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Assignment (Mandatory before coming to next module(Python101))

Note : People who will ,

a. Not complete
b. Not able to explain the solutions
c. Not followed the coding standards of WISE (using user-defined functions only,
spaces before and after the operators, proper names to all the identifiers (Program
name, variables, functions etc.), spaces after commas etc.);
will not be allowed to attend the session and will be considered absent for the
same with zero tolerance(No excuses).
d. ALl the programs should be in the computers using vim or any text editors.
e. Should get habituated to call wise faculties with their names, else should pay
fine of 100Rs/session.

Write python functions to solve all these problems

1. To check if the number is even.

eg : 23 -> False
42 -> True

2. To check if given string is valid pincode: A pincode is said to be valid if it

contains 6 digits only.
eg : 560085 -> True
57392e7 -> False

3. Check if a number is Armstrong number.

eg : 9474 -> True
92727 -> True
126 -> False

4. Create a list of Strong numbers between any given range.

5. Input : abcd, Output : A->Bb->Ccc->Dddd

Input : virus, Output : V->Ii->Rrr->Uuuu->Sssss

6. Check if given strings are circular primes.

eg : "abcde", "deabc" -> True
"abcd", "dcab" -> False

7. Solve Euler 2, 3, 4, 7, 16.

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