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forbidden by Waldenses, i. 80, 87; ii. 150.
forbidden by Cathari, i. 97.
forbidden by Bohemian Brethren, ii. 562.
forbidden by Apostolic Brethren, iii. 109, 121.
not rejected by Wickliffites, ii. 441.
Obedience, Franciscan enforcement of, i. 263; iii. 2.
oath of, required of officials, i. 385.
implicit among the Templars, iii. 253.
Observantine Franciscans founded, iii. 172.
they absorb the Clareni, iii. 65.
their zeal, ii. 307.
become dominant, iii. 173.
suppress the Fraticelli, iii. 179.
used against Savonarola, iii. 218.
they condemn printing, iii. 436.
Obstinacy punished with burning, i. 313, 541.
Occult arts, iii. 379.
Ockham, William of, asserts poverty of Christ, iii. 134.
defends Louis of Bavaria, iii. 146, 148.
revives Nominalism, iii. 556.
his death, iii. 156.
Octavian, legate, condemns Everard of Châteauneuf, i. 130, 307.
Odin, his knowledge of runes, iii. 404.
Offerings for mortuary masses, i. 30.
Official, episcopal, his functions, i. 309.
Officials, episcopal, their character, i. 20, 22.
secular, bound to aid inqs., i. 340.
Olaf, St., his missionary raids, iii. 406.
Olaf Tryggvesson, his contest with paganism, iii. 406.
he suppresses sorcery, iii. 421.
Olans Magnus on sorcery, iii. 433.
Old Testament rejected by Cathari, i. 91, 563.
Oldegardi, Catella and Pietra, iii. 101.
Oldenburg, Counts of, attack the Stedingers, iii. 183.
Oldrado da Tressino of Milan, ii. 208.
Oler, Pedro, case of, iii. 85.
Olier, J. J., his approach to Manichæism, i. 100.
Olivi, Pierre Jean, on merits of contemplation, iii. 2.
recognizes Boniface VIII., iii. 38.,
his career, iii. 42.
his death and his relies, iii. 45.
not condemned by C. of Vienne, iii. 46.
Joachitism attributed to him, iii. 48.
demand for bis worship, iii. 57.
Olivi, his books forbidden by the Inq., iii. 73.
on papal dispensing power, iii. 79.
his exaggerated cult, iii. 82.
prescribes poverty for bps., iii. 132.
on ownership of property, iii. 183.
used in the Sachsenhaüser Protest, iii. 138.
venerated by the Fraticelli, iii. 164.
Olivists, their Joachitism, iii. 44.
their revolutionary doctrines, iii. 65.
forced to rebellion, iii. 70.
deny papal authority, iii. 73, 79.
popular sympathy for them, iii. 75.
numbers burned, iii. 77.
their saints and martyrs, iii. 80.
their love and charity, iii. 82.
their mode of life, iii. 83.
their extinction, iii. 84.
Oller, Geron., predicts death of Henry IV., iii. 446.
Olmütz, Inq. in 1335, ii. 431.
John of Prague burned in 1415, ii. 495.
Ombraida, murder of inqs. at, ii. 215.
Oneiroscopy, iii. 446.
Opizo, Bp. of Parma, and Segarelli, iii. 106, 107.
Oppert, his explanation of Labarum, iii. 395.
Opstallesboom, laws of, sorcery not alluded to, iii. 433.
Ordeal used to detect heresy, i. 110, 305; ii. 317.
of fire in Savonarola’s case, iii. 226.
Ordelaffi, crusade against the, iii. 204.
Ordelaffi, Basilio, ease of, iii. 238.
Ordenamiento de Aleala, ii. 184.
Ordibarii—see Ortlibenses.
Ordinaries, episcopal, i. 22, 309.
Organization of Inq., i. 369.
its effectiveness, i. 394.
Origen, his demonology, iii. 381.
Origin of Evil, iii. 380.
of witchcraft, iii. 492.
Orleans, selection of bp. for, i. 9.
Cathari of, i. 108; ii. 334.
Pastoureaux in. i. 270.
siege of, iii. 339, 345.
Orozco, Geronymo, i. 248.
Orphans, Hussite, ii. 525.
Orsini, Caietano, inq.-general, i. 397.
Orsini, Napoleone, protector of Spirituals, iii. 35, 40, 56.
Ortlibenses, their origin, ii. 319.
in Passau, ii. 348.
in Suabia, ii. 354.
their developed doctrine, ii. 355.
their mysticism, ii. 358, 360, 365.
condemned by Boniface VIII., ii. 367.
by C. of Vienne, ii. 369.
their missionary zeal, ii. 368.
persecution throughout Germany, ii. 373-6.
join the Flagellants, ii. 385.
Ortlibenses, their prevalence in Langres, iii. 578.
censorship of their books, iii. 612.
(See also Brethren of the Free Spirit.)
Ortlieb of Strassburg, ii. 322.
Orton, the demon, iii. 383.
Orvieto, Catharism in, i. 115; ii. 238.
Osma, Diego of, urges mission work, i. 141.
Osthanes, iii. 389.
Ostrogoths, their laws on sorcery, iii. 399.
Otbert, inq., his salary, i. 529.
Otho IV. (Emp.) appealed to by Raymond VI., i. 149.
his laws on heresy, i. 220, 319, 481, 502.
persecutes heretics in Ferrara, ii. 192.
his letter on the Waldenses, ii. 195.
Otto of Constance, his trouble with Huss, ii. 459.
Otto of Magdeburg, his lenity, ii. 374.
Outlawry for heretics, i. 319, 321.
Oxen eaten and resuscitated, iii. 503.
Oxford, Cathari of, i. 105, 113.
spurious letters of University of, ii. 443.
C. of, 1222, burns a Jew, i. 222, 352.
Oxista, Michael, burns Bogomili, i. 216.
Ozasco, disregard of Inq. in, ii. 262.

Pace da Vedano, inq., iii. 199, 202.
Padua, inquisitorial extortion in, i. 477.
suppression of heresy urged, ii. 210.
sack of by crusaders, ii. 227.
admiration for Peter of Abano, iii. 441.
Averrhoism taught, iii. 577.
Pagan de Bécède, i. 202; ii. 15.
Pagan influences in Christianity, iii. 400.
Paganism revived in the Renaissance, iii. 570.
Pagano, Corrado, his martyrdom, ii. 237.
Pagano di Pietra Santa, iii. 37, 99.
Pain, use of, to procure conversions, i. 417.
Paleez, Stephen, on heresy, i. 236; iii. 551.
his relations with Huss-, ii. 445, 446, 449.
banished from Prague, ii. 452.
assails Huss at Constance, ii. 461, 472, 476.
confesses Huss, ii. 487.
accuses Jerome, ii. 499.
on simony, iii. 627.
Palencia, heretics in, ii. 182.
Palestine, Inq. in, i. 356.
Palestrina, Fraticelli expelled, iii. 176.
Pallor a sign of heresy, i. 110, 214, 306.
Palma, Franciscan church in, iii. 173.
Lully’s worship there, iii. 581.
Palmiere, Matteo, iii. 573.
Pamiers, assembly of experts in 1329, i. 390.
Bp. of, tried for treason, ii. 71, 77.
Jews of, subjected to Inq., ii. 96.
Pamplona, quarrel over corpses in, i. 280.
Inq. introduced in, ii.. 166.
Pandulfo of Castro Siriani, ii. 238.
Pantaleone, St., inq., i. 355.
Pantheism of the Amaurians, ii. 320.
its application to Satan, ii. 323, 358.
developed by the Ortlibenses, ii. 356.
Master Eckart accused of, i. 361; ii. 359.
Paoluccio da Trinci of Foligno, iii. 166, 171.
Papacy, supremacy of, i. 1.
acquires power of appointment, i. 6.
appeals to, i. 450.
disobedience to, a heresy, i. 229; iii. 181, 192, 616, 617.
Papal archives transferred to Paris, iii. 319.
authority denied by Olivists, iii. 73.
bulls against sorcery, iii. 453.
against witchcraft, iii. 502, 506, 512, 537, 540, 546, 547.
claims on the empire, iii. 135.
commissioners, Mendicants used as, i. 276.
crusades to further temporal interests, i. 44; iii. 190.
dispensation for vows, iii. 28, 77.
exactions in Germany, ii. 432, 556.
favor for Mendicant Orders, i. 273.
for Military Orders, iii. 241.
Inq., its effectiveness, i. 364.
interests more important than Palestine, iii. 189, 193.
interference with Inq., i. 452.
letters, abuse of, i. 18.
forgery of, i. 19.
progresses, their ruinous character, i. 17.
repugnance for general councils, ii. 530.
Papelards, ii. 322.
Paramo on trial of Adam and Eve, i. 406.
on number of witches burned, iii. 549.
Pardonerssee Quæstuarii.
Pardons reserved to Holy See, i. 333, 496.
Parenti, Giov., Franciscan general, iii. 4, 5.
Parete Calvo, the, iii. 114, 119.
Paris, Treaty of, in 1229, i. 203.
Dominican Order introduced, i. 255.
restriction on bearing arms, i. 382.
first auto da fé at, ii. 123.
Turelupins in, ii. 126.
case of Hugues Aubriot, ii. 127.
the Black Death in, ii. 379.
Inq. of, jurisdiction extended, ii. 51, 118, 119.
demands Joan of Arc’s trial, iii. 360.
C. of, 829, on sorcery, iii. 414.
C. of, 1212, on sorcery, iii. 423.
C. of, 1350, on episcopal Inq., i. 363.
(See also University of Paris.)
Parlement of Paris, extension of its jurisdiction, ii. 57.
assumes supreme spiritual jurisdiction, ii. 130, 131, 133, 144.
defends the Pragmatic Sanction, ii. 134.
condemns Jean Laillier, ii. 143.
assumes jurisdiction over sorcery, iii. 428, 460, 512.
Parlement of Paris, laws against astrology, iii. 446.
rehabilitates Vaudois of Arras, iii. 529.
Parma, Knights of Jesus Christ founded, ii. 210.
revolt against Inq., ii. 237.
Gherardo Segarelli, iii. 103, 107.
Partenay, Sire de, his case, i. 451; ii. 124.
Paschal II. on converted heretics, i. 111.
on communion, ii. 472.
his heresy, iii. 181.
Pasquale, Bart., condemns witches, iii. 516.
Passagii, i. 88.
Passau, the inq. of, i. 54, 128; ii. 347.
expulsion of bp., ii. 532.
Passerine of Mantua, iii. 197, 201.
Pastoralis præeminentiæ, bull, iii. 278, 304, 307, 310, 314.
Pastoureaux, the, i. 269; ii. 380.
Pastourel replaces Joan of Arc, iii. 377.
Pastrae, Martin, his capture, ii. 260.
Patarins, i. 114.
Paternon, Filippo, Catharan bp., i. 326.
Patrick, St., his Lorica, iii. 400.
C. of, on sorcery, iii. 417.
Patrimony of Peter, Templars in, iii. 305.
Paul II. condemns Podiebrail as heretic, ii. 558.
orders crusade against Bohemia, ii. 559.
converts Fraticelli, iii. 178.
on Agnus Dei, iii. 410.
his trouble with the Academy, iii. 570.
Paul III. defends Savonarola’s memory, iii. 236.
Paul IV. examines Savonarola’s works, iii. 236.
condemns Lully, iii. 687.
forbids discussion on Immaculate Conception, iii. 608.
Paul V. allows Jesuats to take orders, iii. 171.
condemns Lully, iii. 588.
forbids discussion on Immaculate Conception, iii. 608.
on heresy of martyrdom for Immaculate Conception, iii. 610.
Paul, St., on persecution and toleration, i. 209.
his triumph over magicians, iii. 394.
Paul Klesić, Bosnian vojvode, ii. 305.
Paul of Samosata, i. 90.
Paulicianism, i. 90.
Pavo, Antonio, slain at Bricarax, ii. 261.
Pavia, C. of, 850, on philtres, iii. 416.
Peasantry, their abject condition, i. 269.
Bosnian, aid the Turkish conquest, ii. 306.
Bohemian, reduced to serfdom, ii. 536.
their sympathy with the Stedingers, iii. 185.
Peckham, Abp., condemns Averrhoism, i. 352; iii. 562.
Pecuniary penances, i. 331, 471.
Pedro I. (Aragon) subjects Aragon to Holy See, i. 157.
Pedro II.(Aragon) persecutes Waldenses, i. 81.
his relations with Raymond VI., i. 132.
refuses to persecute, i. 140.
his character, i. 157.
intervenes in Languedoc, i. 170.
is slain at Muret, i. 177.
Pedro III. (Aragon) obtains Sicily, ii. 248.
crusade against him, iii. 190.
Pedro IV. (Aragon) his faith in astrology, iii. 444.
defends the Lullists, iii. 584.
Pedro the Cruel, his faith in astrology, iii. 444.
Pedro Arbalate organizes Inq. in Aragon, ii. 167.
Pedro de Cadreyta, his martyrdom, ii. 169.
Pedro de Ceplanes, his heresy, ii. 176.
Pedro Freserii, case of, ii. 178.
Pedro de Lugo, iii. 106, 123.
Pedro de Luna—see Benedict XIII.
Pedro de Osma, his trial, ii. 187.
Pedro de Tonenes, Inq. of Aragon, ii. 169.
Peine forte et dure, i. 447.
Peitavin Borsier, ii. 11.
Pelagius I., urges persecution, i. 215.
Pelagonia destroyed by crusaders, i. 107.
Pelayo, Alvaro, on embezzlement by inq. i. 511.
on Dolcino, iii. 123.
on poverty, iii. 131.
on incubi, iii. 385.
denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 598.
on clerical corruption, iii. 632.
on corruption of the laity, iii. 642.
Pelisson, Guillem, his activity, ii. 10.
Penalties of heresy, uncertainty of, i. 308.
as inflicted by Inq., i. 459, 501, 534.
Penance, unfulfilled, i. 396, 475, 548.
inquisitorial, i. 459, 462.
commutations of, i. 473.
of imprisonment, i. 484.
power to modify reserved, i. 495.
of shaving the head, ii. 336.
for Templar sacrilege, iii. 275.
unauthorized, of Flagellants, ii. 383.
for sorcery, iii. 413.
Penhaiben, case of, iii. 388.
Peniscola, Fraticellian pope at, iii. 175.
Penitence, Brethren of, i. 267.
sacrament of, its sale, i. 27.
Penitents, their confessions recorded, i. 379.
surveillance over, i. 386, 497.
their abjuration in autos de fé, i. 392.
Perfectibility of the Brethren of the Free Spirit, ii. 356.
in the Spirit of Liberty, iii. 124.
Perfectionists in Cincinnati, iii. 102.
Perfects, Waldensian, i. 84.
Catharan, i. 93, 103.
Périgord, heretics in, i. 72.
Bp. of, tortures Templars, iii. 287.
Perjurers, crosses for, i. 468.
Perjury, papal dispensations for, ii. 470.
Péronne, heretics burned at, ii. 115.
Péronne of Britanny, burned, iii. 376.
Perosa, Waldensian valley of, ii. 196, 259, 263.
Persant, Jean de, burned for sorcery, iii. 455.
Persecution, i. 209.
dependent on confiscation, i. 529.
its influence on morals, iii. 641.
its consequences, iii. 645.
Perugia, laws restricting the Inq., ii. 280.
Chapter of, in 1322, on the poverty of Christ, iii. 132.
headquarters of Fraticelli, iii. 164, 166.
Peter, St., his triumph over Simon Magus, iii. 393.
Peter of Abano, iii. 440, 445.
Peter Balsamo, case of, i. 460.
Peter of Benevento, Cardinal, his fraud, i. 178.
Peter of Berne, iii. 504, 510, 534.
Peter of Blois refuses a bishopric, i. 13.
on episcopal ordinaries, i. 22.
on power of magic, iii. 418.
on Virgin Mary, iii. 597.
Peter Cantor on clerical abuses, i. 13, 20, 23, 28, 52.
his tolerance, i. 220.
aids Foulques de Neuilly, i. 244.
disapproves of ordeal, i. 306.
Peter Chelcicky reproaches Taborites, ii. 524.
his influence, ii. 561, 562.
Peter the Celestinian as inq., i. 301, 398.
Peter Damiani on character of clergy, i. 7.
on redemption of penance, i. 41.
Peter of Dresden suggests communion in
both elements, ii. 471.
Peter Lombard on torment of the damned, i. 241.
attacked by Joachim of Flora, iii. 13.
denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 596.
Peter Martyr, St.—see Pietro da Verona.
Peter, Abp. of Mainz, favors the Templars, iii. 303.
Peter of Pilichdorf, pseudo, ii. 398.
Peter of S. Chrysogono refuses a bribe, i. 7, 121.
Peter the Venerable refutes the Koran, i. 58.
confutes the Petrobrusians, i. 69.
on the Talmud, i. 554.
Peter Waldo—see Waldo.
Petit, Jean, case of, iii. 334.
accuses Louis of Orleans of sorcery, iii. 466.
Petosiris, iii. 437.
Petrarch on John XXII., iii. 197.
on astrology, iii. 444.
on Averrhoism, iii. 564.
on papal court, iii. 633.
Petrobrusians, the, i. 68.
Petroc, St., theft of his relics, i. 48.
Petronilla, burned for sorcery, iii. 457.
Petronille de Valette burned for sorcery, iii. 428.
Pexariacho, de, ii. 127.
Pézénas, Olivists burned, iii. 77.
Pfalz, witches burned at, iii. 549.
Pfefferkorn, his quarrel with Reuchlin, ii. 424.
Phantasm, the Sabbat a, iii. 493.
Pharees, Simon, case of, iii. 446.
Philadelphia, Bp. of, head of Fraticelli, iii. 164.
Philip II. (Spain) favors Lullism, iii. 687, 588.
Philip III. (Spain) asks for Lully’s canonization, iii. 588.
Philip, Inq. of Abyssinia, i. 298.
Philip of Achaia arrests the Templars, iii. 304.
Philip, Chancellor of University, i. 25.
Philip the necromancer, iii. 424.
Philippe I. (France), exc. of, i. 5.
his sale of bishoprics, i. 8, 9.
Philippe II. (France), his disinterestedness, i. 7.
his dealings with the Albigenses, i. 140, 145, 148, 149, 174, 183, 188.
his death and its effects, i. 190.
is bequests to Military Orders, iii. 240.
abandons Ingeburga, iii. 418.
Philippe III. (France) acquires Toulouse, i. 206.
visits Languedoc, ii. 56.
appeal of Carcassonne to, ii. 58.
his crusade against Aragon, iii. 190.
Philippe IV. (France), on torture, i. 423.
agreement with Bp. of Albi, i. 516.
condemns the Talmud, i. 555.
his reforms of Inq., ii. 62, 65, 80, 87.
dealings with the Jews, ii. 63, 64, 81; iii. 225, 449.
his quarrel with Boniface VIII., ii. 88, 66, 97; iii. 258.
his dealings with Languedoc, ii. 67, 77, 78, 79, 86, 88, 90, 91.
his exequatur for inq. of Champagne, ii. 575.
his dealings with the Templars, iii. 252, 253, 258, 260, 261, 278, 280,
281, 289, 290, 294, 321.
his death, iii. 326.
Philippe V. (France) forces election of John XXII., ii. 98.
persecutes lepers and Jews, ii. 380.
project to give him the Templar lands, iii. 254.
settlement of Templar property, iii. 330.
Philippe VI. (France) subjects the State to Inq., i. 385; ii. 126.
repairs prison of Carcassonne, i. 490.
on debts of heretics, i. 519.
extends royal jurisdiction, ii. 130.
suppresses Flagellants, ii. 382.
invades Lombardy, iii. 197.
confirms jurisdiction of Inq., iii. 454.
on the Divine Vision, iii. 592, 593.
Philippe I. (Flanders) persecutes Cathari, i. 112.
Philippe le Bon (Flanders) on confiscation, i. 521.
Philippe le Bon (Flanders) his commission to
Kaleyser, i. 535; ii. 578.
besieges Compiègne, iii. 356.
the Vaudois of Arras, iii. 523, 525, 530.
Philippe of Dreux, Bp. of Beauvais, i. 11.
Philippe de Marigny, Abp. of Sens, ii. 576; iii. 294.
Philippe de Montfort, his gains by confiscation, ii. 111.
Philosophy, its contest with theology, iii. 557, 562.
Philtres in Egypt, iii. 388.
in Greece, iii. 389.
in Rome, iii. 391.
among Norsemen, iii. 405.
used by Mummolus, iii. 411.
penances for, iii. 413, 414, 416.
marriage dissolved by, iii. 418.
punishment in 13th cent., iii. 427, 430.
in Sicilian constitutions, iii. 431.
regarded as heresy, iii. 435.
case in Châtelet of Paris, iii. 461.
case in Velay, iii. 463.
power of witches, iii. 502.
Physicians, Waldenses as, ii. 146.
Physiognomy, science of, iii. 431.
Piacenza, Cathari in, i. 117.
troubles in 1204, ii. 196.
troubles over heresy, ii. 202, 223, 235.
Piagnoni, Savonarola’s followers, iii. 214, 219, 227.
Pichardus in Bohemia, ii. 518.
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, his belief
in Savonarola, iii. 211.
his errors, iii. 573.
Pico della Mirandola, G. F., on the Sabbat, iii. 498.
urges reform, iii. 639.
Piedmont, Waldenses in, i. 426; ii. 194, 259.
confiscations in, i. 512.
Catharism in, ii. 255.
Pierre Amiel, Abp. of Narbonne, i. 196, 201, 330; ii. 13, 28.
Pierre d’Aragon, case of, ii. 244.
Pierre Autier, career of, ii. 105, 107.
Pierre de Boulogne, iii. 293, 296, 297.
Pierre le Bronsart, Inq. of Arras, iii. 520.
Pierre Bruni, his activity, ii. 125.
Pierre de Brays, i. 68.
Pierre Cardinal, his poems, i. 55; ii. 2, 14.
Pierre de Castelnau, papal legate, i. 137, 140, 142.
his murder, i. 146.
Pierre Cella, inq., i. 544; ii. 8, 10, 17, 21.
Pierre de Cherrut, his Templar initiation, iii. 277.
Pierre de Colmien—see Albano, Cardinal of.
Pierre Fabri, inq., his poverty, i. 532.
persecutes Waldenses, ii. 157.
Pierre de Fenouillèdes, ii. 111.
Pierre Flotte, influence of, ii. 68.
Pierre de l’Hôpital, iii. 481, 484, 486.
Pierre Julien, case of, i. 390.
Pierre Mauclerc plots against Louis VIII., i. 199.
Pierre Mauran, case of, i. 122.
Pierre de Montbrun investigates the Inq., ii. 72.
Pierre de Mulceone falsifies records, ii. 72.
Pierre de la Palu on the Templars, iii. 327.
Pierre Paschal murdered by Waldenses, ii. 150.
Pierre of Poitiers, case of, iii. 428.
Pierre Probi, ii. 82, 100, 101.
Pierre Raymond, his endura, i. 394.
Pierre Raymond Dominique, case of, i. 486.
Pierre de la Rive, his errors, iii. 556.
Pierre Roger of Mirepoix, ii. 35.
Pierre Sanche, Catharan missionary, ii. 106.
Pierre de Tornamire, case of, i. 377, 449.
Pierre Tort on granaries and cellars, iii. 78.
Pierre des Vaux, Waldensian teacher, ii. 146.
Pierre de Voie, Inq. of Evreux, ii. 136.
Pietro d’Aquila sells licenses to bear arms, i. 383.
his extortions, i. 479.
his embezzlements, i. 511.
his services and reward, ii. 276.
Pietro of Assisi, case of, i. 417.
Pietro di Bracciano, his murder, i. 461; ii. 215.
Pietro di Corbario, antipope, iii. 146, 151.
Pietro da Lucca, his heresy, iii. 603.
Pietro di Parenzo, St., his martyrdom, i. 116.
Pietro di Ruffia slain at Susa, ii. 260.
Pietro di Ser Lippo, ii. 280.
Pietro da Verona, his career, i. 49; ii. 207.
his labors in Florence, ii. 211.
inq. of Lombardy, ii. 213.
his martyrdom, ii. 215.
fate of his assassins, i. 460.
Pifferi, Francesco, his comment on Sacrobosco, iii. 442.
Pifres, i. 115.
Pignerol, statutes of, on heresy, i. 319; ii. 195.
failure of Inq. in, ii. 262.
Pikardi in Bohemia, ii. 517.
Pilardi, i. 125.
Pilgrimages, demoralizing effects of, i. 42.
penance of, i. 465.
Piombino, Fraticelli in 1471, iii. 178.
Piphili, i. 115.
Pisa, heretics burned in, ii. 210, 282.
John XXII. burned in effigy, iii. 149.
withheld from Florence by Charles VII., iii. 214.
C. of, 1409, its supplication to Alex. V., iii. 637.
Piso, Cneius, kills Germanicus, iii. 390.
Pistoia, restriction on bearing arms, i. 382.
laws restricting the Inq., ii. 280.
Pius II. settles jurisdiction over Franciscans, i. 362.
commutes penance, i. 474.
Pius II. procures abrogation of Pragmatic Sanction, ii. 135.
intervenes in Burgundian Inq., ii. 141.
on the quarrel over blood of Christ, ii. 172.
confirms Inq. of Barcelona, ii. 179.
his intervention in Bosnia, ii. 313.
lays interdict on the Tyrol, ii. 417.
his estimate of Huss, ii. 446, 505.
heresy dissolves compacts, ii. 469.
his description of Mount Tabor, ii. 522, 525, 560.
his dealings with Bohemia, ii. 642, 646, 553, 557,
558, 559.
his efforts for crusade in 1454, ii. 551.
his characterization of Capistrano, ii. 554.
his opinion of Franciscans, iii. 173.
his toleration, iii. 569.
orders witches prosecuted, iii. 537.
his defence of temporal power, iii. 568.
on morals of Europe, iii. 643.
his lack of reverence, iii. 567.
on heresy of disobedience, iii. 617.
Pius III., his offer to Savonarola, iii. 220.
Pius IV. subjects Mendicants to Inq., i. 363.
Pius V., his bull Multiplices inter, ii. 469.
Pius IX. canonizes the martyrs of Avignonet, ii. 36.
beatifies Raymond Lully, iii. 589.
adopts dogma of Immaculate Conception, iii. 611.
Platina, his trouble with Paul II., iii. 570.
Plead, refusal to, i. 447.
Plenary indulgence, i. 42.
Ploireri, François, persecutes Waldenses, ii. 160.
Pluralities, i. 25.
Pœnœ confusibiles, i. 462, 468.
Poggio, on Jerome of Prague, ii. 502.
on papal curia, iii. 628.
his quarrel with Lorenzo Valla, iii. 567.
Poisoning of fields by magic, iii. 415.
Poland, Waldenses in, ii. 397.
Inq. in, ii. 430, 431, 549.
Hussitism in, ii. 496, 525.
league to suppress heresy, ii. 544.
Capistrano’s visit, ii. 551.
Police, local, of Inq., i. 386.
Politian, Angelo, ii. 546, 582.
Political activity of the Mendicants, i. 275.
use of Inq., iii. 190.
heresies, used by the Church, iii. 181.
used by the State, iii. 238.
Politics and heresy, their relations, ii. 191; iii. 191.
Pollentianus, case of, iii. 398.
Pollution of blood, i. 223.
of sacraments, i. 62.
Pomeranian Waldenses, i. 84; iii. 398, 415.
Pomilli, Berenger, a pardoner, iii. 623, 662.
Pomponazio, his teaching, iii. 574.
Pomponio Leto, iii. 570, 571.
Ponce de Blanes, poisoning of, ii. 167.
Pons, heresy of, i. 72.
Pons, inq., and the Count of Foix, ii. 54.
Pons Arnaud, a false witness, i. 440.
Pons Botugati, his martyrdom, iii. 47.
Pons Carbonelli, St., iii. 48.
Pons Delmont, inq. in Querci, ii. 17.
Pons de l’Esparre, his activity, ii. 23.
Pons Feugeyron, his commissions, ii. 138; iii. 204, 511.
Pons of Narbonne opposes Catharism, i. 118, 124.
Pons de Poyet, inq., i. 528; ii. 56, 111.
Pons de Rodelle, his tolerance, i. 141.
Pons de S. Gilles, his activity, ii. 10, 16.
Ponsa, Bp. of Bosnia, ii. 295.
Pont de l’Arche, C. of, 1310, on Templars, iii. 295.
Ponzinibio on suspicion of heresy, i. 455.
on the Sabbat, iii. 498.
Poor Men of Italy, i. 75.
Poor Men of Lyons, i. 77.
Poor Catholics, Order of, i. 247.
Popelicans, i. 115.
Popes, appeals to, i. 450.
alone can pardon heresy, i. 495.
grasp the confiscations, i. 512.
heretic, iii. 165.
universal supremacy claimed, iii. 192, 616.
their dealings with Greek Church, iii. 616.
can they commit simony f iii. 627, 628, 629.
Poppo, Abp. of Trèves, case of, iii. 418.
Popular enthusiasms, i. 269.
favor for Mendicants, i. 280.
belief, weight of, i. 431.
sovereignty in 14th cent., iii. 139.
incredulity as to witchcraft, iii. 533, 640, 546.
Portiuncula indulgence, i. 41; iii. 246.
Portugal, church claims on the dying, i. 30.
failure of Inq. in, i. 530.
career of Inq. in, ii. 188.
Spirituals in, iii. 85.
Templars protected, iii. 317.
Potho of Pruhm on the Church, i. 52.
Pothon de Xaintrailles, iii. 339, 356, 377.
Poverty, merits of, proclaimed by Pons, i. 72.
professed by Durán de Huesca, i. 246.
adopted by Dominicans, i. 264.
enjoined in Franciscan Rule, i. 260.
zeal of St. Francis for, i. 264.
eulogized by Bonaventura, i. 286, 288.
exaggerated laudation of, ii. 352.
concessions of Aquinas, iii. 1.
evasions of, among Franciscans, iii. 5.
dissensions caused by it, iii. 6.
Franciscan, its impossibility, iii. 75.
perfect, among Apostolic Brethren, iii. 121.
reaction against it, iii. 130.
Poverty, Franciscan disregard of, iii. 170, 174.
Poverty of Christ asserted by Bona venture, i. 286.
asserted in bull Exiit, iii. 30.
called in question, iii. 130.
pronounced a heresy, iii. 134.
becomes a European question, iii. 138.
abjuration of belief in, iii. 160.
the heresy of the Fraticelli, iii. 164.
Poyet, Cardinal, legate, iii. 68, 197.
Pragelato, Waldenses of, ii. 160, 261, 263, 264.
Pragmatic Sanctions of 1438, ii. 134; iii. 629.
Prague, Dolcinists reported in, ii. 429.
papal Inq. in, ii. 431, 447.
besieged by Sigismund, ii. 517.
massacre of Taborites, ii. 535.
reaction under Sigismund, ii. 538.
C. of, in 1301, on heresy, ii. 428.
C. of, 1412, condemns innovations, ii. 442.
Calixtin council in 1421, ii. 520.
councils of, on sorcery, iii. 460.
Prato, Cathari in, i. 117.
Prayer, efficacy of, iii. 395.
Preaching, neglect of, i. 23.
by the Waldenses, i. 77.
licenses for, issued by legates, i. 142.
quarrels over, i. 278.
restricted in England, i. 353.
free among Wiekliffites, ii. 441.
free, in Bohemia, ii. 448.
Preaching Friars, i. 253.
Precursors of Huss, ii. 436.
Predestination, i. 217.
Wickliff’s doctrine of, ii. 442.
Preferment, abuse of, i. 24; iii. 629, 630, 632, 639.
Prégent de Coétivy, iii. 488.
Prejudgment of accused, i. 407; iii. 468.
Prelati, Francesco, iii. 473, 477, 483.
Premysl Ottokar II., ii. 428.
Prescription of time in heresy, i. 522.
Presents received by inqs., i. 481.
Press, censorship of, iii. 613.
Prierias on indulgences, i. 43.
condemns Luther, ii. 284.
asserts existence of incubi, iii. 384.
on heresy of sorcery, iii. 435.
proves reality of Sabbat, iii. 499.
on death-penalty for witches, iii. 515.
on extension of witchcraft, iii. 546.
he attacks Pomponazio, iii. 576.
Priests, their immunity, i. 2; iii. 629.
their superiority to the laity, i. 4.
to be present at execution of wills, i. 29.
their immorality, i. 31; iii. 636.
supplanted by friars, i. 279.
required to aid the Inq., i. 386.
evidence of, i. 436.
practice of magic by, iii. 422.
Priestly character indelible, i. 4.
Princes, their duty to persecute, i. 215, 224, 536.
Princes dispossessed for tolerating heresy, i. 321.
Printing, use of, by Bohemian Brethren, ii. 566.
condemned by Observandnes, iii. 436.
Priscillian, his execution, i. 213.
Priscillianists detected by paleness, i. 110, 214.
Prisons of Inq., i. 373.
under episcopal control, i. 334.
supplied by the crown, i. 342.
use of harsh, i. 420.
fines to be employed on, i. 471.
character of, i. 488; ii. 93.
mortality in, i. 494.
difficulties in absence of, ii. 4.
reform ordered by Philippe IV., ii. 87.
difficulty of maintaining, ii. 154.

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