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Particulars Time Frame Purpose for testings
No. (Basic Rate) required IS Code


1 Testing of material for mix design. 3000
IS 10262 & Final report -40
2 Conventional Concrete mix design 3500
DOE days & Interim
1 bag cement Method reports - 10 days
3 Conventional Concrete mix Design by Accelerated Curing Method 4500 , 4 bags each Optimising quantity of all ingredrients specially
size aggregate cement for maintaining workability and strength of
4 Pumpable Concrete mix design 5000
(Material Final report -40 the concrete with respect to achieve more
5 Self Compacting concrete / PQC/ DLC 7000 as per each days & Interim economy.
Design) IS 9103 reports - 10 days
6 Pavement Block Mix Design 7000
and DLC in 10
Concrete Mix Designs - Validations. (Workability & Comp. Strength 7 days.
7 3000 per trial
& 28 days)

2) CONCRETE TEST (Physical)

1 Compressive Strength of Cube 90 3 Nos. IS 516 1 day
2 Compressive Strength of Cube(By Cupon ) 75 99 Nos IS 516 1 day
3 Compressive strength of cubes by accelerating curing 500 3 Nos. IS 9013 1 day
Compresive strength indicates the quality of
4 Compressive Strength of Core (Cutting, Capping, testing, filling) 2500 Min. 3 IS 516 3 days materials and concrete. Also verifies its density.

5 Compressive Strength of Core (Capping, testing) 1500 Min. 3 IS 516 4 days

6 Compressive strength of masonry block 200 8 Nos. IS 2185 1 day
7 Water absorption of masonry block 200 3 Nos. IS 2185 3 days Higher absorption leads to wall seepages
8 Flextural Test on Concrete Beam 500 3 Nos. IS 516 1 day Indicate Flextural Strength of pavement

3) CONCRETE TEST (Chemical)

1 pH of Concrete 200
Determine the depth of concrete affected due to
2 Chloride 300 5 Kg IS 3025 2 days atmospheric carbon dioxide and moisture causing
a reduction in level of alkalinity of concrete
3 Sulphate 400

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Particulars Time Frame Purpose for testings
No. (Basic Rate) required IS Code


1 Sieve analysis& fineness modulus 300 1 day For proportioning of ingredients of concrete mix.

Higher fine content increase water demand for

2 Material Finer than 75 Micron 290 2 days
Classify the type of aggregate. & to check the
3 Specific gravity and water absorption 500 50 kgs. IS 2386 3 days
porosity of the aggregates.

4 Bulk density 200 1 day Conversion weight to volume

5 Moisture Content 160 1 day Actual moisture content for behaviour

Total Amount 1450

5) COARSE AGGREGATE (Physical Tests)

1 Sieve analysis 300 IS 2386 1 day Helps proportioning of ingredients

2 Specific gravity and water absorption 400 100 kgs. IS 2386 3 days Helps classification of materials

3 Bulk density 250 IS 2386 1 day Helps conversion of weight to volume

Flaky aggregate increase specific surface area &

4 Flakiness Index 400 IS 2386 2 days
W/ C ratio.
Higher elongation increases water
5 Elongation Index 400 100 kgs. IS 2386 2 days
demand for concrete making it harsh.
Determines resistance of aggregates to gradual
6 Crushing Value 400 IS 2386 2 days

7 Impact Value 400 IS 2386 2 days Determines resistance to sudden impact or shocks.

8 10 % Fines Value 500 100 kgs. IS 2386 2 days Indicates resistance to crushing .

9 Deleterious material 500 IS2386 2 days To check coal and lignite content.

Total Amount 3550

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Particulars Time Frame Purpose for testings
No. (Basic Rate) required IS Code

6) AGGREGATE (Chemical Tests)

1 Ph 280 IS3025
2 Chlorides % 480 IS3025
To determine the suitability with concrete properly
3 Sulphate As SO3 % 480 IS 3025
and findout inpurities.
4 Deleterious Material % 700 IS 2386
5 Organic Impurities % 480 35 kg IS 2386 14 days
6 Soundness By NaSO4 3800 IS 2386
7 Sondness By MgSO4 3800 IS 2386 To check the durability of the aggregates.
8 Alkali Aggregate Reactivity 480 IS 2386
To analysis of source and all properties at on-site
9 Petrography test - aggregate chemical 7800 IS 2386


1 Standard Consistency 250 1 day
Sealed Bag 50
2 Fineness by 90 Micron 200 IS 4031 1 day Indicates quality & grade of cement
2 Fineness by Blain's Air permeability 350 2 days
3 Soundness by Le Chatelier's Apparatus 250 2 days
4 Initial and final setting time 300 2 days Indicates quality & grade of cement
Sealed Bag 50
IS 4031
5 Specific Gravity of Cement 350 Kg 1 day

6 Compressive strength(3 cubes each ) 3,7 & 28 day 1500 8 days, 30 days Classification of cement in to grades for mix design.

Total Amount 3200


1 Loss on Ignition 400
2 Insoluble Residue 350
3 Sulphuric tri unhydried (SO ) 3 450
4 Silica Content (SiO ) 2 300
Sealed Bag 50 Indicates quality of cement with respect to its
5 Alumina Content (Al O3) 400 IS 4032 10 days
Kg composition as per manufacturer and standards.

6 Iron Content (Fe O3)

2 400
7 Calcium Oxide (CaO) 400
8 Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 400
9 Lime Saturation Factor 400
Total Amount 3500

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1 Fineness by dry Seiving 250 Sealed Bag 30 1day
IS 1727 Indicates quality.
2 Fineness by wet Seiving 250 Kg 1day


1 Silica Content (SiO2) 350
2 Alumina Content (Al2O3) 350
3 Iron Content (Fe2O3) 350

4 Combined SiO2+Al2O3 + Alumina+Ferric Oxide (SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3) 350 Sealed Bag 30 Indicates quality with its composition and suitabilty
IS 4032 10 days
Kg to use with other materials.
5 Calcium Oxide (CaO) 350
6 Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 350
7 Sulphur Tri Oxide (SO3) 450
8 Loss on lgnition 450
Total Amount 3000

1 pH 1day
2 Density 1day
Indicates quality and compositions with repect to its
3 Ash Content 2500 1 liter IS 9103 2day
use with other materails.
4 Chlorides 1 day
5 Dry Material Content 2 days

12) Water
1 Chemical testing of Water for Construction & Drinking purpose 2000 1 liter IS 3025 10 day Indicates suitaility for use.

13) Steel Bars - Physical tests

1 Weight per meter 30 1 day Verifies the actual weight of sample
3 pieces of IS 1786
2 Tensile Strength & Percentage Elongation 250 1500 mm for IS 1608 Mechanical properties indicate the quality of steel
each bar IS to be used in buildings. The sample must meet the
3 90o/180o Bend Test 100
diameter 432 requirements as stated in the respective IS
o o
4 135 /157.5 Rebend Test 100 clauses before use.
Total Amount (Per Sample) 1440

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Sr. Charges Rs. Sample size Reference
Particulars Time Frame Purpose for testings
No. (Basic Rate) required IS Code

14) Structural Steel (SpliceBar, Channel, Plate, Angels, Bolts, Brakets) - Physical tests
1 Tensile Strength & Percentage Elongation 700 1 pieces of IS 1786, IS Mechanical properties indicate the quality of
600 mm for 1608, material to be used in steel structures. The sample
2 Weight Per Meter 300 3 days
each bar IS 6892, IS must meet the requirements as stated in the
3 180° Bend Test 300 diameter 432 respective IS clauses before use.

Total Amount (Per Sample) 1300

15) Steel Chemical Test

IS 1786, IS
3 Sample of
600 per 228 Chemical analysis of steel reinforcement &
1 Chemical analysis for elemnts C,S,P, etc. 100 mm for 3 days
sample IS1608, IS structural steel
each dia.

16) Non Destructive Test (NDT)

1 Ultrasonic Concrete Testing 250 1 days
IS 516 Indicate quality & strength of Concrete
2 Rebound Hammer Testing 250 1 days
Minimum 10 ASTM C
3 Half Cell Potential 350 1 days Indicates current conditions of corrosion on-site
Points Per Test 876
4 Carbonation Test 350 BS:1881 1 days Dertermination of depth of carbonation
5 Surface Preparation (Per Point) 250 1 days Require to remove plaster for testings

17) Pavement Blocks

1 Water absorption 160 3 Nos. 3 days Higher water absorption results in seepages
IS 15658 Low strength results in cracks & disintegration
2 Compressive strengh 190 8 Nos. 2 days
under load.
Total Amount (Per Sample) 2000

18) Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Block Tests

1 Density of the blocks 500 3 Nos. IS 6441 4 days To check quality and conformity of the blocks with
2 Compressive strengths 500 12 Nos. IS 6441 3 days standard.

Total Amount (Per Sample) 7500

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No. (Basic Rate) required IS Code

19) CLC Blocks

1 Compressive strengths 250 8 Nos 3 days
To check quality and conformity of the blocks with
2 Density of the blocks 280 3 Nos. IS 2185 3 days
3 Water absorption 390 3 Nos. 3 days
Total Amount (Per Sample) 4010

20) Brick Test (Burnt Clay & Fly ash)

1 Water absorption 150 3 days Absorption result in cracks in plaster and seepages

5 Nos. for each Low strength results in wastage

2 Compressive strength testing 200 6 days
test IS 3495 during handling, affects load carrying capacity
IS 12894 Leads to lime patches on walls
3 Efflorescence Test. 150 5 days
IS after painting, affects aesthetics
1 set means 20 1077 To check the dimensional quality
4 Dimension analysis 200 2 days
Nos of the bricks.

5 Density Test 160 5 Nos. 2 days An indicator of quality of concrete.

Total Amount (Per Sample) 3500

21)Geotechnical Investigation Work and field tests

IS 1498,IS
Geotechnical investigation for
As per Site At actual 2720,IS As per work
1 Geotechnical investigation strata verification and safe bearing capacity at
Condition requirement 2131,IS volume
9143 ,IS
various locations

Determine the deformation ratio

2 Cyclic Plate Load test (By DIN Method) 12000 DIN 18134 1 Day
(Ev1/Ev2)for Soil/Murum/Crushed material Filling)
At actual
requirement Determine the Safe bearing Capacity for
IS 1888,IS Depend on site
3 Plate Load test (By IS Method) 13000 Soil/Murum,Determine the “Modulus of
9214 condition
Subgrade Reaction (K-Value)

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No. (Basic Rate) required IS Code

22) Soil Tests (Physical)

FDT up to 3 locations(Min. Billing) 2500 In situ Test 2 days
1 a) By Sand Replacement Method 700 Per point In situ Test 2 days Indicates soil compaction
b) By Core Cutter Method. 700 Per point. In situ Test 2 days
2 Moisture Content 200 2 days
3 Specific Gravity 350 2 days
4 Grain Size Analysis by Sieving 450 IS 2720 2 days To enable the identification and classification of soil
Grain Size Analysis by Hydrometer Analysis For Silt
5 500 3 days
6 Free Swell Index 250 3 days
Estimate compression index useful for settlement
7 Atterberg's Limit's (LL & PL) & Plasticity Index 400 10kg 2 days analysis. Plastic limit is required for making bricks,
cement-soil block foundation for structures
identification and classification of
8 Classification of Soil 500 50kg IS 1498 3 days
soil strata
Forms a basis of comparison for field compaction
9 Proctor Compaction Test / MDD & OMC(Modified) 2000 35kg IS 2720 3 days to produce a strong, settlement free, and firm sub
10 Laboratory CBR
a) Soaked 1500 50kg 6 days
IS 2720 California Bearing Ratio (C.B.R.), determines the
b) Unsoaked 1200 4 days thickness of different elements comprising a
11 Direct Shear test (Cohesion( C) & Angle of Internal Friction ( Ø) 2000 35kg 4 days
12 Chemical Testing of Soil 3500 10kg 10 day

23) Soil Tests (Chemical)

1 pH 350
2 Total Soluble Sulphate as So4 350
3 Total soluble solids 350 To find out the composition of soil and verify the
30kg IS 2720 5 days
4 Calcium Carbonate 500 suitability with other materials.

5 Organic Matter 500

6 Water soluble Chlorides 450
Total Amount (Per Sample) 2500

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No. (Basic Rate) required IS Code


Indicates load bearing capacity of natural building
1 Wet Compressive Strength Dressing and testing 2000 IS:1121 3 days
4 to 6 boulders stone.
2 Specific gravity and water absorption 500 IS 3 days Indicates quality of rock.
of appro
3 Porosity 400 200mm 3 days indicates water seepage
4 Density of Rock 400 1124 3 days Indicates quality of rock.
Total Amount (Per Sample) 3300

25) GSB,WBM,WMM etc as per MORTH Section 400

1 Testing of Material Agg Each size - IS 2386 7 days Determine the proportion of aggregate with
2 Job mix formula (JMF) achiving max density & CBR
kg.,Bitumen 1 kg MORT&H 7 days
3 Mix Gradation IS 2386 1 days Quality Checks for material used
One bag 50 kg.
4 CBR IS 2720 6 days Determination of CBR value as per design.

26) BITUMEOUS MIXES(BM,DBM,SDBC, BC,MSS, Mastic asphalt etc as per MORTH Section 500 )
1 Extraction of bituminous mix 600 Per Sample IRC 1 days Determine the bitumen content
2 Gradation of extracted Material 300 Per Sample MORT&H 1 days Helps proportioning of ingredients
3 Marshall Stabiltiy without preparation of Mould 700 Per Set ASTM 6927 1 days
to find out stability in ambient temp
4 Marshall Stabiltiy with.preparation of Mould 2000 Per Set ASTM 6927 3 days
5 Density of bituminous mix 300 Per Sample ASTM 1 days Helps to find out compaction
6 Bituminous Pavement core cutting 500 Per Sample - - -
7 Testing of Material 3500 Agg Each size - IS 2386 7 days Determine the optimum bitumen content & also
50 proportion of
8 Job mix formula (JMF) 3500 kg.,Bitumen 1 kg MORT&H 7 days aggregate

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Particulars Time Frame Purpose for testings
No. (Basic Rate) required IS Code

27) Plywood Test

1 Adhesion of Plies 400
2 Acidity Resistance Test 250
3 Alkalinity Resistance Test 250
4 Resistance to dry heat 250
5 pH-plywood 200 Determine the suiatbilty of Ply at varoius
conditions in respective test and provide the
6 Moisture content of Plywood 350 1 Ply Pannel IS 1734 4 days
suitabilty in terms of strength, resistance, density,
7 Screw Withdrawal Resistance Test 750 and dry heat.
8 Density Of Plywood 350
9 Density & Moisture content 700
10 Water resistance test 500
11 Resistance to dry heat 300
Total Amount (Per Sample) 4300

28) Wood Test

1 Density &Mostiure content 500
10'' x 10'' x 10'' Determination for use with respect to various
2 Swelling in Water Test 700 IS 2380 5 days
Sample requiremnts on-site.
3 Water Absorption 300
Total Amount (Per Sample) 1500

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Particulars Time Frame Purpose for testings
No. (Basic Rate) required IS Code

29) Ceramic Tiles & Chequered tiles Test

1 Dimension Analysis 100
Verify the strength and water absorption for
2 Water Absorption 200 30 Sample IS 13630 2 days
3 Modulus of Rupture 150
Total Amount (Per Sample) 450

30) Slab Load Test

Onsite Slab Analysis the working and observations of on-site
1 Slab Load Test 25000 IS 456 5 days
Panel slab.

Terms & Conditions:-

1 Above rates are excluding Government Taxs. 18% GST will be applicable on above mentioned basic rates.

2 You shall issue us a firm written work order along in favour of ‘CENTRAL ENGINEERING TESTING SERVICES ’.
3 Payment in Advance by Cheque/ Cash / Net banking /UPI at the time of sample submission. Discount to be given for advance payment.

4 Reports by email on company email addresses only if payment is made in advance at the time of sample submission.

5 Reports are not communicated verbally or on personal email addresses.

6 Cancellation of work order is not permitted once the testing has commenced.

7 Sampling is carried out by the Customer. Test Results will pertain only to these received samples & applicable parameters.

8 Onsite Technical assistance and Training programs for site engineers as per requirements.

9 Collection within 20 Km is free, beyond that charges will be Rs. 1000 per collection/ visit for testings will be applicable.
10 For any queries, Kindly call to 9145-1000-67.

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