Kamaludin - Rentang Dam, Juang Tambun Building

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Name : Kamaludin

Class :1C

NPM : 121130032

Juang Tambun Building

Juang 45 Building, or commonly called Juang Tambun Building is a historical site

located in South Tambun, Bekasi. In the past, this building was called Landhuis
Tamboen or the High Building.

This building was built by a Chinese aristocrat named Khouw Tjeng Kie, and
underwent two stages of construction, namely in 1906-1910 and 1925. During the
Japanese colonial period, Landhuis and the private land of Tamboen were confiscated
from the Khouw family. This building was also used as a fortress for the residents of
Tambun and Cibarusah in the context of the struggle to maintain independence.

Inside this building there are many heirlooms such as kris, copper plaques, to photos
of the Tarumanegara inscription. There are also historical photos from the colonial
era, such as photos of the atmosphere of Kebalen Village, photos of the handover of
Name : Kamaludin

Class :1C

NPM : 121130032

Rentang Dam

Rentang Weir is one of the largest dams in West Java, especially in the city of
Majalengka. The location is about 30 Km from the center of Majalengka City,
precisely in Rentang Hamlet, Panongan Village, Jati Tujuh District 45458. This
tourist spot is a cheap tour because you don't have to pay to enter the dam area. The
dam was first built in 1982 by a French constructor and in collaboration with a local
contractor. The main purpose of the construction of this dam is to accommodate the
flow of large rivers in West Java. These rivers include the Citarum river, the Cimanuk
river, and other small rivers around this dam.

The area of this dam is about 6,059 sq km. Can you imagine how big this dam is? It is
not wrong if this dam is said to be the largest in West Java. This dam also covers 4
districts at once in West Java, namely Majalengka, Indramayu, Sumedang, and also
Garut. As the largest dam, Rentang Dam is indeed a cheap tourist spot for local
residents. Every day this dam is definitely crowded by residents to relax.

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