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Product Backlog

Feature List
2-D Side Scrolling Puzzle Platformer in 3D Environment
The player maneuvers through a 2-D view game world with 3-D movement
controls. The player can move left, right, back and forth, with limitations on back
and forth to keep the player on track to completion.

Puzzle Based Progression

The player uses unique abilities to disrupt certain components, charge up moving
platforms and reach switches and buttons with a direct current that are normally
out of reach. Each ability has its purpose to solve a certain puzzle in a certain area.

Narrative NPC’s
Throughout the playthrough of the game, the player will encounter multiple
characters in the story. There will be many that have dialogue and there will be few
that will guide you to the next quest to progress further.

Intricate Level Designs

Each level will have its unique design and aesthetic, to show the progression and
change from the first level to the last. The first level begins with the player moving
forward in a suburban area, eventually heading into a puzzle filled factory to fix a
broken elevator to the next level. It is the introductory level to the game and where
all the abilities for the player is taught. The second level is a large apartment
building with multiple NPCs with puzzles to solve to complete the area. The level
requires the player to use all previous abilities learned to complete the puzzles.
There will be small collectibles scattered throughout the levels in UBER. These
collectibles will help increase the charge to use your abilities. They are crucial to
use to manage your ability usage and complete the puzzles.

Feature Reliance Likelihood Fail Risk

2-D Side Scrolling Puzzle Platformer in 3D 100 0 0


Puzzle Based Progression 100 0 0

Narrative NPC’s 100 0 0

Intricate Level Designs 100 0 0

Collectibles 100 0 0

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