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Name ; Reski Aulia

Nim ; PO76303231002

Department ; Environmental Health

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb


Hello, environmental friends! We all know that water is a source of life, but
pollution is increasing. Therefore, let's work together to maintain clean water for
our health and that of future generations.

Definition of Water Pollution:

Water pollution is the entry of dangerous substances into water sources, such as
rivers, lakes or seas, which can harm aquatic life and humans.

Sources of Water Pollution:

 Industrial Waste:
Selection of appropriate chemicals and a good waste management system are
necessary to avoid water pollution.
 Fertilizer Use:
Excessive use of fertilizer can cause excessive nutrient flow into lake
streams, causing excessive algae growth.
 Domestic Waste:
It is important to ensure the domestic waste management system is
functioning properly to prevent water pollution at the household level.

Impact of Water Pollution:

 Human Health: Polluted water can cause various diseases such as diarrhea,
skin infections, and respiratory problems.
 Ecosystem Damage: Water pollution can threaten the lives of fish, aquatic
plants and other living creatures in aquatic ecosystems.


 Waste Management:
Companies and industries need to have an effective waste management
system to avoid dumping hazardous waste into waters.
 Use of Fertilizer Wisely:
Agriculture must use fertilizer wisely and according to the needs of the
 Maintenance of Domestic Waste Management Systems:
Communities must ensure that household waste management systems
function properly.


Water pollution is a serious problem that requires our collective attention. With
the right preventive measures, we can keep our water clean for a healthier and
more sustainable life. Let's be agents of change for a better environment!

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