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N A M E O F G R O U P : K U H Y


TiTle: Cause of fires

and precautionary
Theme: 3 The Exploration of Elements in Nature
Learning area: 7 The air
Content standard: 7.2.3 Practising the
precautionary attitude to prevent the
occurrence of fire which may result in the
destruction of life and property
Implementation period : 2 weeks
Content and pages


1 Front page 1

2 Content 2
3 Introduction 3
4 Objective 4

5 Information collected 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14

6 Conclusion 15

7 Sources of reserences 16

8 Appendix 17
Most Malaysians are less likely to have at least one fire
extinguishers at home.For them , accident like fire is
unlikely to befall them.
Your group is assigned to carry out campaign to
enlighten the school community in the importance of
owning a fire extinguisher at home (and in the car).They
need to be alerted about the importance of taking early
action so that the fire can be extinguished immediately
and prevent it from spreading.
Materials such as posters and banners should be made
to educate the school community on the cause of fire
and preventive measures and the importance of having
fire extinguisher at home.
Objective/Aim of Study
Practising the precautionary attitude to prevent the
occurrence of fire which cause may result in the
destruction of life and property.

- Explain the objectives based on the

given title
The objectives based on the title given is a fire can start
in an instant and continue to rage until it's fuel source is
depleted,causing injuries and taking lives within a matter
of seconds. According to the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA),fire departments respond to over
350,000 home structure fires a year nationwide, causing
almost $7bilion in direct damage.Far more tragic than
property destruction,is the more than 2,500 civilian fire
deaths and 12,300 civilian fire injuries anually .To
prevent a devastating fire related loss, it's important to
have a basic understanding of types of fires ,how fires
burn,and related dangers to look out for .
- Describe the collected data .Photos
can be included

A fire needs three elements -

heat, oxygen and fuel.
Without heat , oxygen and
fuel a fire will not start or
Three elements of fire spread.

~ ensure employees are aware of their

responsibility to report dangers.
~ control sources of ignition
~ have chimneys inspected and
cleaned regularly.
~ treat independent building
uses,such as an office over a shop as
separate purpose groups and
therefore compartmentalize from
each other.
Heat Safeguards ~ ensure cooking food is always
~ identity all hot work
~ only allow hot work if no satisfactory
~ ensure relevant contractors are aware of
hot work procedures and controls
~ use a hot work permit system including
~ fire-resistant protective clothing

Hot Work

~ check electrical equipment and

remove defective equipment
~ ensure electrical cords are in
good condition
~ plug appliances and lights into
separate electrical outlets
~ avoid using extension cords.If
you require an outlet in an area
where there is none, have one
Electrical safety installed by a qualified
~ use extension cords safety- not
under carpets or across walking
~ use only one device per outlet.
~ flammable liquids can present a
significant risk of fire.
~ vapours evolved are usually
heavier than air and can travel long
distances, so are more likely to
reach a source of ignition.
~ liquid leaks and dangerous
vapours can arise from faulty
storage ( bulk and containers)
~ ignition of the vapours from
flammable liquids remains a
Flammable liquids possibility until the concentration
of the vapour in the air has reduced
to a leave which will not support

~ storage containers should be

kept covered and proprietary
safety containers with self-closing
lids should be used for dispensing
and applying small quantities of
flammable liquids.

Containers for flammable liquid

Clean Environment
~ culture could also block exits and make it harder to
escape of there is a fire.
~ reasons that you should keep your building neat
and tidy.

Designated smoking area

~ designated smoking area that's a safe distance away
from the building.
~ make sure to provide ashtrays or other safe options
for people to properly extinguish and dispose of their
Emergency plan
~ emergency and evacuation plans are important to
prevent further damages or issues if there's a fire .
~ someone needs to call for help, they know what to
do,how to easily find the building address,and what
the next steps should be.

Safe storage
~materials or other hazardous substances in your building, you
will want to make sure they are stored in a safe place.
~ make sure they are in a dry, secure closet or room that has
adequate ventilation.
~ to keep fire protection equipment for flammable substances
near the storage area just in case.
Proper disposal
~ discard of any hazardous waste in a metal container
that has a lid .
~ hazardous waste can include anything from oils to
~ flammable and combustible materials should be
properly disposed of in order to prevent fire hazards.

Regular maintenance
~ schedule regular maintenance services for all of
your fire protection equipment to make sure
everything is up to code.
~ smart to make sure any machines in your building
are properly maintained in order to prevent
overheating or sparks created from friction.
~ provide adequate security: exterior/ interior lighting ,
intrusion alarms , guard service well- secured access
~ prevent access by unauthorised personnel
~ keep flammable property stored and secured

Combustible dust
~ combustible dust is a serious fire hazard in certain
industries, especially those that process powders ,
grains or other finely divided materials.
~ this dust can accumulate on surface and equipment
and ignite,causing a fire or explosion.
Human error
Human error is often a contributing factors in work
place fires.
~ mistakes or oversights can lead to dangerous
situations and increase the risk of fires.

~ negligence is a factor that can contribute to
workplace fires, particularly in situations
where employees fail to follow safety
protocols or fail to report potential hazards.
Mechanical friction
~ mechanical friction can generate heat
and sometimes lead to workplace fires.
~ overheated machinery, equipment or
thier components can ignite flammable
materials, liquids,or dust in the vicinity.

Poor Housekeeping
~ poor Housekeeping can contribute
significantly to workplace fires.
~ accumulation of clutter,waste materials , and
debris can block emergency exits,create fire
hazards, and impode the ability of employees to
evacuate the building quickly.
Heating equipment
~ heating equipment is another common cause
of fires in the work place.
~ especially during colder months.
~ to minimise the risk of fire, it's essential to
properly maintain and operate these devices.

~ smoking causes cancer,heart disease,stroke,lung
disease,diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease ( COPD), which includes emphysema and
chronic bronchitis.
~ fires can cause devastating consequences,and it is
important to understand their causes to prevent them
from occuring.While some causes of fires are
unavoidable,such as natural disasters,others can be
prevented with proper education and precautions.

~some common causes of fires include cooking

equipment, electrical maifunctions ,smoking
materials,candles,and heating equipment.These causes
can be prevented by specific actions such as ensuring
proper ventilation,installing smoke detectors,and
correctly using the equipment.

~ it is important to be vigilant and take necessary

precautions to prevent fires from occurring and protect
yourself and your property from devastating
Sources of reference
safe and
productive lives _prevention/
and enterprises
10 Ways to Prevent Fire in the Workplace

Fire Hazards And Control Measures | Fire Prevention

April 30, 2023 by Waqar Ali

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