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Most people try to balance between work and other parts of

life. Unfortunately, not many achieve this balance. Problems

and solutions?
I. Opening
Cach 1
- Context: It is irrefutable that/there is no denying that the
modern society is increasingly faster-paced.
- Narrow (=>topic): Because of this, many people are
putting more and more effort to balance their work and
other activities/pursuits. However, those who truly
achieve this equilibrium are few.
- Answer: while this trend could trigger some issues, a
number of viable/feasible/practical solutions could be
adopted/employed/implemented to tackle them.
Cach 2:
- Importance: It is irrefutable that/there is no denying that
the balance between work and life plays a crucial role in
our overall well-being/ has a considerable bearing on our
overall well-being.
- Narrow (=>topic): Because of this, many people are trying
very hard to strike a balance between these two.
However, those who truly achieve this equilibrium are
- Answer: while this trend could trigger some issues, a
number of viable/feasible/practical solutions could be
adopted/employed/implemented to tackle them.
II. Body
1. Body 1 [Problem]
- Topic sentence: The lack of/ the absence of work-life
balance is indeed very problematic.
- The lack of/ the absence of work-life balance could spell
some troubles for people and society.
- Point 1: First, the imbalance between work and life could
take a heavy toll on one’s interpersonal relationship.
- Explain: Busy working adults today often find it hard to
have time to socialize, let alone, dating or marriage.
- Result: the implication of this is that those who are
occupied with earning a living/family livelihood often feel
very isolated and are less likely to marry.
- Point 2: Second, people’s health could be deteriorated
from over-working.
- Explain: working excessively is both physically and
mentally demanding/taxing, and not being able to spend
time on leisure interests/recreational activities does not
allow our body to recover like it is supposed to be.
2. Body 2: [solution]
- Topic sentence: Given the damaging effects of imbalanced
lifestyle, several feasible steps/measures/remedies
(Solutions) could be taken.
- Point 1: People should learn effective ways to manage
their time. To this end, they should first master planning
- Explain: This is significant as most people who cannot
balance their life and other pursuits fail to plan ahead.
- Point 2: As most people spend the bulk of their time at
work, companies can make a substantial contribution to
the balance in their employees’ life.
- Example: Offering flexible working hours or investing in
leisure facilities/amenities go a long way in helping their
employees have a more balanced lifestyle and being more
III. Conclusion
In conclusion, work-life imbalance could trigger many far-
reaching repercussions, yet I am convinced that there are
several measures that could be implemented to remedy

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