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Technical Answers for Real World Problems (TARP)

Digital Assignment -1

Keshav Kankani


A list of Ten Real World Problems

1. Immigration and refugee crisis

2. Overpopulation and resource depletion
3. Mental health issues and Stigma
4. Aging Population and lack of support for the elderly
5. Drug abuse and addiction
6. Political corruption and government transparency
7. Income inequality and Poverty
8. Lack of affordable housing
9. Cybersecurity and data breaches
10. Terrorism and Violence

3 Real world problem discuss in detail

1. Cybersecurity and data breaches- Cybersecurity is the protection

of internet-connected systems, including hardware, software and
data, from attack, theft and damage. A data breach occurs when an
unauthorized individual accesses sensitive, confidential, or
personal information. These violations can have serious
consequences for individuals, organizations and society as a
whole.A major concern with data breaches is the potential for
identity theft. Once hackers have access to personal information
such as social security numbers, dates of birth, and addresses,
they can use that information to impersonate victims and commit
financial crimes. This can damage the victim's reputation and
creditworthiness as well as result in significant financial loss. A
data breach can also have a significant economic impact on a
company. If your company suffers a data breach, you may have to
pay fines, damages, and legal fees. It can also result in loss of
customer confidence, resulting in loss of business and revenue.
Additionally, data breaches can have broader societal impacts. For
example, if a government database were compromised, sensitive
national security information could be lost. In the healthcare
industry, data breaches can result in the loss of personal medical
information, which can seriously affect people's privacy and
health. There are several ways individuals and organizations can
protect themselves from cybersecurity threats and data breaches.
These include implementing strong passwords, using two-factor
authentication, updating software and security systems, and being
careful when clicking links or downloading attachments from
unknown sources. Businesses can also invest in cybersecurity
insurance. This helps cover costs associated with data breaches.
Additionally, businesses can implement security measures such as
firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems to
prevent cyberattacks. Overall, cybersecurity and data breaches are
serious issues that can have serious consequences for individuals,
organizations, and societies. It is important that individuals and
organizations take steps to protect themselves and sensitive
information from these threats.

2. Immigration and refugee Crisis - The migration and refugee crisis

is a complex and controversial issue that has received
considerable attention and debate in recent years. At its core is
the voluntary or forced movement of people across borders in
search of a better life or to escape persecution, conflict or other
difficult situations in their home countries. The origins of the
migration and refugee crisis are diverse and can be traced to many
factors, including economic inequality, political instability, conflict
and climate change. In many cases, people are forced to migrate to
another country or go into exile because of lack of opportunities
or security in their home country. This can be the result of
poverty, oppression, conflict, or a combination of these factors.
Immigration and refugee issues have received significant media
attention in recent years, especially in the United States and
Europe. In the United States, President Trump's administration
has implemented a series of controversial measures aimed at
reducing the number of immigrants and refugees entering the
country. These included so-called "travel bans" aimed at
restricting immigration from several Muslim-majority countries,
as well as the separation of families at the U.S.-Mexico border. In
Europe, the refugee crisis has caused tension and controversy,
with countries such as Greece, Italy and Germany in particular
seeing large influxes of refugees and migrants in recent years. The
crisis has been fueled in part by the ongoing conflict in Syria and
other conflicts and economic and political instability in the Middle
East and North Africa. Responses to the migrant and refugee crisis
are varied and often divisive. Some argue that we have a moral
obligation to provide safe havens for those fleeing persecution and
conflict, while others argue that migrants and refugees pose a
threat to national security and cultural values. Immigration and
refugee issues are complex and multifaceted, and there are no
easy solutions. But it is clear that a more coordinated and
compassionate response is needed to meet the needs of those
displaced in search of a better life. This includes greater efforts to
address the root causes of migration and displacement, such as
poverty, conflict and political instability, and more effective
measures to manage and integrate refugees and migrants into
host societies. there is a possibility.

3. Income inequality and Poverty - Income inequality describes the

unequal distribution of wealth and income within a society. It is
often measured by the gap between rich and poor, or the ratio of
the highest earners to the lowest earners. Poverty, on the other
hand, refers to the inability to afford basic needs such as food,
housing, and health care. Income inequality and poverty are
closely related issues. Poor people are often at greater risk of
being left behind in terms of income and wealth. In many societies,
income inequality and poverty are also disproportionately
experienced by certain groups such as racial and ethnic
minorities, women and children. There are many factors that
contribute to income inequality and poverty, including economic,
social and political factors. Economic factors include employment
potential and wage levels, access to education and training. Social
factors include discrimination, prejudice and social norms that
limit opportunities and impede success. Political factors include
government policies and practices that may contribute to or
exacerbate income inequality and poverty. The consequences of
income inequality and poverty can be severe and far-reaching,
both for individuals and for society as a whole. For individuals,
poverty can lead to poor health, limited educational and
employment opportunities, and social exclusion. For societies,
income inequality and poverty can lead to social unrest, political
instability and reduced economic growth and development.
Income inequality and poverty can be addressed through a variety
of redistributive strategies, such as progressive taxation and social
assistance programs, and more structural approaches, such as
education and training programmes, and strategies to promote
economic growth and development. approach. But tackling
income inequality and poverty is a complex and multifaceted
challenge, with no one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a
combination of short-term and long-term interventions and a
commitment to address the root causes of these problems, such as
discrimination and social and economic inequalities. Ultimately,
reducing income inequality and poverty will require governments,
civil society and individuals to work together to build a more just
and equitable society for all.

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