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9/23/23, 1:58 PM EA 4: Understanding the Big Three - S-SCEN001TP ENR12 1st Sem ( 2023-2024 ) - EA 4: Understanding the Big Three

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S-SCEN001TP ENR12 1st Sem ( 2023-2024 )

EA 4: Understanding the Big Three

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Question 1
_______is the number of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time

Response: Population

Question 2
overshoot occurs when a population exceeds its carrying capacity.

Response: True 1/4
9/23/23, 1:58 PM EA 4: Understanding the Big Three - S-SCEN001TP ENR12 1st Sem ( 2023-2024 ) - EA 4: Understanding the Big Three - DL…

Question 3
Density independent factors are regulation of the size of a population by mechanisms whose effectiveness
increases as population size increases (ex: contagious disease).

Response: False

Question 4
The number of organisms that move out of the population to another population.

Response: Emigration

Question 5 3 out of 5
The Big Three

Response: Deals with the variation in time and space of population size and density for one or more species. =>
Population dynamics

Response: Addition and removal of individuals from populations => Limiting factor

Response: Deals with the variation in time and space of population size and density for one or more species. =>
Population dynamics

Response: Anything that drives a population's size and slows or stops it from growing. => Limiting factor

Response: It determines a habitat's carrying capacity. => Limiting factor

Question 6
Caused by living organisms. Tend to be density dependent.

Response: Biotic factors

Question 7

Response: Refers to the amount by which a population’s size changes in a given time. => Population growth

Response: The number of species that are born. => Natality

Response: The number of species that die. => Mortality

Response: The number of species that leave the land. => Emigration

Response: The number of species that entered the land. => Immigration

Question 8
_______is a simple mathematical model of population showing Exponential Growth. In the real world there are
limits to growth that each population will encounter. Eventually, shortages of food or other resources lead to a
reduction in the population size.

Response: k-selected species 2/4
9/23/23, 1:58 PM EA 4: Understanding the Big Three - S-SCEN001TP ENR12 1st Sem ( 2023-2024 ) - EA 4: Understanding the Big Three - DL…

Question 9
logistic growth a description of population growth where the rate of growth is constantly changing as a result of
environmental resistance as the population approaches the carrying capacity.

Response: True

Question 10

Response: Affects all populations in similar ways, regardless of the population size => Density-independent

Response: volcanic eruption and earthquakes => Density-independent factor

Response: This factor become limiting only when the population density reaches a certain level. => Density-
dependent factor

Response: Parasitism and diseases => Density-dependent factor

Question 11 2 out of 4
Age Structure Diagrams

Response: Pre-reproductive Ages are the most populous => Slow Growth

Response: Post-reproductive ages are the most populous => Negative Growth

Response: There is a steady yet passive growth pace. => Rapid Growth

Response: Stagnant periods in the diagram can be seen in different reproductive stages. => Zero Growth

Question 12
_____ are exploiters of short-duration habitats.

Response: r-selected species

Question 13
_______is population growth patterns that increase at a constant amount per unit of time (linear).

Response: Arithmetic Growth

Question 14
Operate within or between individual organisms in the same species.

Response: Abiotic factors

Question 15
_______is the actual total number of individuals of the same species. 3/4
9/23/23, 1:58 PM EA 4: Understanding the Big Three - S-SCEN001TP ENR12 1st Sem ( 2023-2024 ) - EA 4: Understanding the Big Three - DL…

Response: Absolute Population

Question 16
A _____ is the final stage of succession.

Response: climax community 4/4

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