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Due to a number of reasons, Finland is an interesting country for the

international data centre business. Compared with Europe in general,
electricity is inexpensive and there is no lack of technical expertise.
Data security issues are well taken care of and the power distribution
network is reliable. Thanks to the cold climate, free cooling can
be used for more than half of the year, and there is no shortage of
waterways to run the free cooling systems. Finland has a stable
climate and geology, and politically the country is a peaceful welfare
state. Therefore, a number of high-class data centre companies are
already setting foot in Finland. This phenomenon may also generate
new business for Finnish companies.

Improving energy efficiency in data centres 4

Cooling 6
Power distribution and UPS devices 10
Heat recovery for reuse 12
Other activities to improve energy efficiency 14
Measuring and monitoring energy efficiency 16
Energy audits of data centres 20
Energy efficiency agreements 22

11 %
UPS 8 %
Typical Servers
energy-use 46 %
Fans in data

Cooling 23 %

source : Hew lett– Pac k a rd

Improving energy
efficiency in data centres
The number of data centres and Energy consumption in Finnish data The carbon dioxide emissions in the IT
the energy consumption in them centres doubled between 2005 and 2010. field are approximately two per cent of the
are rapidly increasing, which The growth of energy consumption is global emissions. The proportion is about
increases costs and represents hardly this rapid in any other industrial the same as emissions due to air traffic.
climate loading. Hence, energy field, and there are no signs of this growth It has been estimated that data centre
efficiency has become a new becoming slower. It has been estimated emissions will quadruple over the period
competitive factor in this field. that data centres consume from 0.5 to 1.5 of 2010–2020, which is a big challenge
per cent of the entire electricity consump- for the entire field. At the same time, the
Services are being transferred into the cloud tion in Finland. price of electricity will go up, increasing the
and companies are outsourcing server op- In 2010 the market value of the entire proportion of energy in data centre main-
erations. Increasing amounts of digital con- ICT branch in Finland was roughly EUR 8.8 tenance costs. Even now the energy bill for
tent are being transferred via the Internet, billion. Of this amount, data centre-related an individual server’s entire life span equals
and most of it must be stored. Such devel- business is about 35 per cent (about EUR 3 the purchase price of a server. As much as
opment means enormous growth for the IT billion), which means that data centre busi- 75 per cent of a data centre’s operational
sector, but it also means drastically growing ness can be considered as an important costs are spent on energy.
energy consumption in data centres. industrial field of its own. (Source: Market-Visio).

Improved energy usage can
reduce the annual energy
invoice as much as 50%.

Means to reduce electricity consumption

• Optimising the cooling system
• Choosing energy-efficient devices
• Heat recovery for reuse
• Optimising and virtualising the use of servers
• Optimising UPS devices
• Rationalising the air humidifier system
• Renewing lighting and its control system

What is a data centre?

The term ”data centre” refers to a space reserved
for IT devices and their backup or redundant
power supplies and security systems. IT equip-
ment consists of servers, data storage systems
and data communication devices. IT equipment
is normally meant for services relating to data
communications connections, back-up and
storage capacity. Small facilities are often called
server rooms and large ones are data centres.
Data centre equipment can be dedicated
to one operator alone, or a commercial service
provider can lease capacity to several customers.
The concept of cloud services means that a data
centre enterprise plans its services from the very
beginning to serve several customers.
Servers must work reliably on a 24/7 basis,
which is possible only in stable conditions, under
constant monitoring and good security systems.
Security systems increase energy consumption
in data centres.

Rewards from energy efficiency tained by virtualising servers and optimis- Electricity price has increased considerably
Increased energy efficiency reduces costs ing cooling. Depending on the data centre’s Increase in electricity price for operators consum-
and emissions. It improves the company im- initial situation, it is possible to save up ing annually 2,000 – 19,999 MWh per year. The
age and the credibility of the entire business. to 40 to 50 per cent in annual operating price includes electric power, power transmission
and electricity tax (class 2). Eurocents per kWh
The advantages have been recognised by, costs by improving energy efficiency.
for example, The Green Grid consortium, in Big savings can often be accumulated
which 175 IT companies around the world by taking a number of relatively small
En e rgy Ma rket Autho rity, Statistics F i n land

develop innovative solutions to improve measures. Saving does not always neces-
energy efficiency in data centres. Energy sitate investments – for example, by re- 8
efficiency has rapidly become part of the moving obstructions from free air flow can
normal cost and brand control, and the lead- cut off tens of per cent from the energy
ing companies compete by trying to demon- consumption of cooling. Data centres are 4
strate the lowest energy consumption. different when it comes to, for example,
Most of the energy consumed in data age, location and equipment. Which 2
centres is used on IT equipment and their energy-saving activities to use depends on
cooling. The biggest savings are usually at- the particular data centre. 0
2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Data centres are often cooled
excessively, which causes
energy consumption in vain.
A sufficiently low inlet air
temperature for servers is
usually 27 degrees Celsius.

the cooling system are usually performed
Cooling typically represents ap- 21–24 degrees Celsius. Ambient coolness
in conjunction with renewing of the data
proximately 30–50 per cent of a is assumed to lengthen the life span of
centre, but smaller measures can also save
data centre’s total electricity con- servers. Furthermore, a low operating tem-
surprisingly large amounts.
sumption. The biggest potential perature has been a conventional prereq-
The most common way of cooling
for saving in energy consumption uisite in manufacturers’ warranty clauses.
is air cooling. The cooling device expels
can usually be found in cooling. However, in reality, servers’ life span is so
warm air from the room and delivers cool short that it is not affected by tempera-
air for servers. Cool air is delivered to tures. Hence the inlet air led to servers can
Continuous cooling takes server cabinets via perforated floor tiles. be increased close to 27 degrees Celsius,
large amounts of energy The piping of the cooling system is hidden which is the maximum temperature
Server devices produce a lot of heat, so under a raised floor system. recommended by the American Society of
most data centres do not need a heating Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condition-
system. On the contrary, server rooms Simple means ing Engineers (ASHRAE).
must be cooled practically all year round. Perhaps the most important observa- Raising the temperature of the inlet air
Cooling is a continuous operation in data tion relating to cooling is that it is often blown to servers is a simple and effective
centres, so special attention should be paid overdone. The temperature in data centres energy efficiency measure that can easily
to its optimisation. Major modifications to is kept unnecessarily cool, for example, at be implemented in most data centres. In

water-cooled systems a corresponding Geographical location does matter
measure is to raise the temperature of the Finland has excellent provisions to utilise the coldness of air, water or ground for data centre cooling.
cooling water. In many data centres cool- For example, 58 % of the total hours in a year in Jyväskylä (Finland) are colder than +5 °C,
ing water is at 10 degrees although it could whereas in Budapest (Hungary) the corresponding figure is only 31 %.
be closer to 20 degrees Celsius. The differ- 40°C
I n si n öö ritoimisto Olof G ra n lund Oy
F i nn ish M eteorolog ical In stitute

ence is quite significant from the point of

view of energy consumption. Raising the
water temperature also requires adjust- 20°C
ment to the flow rate of water.
A dynamic, flexibly adjustable cooling
system is a rational means to use energy. 0°C
At best, the system actively controls itself:
it delivers the biggest cooling effect to
servers that produce large heat loads and –20°C
less cooling for components that produce Budapest 2 730 hours
only little heat. Smart cooling control is –30°C

worth the effort in all data centres.

Hours in a year 8 760 Jyväskylä 5 060 hours

As much as 50 % of the cooling
power can be wasted, if cold
and hot airflows are mixed.

Free cooling Placement of servers

The most common method to cool a From the point of view of optimised air
data centre is to use a combination of a cooling, it is crucial to pay attention to
compressor-driven cooling device and the placement of servers within the data
free cooling. In free cooling, cold from the centre. The aim of sensible placement is,
outside air, water or ground is transferred first and foremost, to prevent cold and hot
inside, usually via cooling water. Electricity air from mixing.
is needed only for circulating the cooling Ideally, server racks are
water and no physical air conditioners equally high, placed in solid
are needed. This makes free cooling very rows with no empty spaces
energy-efficient. between the racks. This helps
Cooling can also be implemented to build distinct hot and cold
through direct free cooling by direct aisles.
utilisation of filtered external ambient air. Usually cold air is delivered
Fresh air-based free cooling is switched to the front side of the server rack,
on when the outside air temperature where the staff operate the servers.
drops below a certain level, such as 15 °C. The hot aisle is at the rear side of the
The cooling effect of waterways can be servers between two rows of racks.
utilised throughout the year. If the water Hot air is expelled as efficiently as pos-
temperature is not always sufficiently low, sible. This ensures that the cooling ef-
a compressor-driven heat pump can be fect is targeted where it is needed, i.e. at
used as an auxiliary device. the servers. If hot and cold air are mixed,
Frequently the temperatures for the the cooling affects more the facilities in
outside air at which free cooling is turned general, which is ineffective from the point
on are set at unnecessarily low levels. It is of view of energy usage.
recommendable to raise the threshold as
high as the cooling water and air tem- The following means help in airflow
peratures allow. When the temperature management:
threshold is raised, the proportion of free • Enclosing or removing the leads and
cooling is increased and that of me- pipes that are under the raised floor
chanical cooling is reduced – and energy • Blocking air leakage below the floor
is saved. Raising the temperature also • Enclosing server cabinets or covering a
requires raising the flow rate of the inlet hot or cold aisle
air to servers and that of the cooling water. • Well-defined cabling
This means that the equipment’s output
and suitability for the new settings must As much as half of the cooling system’s
be re-checked. power can be wasted when appropriate
Finland’s cold climate and abundant air circulation is prevented.
waterways provide good possibilities for Separate cold and hot air aisles
free cooling, so it is a practical choice for For the sake of energy efficiency, it is important
cooling. The emphasis on geographical to keep the cold air flow led to the servers from
mixing with the heat produced by the servers.
location is likely to increase in the future. Ideally, server racks are equally high, placed in
Large data centres are already being built solid rows with no empty spaces between the
in the vicinity of waterways. racks. This helps to direct cooling.

The main thing about cooling is to direct the cooling effect
as precisely as possible to places where heat is generated,
i.e. to the servers. Overall facility cooling is inefficient.

In-rack cooling system

A relatively new, energy-efficient cooling
solution is to place liquid cooling devices
directly into server racks. The medium
used for cooling is either water or cooling
agent. This way the cooling affect is accu-
rately focused on the actual target, i.e. the
servers, and unnecessary facility cooling
remains minimal. Liquid cooling delivered
to equipment racks facilitates building
cold and hot aisles. Both air
cooling and water-based racks
can be used in the same data
centre. The solution changes the
nature of cooling from office facility
towards process cooling.
Installation of an in-rack cooling
system in existing facilities can be dif-
ficult, but it is worth investigating when
renewal of facility technology is being

District cooling
District cooling is an energy-efficient
form of cooling; it is becoming common in
large cities. The principle is the same as in
district heating, only reversed: an energy
supplier company centrally produces the
cooling energy and delivers it to build-
ings through an extensive piping network.
This means that the floor space intended
for the data centre’s own cooling energy
production is left free for other use. The
exhaust heat from data centres utilising
district cooling can often be transferred
to the energy company’s district heating
network, which increases the data centre’s
energy efficiency.
In some cases the cooling system’s
monitoring can be outsourced to an
energy company. District cooling releases
floor space required by cooling equip-
ment, unless separate cooling devices are
S chneide r-Electric required to allow for fault tolerance.

Looking for a compromise
Increasing back-up capability always increases energy consumption. To minimise energy losses,
it is important to choose the correct level of redundancy. A suitable level is a compromise
between the reliability requirements and economic efficiency.
It is possible to save significantly if, instead of doubling up every power supply system,
the number of back-up systems is less than the number of actual systems. For example, two back-up
systems can replace any of the ten main systems. This does not weaken fault tolerance,
because the back-up systems are still
available for all main systems.

Power distribution & UPS devices

Secured power distribution must Dual feed increases energy consump- feed requires that all servers have readi-
be ensured in data centres, which tion, because the back-up unit constantly ness for DC operation, which sets limits to
requires energy-consuming back- draws partial power. It is common to its deployment in currently existing data
up systems. There are many ways use device- or rack-specific AC power centres.
to improve the energy efficiency supplies. It is possible to reduce energy
of power distribution. consumption by using high-efficiency Back-up systems
power supplies. This also reduces the and redundancy
Power distribution to servers must be guar- cooling needed for the power supply units, The back-up levels of servers and
anteed under all conditions. This can be because high efficiency means a smaller facility technology are described by
achieved by using dual-feed power supplies heat load. Tier classification and terms defining
and by maintaining back-up systems. For Energy efficiency may be increased redundancy. On the four-step Tier scale,
the main servers, power distribution is dou- if a data centre’s power distribution is the highest fault tolerance class is Tier IV,
bled up as far as the server device. These changed from alternating to direct current. which guarantees continuous data centre
types of device have dual power inlets, DC-based systems are more straightfor- operations even during major power
doubled distribution panels and doubled ward and provide better efficiency than outage in distribution or faults in power
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units. AC-based systems. Adopting DC power supply units.

Secure data transfer without disruptions is important for our modern society,
where information is more and more transferred electronically.

Redundancy refers to the degree of ensure continuous power distribution. The cent. Some devices have energy saving
overlap in facility technology. Replication UPS devices maintain power during an settings that enable raising the efficiency
of power supplies and power distribution outage or other power failure. The cooling to 98 per cent. The settings concern the
are described by the terms N, N+1, 2N, system’s function must also be secured, normal situation when the UPS feed is on
2N+1, etc. The number in front of the let- so the total power consumption of the standby mode. Redundancy levels can
ter N refers to the number of the actively UPS equipment may be much higher be automated and power losses can be
used power distribution feeds and supply than that of the servers. UPS devices are minimised by using UPS equipment with
units, and the number after the letter N constantly on standby mode consuming static bypass during normal power feed.
refers to the number of auxiliary feeds electricity. Many data centres have a dual- Several UPS devices working on par-
and units. Cooling, power distribution and powered UPS configuration to backup tial load typically cause energy consump-
UPS power can all have different levels of for distribution outages and it can still be tion. Losses are substantial when the load
redundancy. independently dual-powered. is small compared with the nominal load.
The energy efficiency of the UPS Modular UPS architecture helps to reduce
UPS devices devices is essential from the perspective losses. Due to modularity, only the neces-
Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS of energy consumption. In new systems sary UPS devices are in active mode.
devices) are used in all data centres to the efficiency is approximately 90–97 per

Heat recovery for reuse
The exhaust heat from servers facilities and cooling solution of the data In individual properties exhaust heat
can be utilised as free facility centre. District-cooled data centres can be utilised mostly for pre-heating the
heating. It is worth taking can sell the expelled heat for an energy facility’s inlet air. This needs a heat recov-
advantage of this. company for reuse in their district heating ery ventilator. Facilities where this could
network to heat buildings and service be deployed include:
Server equipment produces much heat. water. For example, part of the thermal • technical facilities
It is often led directly out of the data energy in the district heating network • parking halls
centre, but its utilisation is becoming more serving the cities Helsinki and Espoo • stairways
common. There are several opportunities in Finland comes from servers in data • staff facilities
for this, depending on the location, centres. • storage facilities

The district heating networks
of the cities of Helsinki and
Espoo in Finland utilise more
and more the waste heat from
data centres. In 2011 the waste
heat from data centres was
utilised for district heating for
the amount corresponding the
heating needs of thousands
of detached houses in the
Finnish metropolitan area.

If liquid cooling is being used, it can be con- In existing data centres, the installation A data centre in Espoo, Finland,
sidered whether return water could be uti- of heat recovery systems and heat pumps
lised for heating by installing a heat pump. is feasible mainly in conjunction with the
produces annually 30 GWh of
In itself, water at around 20 degrees is not renewal of air conditioning systems. Waste exhaust thermal energy, which
sufficiently hot for heating, but it can be heat can sometimes be reused also for reduces carbon dioxide emis-
sufficiently heated by a heat pump to heat buildings adjacent to the data centre. In sions by 10,000 tons. The same
the facilities in question. Heat transport
is arranged either by radiators, underfloor
Finland it has successfully been used for,
for example, in heating a swimming pool in
amount of emissions could be
heating, or ventilation. One possible target an adjacent property.
produced by driving a passenger
is defrost heating for outdoor areas. car 1,650 times round the world.
Cloud services enable implementation
of several dedicated services on a
common platform. This makes cloud
services energy-efficient.

Other activities to
improve energy efficiency
New technologies help to save in centralised on one configuration. When Energy-efficient devices
capital expenses. Server virtualisa- one set of equipment handles the work of When new equipment is being procured,
tion and energy-efficient equip- several servers, it increases the utilisation it is important to consider energy con-
ment and lighting solutions reduce rate of the servers. Normally the utilisation sumption and favour Energy Star-marked
electricity consumption in data rate is quite low, only a few per cent of the products. Types of servers known as blade
centres. full capacity. When operations are being servers are more energy-efficient than
centralised, servers’ energy consumption conventional rack servers. Their benefit is
can drop by several tens of per cent. based on centralised power supply units,
Server virtualisation Virtualisation is also part of the basic with one unit distributing power to several
Virtualisation is already one of the most im- technology in cloud computing – after devices. Centralisation also reduces the
portant means to improve energy efficiency all, it enables implementation of several number of cables needed and hence, it im-
in data centres and its role will continue to dedicated services on a common platform. proves air circulation and reduces energy
increase. Virtualisation refers to an archi- This makes cloud services relatively consumption on cooling. Blade servers
tecture, in which several server systems are energy-efficient. have also energy saving settings that can

Cloud services are rapidly being taken
into use in Finnish companies


m ark et-visio

Brand-specific information is available on

the energy consumption of servers and other IT equipment: |

help to save in the power consumption of humidifiers and driers. However, in the Lighting
an individual server. Finnish climate such devices have been Data centre facilities are usually not occupied
Power distribution systems are also little used in practice. In cold winter by staff, so the need for lighting is small. The
different. For example, when replacing weather it is possible that humidity energy bill for lighting can be reduced by using
UPS equipment, it is best to look for decreases below the recommended LED lights that consume only a fraction of the
devices with good efficiency and energy set points, but dry air has not caused energy associated with conventional lights.
saving settings. disruption. Similarly, there is not much Additionally, the thermal load produced by
use for air drying. LEDs compared with the light intensity is very
Air humidity and drying If humidifiers and driers are being small, which reduces the need for cooling.
Excessive air humidity can cause used, attention should be paid to ensuring Lighting should be planned so that
condensation and excessively dry air that they are not used simultaneously. light is available when and where needed in
can cause static electricity. In principle, Energy efficiency can also be improved by operational situations. Unnecessary use of
both can cause disruptions in servers. renewing humidifiers and driers. lights can be reduced by timers, and motion
Therefore, some data centres have air and presence detectors.

and monitoring
energy efficiency

When the monitoring system is maintained,

individual servers’ energy costs are directly
payable by the customer.
Several useful benchmarks have separately measured and monitored. can be as much as 70 per cent of full load
been developed to measure data An essential part of monitoring is consumption. These servers are often run
centre energy efficiency. The most a system that describes the servers’ only “to be on the safe side”. Removing
commonly used is the PUE value intended use and level of use. Monitoring them is an easy way to save energy.
(PUE comes from power usage helps to eliminate unnecessary consump- The basic metrics express the energy
effectiveness). tion due to various reasons. For example, consumption used by the devices and
a data centre may have servers, the systems in kilowatt-hours and the used
Continuous measuring of data centre intended use of which nobody knows. power as kilowatts. In addition to these,
energy usage and monitoring of the meas- Monitoring at the server level allows a several alternative theoretical benchmarks
urement data are essential to improve data centre enterprise to focus its energy have been developed to determine energy
energy efficiency. The recommended best costs more precisely, for example, directly efficiency of data centres. For example,
practice is to measure at least the total on an individual customer. The possibili- the measured benchmarks can be power
consumption of the servers, in addition to ties of a data centre enterprise to conduct density per unit of floor space, energy effi-
the mains line consumption. This allows monitoring depend, amongst other things ciency of the infrastructure, or the ratio of
calculating the PUE value, which is the on whether the servers are owned by the computing power to the used power load.
most common benchmarking standard for company or the customer. The key benchmarks are presented on
energy efficiency. Ideally, the consumption It is also essential to be able to iden- the following double page. Which bench-
of servers, redundant systems, cooling tify and remove redundant servers with marks are the most useful depend on the
and other facility technology can all be zero loads. The power draw at a zero load organisation’s targets.

The PUE value has four classes, depending on how accurately
the data centre’s energy usage is being measured.
In the best class every server has its own electricity meter.

Energy density PUE – Power Usage can be less than 1.2. Usually, the PUE value
Power density or energy density is the Effectiviness is higher in old buildings than in new ones,
ratio between the total power consumed The PUE value is the most commonly used due to aged facility technology.
and the floor space of the data centre. benchmark. Adopting it is a good starting Measuring the PUE value can be
Normally it is roughly 0.5–1 kW/m². point for metering energy efficiency. defined according to accuracy into four
Energy density provides an overall The PUE value describes the energy categories.
description on how densely the data consumptions ratio of Total Data Centre The PUE value varies depending on
centre is equipped with servers. It is Power (Ptot) to IT Power (Pit). The lower temperature, humidity and occupancy
not exactly a meaningful benchmark to the PUE value, the higher the energy level of the room. Therefore, a one-time
measure energy efficiency of the servers efficiency of the facility technology. measurement is not sufficient; ongoing
or facility technology. monitoring is needed.
PUE = Ptot /Pit The PUE value measures only the
Ptot: Total Data Centre Power energy efficiency of facility technology.
Pit: IT Power It says nothing about servers’ energy
efficiency and it does not take into
In a typical data centre, facility technology account, for example, the possibility
and equipment each consume roughly of reusing exhaust heat outside the
50 per cent of the energy. Then PUE=2. data centre facility. The PUE value
The higher energy efficiency the lower the was developed by an international IT
PUE value. In the best case, the PUE value consortium, the Green Grid.

PUE Category 0 PUE Category 1 PUE Category 2 PUE Category 3

IT energy UPS output UPS output PDU output IT equipment input

measurement location
Definition of Peak IT IT annual energy IT annual energy IT annual energy
IT energy electric demand
Definition of Peak total Total annual Total annual Total annual
total energy electric demand energy energy energy

The NPUE value describes data centre
energy efficiency better than the PUE value
when reuse of waste heat is deployed.

NPUE – Net Power CADE – Corporate Average CUPS – Computer

Usage Effectiveness Data Centre Efficiency Units per Second
The NPUE value is a more sophisticated The CADE value is a more versatile The CUPS value refers to servers’
version of the PUE value. The calculation benchmark of energy efficiency. It normalised computing output divided by
takes into account also the energy separately accounts for the utilisation rate watts consumed. The unit is CUPS/W.
expelled from the data centre. Usually it of, for example, information technology The actual computing output of the
refers to utilising waste heat. and infrastructure: equipment is not measured but instead,
it is estimated based on the year of
NPUE = Enet /Eit = (Ein– Eout)/Eit CADE = AUfac x EEfac x AUIT x EEIT manufacture. Hence, an inventory is
Ein: Total energy input AUfac: The utilisation rate of the data centre taken of servers’ manufacture years.
Eout: Total energy output infrastructure (facility asset utilisation) Then, servers of different age receive
Eit: IT equipment electric demand EEfac: The energy efficiency of the data centre corresponding MCUPS coefficients (see
infrastructure (the ratio of the IT load to a given table) that are multiplied by the
The formula is valid for data centres the facility’s total load) server output. Multiply the result by
that do not use district cooling. If district AUIT: The utilisation rate of the servers server utilisation rate and the number of
cooling is used, the following formula is (IT asset utilisation) servers to calculate the total computing
applied: EEIT: The energy efficiency of the information output of servers in CUPS. The result is
and communication technologies divided by the data centre’s Total Energy
NPUE = Eit/(Ein–Eout) Consumption in kilowatts, which produces
The components in the formula are Data Centre Efficiency (CUPS/W).
The NPUE value describes data centre calculated separately. The final result CUPS gives an approximate idea
energy efficiency better than the is a percentage that describes the data of the data centre’s energy efficiency.
PUE value when reuse of waste heat centre’s energy efficiency. The higher Compared with PUE, its advantage is the
is deployed. The NPUE value was the CADE value the better the energy fact that it takes into account the servers’
determined in 2010 by the KTH Royal efficiency. Based on the results, data utilisation rate. The bad thing is that the
Institute of Technology, Stockholm, centres are rated at five levels, in which computing output depends on an estimate
Sweden. level 1 is 0-5 per cent and level 5 is higher based on the year of manufacture, rather
than 40 per cent. Most of the current data than a direct measurement. The CUPS
centres meet only level 1. value was introduced by PDU supplier
The CADE value is relatively Emerson Network Power.
straightforward and provides a total
picture of the energy usage of the data
centre. The weak point in it is that
the servers’ utilisation rate is given as
estimated values. The CADE value was
defined by the consulting firm, McKinsey
& Company in 2008.

Many investments rapidly
return the expenditure
as reduced energy costs.

Energy audits
of data centres
and means to reduce energy consumption
Energy audits and analyses help repayment period of the actions. Once
and its costs.
to identify the most profitable the energy audit or analysis is ready, the
Energy audits and analyses create a
saving targets and concrete customer decides on further activities and
basis for long-term and target-oriented
means, with which it is possible makes a preliminary engagement to realise
energy consumption tracking and active
to improve energy efficiency them.
improvement in energy efficiency. The
and reduce costs. They produce
valuable information to guide company or the community benefits from Savings even
operations in continuous its energy efficiency activities that strive without investments
for systematically improved performance.
improvement of energy Energy audits are an efficient way to reveal
efficiency. possible means to reduce energy expenses.
Valuable information that Cost savings are often gained even
Energy audits and analyses are exhaustive stimulates action-taking without investments. For example, in the
and holistic reviews of energy and water As a result of the work, the customer service field a third of the recommendations
usage within a facility or production receives an audit report that contains from this kind of review can be
process, and possibilities to improve the information on energy consumption implemented merely by adjusting devices
efficiency of use. and its distribution. The report contains and systems and changing operating
The reviews are conducted by a suggestions for improvement methods procedures.
qualified energy-auditor in cooperation suitable for reducing energy consumption Many investments rapidly return the
with the commissioning company. The and investments needed. It also specifies expenditure as reduced energy costs, some
results include reliable information about a table of the saving effects on energy already during the first year.
the distribution of energy consumption consumption, as well the costs and

The collaboration between the auditor and the customer will generate reliable information
about the targets of energy consumption and how to reduce the consumption.

Special features about data conditions concerning an individual data subsidy for energy efficiency investments
centre energy auditing centre include the redundancy level on ordinary technology is granted only
Compared with auditing targets in the required from the systems, other security for enterprises and municipalities that
service sector or industry, data centres requirements, and the ambient conditions have signed up to the Energy Efficiency
are essentially different. Typically, a data requirements concerning each device. Agreement.
centre’s electricity consumption per floor Furthermore, the placement of the devices The Government provides financial
space is considerable and the areal power and naturally, also the energy efficiency of support especially for implementation of
demand is more than 1000 W/m2. The the IT equipment plays a major role. new technology. New technology refers
most significant energy saving measures The guidelines on industrial energy to technical and other such solutions that
can most often be found from cooling and auditing should be applied to data centres, have not yet been commercially applied in
power distribution solutions. following the requirement for thorough Finland.
When data centre energy audits review of the “production process” and The amount of energy subsidy to be
are being planned, it is important that sufficient dialogue with the user. granted for energy audits and analyses
the users and persons responsible for is annually resolved. Subsidies can
production participate actively in the Government supports be applied from the local Centres for
planning process. The best or at least energy efficiency Economic Development, Transport and the
good end results can only be achieved In Finland it is possible to apply for state Environment (“ELY-centre”) throughout
when the special features of the target are subsidy for the implementation of energy the year, and financing is granted within
discussed with the user and the solutions audits and analyses. Subsidies can also the limits of funds.
made during the audit are agreed together. be applied for execution of the measures
Among the most significant of boundary proposed in the audits. Discretionary

The aim of the Energy Efficiency
Agreement for Industries is
to improve energy efficiency
in accordance with the EU
Energy Services Directive with
voluntary measures.

Energy efficiency agreements

Why is it important to The Energy Efficiency Agreements Economy with the Confederation of
improve energy efficiency? play a crucial role in Finland’s effort to Finnish Industries EK and the municipal
Improving energy usage in a company meet its energy efficiency targets. They sector aim at realising the EU Energy
is rational management of finances, also help to curb climate change, by Services Directive with voluntary
for smaller energy consumption will voluntary means and without legislation. measures over the period of 2008–2016.
be visible in operating costs. Energy In Finland, the agreement scheme is the • An enterprise, municipality or a group
efficiency is part of responsible company primary tool in the implementation of the of municipalities participating in the
management. EU Energy Services Directive. agreement scheme can apply for energy
Energy efficiency should always be auditing and investment subsidies.
regarded as a starting point also in data Energy Efficiency Agreements
centres when developing their services, back up international Additional information:
creating procedural instructions, providing agreements
induction training for new staff or deciding • Agreements signed by the Finnish
on equipment procurement. Ministry of Employment and the

An energy-efficient data centre, a preliminary survey. Motiva Oy, Insinööritoimisto Olof Granlund Oy, 2011 (in Finnish, not for public dissemination).
Muukkonen, Teemu: Environmental impacts of information and communications technology – an interview study on data centre’s electricity consumption in Finland.
A Master’s degree thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2009 (in Finnish).
A survey on electricity saving measures in the IT environment. Principles of energy efficiency for data centre services. Motiva Oy, 2010 (in Finnish).
European Code of Conduct for Data Centres.

P hoto g r a phs : Ritt a l O y , Go r ill a , i S toc k , S hutte r stoc k
This guide was produced by Motiva to promote
energy saving in data centres. The guide was created

L a y out : Aho y
as part of the “Energy-Efficient Data Centre” project.

This guide is primarily meant for improving energy

C o n te n t : I n si n ö ö r itoimisto O lof G r a n lu n d O y , M otiv a O y I T e x t : J ussi L a iti n e n / D e n e r g i a , M otiv a O y I T RAN S L A T I O N : P I RKK O H U U S K O N E N
efficiency in the currently existing data centres,
but it is also useful when a new data centre is
being planned.

The guide was funded by the Finnish Ministry of

Employment and the Economy, Coromatic Oy,
CSC-IT Center for Science Ltd, DataCenter Finland Oy,
Finnish Federation for Communications and
Teleinformatics FiCom, Fortum Power and Heat Oy,
Fujitsu Finland Oy, Helsingin Energia, Hewlett-Packard Oy,
Oy International Business Machines Ab, Rittal Oy,
Schneider Electric Finland Oy, TeliaSonera Finland Oyj
and Tieto Oyj.

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P.O.Box 489
FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland

Telephone +358 424 2811

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