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1. Academic Listening Survival Strategies: A guide 2.

The challenge of academic listening: The guide

for students who want to improve their explains the difficulties that students may face
listening skills at English medium universities. when listening to lectures in English, such as
The guide covers four strategy areas: different accents, speech styles, vocabulary,
1.1. Perceptive and lecture formats. It also emphasizes the
Perceptive strategies: These are about benefits of better academic listening for
recognizing the sounds, words, and learning and career development.
expressions that the lecturer uses. 3. Three steps to improving academic listening:
1.2. Cognitive The guide suggests a three-step approach for
These are about understanding and making students to identify and overcome their
sense of the lecture content. listening challenges. The steps are: 1)
1.3. meta-cognitive completing a questionnaire 2) looking up the
These are about planning, monitoring, and strategies and tips related to their areas of
evaluating the listening process. need, and 3) doing the lecture tasks relevant to
1.4. socio-affective their needs.
Socio-affective strategies: These are about 4. Academic Listening Questionnaire: The guide
managing social relationships and negative provides a questionnaire with 25 listening
emotions during listening. challenges that students can rate according to
Some examples of socio-affective strategies their level of difficulty. The questionnaire helps
are: students to pinpoint their strengths and
weaknesses in academic listening and to focus
1.4.1. Asking for help: Listeners can ask other on the strategy areas that are most challenging
people, such as teachers, classmates, or for them.
native speakers, for clarification, repetition, 5. Tips Ketika listening di kelas :
or explanation of what they hear. This can
help them to understand the message 1. Mastering distractions: It is a life skill that
better and learn new words or expressions. will help you in university and your future
1.4.2. Cooperating with others: Listeners can career. You can choose not to bring
work together with other listeners, such as electronic devices to class or use them only
in pairs or groups, to share their ideas, when necessary
opinions, or questions about what they 2. Tips for avoiding distractions: making
hear. This can help them to improve their learning in class your priority, handwriting
listening skills and confidence, as well as to notes in class, treating lectures like a future
learn from each other. workplace, and using a printed dictionary if
1.4.3. Lowering anxiety: Listeners can use you get distracted by an app.
techniques to reduce their stress or 3. Focusing on the lecture: The page advises
nervousness when listening, such as you to organize your studies so that you
breathing deeply, relaxing their muscles, or can focus in lectures. It warns you that
thinking positively. This can help them to multitasking during a lecture may cause
focus on the meaning and enjoy the you to miss key information, get further
listening process more. behind, distract your classmates, and
1.4.4. Self-encouragement: Listeners can offend your lecturer. It suggests that you
motivate themselves to keep listening, even plan ahead, create a reward system, and
when they encounter difficulties or get the most out of a lecture by being there
challenges, such as unfamiliar words, fast mentally as well as physically.
speech, or complex topics. They can use
positive self-talk, such as “I can do this”, “I’m
doing well”, or “I’m learning a lot”. This can
help them to overcome their frustration
and increase their self-esteem.

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