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3 Tenses Perfect Continuous

(Berdurasi): selama.../ sejak...

Been Ving

1. Present Perfect Continuous-> Gunakan Have/ Has been Ving

Time signal:
Ada Durasi: - For : selama....
for 2 days
for 2 weeks
for one year
for two years
- Since : sejak....
since 2 days ago
since 2 weeks ago

1. Markembloh sudah belajar Grammar selama 1 bulan. -> Pr.Pf.C (Have/ Has been Ving)
-> Markembloh has been studying Grammar for one month.
2. Past Perfect Continuous-> Gunakan had been Ving
Time signal:
- Past time + ada kejadian lampau,......... sudah..... + ada durasi
Prolog loampau
Tahun lalu sebelum Markembloh ikut kelas ini, dia sudah belajar Grammar selama 1 bulan.
-> Last year before Markembloh followed this class, He had been studying Grammar for one month.
3. Future Perfect Continuous-> Gunakan will have been Ving
Time signal:

- By + Future time: menjelang.... + ada durasi

By tomorrow morning: Menjelang besok pagi..... + selama 2 jam
By next week: Menjelang minggu depan......... + selama 1 hari
By the end of this week: Menjelang akhir minggu ini.... + selama 2 minggu

Menjelang akhir minggu ini, Markembloh sudah belajar Grammar selama 2 bulan.
-> By the end of this week, Markembloh will have been studying Grammar for 2 months.

Simple Present Pr Continuous Pr Perfect Pr Perfect Continuous

Masa (V1/ Vs/es) (is/am/are Ving) (Have/has V3) (Have/has been Ving)
I sing I am singing I have sung I have been singing

Simple Past Ps Continuous Past Perfect Ps Perfect Continuous

Masa (V2) (was/were Ving) (Had V3) (Had been Ving)
I sang I was singing I had sung I had been singing

Simple Future F Continuous Future Perfect F Perfect Continuous

Rencana (will V1) (will be Ving) (will have V3) (Will have been Ving)
I will sing I will be singing I will have sung I will have been singing

Past Future Ps Future Continuous Past Future Perfect Ps F Perfect Continuous

Rencana (would V1) (would be Ving) (would have V3) (wolud have been Ving)
yang gagal
I would sing I would be singing I would have sung I would have been singing

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