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A Field Report On

Visit to
Nebico Biscuit Confectionery Company

Submitted by : Submitted to :
Rakshya , Sauriya , Saru , Manjila Bidhya Shakya
(Class: XI Sec:G) (Economics Mam)
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………3
2. Data Collection Method………………………………………………………………………4

3. Objectives…………………………………………………………………………………………..5

4. Functions……………………………………………………………………………………………5

5. Challenges………………………………………………………………………………………….6

6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………….6

References …………………………………………………………………………………………6
1. Introduction
Nebico private limited is the pioneer biscuit industry of Nepal which is one of the first
biscuit and confectionery manufacturer in Nepal. It was initially under the name of national
biscuit and confectionery private limited Kathmandu, Nepal. It was established in 1964 with
the objectives of manufacturing quality biscuits and confectioneries in Nepal. The company
is situated in Balaju Industrial District, Balaju, Kathmandu, occupying 73,000 square feet of

Nebico has been constantly serving the need of its valued consumers for decades. It has been
manufacturing various brands of hard- dough and soft -dough biscuits, i.e., Glucose, Thin
arrowroot, Coconut Crunches, Khaja, One to One, Digestive, Nice, and other various cream
biscuits. In addition, the achievement of national and international certifications has created
the highest confidence & image in its products.

Nebico has been serving the society with the best biscuits, which are tasty, healthy, full of
calcium supporting every Nepalese protection, legal compliance, supporting social disputes,
various sports, cultural programs, R & D programs and social functions. March 26: Nebico
Biscuits has re-launched its Sugar Free Digestive Biscuit in a new packaging. In a re-
launching program organized on March 25 in Pokhara, Bishwo Shanker Palikhe, Chairman of
Pokhara Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Shiva Shrestha, Actor and Brand
Ambassador of Nebico jointly re-launched the biscuit with the new packaging (Nebico, 2020)

The company established with an objectives of manufacturing quality biscuit and

confectionery in the country. Besides, it’s another major objective is to minimize the import
of biscuits in the country. Its strategy is to provide quality product to satisfy customers so that
it can get support from all consumers. A part from production of quality biscuits its overall
objectives are to facilitate the consumer to buy Nebico biscuits at any retail shop near their
local market at reasonable price by creating effective distribution network.
2. Data Collection Method

2.1 Primary data: - primary data are the original data, which are gathered for
research project in hand. These data are collected for meeting the specific
objectives of the study. It can be collected through observation, face to face
interaction, and questionnaire about the views regarding its products. The
following data which are we collected through face to face interaction and
questionnaire method:-

- first biscuit industry of Nepal

- Established in 1964AD-2022BS

- More than 450 staffs are involved

- Working time 16hrs

- 400 biscuits cartoon packing on 8hrs

- Market share 33%

- Variety of cookies: - zira cookies, butter cookies

- Manufacturing machines:-
 Electric oven and diesel oven
 Diesel fried oven: burner (1, 2, 3 ,4)
- Department section:-
 mixing and manufacturing section
 modeling Zone
 banking Zone
2.2Secondary data: - It is the data, which has already been collected for the
other purpose than the one being pursued. The secondary data that has been
presented here was taken from the internet or Nebico website.
3. Objectives
The basic objectives of running any business organization is to earn profit.
Main objectives of the company as follows:
 To manufacture quality biscuits and confectionery in the country
itself and substitute imported biscuits and confectionery.
 To make available quality good at reasonable price as well as be self
sufficient in itself and try to export in other countries.
 To provide innovative and quality products to the entire consumers to
meet their satisfaction.
 To make available suitable technical services, repairs and
maintenance services for machines.
 To purchase, hire and receive necessary tools and equipment through
suitable method in order to operate their services.

4. Functions

NEBICO Pvt. Ltd. Operates the following necessary activities to achieve its
set up objectives:

 To import, purchase and maintain necessary raw materials, machines

or tools.
 To receive and use all movable and immovable properties for
company use.
 To manage training for its staffs for their development and
improvement and also to reduce the gap of non-availability of
specialist when required by company.
 To manage the non-technical and technical staffs from outside and
inside for the company.
 To sell the products in different parts of the country.
5. Challenges

Some of the challenges they may occur are:

1. Meeting customer needs

2. Business Strategy
3. Changing Government policy
4. Preserving a good Reputation
5. Maintaining quality customer relationships
6. Raw Materials
7. Competition.

6. Conclusion

Nebico Pvt Ltd is the pioneer biscuit company of Nepal located in Balaju
industrial District. It has technical collaboration with Britannia biscuit company
of India. It uses semi-automatic machine for production of biscuit. Nebico Pvt
Ltd at present is operating in oligopoly market condition. It has limited number
of sales depots. Its sales and promotional activities are weak. It has not captured
the whole market. The company that started productions since 1954 has already
obtained Nepal Standards (NS) and ISO 9001:2008 certifications,” said Suraj
Upadhaya, Gandaki In-charge of the company. The products of the company
include Coconut, Glucose, Thin Arrowroot, Khaja, Trekker Choice and Trekker
Choice (Aata).

Nebico Company

Available at

Balaju Industrial District, Balaju


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