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Theory Into Practice

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Curricular Alignment: A Re-Examination

Lorin W. Anderson
Published online: 24 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: Lorin W. Anderson (2002) Curricular Alignment: A Re-Examination, Theory Into Practice, 41:4,
255-260, DOI: 10.1207/s15430421tip4104_9

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Curricular Alignment

Lorin W. Anderson

Curricular Alignment: A Re-Examination

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T HERE IS A STORY that needs to be told. . . . It is

a story about children and also about curricu-
la—curricula transforming national visions and aims
Content Coverage, Opportunity to
Learn, and Curriculum Alignment
Figure 1 contains three primary components
into intentions that shape children’s opportunities for
learning through schooling. (Schmidt & McKnight, of curriculum: objectives (also known in today’s
1995, p. 346) vocabulary as content standards or curriculum stan-
We must “[change] the question from ‘What stu- dards), instructional activities and supporting ma-
dents know and can do’ to ‘What students know and terials, and assessments (including standardized
can do as a result of their educational experiences.’” tests). The sides of the triangle represent relation-
(Burstein & Winters, 1994) ships between pairs of components: objectives with
During the past half-century there has been a assessments (side A), objectives with instructional
growing body of evidence supporting a fundamen- activities and materials (side B), and assessments
tal educational truism: that what and how much with instructional activities and materials (side C).
students are taught is associated with, and likely Traditionally, the issue of the relationship be-
influences, what and how much they learn. In fact, tween objectives and assessments (side A) has fallen
the results of several fairly recent studies suggest under the “tests and measurement” umbrella of con-
that, in terms of measured student achievement, tent validity. That is, to what extent does the test
what students are taught is more important than measure the important curricular objectives? This re-
how they are taught (Alton-Lee & Nuthall, 1992; mains an important question, as evidenced by recent
Breitsprecher, 1991; Gamoran, Porter, Smithson, studies conducted by Buckendahl, Plake, Impara, and
& White, 1997). Over time, different terminology Irwin (2000), Kendall (1999), and Webb (1999).
has been used to denote the “what” of teaching. Both content coverage and opportunity to
The three terms that have generated the most re- learn, as defined by Burstein (1993), have to do
search interest are “content coverage,” “opportunity with the relationship of instructional activities and
to learn,” and “curriculum alignment.” Important- materials with assessments (side C). The primary
ly, these are not just different labels for the same difference between the two concepts is where the
basic idea; there are important conceptual distinc- analysis begins. Studies of content coverage typi-
tions underlying them. These distinctions can be cally begin with an examination of the instructional
understood by examining Figure 1. activities and materials (particularly the materials).
Lorin W. Anderson is a professor of education at the The question is, “Is what we are teaching being test-
University of South Carolina. ed?” Examples of early studies of content coverage

THEORY INTO PRACTICE, Volume 41, Number 4, Autumn 2002

Copyright © 2002 College of Education, The Ohio State University 255
Revising Bloom’s Taxonomy

Standards/Objectives (S/O)
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Assessments/Tests (A/T) Instructional Activities
and Materials (IAM)
Figure 1. Relationships Among Standards/Objectives, Instructional Activities and Materials, and Assess-

include Good, Grouws, and Beckerman’s (1978) study ment test. In a related study, Leinhardt, Zigmond,
of the relationship of the number of textbook pages and Cooley (1981) asked teachers to indicate
covered with mathematics achievement test scores, whether each student or sample of students had
and Anderson, Evertson, and Brophy’s (1979) study been taught the information required to answer spe-
of the number of basal readers completed by first- cific test items. Similarly, Winfield (1993) asked
grade reading groups in relation to reading achieve- teachers to rate each of 34 test items on a five-
ment test scores. More recent studies of content point scale in terms of “(a) the number of times a
coverage have been reported by Elia (1994), Gamo- mathematics concept was taught, (b) the frequency
ran, Porter, Smithson, and White (1997), Kim of review or reteaching the concept, (c) the num-
(1993), Muthen et al. (1995), and Schmidt and ber of settings in which the particular test format
McKnight (1995). was used to teach the concept, (d) the frequency of
In contrast to content coverage, studies of usage of the format, (e) the extent to which the
the opportunity to learn typically begin with an concept was emphasized in the school reading pro-
examination of the assessment tasks or test items. gram, and (f) the teachers’ perceptions of students’
The question is, “Are we teaching what is being test- mastery of the concept” (p. 292).
ed?” Cooley and Leinhardt (1980), for example, asked If content validity studies focus on side A of
teachers to estimate the percentage of their students the triangle depicted in Figure 1, and content cov-
who had been taught the minimum material neces- erage and opportunity to learn studies focus on
sary to pass each item on a standardized achieve- side C of the triangle, then two questions remain.

Curricular Alignment

First, what about side B of the triangle? Second, analytical frameworks exist for making sense of
where does curriculum alignment fit into all of this? the data collected from curricular alignment stud-
With respect to the first question, there have been ies. Without an appropriate framework, the inter-
several studies of the relationship of objectives to pretation of the data remains rather problematic.
instructional activities and materials. However, no Consider, for example, questions often asked of
general term has been used to group these studies. teachers in curricular alignment studies:
Ippolito (1990), for example, examined the rela-
• What percent of students have been taught the
tionship between instructional materials and “cri-
minimum material needed to pass this item?
terion objectives” (p. 1). Similarly, NC HELPS
(Cooley and Leinhardt, 1980)
(1999) focused on the way the curriculum was
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• To what extent is this item/objective empha-

taught to ensure that it was consistent with the sized in the school mathematics curriculum for
content of the curriculum as specified in the North
fourth grade? (Winfield, 1993)
Carolina “Standard Course of Study.” Finally, Pick-
• Have you taught the mathematics material need-
reign and Capps (2000) compared the “geometry
ed to answer the item correctly? If you have not
language” used in K-6 textbooks with the language
taught it, was it because (a) the topic had been
found in mathematics standards documents. taught the prior year, (b) the topic will be taught
With respect to the second question, curricu- later, (c) the topic is not in the school curricu-
lum alignment is represented by the entire triangle
lum at all, or (d) the topic was not taught for
in Figure 1. That is, curriculum alignment requires
other reasons? (McDonnell, 1995)
a strong link between objectives and assessments,
between objectives and instructional activities and Terms and phrases such as “minimum material,”
materials, and between assessments and instruc- “mathematics material,” “topic,” and “item/objec-
tional activities and materials. In other words, con- tive” are certainly open to multiple interpretations.
tent validity, content coverage, and opportunity to A few attempts have been made to design
learn are all included within the more general con- appropriate analytic frameworks (see, for exam-
cept of “curriculum alignment.” ple, Webb, 1999). Gamoran and his colleagues
Over the years, researchers have come to real- (1997) developed one of the most comprehensive
ize the importance of designing studies of sufficient frameworks in this regard. Their framework con-
complexity to examine the complete set of interrela- sists of 10 general areas of mathematics, with each
tionships included in Figure 1. However, only a few area divided into 7-10 specific topics, and six lev-
such studies currently exist. One noteworthy ex- els of “cognitive demand.” Overall, this framework
ample, a study conducted by Breitsprecher (1991), “yielded 558 specific types of content that might
examined the relative effects of two instructional have been taught and/or tested” (p. 329). Although
activity variables (verbal mediation and feedback this framework clearly moves us in the right direc-
monitoring) and two levels of content validity (high tion, it suffers from at least three major problems.
and low) on student achievement. The results of First, with 558 cells, it is too cumbersome to be
the study suggest that all three variables—verbal useful to most teachers. Second, it is likely to re-
mediation, feedback monitoring, and content va- sult in an underestimate of curriculum alignment.
lidity—were significantly related to student For example, Gamoran and his colleagues found
achievement. However, content validity exerted a that only 19 of the 558 cells were included on the
slightly greater influence than either of the instruc- primary test they examined. This initial finding led
tional activity variables. them to a more detailed examination of the cells
that were included on the test. Third, the frame-
A Framework for Analyzing work is limited to mathematics. Thus, similar al-
Curriculum Alignment ternative frameworks would be needed for all other
Although there are several methods used to subject matters.
collect data on curriculum alignment (Harskamp The Taxonomy Table is a useful framework
& Surhre, 1994; Winfield, 1993), relatively few for estimating curriculum alignment in all subject

Revising Bloom’s Taxonomy

matters at virtually every grade or school level. It priately. Fourth, the three completed Taxonomy
addresses each of the three problems associated Tables, one each derived from the analysis of the
with the Gamoran et al. framework. First, it con- objectives, instructional activities and materials,
tains 24 cells (not 558). Furthermore, as illustrated and assessments, are compared. Complete align-
by the vignettes included in the revised Taxonomy ment is evidenced when there are common cells
volume and the Ferguson and Byrd articles (this included on all three completed Taxonomy Tables.
issue), teachers can use the framework to examine That is, the objective, instructional activities and
and enhance curriculum alignment. Second, because materials, and assessments all fall into the same
alignment is estimated in terms of the relation- cell (e.g., understand conceptual knowledge). Par-
ships of objectives, instructional activities and tial alignment also exists. For example, the objec-
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materials, and assessments with the Taxonomy tive, instructional activities and materials, and
Table, rather than with each other, the alignment assessments may all fall into the same row (i.e.,
process (a) focuses quite directly on student learn- type of knowledge), but differ in terms of the col-
ing and (b) yields reasonably valid estimates of umn in which they are classified (i.e., cognitive
alignment. Third, as mentioned earlier, the Taxon- process category). Similarly, the objective, instruc-
omy Table is generic. By replacing topics with tional activities and materials, and assessments may
types of knowledge, the Taxonomy Table can be all fall into the same column, but differ in terms of
used with all subject matters. the row in which they are classified. Partial align-
ment provides potentially useful diagnostic infor-
Using the Taxonomy Table to mation to teachers who want to improve their
Estimate Curriculum Alignment curricular alignment. Moving an instructional ac-
The vignettes included in the revised Taxono- tivity from an emphasis on factual knowledge to
my volume and the articles written by Ferguson and an emphasis on procedural knowledge, or from
Byrd (this issue) illustrate quite nicely the process understand to analyze may be worth the effort if
used to estimate curriculum alignment with the aid alignment is substantially improved.
of the Taxonomy Table. Before the process is de- Before concluding, two final points must be
scribed, it must be emphasized that alignment esti- made. First, there is increasing evidence that estimat-
mates using the Taxonomy Table are based on ing curriculum alignment based on both knowledge
curriculum units or entire courses, not individual les- and cognitive processes is superior to other methods
sons. Thus, the analysis involved a group of objectives, of estimating alignment. This research is summarized
a variety of instructional activities, and, generally, concisely by Gamoran and his colleagues (1997).
more than one assessment (both formal and infor- “Clearly, to predict student achievement gains from
mal). Having said this, the alignment process involves knowledge of the content of instruction, a micro-
four steps. level description of content that looks at cognitive
First, each objective is placed in its appro- demands by [type of knowledge] is the most use-
priate cell or cells of the Taxonomy Table. The ful approach considered to date” (p. 331).
verbs and nouns included in the statement of the Second, alignment, using the Taxonomy Ta-
objective are used to place the objective in the ble, is based on considering what teachers intend
proper cell. Second, each instructional activity (and in terms of student learning. This is particularly
accompanying support materials) is similarly placed important to keep in mind when analyzing instruc-
in its appropriate cell, based once again on clues tional activities. When examining instructional ac-
provided by verbs and nouns included in the de- tivities, one must ask, “What is the student
scription of the activity. Third, using clues from supposed to learn from his or her participation in
included verbs and nouns, each assessment task this activity? What knowledge is to be acquired or
(whether it be a performance assessment or one of constructed? What cognitive processes are to be
a series of test items) is placed in its appropriate employed?” Without answers to these questions, it
cell. In the case of traditional tests, each item is is impossible to properly classify instructional ac-
considered an assessment task and placed appro- tivities in terms of the Taxonomy Table.

Curricular Alignment

The Value of Curriculum Alignment research, students learn more in the college-prepa-
Even if the reader is convinced that the Tax- ratory classes” (p. 333). Consequently, “low-
onomy Table is a useful tool for estimating and achieving high school students are capable of
increasing curriculum alignment, one question re- learning much more than is typically demanded of
mains: Why should teachers be concerned about them. The key is to provide a serious, meaningful
curriculum alignment? At least four answers to this curriculum: ‘hard content for all students’” (p. 336).
question can be given. A third reason for the importance of curricu-
The first is foreshadowed by the quotations with lum alignment is that poorly aligned curriculum
which this article began. Leigh Burstein was correct. results in our underestimating the effect of instruc-
We need to be more concerned with what students tion on learning. Simply stated, teachers may be
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have learned as a result of their schooling experience “teaching up a storm,” but if what they are teach-
than with what they know and can do regardless of ing is neither aligned with the state standards or
the source of that knowledge or those skills. Bill the state assessments, then their teaching is in vain.
Schmidt and Curtis McKnight also were right. Pro- This is the educational equivalent of a tree falling
viding or denying opportunities to learn results in a in the forest with no one around . . . no demon-
very different education for different students. In sum- strated learning, no recognized teaching.
marizing the results of their research in New Zealand, A fourth, and final, reason for the importance
Adrienne Alton-Lee and Graham Nuthall stated: of curriculum alignment stems from the current
“Our exploratory studies revealed that the curricu- concern for educational accountability. Actually,
lum excluded or marginalized people by race and current is probably not the correct word to use
gender . . . and that these processes led to different here. Over the past quarter century, the responsi-
experiences for different . . . students” (p. 6). Or, bility for accountability has shifted from students
in the words of Linda Winfield, opportunity to learn (and their home backgrounds) to schools. Regard-
“emphasizes the importance of instruction and less of the focus, however, curriculum alignment
school factors in student achievement, and it avoids is central to the success of accountability programs.
the ‘blame the victim’ mentality which focuses More than 20 years ago, the NAACP filed a law-
solely on students” (p. 307). In this regard, there is suit against the state of Florida (Debra P. v. Turl-
increasing evidence that the impact of opportunity ington, 1979) arguing that it was unconstitutional
to learn on student achievement is considerably to deny high school diplomas to students who had
greater for minority students than for their “advan- not been given the opportunity to learn the materi-
taged” counterparts (Elia, 1994). al covered on a test that was a requirement for
A second reason for the importance of cur- graduation. The court placed a four-year moratori-
riculum alignment is that proper curriculum align- um on administration of the test for diploma deni-
ment enables us to understand the differences in al, arguing that this additional period of time was
the effects of schooling on student achievement. necessary to allow students to have an opportunity
This is clearly evidenced by the research reported to learn the necessary knowledge and skills. Al-
by Gamoran and his colleagues. The study focused though the emphasis has shifted from student to
on the success of so-called “transition” mathemat- school, the issue has not changed substantially. As
ics courses in California and New York. These tran- Baratz-Snowden (1993) has asserted: “If students
sition courses were designed to bridge the gap are to be held accountable for their learning, then
between elementary and college-preparatory math- schools must be held accountable as well by dem-
ematics and to provide access to more challenging onstrating that they provide students with opportu-
and meaningful mathematics for students who en- nities to learn to meet the standards that have been
ter high school with poor skills. Based on their set” (p. 317).
study, Gamoran et al. conclude that: “More rigor-
ous content coverage distinguishes college-prepa- References
ratory math classes from general-track math classes, Alton-Lee, A., & Nuthall, G. (1992). Children’s learn-
and it also shows that, consistent with previous ing in classrooms: Challenges in developing a

Revising Bloom’s Taxonomy

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