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tBuKd;pm;qHk;aomolonfom tawmfqHk;jzpfonf/ tNrJwrf;BuKd;pm;aeolom tNrJwrf;trSwfrsm;onf/

Dr Vince’s Physics Advanced level Test: Grade 10, Chapter 5 (24_05_01)

Time allowed: 86 min; Answer ALL Questions: Pass ≥ 86 %, Distinction ≥ 95 %
1. Are the following statements True (or) False? [6 marks]
(i) Work is always done whenever a force produces motion. (False) [1]
(ii) Energy cannot be created, but can be destroyed in physical processes. (False) [1]
(iii) A bird’s sound can be converted into electricity. (True) [1]
(iv) Any kind of energy can be changed from one form to another. (True) [1]
(v) The total fossil energy of the earth is constant. (False) [1]
(vi) A body losses its energy when it is dropped from some height. (False) [1]

2. Fill in the blanks. [7 marks]

(i) Energy is the capacity to do _______. (work) [1]
(ii) Energy possessed by a body is measured by the amount of _______. (work done) [1]
(iii) Energy acquired by a body due to its motion is called _______ energy. (kinetic) [1]
(iv) _______ potential energy is the energy a body possesses because of its position (Gravitational) [1]
relative to the ground.
(v) The potential energy due to the _______ of the shape of the body is called elastic (configuration [1]
potential energy. )
(vi) If the total energy of an isolated system at time t is x, then the total energy at time 2 t (x) [1]
is _______.
(vii) If the total energy of a body at 20 m is 100 J, then the total energy of the body at 10 m (100 J) [1]
is _______.

3. Choose the correct answer. Just write the question number and the correct letter. [7 marks]
(i) When the direction of the force and the direction of motion are the same, work is _______. (A) [1]
A. maximum B. negative C. zero
(ii) When the direction of the force and the direction of motion are opposite, work is _______. (B) [1]
A. maximum B. negative C. zero
(iii) While a body is falling from some height, its ________ energy is increasing. (B) [1]
A. potential B. kinetic C. total
(iv) While a body is going upwards, its ________ energy is increasing. (A) [1]
A. potential B. kinetic C. total
(v) If a 2 kg body is lifted from 4 m high to 10 m high, the amount of work done is _______. (C) [1]
A. 200 J B. 80 J C. 120 J
(vi) A force is applied to a 2 kg body, and its speed increases from 4 m s-1 to 6 m s-1, the work done is (C) [1]
A. 36 J B. 16 J C. 20 J
(vii) The one which is not a form of energy is _______. (C) [1]
A. light comes from the sun B. heat radiated from the sun C. the sun
tBuKd;pm;qHk;aomolonfom tawmfqHk;jzpfonf/ tNrJwrf;BuKd;pm;aeolom tNrJwrf;trSwfrsm;onf/
4. (a) (i) A woman is carrying a bag on her head and going to the top of a hill. Is there any work done?
Yes. The work done is due to the increase in potential energy. [1, 1]
4. (a) (ii) A child is pulling a toy car with a 10 N force. The direction of the force makes an angle of 70° with the
normal line. If the car moves 6 m horizontally, how much work does the child do? If there is frictional force
of 2 N, what is the work done due to frictional force?
The angle between force and displacement is 20. [1]
Wload = F s cos  = 10 × 6 × cos 20 = 56.38 J [1, 0, 1]
Wfriction = f s cos  = 2 × 6 × cos 180 = -12 J [0, 1, 1]
4. (b) (i) Differentiate between potential energy (PE) and kinetic energy (KE). Can a body have both PE and
KE at the same time? Give an example.
Potential energy is the energy stored in a body due to its position or configuration. [ 1]
Kinetic energy is the energy a body have because of its motion [1]
Yes. A body moving at a height has both PE and KE. [1, 1]
4. (b) (ii) If a body is thrown upward with a velocity of 20 m s-1, what is the maximum height it can reach. Use
energy principle to get your answer.
total energy at the top = total energy at the bottom [1]
PEtop + KEtop = PEbottom + KEbottom [1]
mgh + 0 = 0 + ½ mv2 [1]
v2 202 [1]
h  = 20 m
2 g 2 10

5. (a) (i) State the law of conservation of energy taking the universe as an isolated system. Is the total energy of the
universe decreasing day by day?
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed in any process. The total energy of the universe is constant. [1, 1]
No. [1]
5. (a) (ii) A 200 g plastic ball is dropped from 10 m high, and rebounds to 4 m high. How much energy has lost as it
strikes the ground? Will the velocities of the ball at 2 m when it falls, and when it rebounds the same?
E10 m = PE10 m = mgh = 0.2 × 10 × 10 = 20 J [1]
E4 m = PE4 m = mgh = 0.2 × 10 × 4 = 8 J [1]
Elost = 12 J [1]
No. [1]
5. (b) (i) Express three examples having elastic potential energy.
Stretched or compressed spring, stretched rubber band, bent plastic ruler [1, 1, 1]
5. (b) (ii) A 2 kg body is initially moving with a velocity of 2 m s-1 on a frictionless horizontal surface. A force is
acted on it, and the velocity increases to 6 m s-1 after sliding 4 m. Find the net force acted using work energy
principle. Does this force depend on the work done?
W = KE [1]
F s = ½ mv2 - ½ mv02 [1, 1]
F × 4 = 0.5 × 2 × (62 – 22)
F=8N [1]
No. [1]

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