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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

College of Computer Science & Engineering

Information & Computer Science Department

ICS 343
Fundamentals of Computer Networks

Transport Layer Protocols

These slides are based on:

- Chapter 24, Data Communications and Networking, 5th Edition
Policy Transition

◼ There are three versions of TCP:

◼ Taho TCP
◼ Reno TCP
◼ New Reno TCP
Example 24.9: Taho TCP
Example 24.10: Reno TCP
Socket Programming with UDP

◼ 2.7.1 Socket Programming with UDP (using Python)

Socket Interface
Socket Interface
UDP Client
UDP Client
UDP Client
UDP Client
UDP Client
UDP Client
UDP Client
UDP Client
UDP Client
UDP Server
UDP Server
UDP Server
UDP Server
UDP Server
UDP Server
The end

Important to do at home :
- Read chapter 24 of the textbook
- Read additional reading material for socket programming (2.7.1)

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