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I’ve gotten started with the videos and am thinking about ways to edit the video in order to make it an

interesting video to watch. I want to make a detailed day in the life video where I take my viewers
through a busy day with athletics, walking them through what the practices look like and showing how
hard and important it is to manage your time properly and effectively. By the end of the week, I plan to
brainstorm enough ideas to narrow it down and start the editing process for the videos. What I will
need is a day where I'm very busy in the morning and after school. A busy day won't be hard to find, but
an obstacle I will face is forgetting to take videos and not taking the right ones I want. I will end up
forgetting to take the videos or even tell myself that I will take the videos later and end up forgetting to
do it. I learned that I would have to figure out a way to remind myself to take these videos by using an
alarm clock or a calendar to pick a specific day where I will be busy. Some of the core skills I used were
communication and creative thinking. I had to communicate with others to find a time when I could
record them for interviews and borrow equipment from my friend to take the video I wanted. For
creative thinking, I had to brainstorm ideas on what could be more interesting to watch but also teach
someone something at the same time.

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