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oe Passive Expressions Eee eee eee. eae Peete eo ee eee eo ene eee ay ete ee, oe ge ee tee es Pete OP ee eee Won ra ee koe Pee eure Pong In this chapter, we learn various ways to express passive meanings in Korean a Oe eRe ee Per eerie ei ean are eC Al SICH. Because the use of Korean passive forms varies depending on the verbs and the tenn eee ee ee ea eee Te Reus (iRete eo eA) OTe: Cees Scanned with CamScanner aI 7 O| HAS FOlS] BHO! CHE Aol WS ofo|7} ABS Wo, ‘The child hugs a dol. obo] 7} oH} aoa, ‘The child was held by the grandiather. BES 2V7P ES Bola, Mark opens the doe Eo] SHIR, / Zo] Az gol.a, ‘The door opened. / The door is open. AZO! OPOIXIALY 7047} Sty St 210] OfLIet CHE SOIL Afet HBO! Te SHO] AS tt ABSILICH 0] HHS eI Salo -ol/si/al/7|—S wot BkSLich. This expression is used when the subject's action or behavior occurs either because of an action performed by someone else or because of some other indirect action performed by some person or thing. Its made by attaching -0V/6/2U/7I- to the verb stem. Note that only some verbs allow this affix. act + aict + wc * act + AXOICH wait welct ANZICE bude 158 Korean Grammar dr Yése termediate ad Scanned with CamScanner 7 MOE DISA CS BSUch, “The most common passive verbs are as follows. a ‘ct SOIC opt tobe put tobe shut to be hung (off, uRRc} BHFICE ect esict seicp etc ect tochange tobe. toread — toberead changed tolisten tobe heard tohold tobe held sc} SICH | otc tach zc} BIC tosee tobe to block tobe to pursue | tobe seen blocked pursued mct Molt | Sct talc} Bc Ich tousefwite tobeused’ | togab tobe totearup — tobeton written grabbed wag wich | ict sich act AVI tolock tobelocked| toest tobe towash | tobe eaten washed ‘01 ISS CHSz} BS SES ASSUCL S, SBROll VE SSHO! MISH] SlP1 So] = Szto} ‘See BRA BUCH. ‘These single word passive expressions are used in the following forms. The original action form is shown on the right, and this is changed to the passive form on the left. a) Neo/7tNioal V+ -OV/si/el/7- (NWO NEB V) + Yelo] 2alotA atiola. _ C81 Yale Balog.) ‘The criminal was caught bythe pole. ‘The police caught the criminal. + at nolo R712 Nee, 2 (adol7t AE RE BoA.) ‘The mouse is being chased by the cat. ‘The catis chasing the mouse. 0] SeHe BO] + SHE SAKE “HICH, SHSICL WIch, QMIch, stsIch Sol Meech. ‘Some of the common verbs that take this form of the passive include #27ICt, o{8Ich, Sick, 2!7Ict, and. eld aniggueNct 159 Scanned with CamScanner 2) NOW/7tV + -o1/8}/2/71- mn (e/a y + AINE}S Seto] Gala, _ Ulnelt 222 Sola) can hear loud musi. Tim listening to loud musi, +A) ABS} wEaIShoLA, _ (At AEPAEE UEOLD.) My phone number has changed | changed my phone number, ——— O| Ses BO! 4 + Olt SAH “BeIC, MOI, YHFICE SICH Belch, welch, ‘BVICE, Selct, ap) Ch SSICF So] Visuict, ‘Some of the common verbs that take this form of the passive include SIC, OIC, FFI, Stich, are, ‘Belch, @7Ich, Welct, Ich, and Ea, @ Ne01/7E NiOll V+ -O//81/el/21-+-01/01 Ich — (Ni New@/ Vv) + Aa Bal dal sola, _ (le Als islet.) ‘The clock is hanging on the wall, () hung the clock on the wall. + 7801 AYE SoH 49} Slot, BMS esta) ‘The bag is (placed) on the desk. () placed the bag on the desk, O| BEHE Ol + CHE SAKE MOICt, OIch, woIcy ‘BPI RSIch Sol VScich, ‘Some of the common verbs that take this form of the Reich. Passive include “o[ct, ‘e0[ct, wich, geIch and fees Hs AO] QN7I7E BOER? 4 ©) Bo] ASO Bo) se A pepe ic] | 28 Pe Aol el77t ect 01 4401 Alztgiola Elo} giBich f EU} 94 SHS BCH 182 Qlolatad as7} zich | S80! Solel gelze moiict | ol wate} | Mie tt eel 48 0H olcy | -Alkttiod we ay ecu) 160 Korean Grammar i Yése-itemediate Scanned with CamScanner 1 wre] Obst? Ul, bo] SARE ws atoll] wo] MESH ofS. 9 ABA ASO] skol LP BANA Bh 2el7} UF SAL SRE B47 Bela. Hl] AE0] TEA Bk, AH, AVES SEA2, CHS [S7I]ONAl StS ElOS Sto} TSO YEH CHS SSH. (@ we oad ah Le (1) 7 9 Aol] ot Belew glo? Up Bo] WH Uo. AF S47} MA APS 7ITeISz Ghoha. @ + WA, S58} Zl up epee, op] Rolorsel2, @ 7 Azl Hel Qe ALS FF AR o}Ia? up Sao] AA Fee Aree. (7 SANE bee 94 61g dol 2 up ABO BAS ST Mis A Soka, © 7 awe Foo] NL? 2 UBS M771 HY + Lb OS HS Bola, oer A SAS Bo} Sls, asigguegst 161 Scanned with CamScanner a 22) uF SES Ml AARP? & When shall we eat with our classmates? ARE ORF wh MOEA, O50] Paha aay FAR. ‘Anytime’ fine with me, Please let me know when the detaits get decided. 7% A BZ) BSA] Ast Ya? ‘Why are you having such a hard time writing? u Bul] FS A Aopa, SA7} BT ek Aa, | think there's a problem with my pen. It doesn't write well, 0] Gis ClO} MISH! F012) #HO| CHE AIS] BS ckSoy oRO{RIIL} Aosta St 30] O1Le CHE SOL} Atet MEO TE SSO] SS of ASSILICL ISS tee -ol/syel/7|—7} wal Be SAO BO ANSEL Similar to the previous passive form in which an affix was added to the verb stem, this expression is 360 used when the subject’s action or behavior occurs either because of an action performed by someone el? cor because of some other indirect action performed by some person or thing, However, note that this form S only used with those verbs to which an affix -ol/8/2l/2}~ cannot be attached. —O/ormo1S “4 fd MOIS. ean 0/2 act AN. - jee ae. olay / 3 01/018 2a act Hal 21012 462 Korean Grammar in se -tmermeite i Scanned with CamScanner _ garde} EAHA, sho] Ya ohn, hy cl phone won't rn on seems broken. «Asi ch es 7PveH Ro] Baio} a, ‘The coffee spilled out, and the bag became stained. «. ojstiol 47} 2HFENE Gt 17 aha] obo] louyy} ra gshola, Last ight. went fo sleep without uring of the computer and inthe morning, awoke tof thatit had ‘turned off. 1 58801 “OVINE Set cian Ze ge} UC, ‘When -O}/04RICt is added to an action verb, it changes as follows. NOV7EV-+-OV/orxIch = — (Ne/BV) $E471 Bobi, — Sere della Art mitola, - ANE mola, 01 B82 -o//s/2l/71-71 Hl B= SAlol ANSSIAIet Volt -01/81/21/71-71 we SALol SANBaiS BE7E MALE. | Note that whe his expression s supposed to only be used with verbs to wich an affix -o1/8/2U/21- | doesnot attach in recent yeas its us has grown to include such verbs. |. aes Bslola, — dart Bzlela. / Boizioia, | ‘The phone call ended. B81 INS Hola, — Fel Ft Hel glohs. / mz sloia, Ltters are writen in the notebook. ‘SSA Flol -OVOIICHS 40H AteHol WEHE LIEHILICL ORS 2S elroy wyOOE ain SA} URRILIC, The form ~0}/0/z|C} can be added to adjectives to express a change in state. Please see in the beginning level for more details about this form. | +O alt Ber cl Ao} 2, | Mina has really become pretty. + BAB 84 Yo] ARAzLA, |iied up the room, and it became clean. OmgeueR 163 Scanned with CamScanner 1m Hebaabt ofa BAO] sta? ul SAP BBO] oh Sez B. Sat HES eb eect MHS et Pict ‘BOIEAIM OFS Ct uy FRE}, ope] B47} AMAL Mla. OFSIO SLI TAC Bol ojo SU axIch Bol SOIL FACE 1 -O/OIZICS AS3HA CS THetS StSotxile. () 7 0] Re SHo] BoB. (Qk Aer) uy ATETol] BALSA OF AMAL. Scanned with CamScanner a Alok AI abet eA? & Is it true that Jaya in the hospital? ual Aol SAL} YA] els Fea. SShe got ina tratfic accident a few days ago and was hospitalized. 7 KBol PBS Afo|7} So}BoR? Have you gotten along better with your husband lately? ul, AS olop7]S eo] & So] AS a olalst7l S1ho1.2., Yes, we came to understand each other better after we talked about a lot of things. 0] SYS TSS RH GH ASSH=EC| O1F Yo] Fo4o] ofx|ot BH Slo] Slovet oh ABRIL, This expression is used to express the passive in cases in which the subject's will or intention is not invoved. . - 7h 7p sigtols. 2A Ail S|RO1LR / eich 2p Sigio1g. 7c 7p SH i am: ict ep i a ict FAL 101 fee Ce AE le ict ep a ols. = = UHOE SHS oA shave] Aol U7 SM1s, Tcame to Korea to study, and from lst year came to vein Seoul, AP Ol HAS Sow AS ANF OA A, Because my friend likes this store, | have come to frequent it often, too. The Bp7|oj] AIGHEO] LE THEO HOPED Aet SA} eso] 7 a A Dore, ‘Next semester, all of my friends will go back home, and it looks like | alone will be left in Korea. S.nIgg UeRE st 165 Scanned with CamScanner SOrera 1 0] REIS sing O}RO{AI COIL} ZAI! gloH CHAHATES B71 Bee! Al SIeo1e's go) ANSEY Ch, “ail Sleioia"= Boia ai) Hols’= ABSt7I SILIct. This expression is often used in the form —Ail £101 to indicate a state or situation that has come to by true in the present, or thet has been decided. It can be shortened to ~| 58012. + 314 Abo] a Soba] ole Gol SIAHS ehpa Slsoie, (Our company is financial trouble, so I quit working at the company this month. 2 0] RHE xHlol Wot Ye AWAIT] WA LSA BSD AS cH ABSHIS BIUey, oy 271] QSIe VSL} SS ol AOS BEE OPC} HOS S + WALI. This expression is also used when the speaker wants to tell another person something that happened to him or her in an indirect and gentle manner. Using such forms allows conversations with others to progress more smoothly compared to when more direct expressions are used. + ole Silo: a7} BARS Wa Slaheueh, | 1 OWE BBS PASUCh sch HS Rz BASH ZILICH | ‘This form is a gentler way of expressing H8t3S WASLUCh. 3 0] HBS visio] Bars ep m= AS SLCh, This expression is also used to express the result of a change. + RoE STS ot Sobskee| yA AF AF woh BY Soha} sislol a | lused to dislike soccer, but after watching it a lot with my boyfriend, | came to like it. | + APES Lepdel 7141 Ssh} cake asp sigoia, | After going to a noraebang to practice karaoke with my friends a lot, I (have come to be able to) sing well u BIBS Be] a4] 27 Aga, d "20 Sct : THEHOR B51 BO] oc} + AVE OIL SIA #5 FS BEI F9) ainjo1y guste Zi Hal Ds SII OBA SICH BO Aya acy uo Ul, 3a As Hel 7A 18, zavietect | ee spyioe OAH 7c} ‘SE 2He caso 71cp 7A Se Sct AVE a OY Be etey che gol 2/21 ict PHO| Soke cHet04 aac 466 Korean Grammar i Use “Intermediate Scanned with CamScanner | 1 | 1 0] 281 ein opROFR! OILY ate! Bol CRHAKE 74 BEV! A SOL Bo} jay | Ch AI sieioia'= aon 71 soia'= Agai7i= BUC. This expression is often used in the form -71| £1201 to indicate a state or ‘situation that has come to be true in the present, or that has been decided, It can be shortened to ~7i] OLS. | + SAPAP¥o} eb ob} ole God SIA} RHE sIshol&, | ‘Our company is financial trouble, so | quit working at the company this month. | 2 0] BBS xWWlollal Wott aS AAAolA| eal HEE HEISE VS Uh ASSIA SIIcy. 9) Bal VSle Weil} SS wy AOS BH AC} MSS SB +> VSUICt ‘This expression is also used when the speaker wants to tell another person something that happened ‘to him or her in an indirect and gentle manner. Using such forms allows conversations with others to progress more smoothly compared to when more direct expressions are used. + ol Sole alt BaHRS wel Siakeuch OAS BIBS WRALCL NC SER BEE! ALCL This form is a gentler way of expressing Hes wetSLich. | 3 0] HAS "vis}o] Bars Lets Me ASS. | | | | This expressi is also used to express the result of a change. + NINE SHS et SHREW AAS AHF Mert BY Sols} S|ghoi a. used to dislike soccer, but after watching ita lot with my boyfriend, | came to like it. + AP Ss ey yoH 7H] ARF AHH Mes AoA Soja, ‘After going to a noraebang to practice karaoke with my friends a lot, | (have come to be able to) sing wel. | Ez pia site 1 7 sea? ub BRSPIOS Be] Me] 27] Egloja, Bizol a oct | -mequce gay eso) oc} 214 Up OK aIMol AIatsict | CS HE! 79] SIAjoIA aistct xia AT UE saws ofl Sich | APO] 20ie atch 2 u ul, Ba 2s wo 7A) EIQeIa) seAtom O|AHS ZICH ‘Set SP mZoH ICE 7A 2 Sct | BAPE eb si Be etch cpg Stoll AISI eich | S57B0] S218 eiptoy gic 466 Korean Grammar de 2ése «tnermediate a Scanned with CamScanner ec oa WOH 1 ‘AL SICHS ASSIA CHS cHSHS etgopig. (1) 7 ASE] Ez} Algpoj a7 uy adel go] abel al-p7h OAKS 7b] Sat Aba 112, (2) 7 NBA AE AHS BH L0}.8? ur Stel] Wa] & alte] 27S. 6) 7% HAASS Wea? ue obala}7} seh spy} (4) 7 FREAKS MES AKG She Fl Gora, ub eo] 4] SA} ANY} Bes AE ©) 7 BP] AE of sal tora? u Ae ao] BE FYS SOA 2 CHS [M7IJOIAl QtBtS CtOLe StOF ‘7H SICH ASSIA AAD, @ 271 Araict act weict ich Be ML SLI} Ue Mold Boy 77 LOS 1) MAME A] BLE ARO} S] QGue, aay aa We A FS @) . sais oe WHE Go] USK SOMOS nu ARR AB) RE NE A PEAT S83] 6) BH DoH Sol} Mea As Ae ZI717} SAS Ue Solsya aise. ameeuere st 167 Scanned with CamScanner Qe 1 CS 2S a eo uy @ 4 ole We DEAE. ‘MeIIOLE Volt ert BolAole. © ABHE Belo. @ AS} BAD @ ASI} et goin. @ AES wghoia. Q~9) Clg & wa a Rol Bolg we DEM, 2 on ae coi? UU OFBIOH| BIA oto] Stateiay CHE Afztoll © Betela. @ wees @ Bagel OWS Ata St Maz OM 2HICeMIe? UU Ofte Be a Z0y : OPES BIR @ ol} 714) S]g}019. Oo} 2 S aetoia @ OV} 721i Alojoy.g. 4 cewes #9] O}n|7} CBA 491 21 TENS © Whol SH Bo] Be upgpoy SEA, @ SAE RGU UES Bo} 7ILaIaL a © HANS 711 VAI Eo) Sholay AR aol. @ Seve] USAMS BUS MT Lego] Hobo a 5 CSRS MAS oe we oye © S480] BEE Ba] golg. @ BKYO] Bola] Bo} Bl Siglela. @ SE 39] Bo] Bojzy] yp] FIA, OAS TF f Fo] 7802 a o14 Aolaola, 6 CS BH 4S Bel 22 Boye, ® Sol Ala} Bel gloia, ®@ AZo} Ao] RI gloi.g @ WE Fol 70] 2. @ AE BE BSI Ao} Bot aJo19, act 170 Korean Grammar de @seInermetine Scanned with CamScanner AE MOLE SAKE Chat ZScict, ‘The most common causative verbs are as follows. <= act 4oict | ect toes toteed: | read Sct welct| sect zich | mic mE) Sect ARCH to tomake|tolaugh tomake| to toweke| tobe to make eat read | know known laugh | wake (some | late post- up one) up pone; to delay act morc | etc etsich | arc zict| atct eiaier | act mace | Sich wc todio tokil’ | tosit toseat(a|tolive tol | to | to | to | to |tobe to person) live | under- entrust | steep cause | low | lower take tosleep wc} wort | sch mich | ec gett] wich ict | etch eect tose toshow | tole toput |tocy tomake| totake to cause| torte. togie down (some cry | of — totake aide one) to | off bed ach ort | ect eeict fsc satct| mick aricr | ck meet] tote to towear todress | to tomake|towash tohave | to to make| deceived deceive (rake | tsten heard person] stand; stand wear wasn | to | (upto stop _ make stop Sch OIC oysict | Zick Belek] aac zich | Act ec tomelt to (cause tomake | to ‘tomake| tolose | toleta | to put to cover| to) melt tipe;t0 | wak walk | ameai; person | on;to. a thing bail to to | go | wear with;to cook : stave hungry | puton Bch Rolct gaict | ech) welch] 2ct Zieh ff toboil to (cause tonithe| to tolet |towash to wash to) bal marti; | play pay | (one's) _ (some- to guess hair one's) correctly _ hale eq go} | we wich | ect gaict] we} zich tostick to stick tobe towiden}| to — toturn to to leave. to;be — (some- | wide Auen = (gome- | Femain; ' behing) afized to thing) to; thing) | tobe toaftix left (some: eshiney thing) | waggueKnd 177 Scanned with CamScanner MS Bele evg ots af CAT Ze gels SELICL 4, SBM HE SSI SLO Aggy) Slot QIRol k= Sat Sele vA SUCH. ays. The ection, oF intransitive, forms of verbs given Causative expressions are formed in the following W the sentences on the right are changed to the appropriate causative forms in the sentences on the let ” NoO1/7t NiB/E V + -01/81/21/71/5515— (N:Ol/7t EM) + sholy) Ai7} ok as Ralels, (ok AI7t RE Sloe) ‘Weiming made Jaya laugh. vaya is laughing. seiov7 ofolse mete, (eletsiel ato.) “The mother woke up the boys. ‘The boys woke up. + $9 AV Pimhg Ope BS Holz sels, (gol Bx Mela.) ‘Suyeong is boiling water to drink coffee. ‘The water is boiling. ) NsO1/7$ NiOHAl Nowe/S V + 0/8/22 2/4 (N:O1/7t No /S ELSAL) + AG “Ph UB BEA AVES Hel Hols, AFH AALS Hole.) Soyeong showed the wedding photos to her fends. Her friends saw the photos. + Qo] Avr epee aS wo} aU. (YEHO] AS wel ees) YYeongmi makes the students read Ints of books. “The students read a lot of books. + gopsyal7t fel Sala MeOH 1S SAAR, (roleo] Bobsz1} Grandpa lets the children hear (he tes) story froma ole AS S918.) tong time ago. ‘The children often listen to Grandpa's stories. ® NOTE NiB/a A+ 011/27 9/8 (mov7kega) « ofoleol oie aI. : (el igeued The children dirtied the room. The room is dirty. + ob} 21242] ols BRU. (c12}9) e017 gout) Father lowered the height of the ch ‘The height of the chairis OW 472 Korean Grammar de %ése ‘ntermedite Scanned with CamScanner 1 SAM Soe MSA AS Set7t VS AO] VEGI Soild ww Sct. ‘The passive and causative forms of some verbs are identical, so these verbs must be differentiated by the contexts in which they are used. Se Thisbook tas been read by many people. —Passive + ANUS Boll Be sheet ~ ANAL The teacher made Yeongsureadthe book, — Causative + 2a) dole eet wale ~ 14 The ocean canbeseen om ourroem. -—-——Passve + AFA WA AIR Aalg Mol eaeue, — AGA Heta fiend see pice ofmy boytiend. — — Causative Sz ASS! SEH VE A Soll Wo] Mol AS chsat WSUct. ‘Some of the most commonly used verbs with identical passive and causative forms are given below. | leh oleh | =e ea wel | geet wate | ach : Bet a ; ee 2 AS} WSS] Sei7+ SS SPOAL SS BA MS SPolete AS SHS Ssh sa AS is “ool cre SAUL, Regardless of whether the causative and passive forms of a vetb are the same, itis possible to make it unambiguously causative by adding ~O¥/04 Ct. + aoe clejalal pols Azo} a, = eke dalglal neols wal Hoa, Lala gave the cin cat abath, + doh olototl ale HB late, = Woks ofeloa ole eS 1 Ree | ‘The mother had the child wear some pretty shoes. ABS HERL 173 Scanned with CamScanner 1 7 Bensezeeter wel el WHI. & ( zacg! AES BIAEA. | postitme ) u AL Bae Panie} BAL 240] ZAs010| gol Ho} Ct FoI Bol Ba Act OfO}sH0] WON! At SUCH 2 » Barats. uy aha? 19 MA RE LE Tals. ‘gupta ect 0] 42 BB SS Holt Bless uy Ie Bet Sct Hie BQAt Heal BASS Bolch HOS OE HOM BS BolT eich etait oAlet O11 AFC jojo meet RS etic 92| JONAS e46ICt oft tS 2 Atzo#l 27 IC OvHE sial2! lo] SHRQILICH Cle TES WT Als BOS BAe Ssstle, a) © () 742] Ae obett zHe obel Se THe, @ an Haz Men 7H4 ee @ betes @ Fe Be elu ofS FAI HAO 2a foe) AS 6) © obisel #41g14 Boreal Gelsial oolss] 22. a @) wo) Se AE FE ofS S 474 Korean Grammar do Ye Intermedite Scanned with CamScanner ‘aren a OLA siete a, I'm sorry for being late. #| ue BAO 7] CheI 7H] Spal ofA] BL? How could you make me wait for a whole hour? Apo Hola] FEIT At Fol, | bought tis flower to give to you, aya. 4 Bwe2? Oo Ae AS UF BSH aa, Really? Yang Gang, you've realy made my day. 1 0] RBIS O18 APZfollal Of BSS SEH AICHE lol SAE ChSoll —74 StchS Bol ASSILICL. THSAIQL OHS 'NiOl/7} NoB/B V-Al SHH ABSIT. EKSAYS HE ‘NiOl/7} Neollall V-Al SICH ES AgBiUch. This expression is used to indicate that the subject makes someone else do some behavior. It is formed by adding 9 SIct to the verb stem. With intransitive verbs Nio/7 Ne&/S V-aj| 8c is used, while with transitive verbs Ni0V/7} Nzoiz V-7i ICH is used. AYA HUES 10% 2k 47 Bia, ‘The teacher made the students rest for 10 minutes. Obs z= F8lol7] 2S VO Woke S Al SHAS, \Juhee's father mace her play the piano infront of the quests. BAYS YS FLU SA UA Biola, ‘The professor had the students turn in their homework by Friday. loAeueN et 175 Scanned with CamScanner ¥ 2 0] HES BHA chal a slch'7t Ol AVA OF! AHF SIH RICH 19174 BL, gy “NOU/7E NeB/B A-7I SICH AKBEIUICE Is When —2i dict is used after adjectives, it indicates that the subject causes another person to be jg state described by the adjective. In this case, the form Ni0/7} NeB/E A~7Ilis usec. the + OL AS BES HE Bo] ay UE aa ae. ‘Mark annoyed me (= made me fee! annoyed) with all of his questions. + DS ASPB) Be Use] Bo] BAIL. Alot of things have happened recently to make me feel depressed. 3 0] HBIS OfGl Ajelo| OF IES ste 74w ofetetiLt sietstAl SEECHE SIE RSUICt, of SICH) ‘sich “stetsicre| elol7} SUCH, This expression can also refer to a person either giving or not giving another person permission to dg something, n this case, the 6IC| part of ~M ait actually caries the meaning of #4848 (permit). + OPE ofo/7} SRO} BE ALE StS Callas BA aa, “The mother lets her child watch TV fr one hour a day © 2.2 AI} Beal E U7} SHROLA, My parents won't let me leave the house late at right, . — ss 7 4 ofgt Ajz}o] fg! SHES Stel Qhal SICH Ololz AIBeE OHS ‘SSA sche ABRIL. When used to indicate the prohibition of some action by somebody, the form & —7il éict is used. + 812: ALS colo] ofolAawe weal aut (x) = IS Ae of} Ho] of ATTS Z A He, (0) Hyesu doesnt let the children est ic cream. + elute dat wht 27] Wel gh Bell aa, = ue Aly me 2471 You Z Hela ala, (0) \When my big sisters onthe phone, she won't lt anyone inher room, = | 2 “Se sichLy 7 ehech's 71 SICH o} WIA olole AIEIUCH. ‘Two variants of this expression, ~ = Ct and —7|| 2ISCt, can also be used to express the same rearing 25-74 Ick. + Bde HSH 4S sol 27] Boia. = BSUS BISA Be gle] OES syoja, ‘The professor had the students read the book (before coming to class). + BW AS ofe|7} 24 tel Z U7 Boje = Bul Me ofel7} 24} Hol BUSS Hoja. Gyeonamin prevented her cid fom ging outs alone. + 22) ie UE 2A AE ARtojo9, = 20 AE US Sa EE AHolo@, cuntye makes me laugh, 476 Korean Grammar in %se “Intermediate Scanned with CamScanner | ob leh Ab A SALISH ApH ‘That employee got Akira to buy a new mobile phone, | . ‘SAL SBAON -O/8VE/7/9/4—B WOVILt 71 SICF Hol ASS GISE 2S wale! cheat | Be MOVE SELICL Wile the causative can be formed by either adding -OV/8Y/2l/71/9/4- or ~Al eto verbs and adjectives, these forms are diferent in the following ways, 0/8/72 S/R— () -Oyevay7US/2—S We Hojo AKBILIC. oV/eV2V7U¢-, and ~%-can only be used with some verbs and adjectives. Basket — SAstolet (x) 88 Bt (0) (2) 2891 F017} 2S BAIL aM aise SAS teks 288 Hersch This indicates that the subject of the sentence performs some direct action, such as, the use of the hands. + eos oboe alzlois, JF Bot SS SAO OHS THE AAA! S38 wc. The mother uses her hands to directly perform the action of washing the cid. al atc () 7 SFE SE lolol ABE + NSUct. Bick can be used wit all verbs and acjctves. 28k} - g22bl 8+ (0) Je - aa 8 (0) alsict (0) (2 2891 F071 aS OIA 2 AfalOl BES SIE st 5 Ow S01 Ae Blatt 2 OILIC, ‘The subject of the sentence verbally makes ‘someone else do something: the subject has. ‘no direct physical connection to the action. ‘miRsiat soi + Bohs choles WA Bola, 4 elie BAIO1K| em ofojal BS sf of0I7F We #58 sl SUCH, AOR Bots at auc. ‘The mother tell the child to wash himself ‘without ptysically doing the action herself; the mother isnot directly involved. loxgeuegs 177 Scanned with CamScanner ih. 2) 1 7 92g zal mg et ahy.n? Porc cenaaa ub SMES AIS ef IS SRP SIE, | eerie ~) eae Be Obs Alzig et AIIM MIB SLICE LAP SEIS BO] SHA AE MISUICE THING! SES WOl aA AE SABC ofol7} B/S AAolela, ofWal sal FAL? 4 S48 Sy gq spa, ay Aza Aas. N ‘BDF wobbanes 34 G0 do someting ee HOLM up cosa Bo] 2tsict eg ane ect / ZzeHRIC SHEWIIS UE Hol dict lol Lyi sect / BREE Bl Sich QB 20] Lysixict ‘galulaig 7I7IOI 2 AC / =O] CH Lixin etch 478 Korean Grammar ix Mce Intermediate ud Scanned with CamScanner HL M7} POLS Shi] SILI? PB shil SLIM? CHS BS Sta, Ase SS opal os. x7} ofp BSL a7 aad 2 oS Ab BS Ss at BALI AS Moly AS OH AE Age ueS 179 Scanned with CamScanner 1O;) eh tcl) (eet) Chea TZ TONAL wate G0 D y Ly a ale | wanna, CIOL iE O/B IU/L =A PICU AN eo ay Hing BD oi ser weisoley 40) aie} TA AMAA HOLL ULM pmol, HAE TEE OAL AVAL AU 10K YO. ANN 2A WAAL ayoIny a Mer A eh BW MAL ME US, Lf Of OPO MAM (yn AN ANNA His MOF UE Bos, LN MO IAAL on BA WAA EMA ONO NN Wor Pets, LA, WN Yee A Awan (OT NB Ue BAG BONG, 6 GOAL AA al) ayia, BANA Ol AWE ALA ao, DOB WAG MAME Mol pea Bolt, AAA NA AAA LS AI AE YALA LQ as, TVA AN ANG BY AAW DABAN VENA AG WDE, DONA AAA AM OMA OG UfEp, BADANNY ANDINA A MOM GA ANA Gy gore, Scanned with CamScanner Re eee sen G5) Che [S7IJONA ISS CtO1S Bet -01/81/21/71/S/4—Ut —Hl SIPS Asi Ay tate Ssig, @ 2 ssc esatct act onic 1 > Avo) BAF vLo.e Gator, : Lh RHR? TY WS Alea] AALS UY) SO1ORMOL, ~eHfororatehs. 2 am Dit eh eieoia? UY oh4R, of] FB glo, W7S AE 4 =oF/o}0} & Zl OER. Bom B77- Us gua, 4 0] hoe ws Ss . =e) 4 7 ofl7} 2S Ho] 4 Rog, uae wel UP (2a 5 7 SA7HUS cA] BYSel FS wo] Bea, ub 2a, BANeo] BS ze EA Sain 6-7) dS SRE Sue Houle. 6 OMA Al} B-Balsp1 shila, @ ANY ANE ofolo} ghee dh] a, @ BY Me HAS DAA ULE Bo] U-9aH Bola, @ AAO} CHU SPIE ASS BA Veal Qs aa. 7 OW} m= dae Bol ea? @ HAdel HIS AS aasuey, @ clei} ola MaKe obeloll wes Beech @ 2 BV US AMMO AE Bat Be Bel AS Qaieu. 180 Scanned with CamScanner

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