SSP Deiparine

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BSN2 – A1
DATE SUBMITTED: January 31, 2022

— DO —
What challenge did you try to resolve recently? What was it about? What was the outcome?
How did you feel about the outcome?
The challenge that I tried to solve recently is coping up for the loss and damages that the Typhoon Odette has done into
our place. It really gave me some chills and trauma for what had happened by that time. The outcome was great since
I had to overcome the problem with the help of course with my family and friends.

Were you ever part of a team? What did you do as a leader? What did you do as a follower?
Yes, I have been part of a team as a follower and a leader before and until up to this day. Becoming a leader is about
having a great responsibility to help the members and have the aspect of being positive in life always. In becoming a
leader, you also need to follow the lead of the head of the member to have a successful and meaningful presentation
or outcome of the said project.

Did you ever say something to your friends (or parents) and got misunderstood? What do you think was the
cause of the misunderstanding?
Yes, I have said something to my friends or parents as well that leads to misunderstanding for us all. The cause of the
misunderstanding is all about not listening to what the other people has said.

Now try to finish these statements:
I feel motivated to live my life whenever I know that my parents are supporting me to my decisions in life.
I am responsible enough and have shown this through being independent in living my life.
A decision that I am happy about is choosing the college course that I study at this present time.
I would like to improve my language in English skills.

Peart, in a September 2019 Forbes article “The 12 Most Important Skills You Need to Succeed at Work”
enumerates the following skills: learnability, resilience, agility, collaboration, oral communication, written
communication, empathy, creativity, negotiation, technology and leadership. Reflect on these skills and ask
yourself, how might I develop the following skills in the classroom or at home?

Learnability: to listen always and have the courage never give up on studying
Resilience: to help everyone no matter who you are helping with
Agility: to be physically fit always
Collaboration: to collaborate to anyone and have the courage to speak to anyone
Oral communication: to talk to everybody
Written communication: to practice by writing and learn more in the language which is English
Empathy: to understand and share the feelings of another
Creativity: to be creative in any aspects in life
Negotiation: to reach an aim by an agreement
Technology: to apply scientific knowledge for practical purposes
Leadership: to follow and hear the voice of the members

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