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Average – Meaning


Measures of central tendency and dispersion: meaning, mean, median, mode, geometric
mean, harmonic mean, dispersion meaning, range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and
standard deviation.

The point around which the observations concentrate in general in the central part of the
data is called central value of the data and the tendency of the observations to concentrate
around a central point is known as Central Tendency.

Meaning: Average is a single value that represents group of values

Definition: An Average is a value which a typical or representative of a net of data

Characteristics of a Good Average

 It should be defined clear and unambiguous so that it leads to one and only
one interpretation by different persons
 It should be easy to understand and simple to compute and should not
involve heavy arithmetical calculations
 It should be based on all the items of the given set of data is compute the average.
 It should be suitable for further algebras mathematical treatment and
capable of being used is further statistical computations

Uses of Average
 It is useful to describe the distribution in a concise manner
 It is useful to com pare different distributions
 It is useful to compare various statistical measures such as dispersion,
skewness, kurtosis and so on

Functions or An average
 To facilitate Quick understanding of complex data
 To facilitate Comparison
 It establishes mathematical relationship
 Capable of further statistical comparison

Types of Average
 Mathematical Average
 Location Average
 Commercial Average

Objectives of an Average
 To get a single value that describe the features of the entire group
 To provide ground for better comparison
 To provide ground for further statistical computation and analysis

Arithmetic Mean of a group of observations is the quotient obtained by dividing the
sum of all observations by their number. It is the most commonly used average or
measure of the central tendency applicable only in case of quantitative data.
Arithmetic mean is also simply called “mean”.

Merits of Arithmetic Mean:

 It is rigidly defined.
 It is easy to calculate and simple to follow.
 It is based on all the observations.
 It is readily put to algebraic treatment.
 It is least affected by fluctuations of sampling.
 It is not necessary to arrange the data in ascending or descending order.

Demerits of Arithmetic Mean:

 The arithmetic mean is highly affected by extreme values.
 It cannot average the ratios and percentages properly.
 It cannot be computed accurately if any item is missing.
 The mean sometimes does not coincide with any of the observed value.
 It cannot be determined by inspection.
 It cannot be calculated in case of open ended classes.

Methods of Calculating Arithmetic Mean:

 Direct Method
 Short cut method
 Step deviation method

Use of Arithmetic Mean:

Arithmetic Mean is recommended in following situation
 When the frequency distribution is symmetrical.
 When we need a stable average.
 When other measures such as standard deviation, coefficient of correlation are to be
computed later.

Arithmetic Mean Individual Series

Find our mean from the following data

Roll No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Marks 21 30 28 40 26 34 40 9 15 17


Roll No Marks (X)

1 21
2 30
3 28
4 40
5 26
6 34
7 40
8 9
9 15
10 17

N=10 ∑X =300

Formula = X =∑X /N
X =300/10 = 30.
The mean marks =30

Discrete Series

Calculate the arithmetic mean for the wages of workers in a Factory

Wages in Rs. 4 6 8 10 15 16
Workers 5 15 6 7 8 2

Wages in Rs. Workers f fx

4 5 4x5=20
6 15 6x15=96
8 6 8x6=48
10 7 10x7=70
15 8 15x8=120
16 2 16x2=32
N=∑f=43 ∑fx=380

X = ∑fx /N = 380, N=43

= 380 / 43 = 8.837
The average wage of workers = Rs.8.84

Continuous Series
Calculate Arithmetic Mean
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
Frequency 6 5 8 15 7

Class Intervals Mid-point Frequency fm

0-10 5 6 30
10-20 15 5 75
20-30 25 8 200
30-40 35 15 525
40-50 45 7 315

N=∑f=41 N=∑fm=1145

Arithmetic Mean = X = =∑fm / N

The Arithmetic mean = 27.92
Follow the explanation to solve the word problems on arithmetic mean (average):

1. The heights of five runners are 160 cm, 137 cm, 149 cm, 153 cm and 161 cm
respectively. Find the mean height per runner.


Mean height = Sum of the heights of the runners/number of runners

= (160 + 137 + 149 + 153 + 161)/5 cm

= 760/5 cm

= 152 cm.

Hence, the mean height is 152 cm.

2. Find the mean of the first five prime numbers.


The first five prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11.

Mean = Sum of the first five prime numbers/number of prime numbers

= (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11)/5

= 28/5

= 5.6

Hence, their mean is 5.6

3. Find the mean of the first six multiples of 4.


The first six multiples of 4 are 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24.

Mean = Sum of the first six multiples of 4/number of multiples

= (4 + 8 + 12 + 16 + 20 + 24)/6

= 84/6

= 14.
Hence, their mean is 14.

4. Find the arithmetic mean of the first 7 natural numbers.


The first 7 natural numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Let x denote their arithmetic mean.

Then mean = Sum of the first 7 natural numbers/number of natural numbers

x = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7)/7

= 28/7


Hence, their mean is 4.

5. If the mean of 9, 8, 10, x, 12 is 15, find the value of x.


Mean of the given numbers = (9 + 8 + 10 + x + 12)/5 = (39 + x)/5

According to the problem, mean = 15 (given).

Therefore, (39 + x)/5 = 15

⇒ 39 + x = 15 × 5

⇒ 39 + x = 75

⇒ 39 - 39 + x = 75 - 39

⇒ x = 36

Hence, x = 36.

6. If the mean of five observations x, x + 4, x + 6, x + 8 and x + 12 is 16, find the value of x.

Solution: Mean of the given observations

= x + (x + 4) + (x + 6) + (x + 8) + (x + 12)/5

= (5x + 30)/5

According to the problem, mean = 16 (given).

Therefore, (5x + 30)/5 = 16

⇒ 5x + 30 = 16 × 5

⇒ 5x + 30 = 80

⇒ 5x + 30 - 30 = 80 - 30

⇒ 5x = 50

⇒ x = 50/5

⇒ x = 10

Hence, x = 10.

7. The mean of 40 numbers was found to be 38. Later on, it was detected that a number 56
was misread as 36. Find the correct mean of given numbers.


Calculated mean of 40 numbers = 38.

Therefore, calculated sum of these numbers = (38 × 40) = 1520.

Correct sum of these numbers

= [1520 - (wrong item) + (correct item)]

= (1520 - 36 + 56)

= 1540.

Therefore, the correct mean = 1540/40 = 38.5.

8. The mean of the heights of 6 boys is 152 cm. If the individual heights of five of them are
151 cm, 153 cm, 155 cm, 149 cm and 154 cm, find the height of the sixth boy.


Mean height of 6 boys = 152 cm.

Sum of the heights of 6 boys = (152 × 6) = 912 cm

Sum of the heights of 5 boys = (151 + 153 + 155 + 149 + 154) cm = 762 cm.

Height of the sixth boy

= (sum of the heights of 6 boys) - (sum of the heights of 5 boys)

= (912 - 762) cm = 150 cm.

Hence, the height of the sixth girl is 150 cm.

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