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(Post Graduation Medical orientation Centre)

Exam : FCPS Part-I The Neck (Chapter 3, 4, 7) Exam (ENT July'23)

Course: FCPS Part-1 Discipline: Otolaryngology

Batch: Offline Foundation Exam Batch Without solve class

Year: 2023 Session: July'23 P-I Candidate

(1 of 30 )

Regarding carotid triangle-

a) Antero-superiorly: Anterior belly of digastric muscle F

b) Antero-inferiorly: Superior belly of the omolyoid T

c) Posteriorly: Posterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle F

d) Floor: Superior & middle constrictor of pharynx F

e) Roof: Investing layer of deep cervical fascia T

(2 of 30 )

Cervical plexus

a) Covered by stemocleidomastoid muscle T

b) Lies in the post triangle F

c) Lies in series with the brachial plexus T

d) Receives gray rami communication from sup. Cervical ganglion T

e) Gives muscular branches to the prevertebral muscles F

(3 of 30 )

The cervical fascia enclose the deep structures of the neck. It splits-

a) And embraces the infrahyoid muscles F

b) And partially encloses the submandibular salivary gland T

c) Inferiorly enclosing the jugular venous arch T

d) Posteriorly around the scapula F

e) To enclose the sternocleidomastoid muscle T

(4 of 30 )

Thyroid cartilage?

a) Forming medial boundary of piriform fossa T

b) Crico-thyroid joint is fibrous joint F

c) Thyro arytenoid muscle attached in midline F

d) Vocal cord is attached of it T

e) Complete ring F

(5 of 30 )

Neck dissection is major portion of head neck surgery. Classical block dissection of
neck includes:

a) Level I-V lymph nodes T

b) External jugular vein F

c) The sternocleidomastoid T

d) The common carotid artery F

e) The accessory spinal nerve T

(6 of 30 )

Which of the following is present at the level of Cervical six vertebra?

a) Junction of larynx and trachea T

b) Junction of second and third part of vertebral artery F

c) Apex of scaleno-vertebral triangle T

d) Location of inferior parathyroid gland F

e) Location of ansa cervicalis T

(7 of 30 )

Formative tributaries of external jugular vein-

a) Oblique jugular vein F

b) Posterior auricular vein T

c) Transverse cervical vein F

d) Retromandibular vein T

e) Suprascapular vein F

(8 of 30 )

Which of the following nerves are derived from posterior cord of brachial plexus?

a) Ulnar nerve F

b) Musculocutaneous nerve F

c) Thoracodorsal nerve T

d) Dorsal scapular nerve F

e) Radial nerve T

(9 of 30 )

Interval between external and internal carotid artery in the upper part of neck

a) A part of submandibular gland F

b) Styloid process T

c) Stylohyoid muscle F

d) Glossopharyngeal nerve T

e) Pharyngeal branch of vagus T

(10 of 30 )

Carotid body-

a) Acts as a baroreceptor F

b) Acts as a chemoreceptor T

c) Situated close to anterior wall of carotid sinus F

d) Monitor the oxygen tension within the artery T

e) Potato tumor is produced by enlargement of carotid body T

(11 of 30 )

Following are the strap muscles-

a) Stylohyoid F

b) Mylohyoid F

c) Sternothyroid T

d) Sternohyoid T

e) Omohyoid T

(12 of 30 )

Lymphatic drainage of thyroid gland includes-

a) Upper group drains into prelaryngeal node T

b) Upper group drains into jugulo-digastric node T

c) Lower group drains into paratracheal node F

d) Thy lymphatics form a plexus around thyroid follicle T

e) Lower group drains nodes along the recurrent laryngeal nerve T

(13 of 30 )

The exterenal carotid artery:

a) Terminates by dividing into superficial temporal and transverse facial arteries


b) Lies lateral to the retromandibular vein F

c) Has all the styloid muscles passing between it and the internal carotid artery F

d) Is crossed medially by the lingual nerve F

e) Lies deep to the hypoglossal nerve T

(14 of 30 )

The sternocleidomastoid muscle-

a) Innervated by 2nd & 3rd cervical nerve root


b) Is surrounded by the cervical fascia T

c) Is attached superiorly along the lateral half of the superior nuchal line T

d) Acting with it’s fellow of the opposite side retracts the face F
e) Has a single inferior attachment to clavicle F

(15 of 30 )


a) Situated anterior & middle mediastinum of thorax F

b) It is well developed in the fetus F

c) Developed from second pharyngeal pouch F

d) Supplied by internal thoracic & superior thyroid arteries F

e) Capsule is supplied by phrenic nerve & by distends cervicalis T

(16 of 30 )

Which is the thickest cutaneous nerve in the body?

a) Third occipital nerve

b) Radial nerve

c) Greater occipital nerve

d) Ulnar nerve

e) Sciatic nerve

(17 of 30 )

Contents of joll’s triangle?

a) ELN Ans

b) RLN

c) Upper pole of thyroid gland

d) Cricothyroid muscle

e) Superior thyroid Artery

(18 of 30 )

The thyroid gland in some cases can have a thyroidea ima artery that supplies the
isthmus of the thyroid gland. If present, it would take origin:

a) From the inferior thyroid artery

b) Directly from the thyrocervical trunk

c) From the superior thyroid artery

d) From the brachiocephalic trunk

e) Directly from the external carotid artery

(19 of 30 )

Root value of sternocleidomastoid muscle-

a) C 2, C 3, C 4

b) C 2

c) C1-C4
d) C3-C5

e) C 2, C 3

(20 of 30 )

The nerve accompanying the superior thyroid artery may be damaged during an
operation on the thyroid gland. Which of the following functional defects may result
from this injury?

a) Loss of sensation above the vocal cord

b) Loss of lateral rotation of the arytenoid cartilages

c) Paralysis of the vocalis muscle

d) Lack of abduction of the vocal cord

e) Decreased tension of the vocal cord

(21 of 30 )

A 17-year-old boy receives an injury to the phrenic nerve by a knife wound in the
neck. The damaged nerve passes by which of the following structures in the neck?

a) Anterior to the subclavian vein

b) Posterior to the subclavian artery

c) Deep to the brachial plexus

d) Medial to the common carotid artery

e) Superficial to the anterior scalene muscle
(22 of 30 )

Which of the following structures is not closely related to the carotid sheath?

a) Sternothyroid muscle

b) Sternohyoid muscle

c) Hypoglossal nerve

d) Superior belly of omohyoid muscle

e) Anterior belly of digastric muscle

(23 of 30 )

A patient who had surgery in the left carotid triangle complained to his physician
that he has little sense of touch to the skin over the left side of his neck and difficulty
swallowing. The patient's hyoid bone is deviated to the right side. The patient's
tongue is not affected. The physician suspects that the cervical plexus of nerves to
the left side of this patient's neck was harmed during the surgical procedure. Loss of
touch sensation to the skin over the anterior triangle would result from injury to
which nerve?

a) Lateral supraclavicular

b) Spinal accessory

c) Hypoglossal

d) Medial supraclavicular

e) Transverse cervical

(24 of 30 )
Which of the following statements about the arteries of the neck is correct?

a) The thyrocervical trunk typically gives rise to the inferior thyroid artery, Correct
transverse cervical artery and suprascapular artery

b) Arterial branches to the face arise from the internal carotid artery

c) The carotid sinus is located at the origin of the external carotid artery

d) The facial artery courses superficial to the submandibular salivary gland

e) The vertebral arteries arise from the external carotid arteries

(25 of 30 )

A 64 years old man has a suspected lymphoma and lymph node biopsy from the
posterolateral aspect of the right neck is planned. Which of the nerves listed is
greater risk?

a) Long thoracic

b) Accessory

c) External laryngeal

d) Facial

e) Vagus

(26 of 30 )

A 37-year-old man feels a little discomfort when moving his tongue, pharynx, and
larynx. Physical examination indicates that the muscles attached to the styloid
process are paralyzed. Which of the following groups of cranial nerves are
a) Facial, glossopharyngeal, and hypoglossal nerves Correct

b) Hypoglossal, vagus, and facial nerves

c) Glossopharyngeal, trigeminal, and vagus nerves

d) Vagus, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal nerves

e) Facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves

(27 of 30 )

Most important Landmark of the neck

a) Thyroid cartilage

b) Cricoid cartilage

c) Cricothyroid membrane

d) Hyoid bone

e) Thyrohyoid membrane

(28 of 30 )

A patient of 50 years came to you with the complain of swelling in the neck. His
blood calcium level suggestive of hypocalcaemia. Which of the following
sympathetic nerve innervate the Parathyroid glands-

a) Superior cervical ganglia Correct


b) Trigeminal ganglia
c) Inferior cervical ganglia

d) Stellate ganglion

e) First thoracic ganglia

(29 of 30 )

A 21-year-old woman presents to her physician with a swelling on her neck. On

examination, she is diagnosed with an infection within the carotid sheath. Which of
the following structures would be damaged?

a) Vagus nerve and middle cervical ganglion

b) Internal carotid artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve

c) Internal jugular vein and vagus nerve

d) Sympathetic trunk and common carotid artery

e) External carotid artery and ansa cervicalis

(30 of 30 )

False statement regarding lingual artery-

a) First part lies in the carotid triangle

b) Third part is known as arteria profunda linguae

c) Suprahyoid artery arises from the first part

d) Divided into 3 parts by genioglossus muscle
e) Second and third part of artery are exposed during dissection of submandibular

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