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Design and Fabrictaion of Underwater Drone.



Submitted by:


(20001004087) (20001004088) (20001004089)
(20001004092) (20001004094)


Prof.(Dr.) R.K.GARG


Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology,

MAY 2023
We hereby certify that the work which is being presented in this Project
partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF
of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engg. & Technology, D.C.R. Univ. of
Science & Technology, Murthal, Sonepat (Haryana) is an authentic record of
our own work carried out during a period from March 2023 to May 2023 under
the supervision of Dr. R.K.GARG ( Professor, MED, DCRUST Murthal) The
matter presented in this project work has not been submitted to any other
University / Institute for the award of B.Tech or any other Degree / Diploma.

Name (Roll. No.)


This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to
the best of my knowledge & belief.

Signature of Supervisor

( Professor, MED, DCRUST, Murthal)


This is to certify that the Project titled entitled “DESIGN AND
FABRICATION OF UNDERWATER DRONE”, is a bonafide record of
the work done by SONU(20001004087), TANUJ(20001004088),
TARUN(20001004089), VIKRAM(20001004092), VINAY(20001004094)
in fulfilment of the In- House Project of Sixth Semester of Bachelor of
Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering of Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram
University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Sonepat during the
academic year of 2023.

Signature of Supervisor (s)

(Professor, MED, DCRUST, Murthal)

The report begins with a background on the significance of underwater drones and their role
in overcoming the limitations of traditional underwater exploration methods. It discusses the
objectives of designing and fabricating underwater drones, focusing on their capabilities and
potential applications. A comprehensive literature review explores the existing design
approaches, materials, components, and technologies used in underwater drones. It
emphasizes the importance of structural design, buoyancy and ballast systems, propulsion
systems, control mechanisms, power and energy systems, and sensor integration in optimizing
the performance of underwater drones. The design considerations section delves deeper into
the structural design of underwater drones, emphasizing the need for robust construction to
withstand the underwater environment. It discusses the importance of buoyancy and ballast
systems in controlling the drone's depth and stability. Propulsion systems, control
mechanisms, power and energy systems, and sensor integration are also explored in detail.
The fabrication process section outlines the material selection and testing procedures,
manufacturing techniques, assembly, and quality control processes involved in building an
underwater drone. It highlights the significance of choosing corrosion-resistant materials,
utilizing advanced manufacturing techniques, and ensuring effective sealing to withstand the
underwater environment. Challenges and solutions are addressed, including waterproofing
and pressure resistance, corrosion prevention, battery life and efficiency, and maneuverability
and stability. The report emphasizes the importance of implementing robust sealing
techniques, employing corrosion-resistant materials, optimizing power management systems,
and refining hydrodynamic design for effective solutions to these challenges. Testing and
evaluation methods are discussed, including performance testing, field trials, and data
collection and analysis. These steps ensure the verification of the underwater drone's
functionality, reliability, and efficiency under real-world conditions.

Table of
1. Introduction 1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
2.1 Overview of UWD
2. Literature Review 2.2 Existing Design Approach
2.3 Materials and Components
3.1 Structural design
3.2 Buoyancy and Ballast Systems
3. Design Consideration 3.3 Propulsion Systems
3.4 Control Mechanisms
3.5 Power and Energy Systems
3.6 Sensor Integration

4.1 Material Selection and Testing

4.2 Manufacturing Techniques
4. Fabrication Process 4.3 Assembly and Integration
4.4 Quality Control

5.1 Waterproofing and Pressure

5. Challenges and Solutions 5.2 Corrosion Prevention
5.3 Battery Life and Efficiency
5.4 Maneuverability and Stability

6.1 Performance Testing

6. Testing and Evaluation 6.2 Field Trials
6.3 Data Collection and Analysis

7. Conclusion


Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), sometimes known as underwater drones, are any
vehicles that are able to operate underwater without a human occupant. Remotely
Operated Vehicle (ROVs) is remote controlled underwater Drones driven by an individual
on the surface. This is the vehicle which can submerge in water and has no crew member
present in it. It is operated by someone who is on surface or on ship with the help of
group of cable connected between rov and the ship. Generally rov's are manned with
camera, lights and many other sensor to perform variety of different task. the operator can
manipulate or do some changes with the robot, so that he can avoid some obstacles, or for
any other reason which is suitable to get the work done successfully. In many situation
like clearing the minefield which is a hazardous situation and very expensive to send a
submarine to clear the minefield, in such situation we can deploy the rov and get the work
done efficiently. Two important parts considered in the design of the vehicle to be stable,
point of the center of gravity or center of weight and center of the buoyancy force. These
determine the stability characteristic of vehicle, in which the vehicle stability means the
ability of the vehicle to be on the equilibrium condition even when there is an external
force or any external disturbance. Good stability indicates the center of gravity is
underneath the center of buoyancy force and the longer distance between center of gravity
and center of buoyancy the higher moment stability and stiffness of motion. The Rov uses
buoyant tube at the top and weights at the bottom. The propeller was chosen as a ducted
one instead of conventional and this propeller had small diameter. It is installed with fixed
mounting angles as it is simple in design. The Rov is also designed to be stable under
force disturbance. Therefore, we have took proper care in designing Rov so it remains
stable in water. The ROV is designed with a propeller system for its movement. The
major difference between other Unmanned Vehicles and this underwater drone is that it
uses a Manipulator arm, This Manipulator arm is fixed on to the bottom of the drone
which is used to carry, lift, and pick objects, they are also used to move objects from one
place to place. With this application we can provide emergency medical kits to people
harmed in the sea, like before we may not wait for the person to get on board for
treatment, the UUV will get the medical kit wherever u are on water and provide on spot
treatment, the second application is that to collect garbage waste floating on water using
its manipulator arm. Apart from these applications the ROV can be used for surveying
large ships for cracks, oil leakages in pipelines, ship maintenance, collecting water
samples, hydrology, Military uses etc. These drones are tethered by a series of wires that
send signals between the operator and the ROV, the drone is driven by 3 propellers and a
camera with high resolution and high sensitivity to darkness and a torch light.

1.1 Background

Underwater drones, also known as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) or remotely operated
underwater vehicles (ROVs), are robotic devices designed to operate underwater without direct
human intervention. They have gained significant attention and utility in various fields, including
marine exploration, scientific research, environmental monitoring, underwater inspections,
offshore industries, and defense applications.
The development of underwater drones has been driven by the need to explore and understand the
vast and largely unexplored underwater environments on Earth, as well as to perform tasks that
are challenging or dangerous for humans to undertake. Traditional methods of underwater
exploration and operations, such as manned submarines or divers, are often expensive, limited in
duration, and pose risks to human life. Underwater drones provide a cost-effective and safer
alternative for conducting underwater missions.
Advancements in technology, miniaturization of components, and improvements in energy
efficiency have facilitated the development of compact and capable underwater drones. These
drones are equipped with a variety of sensors, imaging systems, propulsion mechanisms, and
control systems, enabling them to navigate underwater, collect data, perform inspections, and
carry out specific tasks with precision.
Underwater drones come in various sizes and configurations, ranging from small, compact AUVs
that can be handheld, to larger ROVs that can be remotely controlled from the surface. They are
typically equipped with cameras, sonar systems, and other sensors to capture high-resolution
images, map underwater terrain, and collect scientific data. They may also be equipped with
manipulator arms to perform complex tasks underwater.
The design and fabrication of underwater drones involve considerations such as structural
integrity, buoyancy control, propulsion efficiency, power management, sensor integration, and
waterproofing. These drones must withstand the harsh underwater environment, including high
pressures, corrosive seawater, and unpredictable currents, while maintaining stability,
maneuverability, and the ability to perform their intended tasks effectively.
As technology continues to advance, underwater drones are becoming more capable, versatile,
and affordable. They have the potential to revolutionize various industries by providing valuable
insights into underwater ecosystems, enabling efficient infrastructure inspections, facilitating
marine research, and contributing to the exploration of the world's oceans.

1.2 Objectives

The primary objectives of this report are:
o To design and fabricate an underwater drone capable of performing tasks in
various underwater applications.
o To optimize the drone's structural design for efficient hydrodynamics, stability,
and maneuverability.
o To integrate a range of sensors, cameras, and other necessary equipment to
enable data collection and exploration in underwater environments.
o To ensure the drone's ability to withstand the challenging underwater conditions,
such as water pressure, corrosion, and environmental factors.
o To conduct ANSYS calculations to analyze the structural integrity, stress
distribution, and performance of the underwater drone.
o To evaluate the performance of the fabricated drone through testing and
validation, including field trials and data analysis.
By achieving these objectives, this project aims to contribute to the advancement of
underwater exploration, monitoring, and research, while providing insights into the
design and fabrication process of underwater drones.

2. Literature Review of under water drones

2.1 Overview of Underwater Drones:
Underwater drones, or remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), are robotic devices
designed to operate in underwater environments. They are typically used for tasks
such as underwater exploration, scientific research, inspection of underwater
structures, oil and gas operations, and environmental monitoring. Underwater
drones are equipped with cameras, sensors, and manipulators that allow them to
navigate, capture images, collect data, and perform specific tasks underwater.
These drones can be categorized into two main types: tethered and autonomous.
Tethered drones are connected to a control station through a cable, providing
power and communication. Autonomous drones, on the other hand, operate
independently without a physical connection to the control station and rely on
onboard batteries and communication systems.

2.2 Existing Design Approaches:

The design approaches for underwater drones vary depending on the specific
application and requirements. However, there are some common design
considerations and approaches that have been adopted in the development of
underwater drones:

Structural Design:
Underwater drones need to be designed with strong and watertight structures to
withstand the water pressure and protect internal components. The design may
incorporate materials such as aluminum alloys, polymers, or composite materials.

Buoyancy and Ballast Systems:

Proper buoyancy control is essential for underwater drones to maintain stability
and control their depth. Buoyancy and ballast systems, such as air bladders or
adjustable ballast tanks, are used to control the drone's vertical position.

Propulsion Systems:
Various propulsion systems can be employed in underwater drones, including
thrusters, propellers, or even biomimetic designs inspired by marine organisms.
The choice of propulsion system depends on factors such as maneuverability,
power efficiency, and noise reduction.

Control Mechanisms: Underwater drones utilize control systems to navigate and
perform tasks. These systems can include thruster configurations, rudders, fins, or
robotic arms for manipulation tasks. Advanced control algorithms and feedback
systems are employed to ensure precise control and stability.

2.3 Materials and Components:

The materials and components used in the construction of underwater drones play
a critical role in their performance and durability. Some commonly used materials
and components include:

Hull Materials: The hull of underwater drones needs to be strong, lightweight,

and corrosion-resistant. Common materials include aluminum alloys, stainless
steel, polymers, or composite materials.

Sensors and Cameras: Underwater drones are equipped with a variety of sensors
and cameras to capture data and images. These can include high-definition
cameras, sonar systems, depth sensors, temperature sensors, and water quality

Batteries and Power Systems: Autonomous underwater drones require onboard

power systems, typically using rechargeable batteries. The choice of batteries
depends on factors such as energy density, capacity, and weight. Power
management systems are essential to optimize power usage and extend mission

Communication Systems: Underwater drones rely on communication systems to

transmit data and receive commands from the control station. Acoustic
communication systems, optical systems, or tethered connections are commonly
used, depending on the operating depth and distance requirements.

Control Electronics: Underwater drones incorporate control electronics such as

microcontrollers, sensors, motor controllers, and communication interfaces to
facilitate control and data processing tasks.

The selection of materials and components depends on factors such as the

operating depth, environmental conditions, payload requirements, and cost
considerations. But as we are building it by scratch and under budget so we used
PVC, pvc has also good balance in water and easy for our calculation.

3. Design Consideration

3.1 Structural Design:

As we know designing an underwater drone is a very challenging work, it requires a lots of
theories and calculations. But for this project we just used a pvc structure that is very
commonly used in such kind of projects and is very easy to calculate every factor through pvc
ratios given. The structural design of an underwater drone is critical to its overall
performance, durability, and ability to withstand the harsh underwater environment. Here are
some key considerations for the structural design of an underwater drone:

Material Selection: Choose materials that are lightweight, strong, and corrosion-
resistant. Common materials used in underwater drone construction include
aluminum alloys, stainless steel, polymers, or composite materials. Consider the
specific requirements of the drone, such as operating depth, buoyancy control,
and payload capacity, when selecting materials.

Watertight Design: The structure of the underwater drone should be designed to

maintain watertight integrity, preventing water ingress that could damage internal
components. Ensure that all openings, seams, and joints are properly sealed using
gaskets, O-rings, or other appropriate sealing mechanisms. Pressure-resistant
enclosures or housings may be required for sensitive components.

Pressure Considerations: Underwater drones operate at varying depths,

subjecting them to increasing water pressure. The structural design must be able
to withstand the hydrostatic pressure without deformation or failure. Conduct
stress and pressure analysis using tools like ANSYS to evaluate the structural
integrity and identify areas of high stress or weak points.

Hydrodynamics: Consider the hydrodynamic performance of the drone to ensure

efficient movement through water. Streamlined shapes, reduced drag, and smooth
surfaces can help improve hydrodynamics and reduce energy consumption.
Conduct computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to optimize the shape and
minimize resistance.

Buoyancy Control: Design the structure to incorporate buoyancy and ballast

systems for precise control of the drone's depth and stability. This may involve
the use of adjustable ballast tanks, air bladders, or hydrostatic pressure systems.

Ensure proper weight distribution and positioning of components to maintain
stable buoyancy.

Structural Reinforcement: Identify areas of high stress or structural

vulnerability and reinforce them accordingly. This may involve adding structural
supports, reinforcement ribs, or thicker sections in critical areas. Reinforcements
can help distribute stresses more evenly and increase overall structural strength.

Modular Design: Consider a modular design approach to allow for easy

assembly, maintenance, and component replacement. Modular design enables
flexibility in adapting the drone for different missions or upgrading individual
components without requiring a complete redesign.

Corrosion Resistance: Underwater environments are prone to corrosion due to

saltwater exposure. Choose corrosion-resistant materials or apply protective
coatings to minimize corrosion and increase the drone's longevity. Regular
maintenance and inspections are also important to identify and address any
corrosion issues.

Structural Testing and Validation: Conduct structural testing to validate the

design and ensure its integrity. This may involve static load testing, pressure
testing, or vibration testing to simulate underwater conditions and evaluate the
structural performance.

Compliance with Standards: Consider relevant industry standards and

regulations for underwater vehicles, such as those set by classification societies or
marine authorities. Adhering to these standards ensures the safety and reliability
of the underwater drone.

By considering these aspects in the structural design, you can develop an

underwater drone that is robust, efficient, and capable of withstanding the
challenges of the underwater environment.

3.2 Buoyancy and Ballast Systems:

Controlling buoyancy is crucial for underwater drones to achieve stable and
controlled movement. Key considerations for buoyancy and ballast systems

Buoyancy Control: Designing buoyancy systems that allow the drone to ascend,
descend, or maintain a specific depth. This can be achieved using adjustable
ballast tanks, air bladders, or hydrostatic pressure systems.

Stability: Ensuring that the drone remains stable underwater by balancing buoyancy with
the weight and center of gravity. Proper weight distribution and positioning of
components play a significant role in maintaining stability.

3.3 Propulsion Systems:

Propulsion systems are responsible for providing thrust and maneuverability to
underwater drones. Considerations include:

Thruster Configuration: Choosing the appropriate number and arrangement of

thrusters to enable omnidirectional movement. This can include vertical thrusters
for depth control and horizontal thrusters for forward, backward, and lateral

Power and Efficiency: Selecting propulsion systems that offer a balance between
power consumption and thrust output. Power management techniques, such as
variable speed control or optimized propeller designs, can enhance efficiency.

3.4 Control Mechanisms:

Control mechanisms are crucial for the navigation and manipulation capabilities
of underwater drones. Considerations include:

Navigation Control: Implementing control systems that enable precise control of

the drone's movement, including depth control, pitch, roll, and yaw. This can
involve the use of control algorithms, feedback systems, and PID controllers.

Manipulation Systems: Incorporating robotic arms or manipulators to perform

tasks such as collecting samples, retrieving objects, or interacting with the

3.5 Power and Energy Systems:
Underwater drones require reliable power systems to operate for extended
periods. Considerations include:

Battery Selection: Choosing rechargeable batteries that offer sufficient capacity

and energy density. Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used due to their high
energy density and lightweight characteristics.

Power Management: Implementing power management systems to optimize

power usage, extend mission duration, and ensure safe charging and discharging
of batteries.

Energy Harvesting: Exploring energy harvesting techniques, such as solar

panels or underwater turbines, to supplement the power supply and extend
mission duration.

3.6 Sensor Integration:

Integrating sensors is essential for data collection and environmental monitoring.
Considerations include:

Sensor Selection: Identifying sensors suitable for underwater applications, such

as high-definition cameras, sonar systems, depth sensors, temperature sensors,
and water quality sensors.

Waterproofing: Ensuring that sensors and their connections are properly sealed
and waterproofed to withstand the underwater environment.

Data Integration: Developing systems for data acquisition, processing, and

transmission, allowing real-time monitoring and analysis of sensor data.

Proper consideration of these design aspects ensures the functionality, efficiency,

and reliability of underwater drones for their intended applications.


4. Fabricating Process

4.1 Material Selection and Testing:

The fabrication process of an underwater drone begins with material selection and
testing. Considerations for material selection include factors such as strength,
corrosion resistance, buoyancy, and compatibility with the underwater
environment. Common materials used in underwater drone fabrication include
aluminum alloys, stainless steel, polymers, and composite materials. Once
materials are chosen, they should undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet the
required specifications, such as tensile strength, corrosion resistance, and water

4.2 Manufacturing Techniques:

The manufacturing techniques employed in the fabrication of an underwater
drone depend on the selected materials and the complexity of the design. Some
common manufacturing techniques include:

CNC Machining: Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining is used to

create precise and complex components from solid blocks of metal or polymer
materials. CNC machining allows for high accuracy and repeatability in the
fabrication process.

3D Printing: Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is increasingly used in

underwater drone fabrication. It allows for the creation of intricate designs and
the rapid prototyping of components. 3D printing is particularly useful for
creating lightweight structures and optimizing internal geometries.

Injection Molding: Injection molding is employed when mass-producing

components with high accuracy and uniformity. It involves injecting molten
materials, such as polymers, into a mold to create the desired shape. Injection
molding is suitable for producing components with complex geometries and tight

Composite Manufacturing: Composite materials, such as carbon fiber

reinforced polymers (CFRP), are widely used in underwater drone fabrication due
to their high strength-to-weight ratio. Composite manufacturing techniques
include wet layup, resin infusion, or filament winding, where layers of
reinforcement materials are combined with resin to form a composite structure.

4.3 Assembly and Integration:
Once the individual components are fabricated, the assembly process begins. This
involves integrating the various subsystems, such as the hull, buoyancy and
ballast systems, propulsion systems, control electronics, sensors, and power
systems. The assembly process may require sealing joints, connecting electrical
and communication interfaces, and securing components within the structure.
Adhering to proper assembly procedures and following design guidelines is
crucial to ensure proper functionality and reliability.

4.4 Quality Control:

Quality control is an essential step in the fabrication process of an underwater
drone to ensure that the final product meets the required standards and
specifications. Quality control measures may include:

Inspection and Testing: Components and subsystems are inspected for

dimensional accuracy, surface finish, and functionality. Non-destructive testing
techniques, such as ultrasonic testing or X-ray inspection, can be used to identify
defects or anomalies.

Waterproofing Testing: The integrity of the watertight seals and enclosures is

tested to ensure that the drone can withstand the underwater environment. This
may involve submerging the drone or specific components in a controlled test
tank and verifying their water resistance.

Performance Testing: Once the drone is assembled, it undergoes performance

testing to assess its functionality, stability, buoyancy control, propulsion
efficiency, and maneuverability. This can be done in controlled water
environments or simulated conditions.

Compliance Verification: The fabricated drone is checked against the design

specifications and industry standards to ensure compliance. This includes
verifying buoyancy characteristics, structural integrity, electrical safety, and
regulatory requirements.

By following a meticulous fabrication process, including material selection,
manufacturing techniques, assembly, and quality control measures, the final
underwater drone can be reliable, durable, and capable of performing its intended
tasks in the underwater environment.

5. Challenges and Solutions

5.1 Waterproofing and Pressure Resistance:

Challenge: Ensuring the waterproofing and pressure resistance of an underwater
drone is essential to protect internal components from water ingress and maintain
structural integrity.
Solution: Implement effective sealing techniques using gaskets, O-rings, and
sealants to seal all openings, joints, and connections. Conduct thorough water
tests to identify and address any leakage points. Use pressure-resistant materials
and design structures that can withstand the hydrostatic pressure at the intended
operating depths.

5.2 Corrosion Prevention:

Challenge: Underwater environments are corrosive, and protecting the drone
from corrosion is crucial for its longevity and performance.
Solution: Select corrosion-resistant materials for the drone's construction, such as
stainless steel, aluminum alloys, or corrosion-resistant coatings on surfaces
exposed to water. Regularly inspect and maintain the drone, including cleaning,
applying protective coatings, and addressing any signs of corrosion promptly.

5.3 Battery Life and Efficiency:

Challenge: Limited battery life and low energy efficiency can restrict the
operational time and range of the underwater drone.
Solution: Optimize the power and energy systems by using efficient batteries and
power management systems. Implement power-saving measures, such as efficient
propulsion systems, intelligent sensor integration, and optimized control
algorithms. Consider using alternative power sources, such as solar panels or fuel
cells, where applicable, to extend battery life.

5.4 Maneuverability and Stability:

Challenge: Achieving precise maneuverability and stability underwater can be
challenging due to factors like water resistance and hydrodynamic forces.

Solution: Design the drone with hydrodynamic principles in mind, such as
streamlined shapes, optimized control surfaces, and reduced drag. Use
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to refine the design and improve
hydrodynamic performance. Implement precise control mechanisms, including
adjustable ballast systems, efficient propulsion systems, and advanced control
algorithms, to enhance maneuverability and stability.

Regular testing and continuous improvement based on field feedback and data
analysis are essential to address these challenges effectively. It is also important
to consider specific mission requirements and environmental conditions when
addressing these challenges to ensure the underwater drone performs optimally.

6. Testing and Evaluation

6.1 Performance Testing:

Performance testing involves assessing the functionality, reliability, and efficiency
of the underwater drone's systems and subsystems. Key areas for performance
testing include:

Buoyancy and Depth Control: Verify the drone's ability to achieve and maintain
the desired depth and buoyancy control using the ballast and buoyancy systems.
Propulsion and Maneuverability: Evaluate the performance of the propulsion
systems, including speed, thrust, and maneuverability in different directions.
Battery Life and Power Efficiency: Measure the actual battery life and assess
the power consumption of the drone during various operations.
Sensor Integration and Data Acquisition: Validate the accuracy and reliability
of sensors integrated into the drone, such as depth sensors, imaging sensors, and
environmental sensors.
Communication and Control Systems: Test the effectiveness of communication
systems, both underwater and on the surface, and assess the responsiveness and
reliability of the control systems.

6.2 Field Trials:
Field trials are conducted in real-world environments to evaluate the performance
of the underwater drone under operational conditions. Key considerations for
field trials include:

Environmental Conditions: Conduct trials in diverse underwater environments,

such as lakes, rivers, or oceans, to assess the drone's performance and stability
under different water conditions, temperatures, and depths.
Task Performance: Evaluate the drone's ability to perform specific tasks or
missions for which it was designed, such as underwater inspections,
environmental monitoring, or search and rescue operations.
Navigation and Mapping: Test the accuracy and reliability of the drone's
navigation systems, including GPS, inertial measurement units (IMUs), and sonar
or imaging-based mapping capabilities.
Endurance and Reliability: Assess the drone's endurance, durability, and
reliability during prolonged field trials, monitoring any potential issues or failures
that may occur over time.

6.3 Data Collection and Analysis:

During testing and field trials, it is crucial to collect and analyze relevant data to
evaluate the performance of the underwater drone. This includes:

Sensor Data: Collect data from integrated sensors to assess their accuracy,
resolution, and reliability in different operational scenarios.
Performance Metrics: Measure and analyze performance metrics such as depth
control accuracy, propulsion efficiency, power consumption, and task completion
Environmental Data: Gather environmental data, such as water temperature,
salinity, or turbidity, to correlate with the drone's performance and identify any
environmental factors affecting its operation.
Feedback and Observations: Collect feedback from operators and observers
involved in the testing and trials to capture subjective impressions, identify areas
for improvement, and address any operational challenges.
Data analysis helps identify potential areas for optimization, performance
enhancement, and refinement of the drone's design and functionality. It also
provides insights for future iterations or upgrades of the underwater drone.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, the development and fabrication of an underwater drone require

careful consideration of various design aspects, materials, fabrication processes,
and testing procedures. The underwater drone is a complex system that must
withstand the challenges of the underwater environment while performing its
intended tasks effectively.
The design considerations encompass structural design, buoyancy and ballast
systems, propulsion systems, control mechanisms, power and energy systems, and
sensor integration. Each of these aspects contributes to the overall functionality,
maneuverability, and stability of the underwater drone.
The fabrication process involves material selection and testing, manufacturing
techniques, component fabrication, assembly, and quality control. Material
selection should prioritize factors such as strength, corrosion resistance, and
compatibility with the underwater environment. Manufacturing techniques like
CNC machining, 3D printing, injection molding, and composite manufacturing
are employed to create precise and durable components. Assembly and integration
bring together the various subsystems, ensuring proper sealing, connection, and
Challenges such as waterproofing, corrosion prevention, battery life and
efficiency, and maneuverability and stability need to be addressed. Effective
solutions include implementing robust sealing techniques, using corrosion-
resistant materials and coatings, optimizing power management systems, and
refining the hydrodynamic design.
Testing and evaluation are crucial to validate the performance of the underwater
drone. Performance testing assesses the functionality of systems such as
buoyancy control, propulsion, sensors, and communication. Field trials in real-
world environments evaluate the drone's performance under different conditions
and task requirements. Data collection and analysis provide insights into
performance metrics, sensor data, environmental factors, and user feedback.
In conclusion, the fabrication of an underwater drone requires a comprehensive
and systematic approach, considering design, material selection, fabrication
techniques, assembly, and testing. By addressing the challenges, optimizing
performance, and continuously improving the drone's capabilities, a reliable and
efficient underwater drone can be developed for various underwater applications,
including exploration, research, inspection, and monitoring.

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Analysis of Underwater Drone Based on Hull Modeling. Advances in Mechanical
Engineering, 11(6), 1687814019856241.

Ribas, D., & Pereira, J. (2018). Aerial and Underwater Cooperative Robot for
Environmental Monitoring. Journal of Robotics, 2018, 5303598.

Zhang, J., Yang, B., Chen, L., & Tang, Z. (2018). Design and Research of Underwater
Drone Based on Sensor Network. In 2018 International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing (AIAM) (pp. 122-125). IEEE.

Singh, G., Jain, P., & Kumar, S. (2019). An Underwater Drone for Monitoring and
Inspection: A Review. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial
Engineering (pp. 111-120). Springer.

Gou, S., Yan, X., Zheng, J., & Yang, H. (2020). Design and Application of an
Autonomous Underwater Inspection Robot. Robotics, 9(3), 52.

Chung, Y. J., & Kim, H. (2018). Design of an Autonomous Underwater Drone with
Dynamic Ballast System. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart
Media and Applications (pp. 41-47). ACM.

Chao, Y., Wang, X., Huang, J., & Lin, S. (2019). Design of an Autonomous Underwater
Robot for Marine Environmental Monitoring. International Journal of Advanced Robotic
Systems, 16(4), 1729881419865673.

Jo, H., Choi, W., & Kim, S. (2021). A Review on Underwater Drone Technologies and
Future Perspectives. Applied Sciences, 11(5), 2270.Here is a list of references that can be
used for an underwater drone:
Autonomous Underwater Inspection Robot. Robotics, 9(3), 52.

Chung, Y. J., & Kim, H. (2018). Design of an Autonomous Underwater Drone with
Dynamic Ballast System. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart
Media and Applications (pp. 41-47). ACM.

Chao, Y., Wang, X., Huang, J., & Lin, S. (2019). Design of an Autonomous Underwater
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