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Course Code : CSTH 61 QVRU/RS – 22 / 1065

Sixth Semester B. E. ( Computer Science and Engineering )



Time : 2 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 40

Instructions to Candidates :—
(1) All questions carry marks as indicated against them.
(2) All questions are compulsory.
(3) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
(4) Assume suitable data and illustrate answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.

1. (a) Explain with example Render Props in React. Elaborate with a diagram
how common functionality is shared between components. 3 (CO 1)
(b) Discuss with example how to implement Context functionality in React to
pass the data to the hierarchical components. 4 (CO 1)

2. (a) Write a Program to implement Routing using react-router-dom module. Draw

a nav bar with Home, about and Contact us Link and explain the functionality
of key classes / components created. How they work together ?
6 (CO 1)

3. (a) Create collection for RCOEM Library in MongoDB which consists of some
documents having details of facilities available in library and use update and
save methods on this collection. 3 (CO 2)
(b) Create collection for grocery store in MongoDB which consists of four documents
having details of product, type, manufacturer, date of purchase, price, etc. and
find product details based on its type and also sort it in ascending order.
3 (CO 2)

QVRU/RS-22 / 1065 Contd.

4. (a) Provide a sample code for deploying the Node.js server on port No. 9090
and home page of RCOEM website should be displayed on the browser.
3 (CO 2)
(b) Demonstrate with a sample code how to use callback function in Node.js.
3 (CO 2)

5. (a) Demonstrate the use of Express for showing the route to different URLs.
Also user will get 404 error when any non – available route is called in
the browser. 4 (CO 3)
(b) Illustrate the use of application request, response object in Express.js.
3 (CO 3)

6. (a) Explain end to end flow of implementing a web application created using
MERN Stack. Also write relevant code for files used in implementation.
8 (CO 4)

QVRU/RS-22 / 1065 2 75

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