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Hydraulic Ram – Pumping Using Water Hammer

One way of producing mechanical work from fluid under pressure is to use the pressure to accelerate
the fluid to a high velocity in a jet. When directed on to the vanes of a turbine wheel, the force of the
jet rotates the turbine. The force generated is due to the momentum change or ‘impulse’ that takes
place as the jet strikes the vanes. Water turbines working on this impulse principle have been
with outputs of the order of 100 000 kW and with efficiencies greater than 90%.
The TecQuipment Impact of a Jet (H8) fits onto TecQuipment’s Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) or existing
Gravimetric or Volumetric Benches (H1 or H1D). It allows students to experiment with the force
generated by a jet of water as it strikes a vane in the shape of a flat plate or hemispherical cup, and to
compare it with the momentum flow rate in the jet. Also available from TecQuipment are a 120 Degree
Conical Plate and a 30 Degree Angled Plate (H8a).
One way of producing mechanical work from fluid under pressure is to use the pressure to accelerate
the fluid to a high velocity in a jet. When directed on to the vanes of a turbine wheel, the force of the
jet rotates the turbine. The force generated is due to the momentum change or ‘impulse’ that takes
place as the jet strikes the vanes. Water turbines working on this impulse principle have been
with outputs of the order of 100 000 kW and with efficiencies greater than 90%.
The TecQuipment Impact of a Jet (H8) fits onto TecQuipment’s Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) or existing
Gravimetric or Volumetric Benches (H1 or H1D). It allows students to experiment with the force
generated by a jet of water as it strikes a vane in the shape of a flat plate or hemispherical cup, and to
compare it with the momentum flow rate in the jet. Also available from TecQuipment are a 120 Degree
Conical Plate and a 30 Degree Angled Plate (H8a).
The experimental unit HM 150.15 Hydraulic Ram - Pumping Using Water Hammer is used to
demonstrate a hydraulic ram. Using this type of pump, it is
possible to pump water to a higher level without the
provision of additional mechanical energy. In this process,
the kinetic energy in the
flowing water is converted into potential pressure energy by
very sudden retardation. The generation and effect of
pressure surges in pipes can also be demonstrated.
The unit is designed for use with the HM 150 Base Module
for Experiment in Fluid Mechanics. Given a sufficient supply
of water, the unit can be operated directly from the water
mains. The unit is maintenance-free and is manufactured
from corrosion-resistant materials.
Due to its simple construction and clearly visible operation (open valves and transparent vessels),
the unit is ideally suited to use for demonstrations in lectures or for student experiments.

 demonstrate formation and effect of water hammer
 principle of a ram
 function of an air vessel
 effect of air volume in the air vessel and the flow velocity on the pump behavior
 efficiency analysis

 Drain valve
 Water drains
 Air vessel
 Riser
 Pipe
 2. elevated tank
 Overflow, adjustable
 Overflow
 1. elevated tank
 10 Regulating valve
 11 Inlet valve
 12 Water supply
 13 Water drain overflow
 14 Water drain
 15 Waste valve
 16 Valve block

Fig. 3.1 Layout HM 150.15

The unit principally consists of two elevated tanks, a pipe, a valve block with air vessel, and the
appropriate inlet and outlet fittings. All components are mounted on a board. The water passes from
the water supply (12) through the inlet valve (11) into the first elevated tank (9). An integrated
overflow pipe (8) keeps the water level constant. The raised container feeds a water pipe (5) of length
L. The flow rate can be adjusted using a second regulating valve (10). After flowing through the water
pipe, the water flows into the valve block (16). The weight loaded waste valve (15) is fitted in the
valve block. As long as the speed of the water in the pipe is low, this valve remains open and the
water passes unhindered into the water drain (14). If the flow of water accelerates, the waste valve is
closed abruptly by the force of the flow of water. The increase in pressure in the pipe opens the valve
flap (18), also fitted in the valve block, and the water flows into the air vessel (3). From here the water
passes through the riser (4) into the second elevated tank (6). The pump head can be adjusted via an
adjustable overflow (7). The pumped water emerges at the water drain (2). The water levels can be
read off on scales on both elevated tanks. The scale origin is at the top of the valve block. The waste
valve can also be operated manually via the valve spindle. The stroke of the waste valve can be
adjusted using the lower knurled nut on the valve spindle. The amount of air in the air vessel can be
varied using the bleed valve (17). The drain valve (1) facilitates the draining of the air vessel.
In the case of a loss-free flow in a pipe, the maximum speed of the water that will be achieved for a
head of h1 is: v=√ 2. g . h 4.1

1 2 1
The energy of the water flowing in the pipe is thus: E kin = m1 v 11 = m1 . 2. g . h 4.2
2 2

The energy of water pumped up to a height of h2 is: E pot = m2.g. h2

Equating these yields: m1.g. h 1 = m 2.g. h 2 4.3

or using the mass flows, the mass flow ratio:

m 2 h2
μ= = 4.4
m 1 h1
This means that the mass flow m1 to be pumped to height h2 is dependent on the ratio of the heights.
The smaller the amount of water, the higher the pump head. This simple relationship is of course only
applicable if:
– the potential energy can be completely converted into speed in the inlet pipe and
– the kinetic energy can be completely reconverted into pressure.
In practice, imperfectly operating valves and resistances to flow cause losses, such that the actual
mass flow ratio is significantly less. The operation of the hydraulic ram pump is explained in the
following sketch:

The selection of experiments makes no claims of completeness but is intended to be used as a
stimulus for your own experiments. The results shown are intended as a guide only. Depending on
the construction of the individual components, experimental skills and environmental conditions,
deviations may occur in the experiments. Nevertheless, the laws can be clearly demonstrated.
Experiment Aim
The operation of the waste valve as a function of the weight load, the valve lift and the flow rate are
studied. Furthermore, it is possible to shown how the volume of air in the air vessel affects the lift.

1. Close the bleed valve.
2. Close the drain valve.
3. Completely open the regulating valve.
4. Switch on the pump of the HM 150.
5. Open the vanne of the HM 150.
6. Open the inlet valve.
7. Fill the first elevated tank with water. Once the overflow has been reached, reduce the feed a little to
avoid the water level increasing further.
8. The ram starts working. If it does not work, the waste valve can be triggered by operating the valve
spindle manually. If the waste valve does not work, shorten the stroke of the valve. To do this turn the
lower knurled nut at the valve spindle downwards.

The water level in the air vessel and riser starts to rise until water reaches the second elevated tank.
The stroke of the waste valve and thus also, within certain limits, the cycle time can be adjusted using
the knurled nut on the valve spindle. The pump head can be adjusted by sliding the overflow up and
down. By releasing air via the bleed valve, the effectiveness of the air vessel can be changed and the
effect on the pumping behaviors studied.
The volumetric flow rate of the pump can be measured using a stop watch and a measuring
container on the outlet. Between 20s and 50s are needed for one litre.

Determining the Mass Flow Ratio

The pump head is given by the difference in the height of the two water levels:
1. elevated tank: h1 = 0,88 m
2. elevated tank: h2 = 1,15 m
Head: ∆h = 0,27 m
The measurement of the volumetric flow rate of the pump yields 1L/40s or:
m = 2 0,025 kg/s
The measurement of the amount of water lost is performed at the outlet (18). Here it should be
noted that the inlet of water via valve (2) is to be regulated in such a manner that as little water as
possible flows though the overflow (4). This additional water would distort the result.
The measurement of the amount of water lost yields 1L/14,5s or:
m loss = 0,069kg /s
The total amount of water flowing out of the first elevated tank is given by the sum of the pump
volumetric flow rate and the amount of water lost:
m1 = m2 + m loss
m1 = 0,094kg / s
This yields an actual mass flow ratio of
μ= =0.266
Based on the heights, the mass theoretical flow ratio should be.
m2 h 2
μ theo = = = 0,765
m1 h 1
Thus, only around 35% of the theoretically possible pump capacity is achieved.
Determining the Efficiency
The efficiency is defined as the ratio of benefit to work.
Benefit describes the energy of the amount of water pumped, work the energy of the water used.
m loss = 0,069kg /s

Determining the Efficiency

The efficiency is defined as the ratio of benefit to work. Benefit describes the energy of the amount of
water pumped, work the energy of the water used.
If one uses the mass flows, then one obtains the ratio of the powers.
Pin = m1.g.h1
P in = 0,81W
P out = m2. g. ∆h
Pout = 0,066W
P out
P∈¿=8.1 % ¿
This is a relatively low efficiency compared to other types of pumps. However, with the apparatus being
of simple construction and operated with water, the result is not bad.

Technical Data

Length x width x height 1100 mm x 650 mm x 1400 mm
Weight aprox. 55 kg
Cold water supply
Pressure, minimum 0,1 bar
Flow rate, minimum 600 L/h
Head, max. 0,27 m
Flow rate 90 L/h

List of Formula Symbols and Units Used

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