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An Example Sample Project

Proposal on ‘Strengthening the

Child Protection Strategies’
This sample proposal is designed to safeguard children
from exploitation, neglect, and sexual and physical
abuse. It offers professional psycho-social support
through individual and group counseling provided by
clinical psychologists. The aim of the project is to
improve the emotional and psycho-social capacity of
childcare professionals for their own benefit and so that
they may better serve orphaned and vulnerable children
and their families.

This sample proposal focuses on Capacity building,

Advocacy, Networking and Awareness Raising of
children. The project will work with children below the
age of 18 years, to prevent them from becoming
delinquents. We hoped through this sample proposal
more children will receive protection and healthy
interventions that are necessary for their development,
because we believe that every child and youth count,
therefore the need for quality interventions in their live.


xxxxxxx is Association of Child Care professionals

whose aim is to promote Child Welfare through quality
service provision in Zambia. The association was
founded in 2005, inspired by the Minimum Standards of
Care initiated by the Ministry
of Community Development and Social Services
through the Child Care Upgrading Program (CCUP). The
formation of the Association was premised on the
understanding that the implementation of the Minimum
Standards can only be fully realized by providing
appropriate skills to child care-givers in Zambia.

The formation of the Association was premised on the

understanding that the implementation of the Minimum
Standards can only be fully realized by providing
appropriate skills to child care-givers in Zambia. As a
reflection of our commitment to the vision and
considering the fact that children are often vulnerable to
abuse and exploitation, XXXXXXX places highest
importance to protection and safety of children in all its
dealings. Protection is a right of every child in every
given society or community.

XXXXXXX is working with over 2,000 Child and Youth

Cares workers (CYCWs) who have been trained country-
wide and have in return established chapters in five
provinces of Lusaka, Eastern, Southern, Copperbelt,
North-Western and Central provinces of Zambia. It has a
Board that regulates its operations and a Secretariat
that does the day-to-day running of programs.

A well-coordinated professional body promoting
standard child care services in Zambia.

Our Mission

We are a child and youth care professional body

coordinating and promoting standards in child and youth
care, through capacity building and advocacy.

Core Values

XXXXXXX operates according to the following core


Child-Centeredness: All programming will be child

centered to maximize the benefit to the children. This
will ensure that quality of care to children remain the
main purpose for the existence of XXXXXXX.

Professionalism and Excellence: XXXXXXX is

committed to the promotion of quality childcare service
provision through the introduction and exercise of
professionalism in the child care sector.
Professionalism, pursued together with excellence
result in an organization that consistently delivers
superior performance, achieves impact and retains the
confidence of all its stakeholders.

XXXXXXX commits to comply with the standards for
child protection, designed to safeguarding children from
exploitation, neglect, sexual and physical abuse.
XXXXXXX will continually examine the need to reduce
the risk of children being exploited in its settings. It
further commits itself to the upholding the children’s
rights enshrined in the United Nations’ Convention on
the Rights of the Child, (UNCRC).

Thematic Areas of Focus

Capacity building
 Advocacy
 Networking
 Organizational Strengthening, Monitoring &
 Awareness Raising
The XXXXXXX herewith requests support for the
implementation of training the Child and Youth Care
Workers, support towards the ‘Strengthening the Care
and Courage for Child Protection project’. The project
aims to involve all its trained CYCWs in the various six
chapters (provinces of Zambia) that are working to
mitigate the impact of marginalisation of communities
and families. The Activities will be implemented at
three different levels of Executive, Chapter (community)
and Secretariat.

The budget includes the XXXXXXX fully involved in all

the programmes identified in order to transfer technical
skills to CYCWs who are directly working with children
and their families.

Evaluation and planning workshop
 An orientation of the Care for Caregivers
programme (C4C) in the six chapters
 In-Service Training of CYCWs in the six chapters
 Consultative Supervision trainings in the six
 Monthly Mentorship support to CYCWs in the six
 Revision and simplification of M&E documentation
-including the Best Interest Assessment (BIA)
Target Groups

The target group is CYCWs working with:

 Children and Youths without appropriate care
 Children with disabilities
 Children lacking proper nutrition and healthcare
 Children and Youths in conflict with the law
The project will work with children below the age of 18
years, who are described as above, to prevent them
from becoming delinquents. Some of these children are
in facilities where child and youth care workers are
trained and will be trained; some will be reached
through outreach programs by member organisations
while others will be reached through street outreach.
Proposed Activities

Caring for Caregivers (C4C)

This programme described below will be used to

orientate the health workers identified about the Isibindi
Care for Caregivers programme.

The Caring for Caregivers programme offers professional

psychosocial support through individual and group
counseling provided by clinical psychologists. The
Caring for Caregivers aims to improve the emotional and
psychosocial capacity of CYCWs for their own benefit
and so that they may better serve orphaned and
vulnerable children and their families. It strives to
enhance team dynamics among CYCWs, prevent burn-
out, promote stress reduction, and help workers resolve
their own personal crises.

Local Chapter Professional Meetings

The Local Chapter Professional meeting package will be

based on the feedback from the implementing team and
chapters leaders in the field of CYC. It will include
various short in-service training to meet the practical
implementation expectations of the CYCWs as well as
sharing of experiences. This package could include any
of the following:

Redesigning and reviewing of materials

 Refining the CYCWs skills in undertaking basic
individual and family assessments and
implementing individual family plans.
 Building capacity to run family
 Supporting advanced activity programming.
 Practical tips on managing behaviour.
 CYCW practice (translating theory into practice).
Mentorship Provision to CYCWs

Mentorship includes building the capacity of the CYCWs

working with children and their families in the specific
areas of operations in the six chapters, those mediating
training knowledge in the practical reality, providing
emotional support in high stress situations, planning for
training for those not yet trained, supervising project
managers, demonstrating good CYCW practice with
orphaned and vulnerable children and families, and
monitoring the quality of services provided to orphaned
and vulnerable children through hands-on supervision.

In addition, mentorship support will lead itself to case

management support whereby mentors provide direct
support to CYCWs in the management of often complex
and difficult cases including child sexual abuse, children
living with multiple disabilities and households with
caregiver substance abuse. Mentors advocate for
services on behalf of children and their families and visit
households with CYCWs to model appropriate CYC
practice. This mentorship support will be provided in
all the six chapters to CYCWs, to be done in two ways:
monthly visits to families and children by CYCWs as well
as quarterly meetings with CYCWs by mentors/trainers
for continued capacity building.


The increased knowledge base that the CYCWs will gain

through this project will enhance the members’
capacities to continue carry out the activities and
advocate on behalf of the organisation. Sustainability
will be based on the involvement of members at all
levels and will be able to own the organisation and
program. The support to local chapter meetings,
mentorship, supervision and other trainings will promote
member participation in the affairs of the
organisation. Once the members participate fully, they
will be able to continue with activities in the various
chapters once the project comes to an end. The
institutional capacity will have been strengthened in
order to implement designed XXXXXXX programs
effectively and efficiently.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Throughout the program cycle, monitoring is carried out

through various activities outlined in the proposal. The
program identifies a sustainable way of monitoring the
implementation of activities through field visits,
mentorships activities, local professional and strategic
management meetings to ensure that effective and
efficiency of service delivery. Where the program plan
faces some challenges, adjustments shall be made


It is hoped that with this program, more children will

receive protection and healthy interventions that are
necessary for their development, because we believe
that every child and youth count, therefore the need for
quality interventions in their live

Child Protection Policy

The core mission of Project PEARLS is to break the cycle of poverty. We do this by
providing children of impoverished communities with different kinds of support in
three main areas: education and literacy; healthcare and nutrition; and
empowerment through skills development. These children, who are living below
poverty line and in extremely unhealthy environments, are most vulnerable to
negligence and abuse. Often, they are the last ones to receive basic social
services such as free access to education and healthcare. To ensure that their
rights are protected and to give them an opportunity to develop their full
potential, Project PEARLS aims to give them Peace, Education, Aspiration,
Respect, Love, and Smiles (PEARLS).

Vision: A world where no child at no time, should go hungry! No child should be

hungry for nutrition, education, shelter, medical services, and opportunities to
achieve their full potential.

Mission: To help the poorest of the poor children to have a better life by giving
them PEARLS: Peace, Education, Aspiration, Respect, Love and Smiles through
education, empowerment, nutrition, nourishment, and healthcare.


“PEARLS” refers to Project PEARLS, Inc. (Peace, Education, Aspiration, Respect,
Love, and Smiles)

“Children” refers to those below eighteen (18) years of age or older but are
incapable of taking care of themselves as defined under Republic Act No. 7610.

“Child abuse” (as defined in RA 7610) refers to the maltreatment, whether

habitual or not, of the child which includes any of the following: ○ Psychological
and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse and emotional maltreatment; ○
Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic
worth and dignity of a child as a human being;

○ Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for survival, such as food and
shelter; or

○ Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured child resulting in

serious impairment of his growth and development or in his permanent incapacity
or death.

“Representatives” refers to all staff, volunteers, Board of Directors, and any

person connected to the Organization.
“Scholars” refers to any child/youth who are registered under the Scholarship
Program of Project PEARLS.

“Sponsors” refers to any individual or organization who is directly supporting a

Scholar through the PEARLS Scholarship Program



As an organization that is focused on uplifting the lives of children, Project

PEARLS commits to undertake its programs and projects with the explicit
intention to protect every child from any form of abuse, exploitation, neglect or
any kind of violence. All Project PEARLS staff, volunteers, partners, and donors
are expected to observe the highest standards of behavior and to withdraw from
any activity that may result in any form of child abuse.

To strengthen this commitment, the following policies and responsibilities are


1. All representatives of the Organization should meet all the obligations given by
the highest member of Project PEARLS.
2. All representatives of the Organization should report any breach of the
organization’s policies to the Executive Director who will then inform the Board of
Directors. The Board will decide for the appropriate disciplinary action to be
3. The Organization must ensure that all of its staff and representatives are aware
and notified of all the policies provided here.
4. The Organization must provide trainings and seminars to the staff, members and
volunteers to capacitate them in properly addressing the needs and welfare of
the children in the community.
5. The Organization prohibits any form of discrimination against the LGBTQI
community and people with special needs. All children, staff, volunteers, partners,
and sponsors are treated equally and with respect – regardless of their gender,
race, and socio-economic background.
6. The Organization adopts procedures on prevention, reporting, and responding to
cases involving abuse.


All PEARLS representatives are required to act in accordance with the laws and
regulations of the Philippines and United States. Project PEARLS also commits to
comply with international standards on the prevention of child abuse.

Children and youth who receive support from Project PEARLS for their
educational, nutritional, and healthcare needs are required to be given utmost
protection from all forms of sexual abuse. As such, all PEARLS representatives are
not allowed to engage in any sexual activity with them, regardless of their age.
Furthermore, individuals under the age of 18 cannot legally give informed consent
to sexual activity. Hence, sexual activity with underage individuals, with or
without their consent, will be treated as a serious case. Violation of this policy will
result in disciplinary action being taken, including filing of any available legal



The Executive Director and the members of the Board shall monitor and review all
the rules and regulations set forth in this policy at least once a year, and make
any amendments if necessary. The Program Heads are responsible in ensuring
that the safeguarding policies stated in this document are being implemented
within his/her team. As the highest decision making body in the organization, the
Board of Directors is responsible for regular monitoring. They are also committed
to take any action to reported cases and to make disciplinary move in accordance
with the law.


All cases that will result from child safeguarding matters will be handled with
utmost respect and professionalism, and in accordance with the laws of the
Philippines and U.S.. PEARLS representatives who are directly handling the case
are required to handle all information with confidentiality, and must strictly follow
the Procedures on Reporting of Child Safeguarding Matters set forth in this



Minimizing safety and security risks to children in project planning and


In all programs and activities, the safety, security, and welfare of the children
must be prioritized. To ensure this, two or more adults must supervise all
activities where children are involved. These include both on-site projects such as
tutorials, feeding, and workshops in the community, and off-site activities such
as exposure trips, and seminars. All representatives are required to adhere to the
Code of Conduct (see Annex II) at all times.

To ensure that PEARLS staff are not involved in any criminal activity, the
organization shall require an NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) clearance prior
to employment, and will conduct its own background check.



All PEARLS staff are required to have their own copy of this Policy and they must
submit a signed agreement stating that they will comply with the policies and
procedures stated in this document (see Annex III). Organizations and individuals
who wish to partner and donate with PEARLS are also required to submit a signed
acknowledgement of the policy prior to the conduct of the partnership. Anyone
who wishes to conduct an interview with a child must secure an informed
consent signed by the person to be interviewed (if he/she is over 18 years old), or
by the parent (if he/she is is under 18 years old). In addition, any person or
organization who wishes to conduct interviews, meetings, or activity with a child
must inform the Organization and must secure the approval of the Executive


All PEARLS representatives are required to report possible cases of misconduct

directly to the Executive Director. In special cases that the Executive Director is
not immediately available, the representative may contact Bantay Bata 163 or the
local office of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD),
whichever is more available. An incident report must be sent to the Executive
Director within 24 hours with the following details:

 Date, time, and location of the incident

 Detailed narration of the incident
 Immediate actions done by the representative, if any
The incident report shall then be sent to the Board of Directors for them to
conduct an official

administrative inquiry (written) if there is any staff or volunteer involved in any

abuse. Any staff will be subjected to preventive suspension on the basis of
alleged child abuse that is clearly a grave criminal offense when proven guilty.
PEARLS will also coordinate and cooperate with the local barangay, the Philippine
National Police (PNP) and Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
for the legal remedies to be administered and for the proper response to be taken
for the affected child.

All staff are required to undergo an orientation about the organization’s Child
Protection Policy within the first three months of his/her employment. PEARLS
shall also conduct a yearly training on Child Protection for its representatives.
New volunteers are also required to read and acknowledge the Volunteer
Guidelines and the Code of Conduct (see Annex I and II) which are formulated in a
way to promote awareness about child safeguarding principles.


Throughout the planning and implementation stages of programs and activities,

assessment of external and internal risks will be conducted to identify practical
measures to minimize the possible risk or hazard to children. The head of the
program is responsible for conducting such risk assessment mechanisms and for
disseminating the plan to reduce the risks.


All photos and videos of children must portray them in a manner that gives them
dignity and evokes feelings of hope, joy, respect, and compassion. To protect the
privacy of children, all published images (online and print) of children must not
contain their full names, address, and other personal information. PEARLS shall
secure an informed consent form from the scholars and their parents to signify
their agreement for the use of their photos and videos in published materials. On
the other hand, the Sponsor has the right to receive personal information about
his/her scholar and he/she is expected to keep this confidential information for
personal reference only.
SUMMERY Our aim is to provide education and other training so that the youth and children could grow
physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Our activities will be aimed at stamping out the ignorance
on issues pertaining to Child Labour, child protection, child rights, gender based violence, youth
unemployment, drug abuse, Governance and citizenship. We intend to provide up to date information
on the emerging issue and facilitate its access and exchange. These we believe will orientate and
catalyze the activities and enable the youths and children develop positive solutions to the myriad
problems that have a great impact on our children’s future lives and for the better support top the
homeless, unschooled, and unloved no child remains sick. To ensure the needs of the children is taken
care with the right teaching so that they can grow up to support themselves. INTODUCTION The
education of the world’s children is high on the global agenda. In the context of education for all (EFA),
all children should receive free, good quality education. The reality is that millions of the world’s
children are too poor to benefit from the declaration, unless there are special interventions that target
their development. Unfortunately, such children do not form a special social category in poverty
eradication intervention programmes. Thus, their inclusion in the achievement of EFA appears to be a
hit-or-miss phenomenon.Recognizing the central role of poverty eradication in wider global agendaand
acknowledging the need to reach out to the poorest children with the objective to break the poverty
cycle for them, KOEEDO embarked on a programme of education and poverty eradication. The Project
aims at solving the problems hidden by the fact that orphans and vulnerable children are invisible; yet
by the very nature of their situation, they are included among those that are classified as disadvantaged
and poor in Siaya/Kenya. Children are subsumed within the poverty categories most often referred to
such as households, communities, people – which means that there is a high tendency to focus on adult-
related poverty while child problems are ignored, partly because children have little power and
influence within a group that contains adults.

Findings reflect that children in abject problems can be recognized by rather elementary (as opposed to
sophisticated) criteria. Top on the list is absence of basic necessities such as shelter, food, clothing and
water. Equally important is the ‘human condition’ in terms of physical health and parental care and
protection. Schooling is high on the list as a critical criterion in determining who is extremely or
modestly a vulnerable and disadvantaged child. While there seems to be national consensus among
donors, the public sector and civil society that the government has made commendable progress in
implementing PEAP (Poverty Eradication Action Plan) as flexibly as possible, it’s evolving nature, due to
the participatory and consultative reviews it undergoes regularly, does not address many of the
development challenges Disadvantaged children face today. It would take lobbying and advocacy
interventions to ensure that the needs and demands of children in abject poverty are met. The UNESCO
2003 study on Children in Abject Poverty in Kenya revealed that:

Ill health and inadequate health services remain critical challenges for children in abject poverty. This is
aggravated by the living conditions of children in almost all the districts studied. On a positive note, over
three quarters of those who fell sick sought some kind of modern treatment; very few resorted to
traditional healers. School-related costs have been the major obstacle for children in abject poverty to
access education

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