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Pagulong, Jerico E.


Streptomyces (important source of antibiotics)

I. Description Streptomyces include abscesses and

cellulitis. Symptoms include redness,
Streptomyces is a genus of Gram-positive, swelling, and pain in the affected area.
aerobic, and rod-shaped bacteria that are
widely distributed in the environment. They 4. Osteomyelitis: Osteomyelitis is an
are one of the most well-known prokaryotes infection of the bone and bone marrow
and are known for their ability to produce a caused by Streptomyces. Symptoms include
wide range of bioactive compounds, such as fever, pain, and swelling around the affected
antibiotics, antifungals, and various area.
enzymes. Streptomyces is an important
genus for the production of antibiotics and III. Life Cycle
other compounds and has been used as a The life cycle of Streptomyces begins with a
model organism for studying the regulation spore, which is an asexual reproductive
of gene expression and the biosynthesis of stage of a fungus. When the spore finds a
secondary metabolites. suitable environment, it germinates, sending
out hyphae that grow and branch out until
II. Epidemiology they form a mycelium. The mycelium will
then form aerial hyphae, which will produce
Streptomyces is a genus of Gram-positive, chains of spores that are dispersed through
non-motile, rod-shaped bacteria belonging to the air.
the family Streptomycetaceae. They are
The hyphae will eventually form a structure
found in soil and decomposing organic called a sporophore, which will produce
matter. Streptomyces species are important spores on the surface. The spores are then
producers of antibiotics, such as released into the environment, where they
streptomycin, gentamicin, tetracycline and can form new mycelia in the presence of
chloramphenicol. The epidemiology of suitable organic matter.
Streptomyces infections is a relatively new Once the mycelia have established
and evolving field. Streptomyces species can themselves, they produce specialized
cause a variety of infections, including secondary metabolites, including antibiotics.
endocarditis, septicemia, skin and soft tissue This process is called secondary
infections, and osteomyelitis. In addition, metabolism, and it is responsible for
they are an emerging cause of hospital- Streptomyces’ ability to produce antibiotics
acquired infections and are capable of Streptomyces has evolved to produce
developing resistance to multiple antibiotics. antibiotics as a way to compete with other
microorganisms in the environment. By
Examples of diseases caused by producing antibiotics, Streptomyces can
Streptomyces include: inhibit the growth of other microorganisms,
thus allowing it to thrive in a given
1. Endocarditis: Endocarditis is an environment. The production of antibiotics
inflammation of the inner lining of the heart is also thought to be a form of
chambers and valves caused by infection communication between Streptomyces and
with Streptomyces species. Symptoms other microorganisms, allowing them to
interact and cooperate.
include fever, fatigue, shortness of breath,
and chest pain.

2. Septicemia: Septicemia is a bloodstream

infection caused by Streptomyces.
Symptoms include fever, chills, and a rapid
heart rate.

3. Skin and soft tissue infections: Skin and

soft tissue infections caused by

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