE — Deosigu coubimaltouol crams task pom the Verbal oukliiee of tue problum aud eude cu a ogre ctacut ollaghoune Tue procedure cievolveo the gollouriag steps: 4. Te problum as atotedl ee mumbr of available tpuat vaaables anol peapubecl eutpuk vaacrblis Lo deerwcuedl - que tupat aud output varcables are avatgued. Letter symbols » The tauth Lable that defence tue requi'sel artationsltp debe (apube aud eukpul Lo dercved 5 Tae otupleytd Boolian yuutiou jen earl output io obkacued eg. The Logic déageame fs draurm A bute table 404 o powbrnatroual eae Louscata of, Cuput eoliumaus aind oukput colmmus. The a % o'o ca te cuput column are obkatied pour tee a biaosy 1 Tae binary Valuss fo exoumcuatcou of te ptokel problun- ue ravabee cea weit nieh aeatlt The output wmbimakvous avatlable sor u cinpuk Varcabdes. fue outputs ate ditermaicel four, Sows cup. Tusse combruatvous become dlow't Lone cou opectped te tue Lute table give the exact opuctiou of the combeuattouel cao Counttarnts £o te covstolued duttig cloran pao one, e D Mew umber of gates a) New numb of euputs to a gate. 2) Mew propagation Lime of tue oequal turougle the ccrout: a A) Meru wuneber of Cuter counectious D bimetatdous o the decvng eopabrtitien of tack gate x BINARY ADDER O+0=0 o+4 = i Oe ap fee Sums 0 Carty=t OA cowbiuatioual echeuct thak papas the ! addition of kwo bike kn coll a kealt -acloler . A coubematioucl ecacuclt thot Pe fos tee addlitrou of three bits in called @ el- acleles ©) Hal Adoler * CousZat of two bemary tuputo (Angeiol axel Addeud) and two bivaty oukpubs (oum aud assy) 4 Two tupuls x,y aud tw outputs Sl fot suum) | aud © (fee casey) er UY aig ce i ona D 0 o 4 On. £0 Or, 4 ta eee) Te piephegved pune of phoducks eupazartous foe tee oukpart ares Boe fe wy tng! mt st Ce ey gor x ole |@ at @ o x eA , f t- =4r ng $ orto Reed ) wt of Ol 2 7 ae1i\|o ya CG — ge ny ted g- *% h n 3 w RzRW ro Kf elo o-. ie ae ge WG! + KY x 1S c = (gd CHD) PO were BU) eae 7 i ot Se (ary (te x e\Gle ie « t (Wile Ce gi ays ny’s *@ 4 peed Go S te te exelustve OF 4 xeY Oe. Ss. 2OY c.g 4 Vartous cuepfevaerbotiow 4% lal adeles . (C) Ault Adder A ptt addr to a coubtualioual ctraut that gptuns tae oartwmrebic ouue of turer cepak Lika. 4k Kouscdt taee cepts ancl £0 outputs Tro Caputs © @ Y aeparceuk ds two weguryrcouk hilo to be addled» Tee thcad Uiput,% arpacseuts dhe corny pour the previous Lower Plguficauk poocttou. 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The two outputs Daud B aepacsart the olyyrence anol eukput botiow Aeopeckively The ecgut sows under the Capt vartables cestguake alt ponathle combtalious o% 1’ ancl O'n teak tee Biaosy, vastobles way toke- The t'o acd 0/o foe te eukput vauables ate oletermerect fou the aubkaoskion of a-4-3- @ %- 0, yoo, 324 & 0-0-4 Bei , & « hecomms 2 i «= Det @ H2 0,444,324 2 O-4-4 B= iy @ aw Becnuas “p 2- Bet 21029 @ ee tar tart ated B-4 and w~3 SoP ‘ Be Y3t MEH Hy soe 2 eel. & b : \) >—— De yrenee x, a, 4 fueplemembatiou of @ pe éubtaacton voit two holt subtaactor

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