Writing 5

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1. Companies engage in acquisitions and mergers because that is one of the easiest
ways to secure fast and diversify their investment portfolios. What is your opinion?

2. Some people think that initiation and planning are the most important phase in a
project life cycle. Others believe that execution and closure are more important
than any other phases. Discuss both views.

3. Strategic alliances can bring both the advantages and disadvantages to

businesses. Discuss the pros and cons of alliances.

4. Nowadays, more and more businesses get involved in mergers and acquisitions.
What are the reasons for that? And how to have a successful alliance?

5. Nowadays, more and more businesses get involved in mergers and acquisitions.
Is alliance important to business? What are the reasons for that situation?

6. Litigation is time-consuming and expensive for businesses. Do you agree or

disagree with that statement?

Moderate and costly are the nature of court action which has been affected directly
to enterprises. I totally coincide with this argument in which supports for sue
brings lots of detrimental effects.

 Time-consuming

The sues take a lot of time to solve the problem. Take an example:

 Expensive

7. The world that we live in today is dominated by advertising. Do you agree or

disagree with that statement?

Intro: Advertising is more and more popular which is changing the way we live in
reality. This essay reflects my support for this argument. Many advertising
agencies are around the world with several fields in daily life and we experience
advertising as much as we can.

- Many advertising agencies are around the world with several fields in daily life

 the developmental technologies lead to the exploration of advances helping

people access to fraught with information

- We experience advertising as much as we can.

 Offer knowledge for consumers to get insight about products or services

8. While no one doubt that most celebrity endorsements do increase sales, more
and more advertisers are turning to other less risky ways. What is your opinion?

Using famous persons can help companies gain advantageous profits both in short
term and long term whereas the increasing number of companies are moving to
less risky methods. I partly side with this statement that advertising based on
celebrity does improve sales. I believe that corporations have several strategic
plans to boost products or services and earn more money.

Celebrity can raise the product’s message when companies choose the right
individuals because celeb who will project exactly the right image is not always so
easy, as several companies have found out. What happens when a company is
about to launch a new campaign featuring a celebrity and in suddenly finds out that
she or he is accused of a criminal offence. It can be easy to be seen in Vietnam
recently, there are controversial arguments about charitable actions; however, it
also brings losses for enterprises that he or she is ambassador for brand.

When almost companies have contract with famous people, then use their images
to advert; alternatively, some enterprises do not apply this for their advertisement.
Rather make more scandals and negatively affect to brand image, they try to
reduce them by turning to other less risky ways such as training staff to improve
customer satisfaction, using social media to advert, displaying products inside and
outside, making signature, etc. For instance, Apple is technological company, and
they just focus on developing hardware and software products instead of hiring
celeb and spending so much budget for getting customers’ feedbacks.
9. More and more people are prepared to litigate either against businesses or
professional people. Do you think this will benefit society in the long run?

10. Are mobile phones a good thing for society in general?

11. Consumer electronics products are making our lives more comfortable and
entertaining. Do you agree or disagree with that statement?

12. Do you think that intranets are a good idea for business governance or they just
contribute to excessive amount of information?

13. Do you think that having a lot of information makes it easier for managers to
do their jobs?

14. Too many meetings are a waste of time. Do you agree?

In business, teams spend a large part of their working lives in meetings and the
meeting is where teams are moulded. Even so most of senior managers think that
their meetings are not effective. Therefore, it is important to find out what
problems are and solutions for them.

First of all, there are some problems which cause the ineffective meetings. The first
problem is the lack of preparation which can be about time, location or agenda. For
example, arranging wrong time or not suitable location can often badly impact on
the mood of meetings members. In addition, the meeting can be ineffective if the
holder doesn’t prepare well for agenda or even he does not inform members about
the meeting. The second problem is the ability of leaders. If the leader can’t run a
meeting effectively, the meeting will take a long time, people will get bored and
lose attention and then tedious individuals will dominate the discussion.

All these reasons, the team leader should find out some solutions to increase the
meeting’s effectiveness. Firstly, the meeting should be well-prepared .It means that
a meeting’s agenda and content should be prepared carefully and before setting up
a meeting, the holder has to announce them to every member. Secondly, it is
necessary for the leader to have some meeting techniques. It means that the holder
has to control the meeting well about time and content. Moreover, the leader
should ensure everyone get a chance to speak up
To sum up, the shortcomings in preparation and leadership are mainly reasons for
ineffective meetings Hence, because of the important role of meetings, the team
leader need to improve the meeting’s effectiveness by setting up a plan clearly and
improving meeting techniques.

15. Most businesses find it difficult to make mergers work. What is your opinion?

1. What should CEOs do to improve the chance of success?

Company bosses are now getting excited about M and A activity because it helps
companies to increase profit margin; however, many alliances fail due to some
reasons. So there are several measures to address their problem.

Firstly, companies bosses should not focus too much on wide-quoted statistic in the
past and also should keep looking for good targets to M and A activities. This
process may take a lot of time but company bosses should go on searching until
they find a good target. Thus, an appropriate partner may have something to do
with their core competence. So if the managers acquire a suitable target, two
companies can work well together.

Secondly, it is important for CEOs to have a clear plan of what to do with

the alliance. They should have a common strategic goals to reach and increase their
profits. In this plan, they also need to develop a contingency plan if things go
wrong. So, they don’t want to end in failure. For instance, the failed bid of Mr.
Roberts from Comcast for Disney was a result of not having a clear plan of how to
do with the target.

To sum up, when venturing an alliance, all the parties in the alliance need to do
something in order to ensure a smooth transition. CEOs should keep looking for M
and A targets and have a clear plan to avoid failing in alliances.

2. What reasons contribute to the failure of alliances and what sollutions

can you suggest?
Companies engage in acquisitions and mergers because that is one of the easiest
ways to secure fast growth. However, many of them do not succeed in creating
shareholder value for acquiring companies.

Therefore, it is important that CEOs need to know the major causes of failure and
find solutions in order to improve their chances of success in alliances There are
many reasons why alliances end in failure. The first reason is corporate culture
clashes. Although there is a basic rule of doing business, companies still have
different ways in management style. The way of teamworking is also different that
makes staff hard to build relationship with the people in company after making
alliances. The other reason is that obstructs alliances is that CEOs are often over-
confident about their ability. They consider any type of business to be a good
business and spend too much money on diversifying portfolios without a clear
plan. As a result, the mergers and acquisitions fail.

However, CEOs still increase the chance of successful alliances by considering

some solutions. The first thing CEOs should do is to ensure a smooth transition
from one corporate culture to another. Companies should help staff to understand
more about company’s business and they can sit down together and discuss all
problems to solve them in order to work efficiently. The second thing is
researching to find a good target when companies want to form alliances. CEOs
should have clear plan of what to with their target. After identifying a right
company, a clear plan helps chief executive to achieve their aim easier and they
can make more profits and add more value for their business

In conclusion, forming alliances can be risky and lead to failure because of some
reasons above. Thus, it is imperative that CEOs should pay attention to some
solutions to manage to create wealth for all involved.

1. What caused their market srink? What are the ways in which mobile
phone comapnies can boost their revenues?

In the recent years, mobile market is one of the most highly profitable
markets. However, many mobile companies have seen their market share fall.
Therefore, it is necessary for businesses to find out the causes for the shrink and
solutions for them
To begin with, there are many reasons for the falling revenues of mobile
companies. Firstly, the mobile-telecom industry has become a victim of its own
success. It is obvious that almost everyone has at least one mobile phone. As the
result, this is very difficult for companies to sell products in the almost saturated
market. Secondly, the competition in mobile industry is very high. It means that
there are now more and more competitors entering the mobile market while fewer
and fewer customers want to buy.

Therefore, mobile businesses have to find out some strategies in order to boost
their falling revenues. The first solution is looking for other untapped market such
as infant, animal or even machine. For instance, Pets Mobility has increased their
revenues by launching a new phone for dogs which is called PetsCell. The second
solution is encouraging people to use their existing phone more than they do at the
moment. The invention of 4G, for example, which offers lots of extra capacity,
lower price and faster network speeds managed to encourage customers’ usage.
Another tactic is extending mobile coverage so that customers can make calls
wherever they are, even in the phone-free environments such as: aeroplanes.

In short, mobile companies’ revenues are falling because of outstanding success

and high competition. Hence, mobile business have to find new sources of growth
and develop new devices to increase revenues as well as profits

2. Advertising industry is going through a crisis period when more people

are rejecting traditional sales messages presenting advertising industry
with big challenges. What are the problems advertising industry facing?
What solutions should be taken to deal with the problems?

Nowadays, advertising is one of the most powerful ways for companies t persuade
a large number of customer to buy their products and use their services. However,
advertising industry is facing some serious problems when some traditional
methods of advertising and marketing don’t work ineffectively anymore.
Therefore, it is very necessary for advertisers to find what problems are and what
solutions are.
Some traditional selling methods are ineffective to target audience for some
reasons. Firstly, customers are now better-informed because of a combination of
long-term changes, such as the growing diversity of media and the arrival of new
technologies, notably the Internet. Besides, more and more people are taking
marketing courses, so they can know more about the marketing tactics. Which
means it’s harder for companies to persuade their customers to buy. Secondly, the
advertising industry is not enough creative. If an ad has a boring, even confusing
content, it can make the audience feel bored and dislike. Moreover, an
uninteresting ad may waste time of customers.

Because of big challenges mentioned above, finding out the solutions is very
important. Businesses can use many alternative types of promotion, such as in-
store displays, product placements and product demonstration to draw attention to
what they want to sell. Besides, companies must choose the right media if they
want audience to get their sales messages. More importantly, creativity is the heart
of advertising that attract more consumers. Thus, advertisers need to keep being
inventive in each advertisement.

To sum up, the fact that many people are refusing the traditional methods of
advertising. Therefore, it’s so imperative for businesses in advertising industry to
take actions to deal with this problem.

TASK 5: It is inevitable that as technology advances, traditional cultures will be

lost. It seems that we cannot have these two things together. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?


It is augured that technological developments lead to the loss of ancient cultures. I

partly agree with this opinion that technology and conventional values cannot
thrive together. I believe some customs are disappeared but hi-tech also helps some
traditions become stronger.

PARA 1: On the one hand, it is difficult to underestimate those high-tech items
preserve value culture from the effects of time. People tend to save historical
moments to pass down from generation to generation via the internet, smartphone,
computer, and so on. Traditional marriages in Vietnam, for instance, have been
recorded to be posted on private blogs or even shown on television. Young
generations comprehend how to conduct a wedding ceremony, such as what the
bride and groom do. There is a body of proof in this argument for why
industrialized countries like America and England have kept their ancient

PARA 2: On the other hand, the technology industry can operate independently in
modern life. Essentially, preserving traditional culture is based on the education
system of a society that lacks technological knowledge. For illustration, various
cellphones have been developed, but conventional information festivals continue to
release more and more on social media. Apparently, the charms of culture cannot
be destroyed as, as technology advances, individuals can simply view their
country's cultures on the internet.


To sum up, developmental advancements bring several advantages to make certain

traditions and customs more prevalent though it takes away some ancient values.

TASK 9: Education is not a luxury, but a basic human right and as such should be
free for everyone irrespective of personal wealth. Do you agree or disagree?


Education being the backbone of a nation is common indicator of development.

Personally, I totally coincide with this opinion. Free educational training brings an
opportunity to meet individuals who have common viewpoints as well as
encourage learners to pay attention to their schooling to get better results.


PARA 1: The major way I believe that education should be considered a human
right is that a person without schooling is like a tree without leaves, in other words,
superfluous and worthless to society. Furthermore, if a child is born into a poor
household, it should not be a justification for that youngster to be poor as an adult.
Giving such individual a free education may have substantial social benefits, and it
is rather usual for educated persons who grew up in low-income homes to
outperform their peers.

PARA 2: Another reason I embrace the proposed notion is more of a legal than a
moral concern. Governments are responsible for meeting the fundamental
requirements of its population in order for them to survive and develop, and
without education, personal development is nearly impossible. That is why nations
must provide equal chances for all citizens and allow them to advance based on
their own ability rather than their parents' money.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, free schooling brings the privilege to have a

chance to gather with the persons who share the same views; likewise, should be
driven to more concentrate on their studies. Therefore, it is obvious that it should
be available for everyone in society and can be as a fundamental human’s right.

TASK 10: Some people think that children's free time must include educational
activities otherwise they will waste their time. What is your opinion?


Some people perceive that children’s spare time must involve education programs
otherwise it wastes a large amount of time. I totally agree with this view. Training
programs can be designed alternately to make children enjoyable and be easy to
remember, especially parents can be a friend with children to instruct them.


PARA 1: To begin with, the primary argument for encouraging children to spend
their free time playing educational games is that it will assist the child comprehend
the ideas. Even minors may have fun while studying and can choose some
fundamental topics such as math. Furthermore, delivering information on a
consistent basis will educate the children on the necessity of literacy. As a result,
the children can spend their time performing activities that allow them to improve
their talents while also entertaining them. Playing puzzle games, for instance, can
assist teens develop an interest in arithmetic.

PARA 2: Additionally, guardians can influence and monitor their child's activities.
This will keep the child from becoming involved in any inappropriate behaviors,
which children are prone to doing at an early age owing to peer pressure. However,
including children in such activities will safeguard them and allow them to enjoy
their time while acquiring skills that will be useful in their future lives. For
example, studies have shown that children who acquire things through play retain
them for a long time.


To sum up, educational activities become a fundamental basis which helps children
can understand the importance of training. Even though they can begin with
enjoyable moments and give more efforts to it.

TASK 11: Formal examinations are the only effective way to assess a student's
performance. Continual assessment such as course work and projects are not a
satisfactory way to do this. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this


It is debated that students should be assessed through the academic examination;

however, many people support the view of continual assessment process instead. I
disagree with this statement for course work and projects thoroughly assess
student’s knowledge and creativity at various ranges.


PARA 1: First and foremost, students do not always complete the workbook tasks
that they submit. According to research conducted by India's education department,
many parents assist their children in completing tasks. Not only that, but the
projects are replicated in order to be submitted on time. As a result, we can
conclude that it is not a trustworthy means of assessing student talents.

PARA 2: Furthermore, the assessments that are given at educational

establishments force students to study and memorize the information that they have
studied in class. Additionally, these are conducted in the presence of an Invigilator.
As a result, pupils are prohibited from seeking outside aid. This demonstrates an
individual's reaching strength. Therefore, this can be seen as a more dependable
technique of evaluating one's skills.


To sum up, conducting exams in a structured way can tell student’s performance in
a little time but these examinations in some cases cannot reflect real student’s
abilities. Thus, personally, we need combine both final exams and obsessive judges
mirror student’s study processing correctly.


1. Vacon clinches T5 contract.

 T5 contract is awarded by Vacon.

2. BAA publishes tenders for T5.

 BAA selects project partners for T5.

3. Argument for M&A is the belief that “synergies” exists.

 Reasons why companies form alliance is that companies believe to create


4. After a long hibernation, company bosses are beginning to rediscover

their animal spirits.

 After a long time CEOs reduced their involvement in M&A activities, they

are getting excited about them again.

5. The company will be in serious difficulties if they don’t complete the project

within the time schedule and cost estimates.

 The company will be in serious difficulties if they don’t complete the project

on time and on budget.

6. BBA decided against giving the project to an outside supplier.

 BBA decided against outsourcing the project.

7. Contractors generally take on the suppliers who bid the lowest.

 Contractors generally award contract to the companies that make the

less expensive proposals.

8. Although they slowed down for a while because of the dot-com boom,

they are once again on the prowl.

 After CEOs reduced their involvement in M&A activities because of rapid

growth of internet-based business, they continue to look for good targets.

9. What should CEOs do to improve their chances of success in the

coming rush to buy?

 What are some notes for company bosses out on the prowl?

10. They shouldn’t worry too much about widely quoted statistics

suggesting that as many as 3 out of every A deals have failed to create

shareholder value for the acquiring company.

 CEOs should ignore the statistics concerning the success rate of acquisition.

11. Suppliers who are partners have the motivation to provide quality work.

 Suppliers who are partners have an incentive to do a good job.

12. Getting permission to build an additional runway is a much more important


 Getting permission to build an additional runway is a bigger priority.

13. 7 May have been fixed as the deadline for handing over the complete

project to our customer.

 The complete project has to be delivered to our customer on 7 May as


14. Much of leader’s time is spent on meetings.

 Leaders spent a large part of their working lives on meetings.

15. Most of meetings happen in the corridor or around the coffee machine

are the most efficient sort.

 Corridor meetings and coffee machine meetings are the most effective sort.

16. Too many meetings are waste of time.

 Meetings do not necessarily achieve what they set.

17. In the world of work, professionalism and efficiency are measured in terms

of how good one is as a team player.

 In the business, professionalism and efficiency are measured in terms of

the ability to work well together in a team.

 Teamwork is measured of professionalism and efficiency

18. The team recorder is responsible for writing down key points, ideas and

decisions at meetings.

 The team recorder can describe what was said during meetings.
19. Team members should be willing to share responsibility and to accept

different roles.

 Team members should be willing to commit responsibility and play any

roles on the team.

20. Real-time technology will allow companies to accelerate the movement

of data and gain greater understanding of their operations.

 I.T will allow companies to speed up information flow and give them a

window into their business.

21. The new system will link together all the component parts of the

company’s business.

 The new system will connect everything involved the company’s business.

22. Gary Reiner uses a color- coding system to check the condition of key

software applications. He can use the interconnected computers to

alert managers.

 Gary Reiner uses a dashboard to check the status of key program. He can

use the network to alert managers.

23. Using their monitoring software, managers have access to certain

indicators of performance and can see how they match the objectives

that have been fixed.

 Using their dashboard, managers have access to certain measurements

and can see how they perform against the goals that have been fixed.
24. The firm calculates that adopting automated computer systems help to

reduce spending by more than one billion dollars.

 The firm estimates that digitization help to save more than one billion


25. The new networked companies will be able to accelerate the movement of

data and gain greater understanding of their operation.

 The new networked companies will be able to speed up the flow of data and

gain greater understanding of their operation.

26. New electronic devices will enable companies to collect additional data.

 New hardware will enable companies to gather additional information.

27. More than half of the advertising budget is going down the drain.

 More than half of the money spent on ad may be wasted.

28. Criticism usually comes unasked.

 People often give negative feedbacks.

29. Mobile industry is advancing on the time.

 There is continuous improvement in the mobile industry.

30. There is no limit to the potential market for mobile communication.

 The mobile industry has far to go before it reaches the limits of mankind’s

desire to communicate.

31. Internet is not seen as bring particularly well at building brands.

 Using internet to build brands is not effective.

32. New technology development did pose huge creative challenges.

 New technology development presented the advertising industry with big


33. The advertising industry is relentlessly inventive, that what we do.

 The ad industry is continuously creative.

34. Some forms of advertising simply no longer work.

 Some forms of advertising have become ineffective.

35. Signing a celebrity and using their star status to endorse a brand is

one of the standard advertising techniques.

 Celebrity endorsement is one of the most popular advertising techniques.

36. What makes meetings especially important to companies, though, is that it is

where teams are moulded.

 Meetings are very important because they are where teams are formed.

37. Pushing for reform would no doubt be easier if there were more

precise information on the cost of litigation.

 Lack of precise information on the cost of litigation make pushing for reform

more difficult.

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