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BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME The trailer begins with an establishing shot of Broomfield Mill. In the frame, we see the Mill House, the river running beneath the bridge and the green fields spread across the background. Diegetic sounds of the river and other nature. CUTS TO: EXT. MILL LANE DAY TIME We see a close up of the Mill Lane sign and a car speeding past. Diegetic sounds of the car. CUTS TO: INT. RACHELS CAR DAY TIME We see the back of Rachel Mannings head as she hastily drives down Mill Lane. Trees and houses pass through the windscreen. She attempts to turn on her radio, but the signal is lost and a static, muffled noise fills the car. She switched her radio off in frustration. Diegetic sounds from the car and the static radio. CUTS TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME Local mechanic, Ryan Parker, and farm girl, Harriett Collins, are flirting beside a broken down car on the side of Mill Lane. Harriett stares at Ryan with fixation, and giggles and smiles flirtatiously. Diegetic sounds of the mechanic fixing the car. CUTS TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME We see a smitten Harriet smiling uncontrollably at Ryan. Diegetic sounds of the mechanic fixing the car. CUTS TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME Rachel Mannings stops in front of the car and breaks the moment. She puts down her window, lifts her stylish sunglasses and throws Ryan a promiscuous wink. Diegetic sounds of the car pulling up and stopping before the young couple, and the window sliding down. CUTS TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME

Ryan is distracted from his work and looks at Rachel with interest. He returns her wink and smiles with approval. Diegetic sounds of Rachels car driving away. Harriett pulls an offended face in Rachels direction, and nudges Ryans arm as an attempt to regain his attention. Ryan snaps out of his distracted state, and returns to flirting around with Harriett on the side of the road. FADE TO BLACK FADES TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME The Vicar of Broomfield, Simon Claude, and elderly resident, Edith Jones, are seen chatting over a stone garden wall. They are exchanging friendly smiles and enjoying the peace and quiet. CUTS TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME Rachel speeds past the vicar and elderly woman noisily, interrupting their conversation and disturbing the silence of the countryside. Simon and Edith watch the car drive past with disapproval. Diegetic sounds of the car speeding past loudly. CUTS TO: INT. RACHELS CAR DAY TIME We see the back of Rachel Mannings head as she hastily drives down Mill Lane. Trees and houses pass through the windscreen. She smirks at the vicar and elderly woman in her windscreen mirror and carries on down the road. Diegetic car sounds. FADE TO BLACK FADES TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME The local pub owner, Barry Brooker, and his best friend Charlie Collins, the owner of Mill Farm, are enjoying the outdoors by hunting in the fields at the end of Broomfield Mill. They are laughing and joking, clearly enjoying each others company. They walk back towards Mill Lane with Barry holding a rifle, and Charlie possessing his catch. CUTS TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME We see the two hunters smiling and patting each other on the back, laughing and joking around.

CUTS TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME Local resident of Mill Lane Jennifer Ward, who recently discovered she is pregnant, is seen sitting on a wooden bench at the end of Broomfield Mill. She is looking sorrowfully into the distance, and caresses her unborn baby with anguish. CUTS TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME We are now looking over Jennifers shoulder to find that she is staring at the two friends from a distance. They do not seem to be aware that she is watching them, and continue to walk towards Mill Lane. CUTS TO: EXT. BROOMFIELD MILL DAY TIME We see Jennifers face filled with distress and shame and she continues to watch the men walk away. FADE TO BLACK FADES TO: INT. THE KINGS ARMS PUB EVENING Pub owner Barrys son, Marcus Brooker, is sitting at a table reading a magazine intently. Diegetic sounds of turning pages. CUTS TO: INT. THE KINGS ARMS PUB EVENING The camera focuses on the magazine cover, to reveal that he is reading a popular womens magazine called Cosmopolitan. Marcus continues reading, engrossed in the content of the magazine. CUTS TO: INT. THE KINGS ARMS PUB EVENING Barry interrupts Marcus from reading, and tosses a tea towel angrily in his direction. Marcus looks annoyed but defeated as he picks up the towel his glaring father put in front of him. As Marcus goes to stand up, the pub door swings open loudly and Barry and Marcus turn their heads and stare in the direction of the disturbance. Diegetic sounds of a door slamming open. CUTS TO:

INT. THE KINGS ARMS PUB EVENING A glossy, red heel steps into the doorway of the pub. [CAMERA PANS UP TO REVEAL THE BODY OF RACHEL MANNINGS] We then see Rachel Manning glancing around the room evilly. She then smirks in Barrys and Marcus direction. FADE TO BLACK NON-DIEGETIC VOICEOVER: BRAND NEW MILL LAND WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAY AT 6PM ONLY ON CHANNEL DECS (NON-DIEGETIC MUSIC ENDS)

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