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Before we proceed, let us introduce


: Student
“As a student, the electricity problem in
our school causes discomfort in the
classroom. This can affect our ability to
focus on lessons due to the heat and lack
of sufficient lighting. For instance, the
lights cannot be installed in some cases
due to the lack of electricity. This can be
harmful to our eyes as we struggle to see
in a poorly lit environment.”
(Light sensor)

Consists of three main parts. These are the

single-axis, dual-axis, and four-axis. Of
these, dual-axis and single-axis are the main
ones used. This method allows us to
generate electricity through the sunlight at
maximum efficiency. This is because the
solar panel opens automatically toward
sunlight. For that, the light-sensitive sensors
are incorporated into these systems.
Here is the circuit
Our product diagram.
“As a student, the electricity problem in
our school causes discomfort in the
classroom. This can affect our ability to
focus on lessons due to the heat and
lack of sufficient lighting. For instance,
the lights cannot be installed in some
cases due to the lack of electricity. This
can be harmful to our eyes as we
struggle to see in a poorly lit
Throughout this project, we gained valuable
knowledge in areas such as circuit diagram
assembly, coding skills, time management, and the
benefits of renewable energy. Our teachers and
parents provide us with their assistance and
support to successfully complete this endeavor.
Uses renewable
Easy to assemble energy
Solve the Easier to bring
problems of Saves the earth
Electricity. from global

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