Excel Course Outline

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Data Entry and Formatting:

 Entering Data: Learn how to efficiently enter and organize data in Excel.
 Formatting Cells: Understand cell formatting options for numbers, dates,
and text.
2. Basic Formulas:
 Sum, Average, Min, Max: Perform basic calculations for quantities,
measurements, and averages.
 IF Statements: Use conditional statements for decision-making in
3. Data Sorting and Filtering:
 Sort and Filter Data: Arrange and filter data to analyze information more
4. Charts and Graphs:
 Create Charts: Visualize data using bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts.
 Trendlines: Display trends in data using trendlines.
5. PivotTables:
 PivotTable Basics: Summarize and analyze large datasets quickly.
6. Lookup and Reference Functions:
 VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP: Search for specific data in a table.
 INDEX and MATCH: Retrieve data based on specific criteria.
7. Conditional Formatting:
 Highlighting Cells: Use formatting rules to emphasize important data.
8. Data Validation:
 Input Restrictions: Control the type of data entered in cells.
9. Solver Add-In:
 Optimization: Use Solver for optimization problems, such as project cost
10. Date and Time Functions:
 DATE, NOW, TIME: Manage and manipulate date and time data.
11. Project Management Templates:
 Gantt Charts: Create project timelines for scheduling.
 Resource Planning: Use Excel for resource allocation and tracking.
12. Statistical Analysis:
 Statistical Functions: Employ statistical functions for data analysis.
13. Financial Functions:
 NPV, IRR: Evaluate project financials and feasibility.
14. Data Tables:
 Sensitivity Analysis: Explore how changes in variables affect outcomes.
15. Macros and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications):
 Automation: Learn basic automation through recording and editing
16. Array Formulas:
 Array Formulas: Perform calculations on multiple items in an array
simultaneously, useful for complex engineering calculations.
17. Advanced Charting:
 Combo Charts: Combine different chart types in a single chart for more
comprehensive data representation.
 Sparklines: Create small, in-cell charts for visualizing trends within a cell
18. Data Analysis Tools:
 Data Tables: Conduct sensitivity analysis by creating data tables to
explore various input scenarios.
 Solver Add-In: Solve optimization problems by maximizing or minimizing
a specific cell.
19. Power Query and Power Pivot:
 Power Query: Import, transform, and combine data from various sources
 Power Pivot: Analyze large datasets and create relationships between
tables for advanced data modeling.
20. Database Functions:
 DGET, DMIN, DMAX: Extract specific data from a database based on
 DSUM, DAVERAGE: Summarize and analyze data from a database.
21. Custom Functions (User-Defined Functions - UDF):
 Create Custom Functions: Write your own functions in VBA to automate
specific engineering calculations.
22. Data Validation with Drop-Down Lists:
 Dynamic Dropdown Lists: Create dynamic dropdown lists that update
based on previous selections for data validation.
23. Scenario Manager:
 Scenario Manager: Manage and compare multiple scenarios to analyze
the impact of different variables on a project.
24. Goal Seek and What-If Analysis:
 Goal Seek: Determine the input required to achieve a specific goal in a
 What-If Analysis: Analyze the impact of changes in variables on
calculated results.
25. Custom Conditional Formatting:
 Custom Formatting Rules: Apply complex conditional formatting rules
for visual data analysis.
26. Data Consolidation:
 Consolidate Data: Combine data from multiple sheets or workbooks for a
comprehensive overview.
27. Dynamic Charts and Data Tables:
 Dynamic Charts: Create charts that automatically update with changes in
 Data Tables with Two Variables: Analyze the impact of changes in two
variables on a formula.
28. 3D Maps:
 3D Maps (Power Map): Visualize data geographically in three dimensions
for spatial analysis.
29. Advanced PivotTable Features:
 Slicers: Filter PivotTable data interactively with visual slicers.
 Timeline: Filter PivotTable data based on date ranges using a timeline.
30. Collaboration and Cloud Integration:
 Real-time Collaboration: Collaborate with team members on the same
workbook in real-time using cloud services.

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