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UNIT 4 Distribution lines

Q.1 State the functions of Bus-bar. .(2M)(S19)

Busbar means aluminium or copper strips where incoming & outgoing lines are connected. OR
Sometimes stranded aluminium or copper conductors

Q.2 State the necessity of earthing. .(2M)(S19)

Need of earthing: ( 2 Marks)

1. To provide an alternative path for the leakage current to flow towards earth.

2. To save human life from danger of electrical shock due to leakage current.

3. To protect high rise buildings structure against lightening stroke.

4. To provide safe path to dissipate lightning and short circuit currents.

5. To provide stable platform for operation of sensitive electronic equipment

4 Marks

Q.3 State the need of earthing and draw neat labeled sketch of pipe earthing. (S19)

Need of earthing: ( 2 Marks)

1. To provide an alternative path for the leakage current to flow towards earth.
2. To save human life from danger of electrical shock due to leakage current.
3. To protect high rise buildings structure against lightening stroke.
4. To provide safe path to dissipate lightning and short circuit currents.
5. To provide stable platform for operation of sensitive electronic equipment
Q.4 Estimate the main material requirement for a 600m, 415/240V, 3 phase line with 4 wires in
vertical configuration. The line emanate from a substation to feed a load of 30kW. Consider span
between two poles as 60 meter.(S22)

Q.5 State function of Busbar and which material is used for busbar?(4M,S18)

Meaning of Bus-bar: - (2 Mark)

Busbar means aluminium or copper strips where incoming & outgoing lines are connected. OR
Sometimes stranded aluminium or copper conductors

Q.6 State function of starter and ELCB. (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) ?(4M,S18)

i) Function of Starter:- (1 Mark)

1. To prevent the high starting current OR to minimize the starting current.
2. To give supply failure protection
3. To give over load and short circuit protection

ii) Function of ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker):- (1 Mark)

An Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is a device used to directly to detect earth fault
current from an installation and cut off the circuit from power supply and avoid electrical shock to
the person.
Q.7 What is necessity of earthing? Draw neat labelled sketch of plate earthing. (4M,S18)

Necessity of earthing: ( 2 Marks)

1. To provide an alternative path for the leakage current to flow towards earth.

2. To save human life from danger of electrical shock due to leakage current.

3. To protect high rise buildings structure against lightening stroke.

4. To provide safe path to dissipate lightning and short circuit currents.

5. To provide stable platform for operation of sensitive electronic equipment.

Q.8) Draw the single line diagram of HT (11kV) substation


Single Line Diagram of HT (11kV) Substation:

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