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Beneficiaries of the Project

This project benefits the eye bank and the people in Ethiopia. This includes:

 Eye Banks:
The Online Eye Bank Management System enables the eye bank to
effectively manage their operations, including

 donor registration
 tissue evaluation,
 tissue preservation
 tissue processing, and distribution.
 the management of corneal donations
 allocation of corneas
 tracking of patient information.
 facilitate communication with hospitals and surgeons
 Doctors:
 Request and receive cornea
 tracking of patient information
 generating report
 track the progress of their patients' cases
 communicate with eye bank and staff
 update the system with post-transplantation outcomes.
 Cornea matching
 Donor:

 getting awareness

 making it more convenient for donors to express their willingness to

donate their eyes after death.

 Documentation and consent:

 Peace of mind

1.8. Methodology
Methodology is one of the most important chapters in our entire project. It outlines
what a particular methodology used in order to solve our problem and secondly
how we plan to collect and analyses our data.

1.8.1. Data Collection Methods

Data collection was one of the important tasks to analyze how activities done in the
existing system and developed the new system. Data for developing this system is
obtained from different sources. These data collection methods are:

 Introspection: this method has been the primary base for our project.
Therefore, using the current or background knowledge and experience of the
team, the team was able be to identify and list out the common functionalities
and requirements for online eye bank management system. This helped the
project to proceed to the next level. Furthermore, it had been a bridge or
cause for other methodology to conduct them in proper method.
 Interview: this methodology encapsulates two types of methods. These
methods are closed-ended and open-ended interviews. Therefore, the team
has selected an open-ended interview for interviewing the manager and
employees for recognizing the existing working procedure of eye bank. As a
result, we are able to gather more information about the organization and
 Literature reviews: this method will be used to study some of the related
works in development of online eye bank management system.

1.8.2. System Development Methodology

For system development, we chose Agile development because Agile
development is a software development approach that emphasizes flexibility,
collaboration, and iterative development that emerged in response to the
weaknesses of waterfall development and its variations.

A 2005 survey of the US and Europe, for example, revealed that 14 percent of
companies were using agile methods, and 49 percent of the companies aware of
agile methods were interested in adopting them..

It takes a broader approach, emphasizing a customer-centric, iterative, and

collaborative methodology that promotes continuous improvement and adapts to
changing requirements throughout the development process.
Fig1: agile methodology (

Scrum approache

We chosen scrum agile methodology. Scrum is a framework of agile methodology

which provide the flexibility to control and manage the requirements as well as the
development of software. It is iterative and incremental base model which build
software with define mechanism like a module of software can develop in small
chunks in iterative way.

Scrum works well in our project because it allows for iterative development,
effective collaboration, and continuous improvement. Daily Scrums enable virtual
team communication, while sprint reviews gather stakeholder feedback on
completed work. Sprint retrospectives drive continuous improvement, resulting in
an adaptable and effective system for managing our project.
Fig2:scrum diagram

1. Document/Excerpt/0

2, M. J. (MJ), "Scrum Reference Card," [Online]. [Accessed December 2018]

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