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Review for test

7th grade
A. Translate the following words to Hebrew and write the proper part of speech
next to each word.
.‫ וכתבו ליד כל מילה את חלק הדבר המתאים‬,‫תרגמו את המילים מאנגלית לעברית‬

English ‫עברית‬ part of speech English ‫עברית‬ part of speech

activity ‫פעילות‬ noun nation ‫אומה‬ Noun

amaze ‫להדהים‬ verb realize ‫לקלוט‬ Verb

bridge ‫גשר‬ noun usual ‫בדרך כלל‬ Adjective

bowl ‫קערה‬ Noun wide ‫רחב‬ Adjective

band ‫להקה‬ Noun serve ‫להגיש‬ Verb

join ‫להצטרף‬ Verb feed ‫להאכיל‬ Verb

history ‫הסטוריה‬ noun fix ‫לתקן‬ Verb

B. Circle the correct answer. ‫הקיפו את התשובה הנכונה‬

1. It’s always fun to receive a gift.

a. follow b. receive

2. You have to be careful when you cross the street.

a. careful b. dangerous

3. According to to the news, it will rain tomorrow.

a. Welcome b. According to

4. My sister and I feed our little dog everyday.

a. fix b. feed

5. I can’t come with you to the park, I have to go directly home after school.

a. directly b. usual
C. Complete the sentences with the correct words, use the bank. (21 pts.)

‫ השתמשו במחסן המילים‬,‫השלימו את המשפטים עם המילה הנכונה‬

depend on dangerous choice lemon possible amazing continue

1. I love this movie! I think it’s amazing.

2. Please, don’t put any lemon in the salad.

3. I need to sit down for a minute before we continue walking.

4. Babies depend on their mothers. They can’t live without them.

5. We can go to the Zoo or to the beach. It’s your choice.

6. I heard on a tv show about animals, that not all snakes are dangerous.

7. It is not possible to drive to Haifa from Tel Aviv in twenty minutes.

D. Write two sentences from the words below. Choose at least two words.

. ‫כתבו משפטים מהמילים למטה‬

unusual . careful . oil . warm . journey . prefer

1. The food is warm.

2. Be careful when you go to the football match.

3. I prefer cheeseburger over pizza.

4. I am going on a journey tomorrow.

5. You need to put oil on the pan when cooking the burger.

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