Module 4 Part I1

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Module - 4 Mabie Sequeviral bogie cereals = 2 Latches % Hep Hope -* tdgt EAC GQ YAcry aud fevel kAgquiug - 20 Rs pep for we ate for 4 D eer HOP -% T Yip gop Rose comdelvour -!9 Master - slave ep op Block dingeam of a oequertial ecaouit Block diagram olkmonstrctes tot tee exteruat output tu a pequentiol chou ore a pumetion mot ouby of extavol cirputs but of the prrsent of tue memory elements » Sequwtcal ocacnk to a apeccticl by a kine sequence of creputs out pute aud cutemal states Type of Sequewtcal Cotancbs Sequential circuits ate clanocfted depending on, jue Himcng of tecr otguale aD Synelaonous Sequeutral Crhaut 5) Asywelrousus Sequential Cereuit A) Symeronous Sequential Cctourk Output changes ab dinccte cutecval o time Lt ta a ccacut hosed eu an equal state Hime oA a stake Hime dygwed by exterval wuonrs puck as clock: €4- Skip Yop , Syneonons counta J) Aaryrachero wows Sequential Cercusit Oubpuk cou be changed ak amg Custout of tine Joy changing tae depuk dt ie a scneult ehooe otote ttuce depenls polly mpom the Cuternal Logic ecacucl dabongs eg. aaywelrouous Counter Syvelrons ation Le achieved by a keutug dewee gall a wmaoter - clock gewuator wslith geueates a pouodit train of clock puleco Chockeh Sequevteal Cerunsts Syuelronous pequevtial ccacucts that use clock pulice ce fhe taputs of summory clevente are calted (clocked. peqpsewttak crnousts- hep - or Hanon, elewuuts mack ce ebocksol sequential ceawats ote catledl ep pops Ikep pops ate capable of atoarmg out Let of cufprmation’ A Yep ffop leas cue por tee mormal valu and eve Jor fhe coneplenstice Vole of tte bit pload cu Ub: LATCHES hate io a Lype & kmporamy storage device that kas hwo stable otates. hateles are autor £o Hep Yop because tung ade bvotolrte davies thak cou Avaidle it ethur of Love olakes uatng a dud hock arrongement, ce whisk tue outputs ate connecter hack £0 tee opposite Wweparts : Te mam dcypenee between Latches aucl feb flop in tee wattod used for changing Huck state. ise types of Lobel v &-R CSET- RESET) hate v Gated 9-R Lato Y Gated QO hatee FLIP FLOPS — A ep Hor o! pb fable a = 4. * a of o |/a) a 1|o |x/ S A) Ceasactercotrc @l4t1D= D equaklow a) De dh Her Tk Yup- Lop in a seyremeut of, the RS 4p Hop» Te indutamumate state o RE Lype to oligtued th ite Tk type. Jupuks Taucl k behave tke cupubs $ @R 40 0et aud pleat the 4p op: Su a sk frp Lop ste Letter T in for ree uc tue Akbar K ie yor clot: Wham cepats are apphitd to bot Tek atmuttaurousdy tue {ep- flop putes £o ie complement otate YU Qe4 ,dt owttcies fo @2 0 amd vite versa: = ace ce a) bogie oltagroum Output @ ib ANDed with kK auc CP cupute oe teat te {ep Yop %2 bored olutieg a slock-pulse only 4 @ wos parody 4. SemtLarly output @' to ANIDed wort gz aul CP trparte 20 thak the 4tp {op in oct wet. @ clock pulee ouly if @' wae prevrously 4 Tk {ep pop Ahaves Mkt au RE Yip plop, evcepl whine both Tq k ae equal to 4. Wun bote 7 oud K ate t, jus dock pulse i tramsmectbed trough our AND gate outg tia one wolinoe Hepat to counssted 40 tt glum Lap output solide Lo presently equal to 1 Uy Qed tee output of tue upper AND gate Lecomus 4 upox applicattow of a sock pulse , oust ta Yep Yop ia clrased- J) 4 @e 2 te output of tue four AND gate dncowts a2 4 auch tee kee gor ae fu both cose, Me output tate of the 4p flop 2 compluurn ~kedk+ Because of He pect back eomureliou cu te TK Lip lop a op aigual whidk seuaia a 4 Cutie THK= A affer tue outpube have ben complunsuttec. once wilt couse repeated aucl toukimous Leauabious of the outputs TS avorl tio mudearrable operation, Ha clock pulses vast have a te olueakiou ustcely jo plotter tuau tee Propagation diary rout tie fp Hop: This io a Anstarthive acquctemunt, otwee, Fic opetabion of te curcuck olepencls ou the wrdltte of tue pulses Tie aterction on te pulse wiilte. cou be Udacwatecl vstt a waster ofave {tp flop. @lt+t) aP r @b— ee eee 4) Gaaplut aqvabol ae Tk’ kK ok JK oo Of 44 10 | 0 | Yo (Ga) «| 4] |e Olt t= Ok'+ QT PRE ROP oO aly rreak FOO poR ok OR Ole orReoRFK FE Oo D) chatacterotte table YT: Shép Yop he T pep pop 2 2 pivigl- Gapuk Verstdu of the Tk pep Hop + The T yep glop i ebtacwud prone a TK Lgpe 1, hot capubs are Hed Logit Tae T Yep Yop got tts moms “T porc ths abitily of the ep yor 2 Regardliss of tae parent state of tu yup Yop, it qonumes te complemunt dtate whe de clock pulse econ while ceput T to fogie-+ ere | | @ ep 1 Q a> hegre Diagtom @tkt 1) frat at— 6) Gaaplue 6 aes x © Charoctercakee 3 cod hole he. a i Ola 1 @ | © QU: T+ QT eh) Cearackervatic. equation © JL TRIGGERING OF FLIP Lope rs Tt skate of a Yep. Yop io ouxteked by a momentary chauge Ge tee caput otqual » Then wowuntoiry clronge is called 0 Qa aol tee draustrou tk posoes ts carat bo ARG the HEP Hop: Arqucliso nous Hep Hope . ruck as Los chokes Aquilae an dapat Beggar , clocksol ep fers ake Leczqued by putloes. A pulse otarte pom an initial value 0 qos momentarily £04 aud after a olor Lene , askuams to ito cutel @ value -The fed back pati. same Produce chababelety 4 tue eukpuss of manmony camels ate chau ging woltle the oukpube % tur combiaakioual exact that go to ep Mop teputa ae beng compli by the clock puloe Tinting Probl com be prevented Yd outpute % UP flop do wok atest chomging sutel cha putec dieput hoe Akurwed £o 0+ A way bo solve ad back timtieg paobteun ta to make tue yep flop seuscltve to the pulse teauaction Anti thaw tue puter cutation A deck pulse wor Be eitaer pooitewor wgasive . A poscttve clock nource Anwiatins at Oo oludcing the tuterval debwen pubes aud goes 404 dusteg tee occuenee of 2 pulse Poackive palre Negative pubre. io : 2 eS ee Tt T Positive Negakive. Negatwe Poateve edge edge ontze 1g. Deferition shock e tAauolloy ies ai Pate ® The palee goer trough two agual sauasittous pom 0 kot aud te weturu yom 4 Lo 0+ The ponttive Ananaction to depned on tue poor'tive edge aucl fur megabive traustion ao tee egative edge: Chockeol yep Hepa ace Lrgqaed durting cts positive edge oi tee puter ancl tue otake kaanoitvou starts ao poou as fe pulse seackus Hur Logie + Level MASTE ’® = SLAVE FLIP FLOP A master olave [ep-pop io eoustaucked pou buse separate {ep pope: One ccheut actves os o wastes aud fue ofm as o slave, aual tue overall event Je acpured fo as a master-slave (ep Yop Master Slave cp po MasTER SLAVE FLIP FLOP 46q hogee dtagrane of meootes - -plave Kup Lop Conarats of a master 4lcp Yop. a olave {ep flop aol au teveter » Whee clock pulre Lo 0 ithe output of te ceverter io 1. When the clock Chpat of the ofave. ie L, Hu yep pop do enabdec auck output @ Lo equal to¥,% @! & equal to ¥' Tie macter Ker Yop t dvoabled pecause CP=O- © Woke te pulse Lecomms 1, te Gapommatiou at tue exterual R oud S tnputs io Lrausuutted to fue master Yttp. flop» Te atave Leb Yop is raolated. a» fovg ao tu pulre io ak ito a evel , Lecariae tee output of tee Gaverter 2 0 * WK te patie fekuans 40 0, fur master, KP HOP Ls coolokeck , ee Pavewts te evterual caputs foue afecting e—— TL {eG Téeeng — Arlakvoustapa ce a wmaoter olave ap flop Arouut teat He Lucp flop in te tue char plate pacer fo tee ceemmenuee ofa pulse, 00 that Y=0 au Q=0 Q Te Ueput conditions art $24 auc ReO and tg wank clock puloe olontd chamge tur {Llp Yep to fe ath abate oils. 4 + Ping Fs tie. 8 aceon Hom etot the wmoster Hee Yop a ret aueel. pauges Y to £: Te lave HP pop io uot pert col. Heese Ud CP cupuk bo 0. Since easter Lp pep + om cuternal cetertt ite phounge of otate ts mot wollceabhe Wir pulse Aturus 6 0, te twommation frome Me master in allowed to pace theougl to Hue aleve. making de exterual output @-t- éyleaual S tuput com te chougel af the some te wlan tue pulse gow trough Us wegattve edlge kauateon, fucose euce te CP reales ©, the wsasler Lo alirabtecl aud ib R aud S tuputs have uo thfeence umtot fu vuxt clock pulse Mostet. clave combematiou cou te coustaueted per auy kype o% Yep pop by adddiirg a clockecl R-S up dep wee au tuverted clock to pore the plave + é Lf) ¥ [s»—4 i 4a Clocked wuaoter.- olave Tk ¢cp flop St cousins of 2 Yip fopa + Gates 4 tough 4 form. tus waster pep flop aul gales © thacugh & youn. tue lave {ep Yop Snposmation prrsent of Tans k Cwpaste o Apouswutted 40 tue master Hip ep eu tue poctkive edkge of @ clock paloe aud ltl there mtrl Hee wigative edge of tue clock puter occurs , afer volurrl. iL b allowed to pass turough to the olave pup. top: @ ep »>—_+ &p et tp dep bdae Megqued Lip yep bo a Lype "tat oymelto cmlye tue tate chamqs duiig a clock pulie khauatious Oukpuk traustious occu ab a opeciyi fave of tue clock pulse: Wha te pulse caput Level extteds Aytlo tharohol Level, tue ccpute are Locked uk auc the Yep. pop i auaopoustve £0 purther daamger (a (upute uutch the clock pulse rcturns 20 0 aud auotur pulre occurs Some edge- bugqued {ep Lope couse a Hrauattiou ow te pontttve edge of the pute aud ofA couse @ Laausitiou on the negative eolge OG Me peeae $4 Ptgpe positive -cclge Lubygeceal HP dor © Te fogit dvagame of a D-type poattive edge Lriggued Yep yop coustak of thar baste Yep per * NAND gates £ auc 2 woke up out Sane eR Yor oucl gates 3 aud 4 amotier® The tutrol pane Yup yop gates 5 amel 6 provedle te output ko fu cvacuck Supuls $ auc R of te tucrol Looe pep Yop wuusk be marketed at fogit t for tue outpute do tumacu ca tueck ateacy otake valuta. Wltun SO gudioRe ds fue, BucpAk gees baie ikl abate tote Ba we S24 aml R=0 te output goes 40 tee lean, take sarie Q20- Muputs Sand Rare debermcieed pom te stakes of tee otaer tase Laae yep Kops - Tse two boat yp top sropoud to the external Gapute D data) auc CPC dlock puted i 0 Ay Operation a the O- type edge satgquecl yep Lop © ~ Fiquix plows te bivory Voluso of te outputa of the foul gotta vole epeo + Juput D may be Cott Ju ectuer care, @ CP 4 0 corider the out puto * qote gaud 3 bo goto +, thr waking SR. 4, wou io a sowdittou for @ oteasly state output . Wlum D=0, gate 4 hava 4 Output, corses tee Output of gate t to go to O- War Det , gate 4 goen to ©, wtih caunes tis output of gote 4 to go tot -CP=0, dirables amy ceaugis at the oulpula of fle {lep flop, no matter what ta value of D happens. Set up keowe Tuk ba depute Ltme + colle the oetup tine Ge wolete fue O cept must be marutatued ob & constant value parot lo the application of tus pulse Hold tlime Tite to a oiycmilcou kee .colted the hesol kee jthok fe D caput wut wot charge ayer tu appircottom of te poattive- gocieg Hrousticou — of tue pulse Wha the tinput clock pulse wakes a pootive qoreg trauottvoun fue Value of D in trans peared fo Q. Changu te D whee oP to macutarirecl ata pteacky 4 value do wok aypct Q RACE AROUND CONDITION Ju TK Yep- Yop tue ouput in fedack bo the caput and fherepore ehrauge tH the out put dutta chamge ue te tepatr Tok 1 aud @20 Wlan @ dock pulse wit a wit ‘tp’ zp applied, tue oukpuk wit change pom 0 bo 4 afte tha bite cutaval Ak cole Ak = plopagatton difay of tuo Aevel NANO gates kp 2 pulres wovdlte Aye Ab we lave Tet aud @-4 aud after auotier wut become O- Homer the outpace moll dusatton bp og the sock pulre vaitltin So at fue cud a elock pubee, tue vole of @ 12 auabeynons » Thin ntuation io known as @ ‘Aast- around couditiou’ Thacdeug Cuegalive headku testy, ate die ° ¥ «Kv A clock pube Tae aact around condition com be avorolecl when bp © Ak: Thea com be obtatwed te £u20 us 044s 4h tp reducncl Kc otiow NF peraggin 44 Input aul ouspak waveforms for chock TK 4Ltp Hop The aace atound coucitiou cou Le avorited. % ¥ Te propagation delay comrecl by NANO gates da qieater than te clock deterval » But procti’ - cally that in uot pooathke otuct tux propagation Ge Guteqrated chip Lo very omall- ae ¥ Masta stave Yup pop 2 wreck — Custead of TK LEP YOR” E0GE TRIGGERING LEVEL TRIGGERING Se So the edge KACQGKG . the output Avopoucds fo tut changes Cw the tinpuk uly ab the ponittve A wegaktve edge a tue clock pulse at te lock Cepuk: Thete are buco fypen of edge siggertug @) Poatteve edlqe bncggercunq b) Negottve edge tacggearcng Pontive edge HigQAch9 ! Te output repos Lo fle changes 4 de ceput only at the positive. edge of the clock pulse ob tee lock tiupuk J t pe gg a ena ouby a& fue positeve edge 48 Ponitive edge tatgqacng Negative Edge tacggertrrg “The output Aeoporacls 4o the changes tu due cupak owly of the uegattve tdop , Me clock pulac ob the clock caput v Oukpus sesporela euly ob tee megabive ele % dem. tee pubre {eq Negative edge bacagenricg Clock capak Revd tacqgertng Sn evel kacggetng the output state io allourec Jo change according 40 lupus when acteve Level dn matntatutd of the enable ceput: There are kwe types of fevel tacgqeed fatolea! Ponitive favel Lacggeud ! Tie oukput of fake aroporsls fo tue caput changes owly whim tb enable Cuput 2 1 Chugh) ¥ [DR EE erate Euable £b----- dupa «© Cudy vokik the Aavek of E Gaput i HIGH 44 Ponitive Level LArgqeacieg Negative fevel Luggeredl / The cutpuk of fatele Awponds £0 the Cuput changes ouly ola tbe eucbhe tinput ts OC Low) euabled dudy LL roa lea the Mette @ 4 E epuk id Low ¥ Supuk a3 GR fetele is

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