Module 4 Partii

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Ee CLOCKED SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS eo ee eC Ee Behavioms 9 vequential cracit to dleterucued pom tas dupals, tee outputs aud tue otates ike MP pops: Both the outputs ancl the uext state ate a puwetiou of te ceparte aud the prroout bate. © Example of a Sequential Crroswt 2D an po} —2 * Ip ol SE ae _. Ha Example of clocked sequential ctrenit locked requertral crcl las ane Cuput vasiabee ne, Cue output vartable y aud two clockel RS yee- fore Labeled A auc B- i) Shote Tobhe Te Mie vequewct of cupute, outputs - ancl. ep- Hop tates weary he ewmmnatel ce a take - table: State Labs coustots of three cectiows dabeed SS atate, Uext otate aud output . Tee pres kate duocgudtes the atates of Hep fep Axjose the oeamemee of a thock pulse The uext state ahows the states of ee yer afer the application of dlock pubic @ Tle output rection Urots the volute of the eukpuk varcables durceg fue present atote - Both. tus ext state auc output secktous lave bwe cokuimur et {Oh 20 aud the otk for wot Ween the present state Is 00, A-0.B+0° Trou tee fogie diaggom uote hota dep Yopa cleated. aucl x=0, moe of te AND goles produce a fog 1 otqual- Thats pour mext state Acmatns unchanged: Wee AB “ Ga tee cupak $ nek tue Yep flop aud te cept R dats the pep- flop, aeqarcdlios of te patio us state: A ‘6 ch bote te § aul R trput teaver te fep- yop muckaugedl , a 't ie hote the $ anol Rcupuk phows a bad deocgu % au Mndetamcuate dtate Labte- Next atate Subpuk Parent Stake HO Hod Ae AB AB AG a 7 Py 00 oo ai = ee a4 ot a oi ve £6 eo ° ra 14 40 Sieft oe 44 Stoke table for chee Output y to equal fo 4 oly whine wet, Asi oul B-0- A sequential ctrauct wete we (hep - Hope auch we Gepuk varcables w0ll have am gous , owe for cack plate The weve state aud oukput tl) State Deegeowe uypamcation avatlable b+ a state table wan, be aepraocated qaphiically ia state diagkane + Stat in seprenented by a circle — aud faausition Letweer states io trdle“catecl ly ouitected Lines connecting the circles fo Hy Globe dcageane por the ecaeuit Tle caput value that eouses tue otate transition fo Labeled peat, the water after tue oywatol / gives the value a, tue oukpue dnlg tee preseut take The detected beue pour alake eo to ot bs fabled 110, meancug thak te requentcot cracut db Oe present otate 00 while x-4 and n-0 @ aud that on the tawmiuatton of te ext shock. pulse, te ecacust goes to wert stake ot. A olixected Le connecting @ cracke wctte clae lg edeeakes tuak no change of stake occurs s) Shake Bqrakvons A plate eqyuakvonw dn au algebsate expsrsatow tusk ppeccytes the somditrous 4h a Lep- pop ptate kaaunckcou hep aide of te equatiow olewotea fue uext obate of @ ep- ada acl the ACGLL otile, a booltam vow thak apectpiea the Preoent pate coucitious that wake tie next atate eyo to 1 Shake equation dy deacved derecbly pom a atoze table supe bz ae Bx! A 20 OL at 10 Ao Aad Akt) = ABA Ba'+ AX! 2 ABE AME Bx! Ay Shake eqeoktou fox cf lop A = ACB x) + Bx! wie er 2 Ag'n)'+ Bx" am Rege laud cole of te otate equation oa Johan. lou for a Ppetocuk ptate eg. Be Be Br “Be! Poise of eo No ¢ [els a4 w 4d State equation BoEP vr ® Blbet) = But Amr A‘B < But ABE AM . Balt + ai BCAx)'+A'% oe @ The tate equattoun of alk Yflep - flops Logetur wolte tee output puctcous » Aedleg apeccig 2 pequentcal cceeuck v) thkip pop put Junctions The port of tue combinational echeuck teak gqewarates extaviol outputs is oleouckecl alge brace alk by the cvak output wektous + Tue part of the clacut thot qeunates tue cupats £0 Lup pop we duouched algebaat'caly by a at of boolean pocktous altel se eapanl skious on nowstimes depuk equations é 4 gas BC'u+ BC! KA= Bty TA 4 KA destquate two Boolean varrables. The task fbb Me coe devotes te Te k caput; guapecktvely of @ Th {ep er: The oeconcl sbter A to Me oywbok ome of dhe Yep {lop cP ac @ {04 aplemuntatcon of tue Yep [op pal posekious TAs BOKTBCX' aul KA BEY @ fl STATE REDUCTION % ASSIGNMENT €) Skake Reduckrow cAwy deg pacers comatda tur problun of aatacwaczing Te zont off tue penal eceeutt’ The kwo cook aeductious are Ly redusbious de te wale of 4{ltp- Yop: & rrdurttous ce tie wumdler of gates The recluckiou of the uuarber of zee- eps de a requeuteal ecroutt fo reysred bo ao the tobe peduskidu paobbum” moot algorttim aie coucerued set procedure Shoke Arducklovr stakes ia a otate Lable white ne aeduetng, the wurden kepeng te eutaual tepat-catpat aquikements surchauged odace 2™ ptakes a sccehioue ce fle wuber wm pip xor> PI ay maken aig peoude da @ seduckion ce ta wumebee of Reduction of mumbo Yep flop mart Anoute be 4 P Be ere abiaabioual qotee” o 0) Falr 4g. Stoke dB gcame ® Cowsldth the tinpat oequsver CLOL0410100 staring you the ductal state a+ gach put % 0 on 4 produss on oukpust © oO £ aul comeco the chant ko go ko tue vext state 01610140100 dUoksatiove UWete te cecum co cuitcal tate ‘a, au taput of © pAaodues au output of, 0 oud te cexeutt Lomatina Ga pate 2 - Wite the parourt otake a, aud tinpat 4, tee omkpmt 40 0 cucl the Wwext otate do b Ute tue paoaat tate oucl caput of Othe output iso ond wext state de © State oeeehe eee 4 t+ * wet © 1 010144 04 6 0 Lo © output 9 6 000 LL O Sqyscivabewk My ddeutenl cupuk sequence ate applied to the kwso ccaents and euteral output eceur for oll dapat nequsuces , duo, base ‘cehouls ate aval to be eqyuvvoteut (ome way Be aeplatel by other) Tn ploblum o state arduckion 2 ko [tie wary peductug the muta of alates de a sequential ethene wttrouk olkercug te deput- output relatiovslups dp in won couveurent 40 apphg take x2 oluctidn dn ptote table: Stote Rocuetion abgoactam “Two ptates ase vatel fo be equivalmt 4, jot case member of the ack of linparte -thary give erodkly te ome ovtpak aud neu the cecatt ectur 40 the came state of fo au equciatevt tate von to otales aie epitvalent, ous of tome com be tomoved trout olkertug the deput- output salakiousuip ” Next stake Output Puasent et — Dbote m=O eet K=O med a a & ° ° b ce ol ‘2 ° ice a a o ° ol a & ° £ e oe % i i 6 g & ° 4 t a ‘ | 44 Stake Tab te Jobe we ook £e 400 preseuk states thak ‘lo fun some vaxt atate ond lave the ome outpub ot Bote dapat combinations Stake q auch € ate Lee ob cokes oy ae to otakes a at ated have omkpuk of O oud 4 m0 aul “2t+ Thus tates g % & ee eqyutvale vit? ous con be semoved Stake 4 & eplaced by &: Simuchosty ptate oh q fare equivalent» Thetfone ptake | com be azucoved and teplacid by a Next Stobe z Inu tote Preset Ouep ne. _Atoke me. aia Ne O Hed a a b ° o.! b a ol ° ° © a o ° a a 7 4 e Ke Qa ft # Ba 2 Ae ° L t + a oO & kg 4 Reclucemg state table Next state Output Pret des stoke. a HO ent a a b o e@ b iG ol iC ae. ¢ @ ob ei a e ol 2 4 e a ob oe 44> Reduced state Lobhe we ga be cm ag ou ea ee tepok 6 2 Os ow = ££ 8 SF he oo ° ° 4 1 ° 2 oo Outpuk 0 0 (a) Tair 49> Reduced state oliageam The stake wos feoliceel fom + Lo 5 rtates. STATE ASSIGNMENT Shake aroigumenk 9 concermecl wet. water mel zciog the courbr’uakcousk gates Stoke avacquuseuk procedures ate oncernecl woul wetnods en anargmcug, biucisy, valuss to ptale he a ouch a way ao bo reduce tue cont of & the combeuotiouol cracuct that oluves tee KP -Ylopa aoatqumenrt ip palin packoriy as cheng be veadeg, maa i anotgwed a wmsipre wiles + an earch okake bougq — eee Siebel Datrvank!, Paslaees Meee a oor 200 ooo do eLo oL° 100 e one ous oso a 100 404 ton @e 10L 44h O14 gq Tae pooscbhe bikauy tate asacguments Restos Next State Oukpuk stoke 0 met ao ae Oo4 OoL oL0 ° ° o10 Ost 400 oO oO O14 ooL 100 oO o Loo 408 soo = i. £81. oor L100 ye = fig, Reduced atake boble wel bevary annigumek £ Benary foam of, state tabke to used fo etive the poubruokioual chant part of the sequential ccncuck - To complexity op, te cowbiuaktovel chet ebkaced depends ou the bematg state asaiguwant clooen- rg. Fuleruop exsrrartion\ TABLES ae horn qa chonackeriotic table to moeful 495 auaigita auc A dying, Ma opeabione a Hee Yupr Yep lk apecryes fu wrxt atole voles fhe tepate auc prsoewt abake dre Kuown: Dusting the design pases the Hansitiow fro we puserk late to uext state & known aud vovol do pl Me pip- flop capuk coudlitions duak welt couse te sequired taamartCou- A table that Lots the sequctel cepulo 4A a qifeu, change of otates lo the encitatton tobte ook ee! Que) © ° # £ eS © alt) 4)Tk DD jalan ig Qtkt+s) oO ° ° ab L Fa a, ue>) aD al) T 4g Shep plop charack eaca tie Fables R at) MHD) TK x oe | ao ° @ ¢ ae 3 1 1, alex ° dno Be 7 Ork a) RE ship 4p excitation tables @ BL el) ace D a) aera) [ = ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 2 + ° 4 aL fi ° S ce ° 4 4 is it . é a aD dT $lvp Yop exertatveu tables DESIGN wrTH STATE EQUATIONS ae ee ee Seqsenkial cchouk com te deacqved by wuous % ptare equatvous gate thom an enceitattou Loble Skate eyraktou i om alge brace expaesotou trot geVes us eouditions 40r He uext alate ao a purttiou of tue pusurt plate ouel cieput vaitables Ghote eqrakton oH a aequerttol etacuk ex paeso t, algebence jel temo, eupormeation wolucle Lo eupasoed te, Jobubar form ce a otate table. State equakcon wetkoc of preyed sok D Lc dope are awed 4) Sequential Charts wi D Yip Lopa The chanackeriobic equaktou of ta D Ub pop Q(441)=D Ths equakiou totes that te uext state of the ee oP io equal to the present value of tte D tuput and is tudependent of tre value of tie pacoeut Sate - “The enkaces fue wext ofate in tue olate table are exoctty the come Oo the D ceput Suputs of Combeuatioual ccacut Pusent Stake Lupa so A 8 x A 8 o oO oO oO ° ° aw 4 ° 1. ° 1 ° eS a . of i L oO oO a ° L 2 . Lot L a. 2 a tt ‘a 2 - o 0 The ext column pe A bas pout 1’ and Ao dow tee column 4or tue vext otate 4B. ACE# 4S) = DACAB.%) = 2C2.4.5,6) BCEt 4) = DBCA.B.x) = 2(1,3.5,6) DA aud DB ase the ep oP ae puk prrctvons 4p D eP Hops A auc B- Scie phezred function eau de obtatud by weour of ture Varcable vuapa: DA- AB's Bx! DB: Ain + B'x+ ABx! 3) Store Emotions wile TK Yep Hop ricnaackeubates fete. i Chorackerratic equatto 5 the TK HP Kop alters) -(De'+ Ck'd@ Tee peqreuttol cleat com Le deecvedt dliectlay om take eqaktour youtouk the lel 4 excitation tobke @ Jon Wun a wmakeheug prousa to to te dloue Lebwan tee ptate equation fot cack flcp Yop % the qeuesal eae equakiou of Tk {Lup plop . Mokdung procs °° of manipulating cock state cqproktou nuabil ib io te Me foam of the characterriolic equaktou- Skake equation 40% Qlkts) i exparoved a a puucktou. of @ ouck @. Oy @ or bole woul be Gbacut ta tue Bookeau expArastou te come canes Therefore do weamary 40 mantpullake the enparoatow algebaar weal, wukcl bot @ % @ ate cucluded ce tue expacsacon Ercameple Detgu a peqeewtcel ctheuce site TK HEP Hera bo pakcopy the ppllowteg take equations: Att t= A'BeD+ a'B'c +Acd+ Ac’D! BlktL)= AAC+ CO'+A'BC ecett) = B 5 pte+4) = Gol > the = (upae poco eet fep- ep A ate deawired by tusd walked by anougrng the otate eqyeotton aud molding, ik wttle the charackercobic equation as ppltowss AC EEL (BCD + gc Al+(eorcd DA (Wat (KDA Deduce the dupme punckion for Hp op A g-(Beor ele) N28 een eo is ; ‘ = Ble k= cpt clo’ \ ke (corc'd') » =epire'D = (@0) @ (c& v!) Cer 0° ¢ Tie plate equation yor Hep flop B cam be arsnnged a jpllours Blet4) = No tev't ABC’ =(Aerco! + (AeDdB (se reo! )Le+8') + acy @ 2 Newt cvle+ Aco'+ co's! + ACB " = (Meteo dB'+ Cale + ep'+ Ald) B = (A B'+ (Ale+cD'+alc! (nexeosre'+ Weren'eaeds x 1 qe Alcs cD : , Ke (ier ed'tatc’) A = AckeaD elo+er)| » — ae ‘i Cletad> B rar 2 BCcre') - Bc + Be" Datved put purction com be accumdated amol Lioted — oop tar TA Bic KA co'rc'd ze- Ac+ co! KB= Ac'+ AD ge B ke- 6 Joe 4 koe 4 Phoblew 4 Reduce fee wmumba of tates ce He 4ollourriig alate table ancl tabulate te acduced alate table Present Mak Seats _ atpae akoke 120 Kak woo meh a 4b ° ° & $ ¢ ° e © ‘ zh e ° a q a : ° & ad c ° o L % 6 t : q de . . be ¢ a £ o oq bk ate equivalent 20 be cam be Asmmovect b qe ae eyuvaleut 0 con te Aansoved Rectuced otate B alates Az oucecl 4o 6 otates. oe a AO aoc Rot Ro rp hoe

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