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Speak Your Own

The points presented in the article are regarding language that is within the bounds of a state. It is
important to keep in mind that the state is a major player in the field of language policy. Furthermore,
there are rules that we have to follow as citizens. However, there are constraints in using a language that
we are used to speaking in. With this, the state may have the need to adjust according to the norm or
especially with actors. As individuals, we have to remind ourselves that there are still policies in using the
language in different social contexts.

There are different aspects when it comes to language that we must be aware of. There is a level of
interlanguage variation wherein there are used languages by second language speakers in order to reach
the goal of learning their main language. Aligned with this, we get more freedom in speaking our thoughts
and feelings. Moreover, we get to express our own ideas and expressions when we identify our own
accent as well as dialect on a national level.

We have to consider that in a national state, English is usually used but there are no problems whether it
might be used in a different accent. Hence, the state is a powerful player in setting its foot for the norms
of language around the world. However, it is not only the state that makes the decision regarding
language. Also, the dialect and accents that we hear from the people we encounter is not an issue but the
language itself.

With this, the United States is at the forefront of globalization as it is the state where all dialects and
accents are almost heard every single day. In a fast-paced world, the internet offers an American accent
directed to not only companies but to other people as well. We can see how language is still incorporated
in everything that we do. Hence, we must be able to continue in respecting and embracing each and every
one’s language.

I agree with the points exhibited because I believe the state that we live in critically plays a role in
developing a language. Moreover, there are certain rules that every individual must adhere to in order to
have a proper communication with anyone that they talk to. Also, it is important to take into consideration
where people come from so that there would be boundaries in speaking to them in different social

Lastly, I believe with the points mentioned because language has its social and values effect on different
people. It is important that we use our language not only for our benefit but for the country’s benefit too..
Hence, we are given the freedom to express and deliver our ideas as well as our emotions to convey what
we really intend to. All of these components combined make a language break the barrier that has been
destroying relationships.

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