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Global warming is a worldwide concern for its devastating effects on climate and life on earth. A clear understanding of the causes and impact of global warming is crucial for creating an action plan to prevent or minimise further damage to the environment. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMING Rising atmospheric temperatures, the greenhouse effect and extreme climate conditions are characteristics of global warming. Heat waves and droughts destroy crops and cause fires and are often followed by extremely wet seasons. There has been an increase in hurricane and storm activities around the world resulting in heavy floods which have claimed lives and damaged properties. Global warming is melting arctic tundra which releases vast quantities of methane in the atmosphere aggravating the worsening greenhouse effect. Melting glaciers cause sea levels to rise, exposing low lands to floods which destroy plant life and animal habitats. Humans will be aff ected as well, as coastal sea levels rise and settlements face flooding. CLIMATIC IMPACT In addition to droughts and heat waves, global warming causes unusually high precipitations such as rain and snowfall. The rising temperatures are altering climatic patterns causing hotter summers in some places and harsher winters in others. As a result, plant and animal species migrate to the north or higher areas where the air is cooler, in order to survive. Animals that fail to migrate or lose their natural habitats face extinction as is the case of polar bears and penguins in the North Pole.
Aquatic life is not spared. Floating green algae, a staple food for small fish, crabs and other animals are diminishing, causing an imbalance in the ecosystem as these small species are a food source for larger ones. LONG TERM IMPACT As global warming continues, more serious effects are foreseen. Sea levels will continue to rise to as much as 7 to 23 inches by the end of the century. Hurricanes, storms and floods will become m ore frequent. Various animal and plant species may become extinct as feeding and movement patterns will change due to the rising temperatures. Worldwide, the food chain may be altered, resulting in food shortages. Evidence of the impact of global warming is everywhere. Glaciers are melting. Sea levels are rising. Droughts and floods destroy crops. Animals are migrating and becoming extinct. Excessive heat and cold cause sickness and disease in people. Unless everyone takes action to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, the Earth will not be viable for future generations.

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