Git Commands

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git config --global user.

name "username"

git config --global "email"

1.git clone url

git remoter add origin "url"

from working area to stagging area

git add filename

git add .

from stagging area to local repo

git commit -m "new line added"

from local repo to remote repo

git push origin HEAD

from remote repo to local repo

git pull origin HEAD

git clone and git pull


git clone --is used to create local repo,it is an one time activity

git pull ---> to pull updated changes to local repo

git branch

git branch <branch name> /e.g.develop

git checkout develop

git checkout ------------multiplt purpose

git checkout branchname ----->swithed

git checkout filename ----> to revert the changes to original state

HARD reset
git reset --hard HEAD~1
git reset --soft file

git fetch vs git pull ---->imp
git fetch pull recent updates but will not change local repo/working dir

git pull recent updates will change local repo

git reset
revert change from stagging area to working area

git reset --soft HEAD~1

revert change from local repo to stagging area


git reset --hard HEAD~1

revert all the change from local repo to working area --> origin state

git config --global credential.helper cache

git config --global --unset credential.helper

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