Test - Articles - A - An - The or No Article

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Choose the correct answer: A, B, C or D.

1 They had _____ amazing time in Paris.

A) a B) the C) an D) ----
2 He seems to be ____ clever man.
A) an B) a C) --- D) the
3 _____ lion is the symbol of Great Britain.
A) ----- B) a C) the D) an
4 You are right! ______food here could be better.
A) a B) an C) ----- D) the
5 Jane gave one of _____ most captivating performances ever.
A) a B) the C) an D) -----
6 It’s a fantastic idea, I’ll keep it in _____ mind.
A) a B) an C) ------ D) the
7 They didn’t see Jeremy at _____ school yesterday.
A) the B) ----- C) a D) an
8 Like all families the Browns have their bad times, but on _____whole. They’re happy.
A) the B) a C) ----- D) an
9 Have you ever been to _____ Southern England?
A) the B) a C) an D) -----
10 John, where were you _____ last night? I called you, you were out.
A) the B) ------- C) a D) an
11 _____ beginning of _____ spy story should be gripping.
A) The, the B) The, ------- C) The, a D) A, the
12 Sandy is now on holiday. She’s gone to ______ Bermudas.
A) a B) ------ C) an D) the
13 Our visit to ______ Hermitage was really unforgettable.
A) ------- B) the C) a D) an
14 Welcome to our hotel, here’s your key - ___ Room 211.
A) the B) a C) an D) ------
15 Last night I heard _____Rigoletto and enjoyed ____ music.
A) ------, the B) the, the C) the, ------- D) a, the
16 ______Lake Como is situated high in the mountains in _____ Italy
A) The, the B) The,----- C) -----, ------ D) ------, the
17 ____ largest river in the USA is _____Mississippi River.
A) A, the B) A, a C) The, a D) The, the
18 There is no life in _____ Dead Sea as it is too salty.
A) a B) an C) ----- D) the
19 ______ Roman Wall is one of _____ sights of _____ Northern England.
A) The, the, ----- B) The, a, the C) The, the, the D) A, the, ----
20 ____ Angel Hotel stands on _____ river Wey in ____ Guildford.
A) An, a, ----- B) The, the, the C) The , the, ---- D) The, a, -----

Answer Key

10 B
11 C
12 D
13 B
14 D
15 A
16 C
17 D
18 D
19 A
20 C


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